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acer123 10-17-2008 12:46 PM

40mg's of methyl b12, speeds up nerve growth rapidly, there's studies on it. no toxicity either.

Regardless of where it is, its an ordinary nerve injury like anywhere else, just looking for someone with experience of injury related nerve damage.

acer123 10-17-2008 06:20 PM

Nobody has experience with injury related neuropathy??

darlindeb25 10-17-2008 06:41 PM

Sorry Acer, I can't speak for anyone else, I know I find this topic redundant. Most of us here have neuropathy, with no fault on our part. You did this to yourself, for no good reason. You will be lucky if the damage reverses itself.

Mrsd gave you good advice, and you dismissed it. Obviously, you really do not want advice, you want attention.

Ignorance is bliss, or is it???

acer123 10-17-2008 07:10 PM

I don't recall dismissing anything. A circumcision has nothing to do with what has happened. I already know about 40mg's study of b12, so. You people seem to have confused neuropathy as being non injury related. Neuropathy is ANY, and I mean ANY disruption of proper nerve function. Whether from injury or auto immune.

I'm looking for someone with answers, who actually has knowledge on this topic.

Brian 10-17-2008 09:19 PM

In answer to your question about " can the small nerves heal 100 % ", all i can say that mine have, which were my both feet & up to my knees caused by elavated blood sugars & low B12, but its taken 5 years to do so, healing was a very slow process in my case, might be similar in your case, i don't really know.

good luck anyway
Brian :)

acer123 10-18-2008 04:39 AM

Cool, and thanks.

Raglet 10-18-2008 05:21 AM


I'm looking for someone with answers, who actually has knowledge on this topic.
Then likely you will have to look beyond this board. Most of us have the good sense not to go swinging on our private parts and would have no clues as to your prospects. I wish you well, but I too find all the attention seeking rather tiring.



acer123 10-18-2008 05:26 AM

Attention seeking? Hardly, I'm looking for answers. Just like any other injury.

mrsD 10-18-2008 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 390434)
I don't recall dismissing anything. A circumcision has nothing to do with what has happened. I already know about 40mg's study of b12, so. You people seem to have confused neuropathy as being non injury related. Neuropathy is ANY, and I mean ANY disruption of proper nerve function. Whether from injury or auto immune.

I'm looking for someone with answers, who actually has knowledge on this topic.

I will repeat... how this was done when you were a baby, if you had this done, has a huge impact on adult sensation.
In fact this was explained to our family 27 yrs ago when our son had this procedure. So you better look this up.
We were told that permanent damage can result in adulthood from a circumcision done improperly. (my son was done with a "newer" type) That this appears in adulthood and may not be reversible. There are websites showing this with photos-- I am not going to put the links here.

I will say that nerve damage can take YEARS to fix. So try to be patient. You are focusing on only TWO nutrients. More are needed which I listed, to remyelinate nerves. B12 does not work alone.

Good luck.

acer123 10-18-2008 06:23 AM

Lets try to stay on topic here. The circumcision done when I was a child did nothing. It has nothing to do with my current issue.

Further more that is surgery not simply hand manipulation, which is what I did. During circumcision you lose some of the nerve endings in the frenulum and the shaft skin. And there is loss of sensation on the glans, because it is no longer enveloped by any skin, it's open to the free air. I personally don't believe in circumcision, ever, at all, I find it stupid just as much as I find religion stupid, but I do enjoy spirituality.

But oh yes back on topic. I caused a possible stretch type, but probable compression type nerve injury. And I'm looking for someone experienced in that arena.

I appreciate the good luck, thanks. I am taking multivitamin as well. As well as eating tons of protein and fats. And years is a long time, sigh.

mrsD 10-18-2008 06:34 AM

you seem pretty informed to me.

I think you have reached a ceiling of knowledge, and are
now beating a dead horse.

darlindeb25 10-18-2008 06:14 PM


don't recall dismissing anything. A circumcision has nothing to do with what has happened. I already know about 40mg's study of b12, so. You people seem to have confused neuropathy as being non injury related. Neuropathy is ANY, and I mean ANY disruption of proper nerve function. Whether from injury or auto immune.

I'm looking for someone with answers, who actually has knowledge on this topic.
Mrsd is the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to vitamins, and you did dismiss her response to you. 40mgs is way too much to be taking, and most of us know that.

I have not confused neuropathy as being non-injury related. Yes it is an disruption of nerve function, and an accident is an accident. This was no accident, you did this to yourself. Most of us have either been injured accidentally, heriditary factors, auto-immune results, or an unknown origin.

I agree, you are beating a dead horse...lets move on.

nide44 10-19-2008 08:45 AM

Hey, guy.
I guess we just don't have any answers for you.
As you probably have noticed-most of the posters here are not men,
(so they do not relate to your issues)
nor do they work in the health field.
You can pretty much fioigure out by now, that you've
come to the end of the road, here.
The exceptions are Mrs D, & Glenntaj.
If they don't know, or have given you advice, that's it!
Finito!, Genug!,
Nada!, Nothing More !

glenntaj 10-20-2008 06:08 AM

I'm not unsympathetic to the situation--
--but I did try to do an Internet search for the situation, and couldn't find anything that seemd applicable. (In fact, most of what did come up seemed to fit more into the porn category than anything else, and was of dubious origin.)

It's certainly possible to injure nerves through "overstretching", which will tned to damage axonal fibers and/or fray myelin sheathing. And nerve regeneration is possible, but it tends to be very slow (such as you seem to be experiencing), and often incomplete. At the very least, sensations may be different than before, as when nerve fibers grow back, they seldom do so in the same configuration as they were originally, and the brain may take a while to determine how to interpret the sensations.

I suppose the real question, from a male perspective, is are you having functional difficulties. That may be an area in which help is possible (as witness the various erectile medications, which are often used by people with MS and other disorders of nerve function).

acer123 10-21-2008 08:12 AM

Nah, its not a tear like that. I didn't rip my penis off. And in the world of penis enlargement the nerve damage only comes from when you stretch only comes and apply 'pressure' to the dorsal nerve at the top. Not anywhere else. Hence, showing its a compression nerve injury not a stretch.

nide44 10-21-2008 08:50 AM

Don't you get it?
We don't have any more answers for you.
Look elsewhere.

mrsD 10-22-2008 08:07 AM

I am observing an element of obsession here:
What ever is driving you, Acer, to focus on this enlargement subject and now obsessing on what you can feel and what you cannot, needs professional attention.

Since you can function normally as you have stated, I'd seriously get some psychological help to enable you to deal with this subject more completely. Perhaps your answers will be found there.

Shockpirate 11-01-2008 11:18 AM

Healing Nerve Damage
I am no doctor, but I know a lot about this topic, because the same thing happened to me.

The exercise you where doing is called Jelqing. IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! I caused nerve damage to myself with that exercise.

I injured myself pretty bad with Jelqing, and was about to give up until I started researching nerve damage for like 6 hours a day for a week.

These are things that I do to heal nerve damage...

1. Stay off the bicycle

2. Do not let your penis flop around a lot (avoid running)

3. Take Male Reproductive Factors by Micheals
This has a ton of Zinc and B-Vitamins in it. Very good for erections.

4. Take Ginseng
This helps with erections.

5. Take Ginkgo Biloba
This helps with blood flow and erections.

6. Take Nerve Blend SP-14 by Solary
This helps repair the nerves and calms them down.

7. Take Organic Flax seed Oil
This helps repair and strengthen the nerves.

8. Take the cell salts Ferrum Phos., Kali. Phos. and Mag. Phos. by Hylands
Good for nerve growth

9. I am researching Advanced Yohimbe-Plus by Iwin Naturals
I think it may help, but have yet to try.

I started taking this stuff 1 month ago and I already feel MUCH MUCH BETTER!!!

GOOD LUCK and remember if your are on any medication or have a serious illness talk to your doctor before taking any of this stuff.

Shockpirate 11-01-2008 11:53 AM

Other Stuff to do
Here is other stuff you can do.

1. Avoid salt, unless its unrefined organic sea salt.

2. Avoid Sugar

3. Avoid processed foods.

4. Exercise a lot (in the form of walking for a REALLY long time)

5. Avoid lifting anything to heavy (this may upset the nerves.)

6. do not lay on your penis (aka don't lay on your stomach)

7. If you are going to masturbate then use a lot of lube.

8. If your going to have sex, make sure to go slower and do not pound so hard.

9. Eat as much organic foods as your can.

10. Get a lot of sleep (most repairing happens in the sleep)

11. Meditate

12. Avoid eating anything out of aluminum. It is bad for the nervous system.

13. Stay way from chemicals as best as you can. (IE if your are the bug spray man, quit)

Neuropathy76 10-04-2009 02:14 PM

Nerve Damage

Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 331063)
Literally one year ago, I happened to be partaking in penis exercises, where you try to stretch and squeeze the penis to try and make it bigger. I figured what the hay and give it a try. Unfortunately I think I pulled too hard or held to tightly on my glans.

Well my glans went numb! In a week, the numbness was gone, but I've had reduced sensitivity. I must say the sensitivity has gotten better over this past year, but still not where it's supposed to be.

I realize I can feel touch on my glans, but I cannot feel temperature (only a little bit of heat, but no cold) or much pain on it. So it goes to show some small fibers must have been damaged. Thinly myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.

Will these ever heal?? I don't believe I tore my nerve, I think that would have hurt! I probably stretched and/or compressed it too hard. Will this finally heal? Has anyone had this happen? What's the last word on nerve damage if it wasn't torn/cut? I mean its been a year now, and I admit it has felt better, and I've felt tiny tingles directly in that area in the past month.

But I think I need some hope or something, this is taking absolutely forever, for such a tiny trauma, that induced no pain, but just numbness at the time. I really pray and hope everything returns to normal. :(

Acer: I know its been awhile since you incident, but I am in the same predictament. I was wondering if you have healed 100%. Its been only 6 weeks for me...the numbness is gone, but I am still heavily de-sensitized. It sounds like we did the same type of damage. Any info you have would be GREATLY appreciated. Hope you still check your email and this account.

PS. Went to a urologist and he said that it would most likely heal...Hope he is right.

spidered 11-12-2009 01:16 AM

Nerve Damage
Hey Neuropathy76,
I have been experiencing the same numbness in my glans due to nerve compression as with you and acer for about 5 weeks now. There is some touch sensitivity on the outer skin but no temperature or pressure sensitivity.

Has your numbness recovered any since you posted last month? Mine has been staying the same so far. I am optimistic considering no serious damage could have been done but also frustrated that I have to wait for an uncertain amount of time to heal.
I've found a few older internet posts on this subject where the original poster drops off after a couple weeks and does not give status updates further down the road, which sucks. Personal accounts are far more valuable than articles.

mrgas 01-16-2010 01:11 PM

I also have numbness in that place
Hey, Acer, I'm sorry for such long post, but I'm sure that I could relate to your thread here.
I have Penile numbness too. I will explain my numbness in this comment.

I read through most all of the comments you recieved here and I'm sorry that you have been given little sympathy. I haven't seen much sympathy either since I began seeking medical help for mine. I guess it is easy to say that we are seeking attention cause being men we tend to freak out when we are faced with genital problems. But I wouldn't see it as a weakness cause we have to take care of our reproductivity ability (if no men cared humans could end up extinct!), Right? Because of my situation I've taken alot of time and effort searching for techniques, treatments and nutritional advice, so that's how I came across this at neurotalk. That all was promising but for me not the least bit of a cure. Perhaps you'll do well to take nutrition and healthy living as a "must do" since it could avoid some other problem that is potentialy just as undesirable as the numbness or worse. Just common sense is not what I mean to preach, but since you have seen recovery of some sensation, it's hopefull that with time, more improvement will occur. I hope you can keep a record/diary of the changes since that could help others in future if you'd be willing to share it. I've also found info pertaining to injury to a penis from stretching exercises/techniques. I know you're not alone for that type of injury.
The likely cause of my numbness is from nerve damage in the penis itself. I have had Stuttering/Recurring Priapism throughout the past 17 years. This is an erection that persists without reason for times longer than normal (more than 4 hours at a time)causing variable degrees of damage to erectile tissues, nerves, blood vessels, tunica albuginea, and various related muscles. There has not been any reason determined (diagnosis) why I have these priapismic episodes. And in all my research Stuttering Priapism is usually not found to have any underlying cause. In my case it started gradually in my early teens and became most severe in my early 20's then stopped suddenly only to begin gradually again in my 30's. Throughout all this time I've suffered with loss of sensation in my penis to many varying degrees. The worst being in my 20's after an episode that lasted 11hours. It was traumatic to realize that I had no feeling in my penis anywhere like it was no longer a part of me. I couldn't acheive erection or pleasure until more than a year later. But it never ever became 100% sensation since that time. My penis glans has become the least sensitve of all my genital areas. I'm assuming its because that is the longest and most delicate/vulnerable of the nerve pathways in the penis. When I did recover some sensation it was always the frenulum that recovered first. I'm very thankfull to still have that intact since I was circumcised as an infant but have read that some circumcision procedures do remove the frenulum portion too. I seemed to recover sensation gradually but only when the priapismic episodes stopped occuring for longer than a month. And I often had sensation loss immediately after the next episode of priapism. As you might guess my sexlife is an "isn't",but I'm very happily married to the most wounderful woman and have a miracle too (my very own son)!;)
The other possibility to my numbness is a spinal nerve issue. I have had some traumas in the past to my lower back (car accident x2) (falling on ice ahhh TAILBONE!)(hit in back with baseball bat)(heavy lifting and immediate pain) (riding bicycle BMX style)and (off-road motorcycling). The last two were almost worth the risk but at least "intentional".
I'd be ok with sharing more if you can reach me on this forum or via email. But best of luck and hope your future is brighter.:wink:

agent0 03-31-2011 03:11 PM

penile nerve damage shaft and underside
Back in 2006 when I was 19 I was masturbating and was too rough with my penis. I pushed down on it heard a crack their was hematoma, pain followed by numbness. I went to the urologist days later. He told me everything was fine and just wait. Then he gave me an ultrasound just in case. So I took the ultrasound and everything came back fine.

My penis was numb for a couple of months until I masturbated one day and all the sensitivity in my penis came back after orgasm. Stupidly, I masturbated again and this time the ejaculate was 5 seconds off from the orgasm. That never happened to me before so I masturbated again, but this time I had no orgasm but I ejaculated. I masturbated again but the same thing happened. I masturbated again but the same thing happened. So I freaked out and grabbed the bottom shaft of my penis and squeezed it hard with my right hand. Then all the sensitivity just drifted away and I was numb again.

Ever since then the underside of my penis has been numb. The right underside of the shaft is numb. The right shaft is numb. The head isn’t as sensitive anymore. Orgasms are less pleasurable. And the head doesn’t get super sensitive after orgasms anymore. Now I can’t get erections from visual stimulation ,or hugging and kissing or just being close to a girl. I need direct stimulation to my penis to get an erection.

I’ve done 2 ultrasounds and a MRI that all came back normal.

Cause of numbness?
1. Dorsal nerve is compressed
2. compression of the dorsal nerve of the penis against the lower border of the pubic bone
3. dorsal nerve is compressed by penis ligament
4. pudendal nerve entrapment
5. damaged dorsal nerve in penis
6. damaged sensory nerves

i went to the neurologist 2 days ago and he said it could be a compressed nerve or it could be peripheral nerve damage which im praying its not. he gave me 2 mri's one for lumbar spine and one for pelvis which im going to do in 4 days.

what do you guys think? do you think it could most likely be peripheral nerve damage? or a trapped nerve?

is their surgery for this type of injury?

do you think this is permanent? its already been 5 years :(

glenntaj 04-01-2011 06:42 AM

Given the fact--
--that these symptoms followed trauma, compression of either the dorsal nerve of the penis or the major nerve it branches off of, the pudendal nerve, is likely.

It's good they're doing MRI's, but make sure that when they do the one of the pelvis the radiological interpreters are told to specifically look at the pudendal nerve branches and the areas they pass through--soemtimes they pay more attention to the hip bones themselves.


john1960 04-01-2011 04:07 PM

Hello everyone,

Have posted this elsewhere but this seems the better place.

Sensitive info here but hopefully you can help.

About 8 months ago I sustained a sexual injury to my penis where I felt an extremely sharp pain at the base. I had been experiencing some loss of sensitivity leading up to this (possibly due to alcohol or a little to much masturbation) but after this injury I have now sustained about 60-70% loss of sensitivity.

I am trying to abstain from all sex and masturbation and have been doing hot/cold wraps, b6, b12, sam-e, carnitine/ALA.

I believe when symptoms first started to appear I didnt give things enough time to heal and most likely kept irritating the nerves. Just these past couple months have I started this regimen.

So my question is after all this time and some repeated irritation of the nerves after injury, am I past the point of no return? Could I still have a chance to regenerate? Can nerves heal if not completely severed?

Maybe I should get some MRIs of the pelvic/penile area as well to make sure nothing major happened during the injury in terms of a compressed/pinched nerve?

Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.

agent0 04-01-2011 11:31 PM

penile nerve damage shaft and underside
so it turn out iv been doing some research and when all the sensation came back i think i had a incomplete injury **

im hoping that it is still incomplete injury even through 5 years have passed...sigh

just in case you don't know after the sensation came back...i ** squeezed my penis because i was ejaculating and then orgasming 5 seconds later so i freaked out and squeezed my penis ** and its been numb ever since

agent0 04-02-2011 07:01 AM

penile nerve damage shaft and underside
in the mornings its the worst its extremely numb and uncomfortable i feel like theirs so much pressure on my pubic bone. i still get morning erections but they go away extremely fast unlike before.

can people give me opinions please?

Dr. Smith 04-02-2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by agent0 (Post 758429)
can people give me opinions please?

I know you're a bit young, but has anyone screened your prostate just to rule it out as a factor?

agent0 04-02-2011 02:53 PM

penile nerve damage shaft and underside
yeah they my uro would of told me about it in the soft tissue mri that i got back.

i really wish i just didnt squeeze my penis once i got the sensation back and its been 5 years already. im so sad. iv been praying so much that this isnt permanent.:(

joey1623 04-03-2011 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by agent0 (Post 758545)
yeah they my uro would of told me about it in the soft tissue mri that i got back.

i really wish i just didnt squeeze my penis once i got the sensation back and its been 5 years already. im so sad. iv been praying so much that this isnt permanent.:(

Hey man,

I hear you guys, I have had the exact same problems. I did those stretching exercises (even though I didnt need to, I was just very insecure) and after masturbating one night I was left with little sensation in m penis and all the other classic symptoms.

Symptoms included, as Im sure you may have experienced:

- Lack of sensation
- Lack of nocturnal and spontaneous erection
-'Firm flaccid' penis

My Dr was absolutely of no help - he said to just take it easy and hope for the best.

I have found that in the year since it happened, Gingko Biloba has helped a lot and there are other similar products out there.

My feeling is that the nerves are so delicate etc that it will take a few years to fully rejuvenate.

Thanks and please share your thoughts on this

agent0 04-03-2011 04:38 PM

can someone tell me their opinion if they think my problem is permanent?

charleston 04-21-2011 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by agent0 (Post 758796)
can someone tell me their opinion if they think my problem is permanent?

Omg! I wish I swear I had been around in 08 when this thread was created. *edit*

Short and simple: Before I even had a girlfriend or knew about vagina I was a 14 masterbating I rarely tried new things. But as always in the back of are darn mind we always wonder can it get better. Long story short I squezzed to hard and lost ALL sensation just like everyone has explained. It's not rockect science yes we can still get erections yes we can still ejaculate but we literally are numb!!! ethier because have squezzed are penises so hard or strecthed them to where we strecthed something inside. I can get erections (its extremely hard tho) and I can ejeculate but there is a incredible loss of sensation. It's like when you slam your finger in the door and it goes numb. But ten times worse I can't feel wind pain or nothing! So lets skip the explanations and jump back to the story 6 years later and here I am 20. My girlfriend comes over and wants to try something new O-O I say ok what? She says its baisiclly a cock ring (and it is) but a rubber band. Me knowing the use of it already (holds erections) I say ok 15 minutes later my penis dies. Literally slumps and not only that it receds into my body I literally have been walking around with a smaller penis. With no feeling whstsoever. So let me take you away from the sad story and bring you to the light. As a person who has experienced this whatever it is it heals....basiclly grab a calender and count backward from 2014 or 2015. Yep years. And did it ever go back to 100% hardness no it never ever phased me i thought about it........idk this time its definitely way worse. I'm glad I'm here to help I often see people post and never ever return well im here to tell you there's hope and its fine.

agent0 04-22-2011 03:24 PM

so iv gotten the results back for my mri for lumbar spine and pelvis and everything is fine. I talked to my uro today and he wants me to go back to the neurologist, so im going to do that. wish me luck

Charleston: is the underside of your penis numb? did you have any penile trauma?

do you have that feeling where subconsciously where u can feel your penis?

agent0 06-28-2011 04:23 PM

i went to the neurologist and showed him my mri's but he said the dorsal nerves look fine to him. i asked him if i should get a emg but he said he didnt think it would help. i had a lumbar spine mri done which came back fine and a mri for the pelvis which came back fine. so theirs nothing wrong with my back.

what should i do? should i go to a different neurologist and try to get an emg?

my penis has gotten alot darker since the injury. i may have a mild ischemia, and i do have scar tissue inside of it. iv recently just bought some pentoxiflynn that will maybe help with the nerves. im so confused i dont wanna be numb anymore :Sob:

anyone know if any scar tissue or lumps can have an affect on nerves in the penis?

agent0 06-28-2011 11:29 PM

does anyone know if pentoxifylnn will help get the nerves back and running?

mrsD 06-29-2011 02:23 AM

One member on our Thoracic Outlet forum researched pentoxifylline.

Here is the post:

I know very little besides what is on that post. Also unclear is whether longstanding damage can ever be reversed. But it is worth reading it in detail to evaluate it.

It sounds to me like you need a specialist --urologist for your answers.

agent0 06-30-2011 12:06 AM

thank you so much for replying mrsd! iv read some articles on how pentox helps with nerve damage plus softening and dissolving scar tissue.

i have some questions
is there vasa nervorum in the penis? like the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the peripheral nerves? ever since i squeezed my penis losing my sensitivity, its been discolored like it isnt getting any fresh blood. almost like a shaded black, but it used to be very bright and yellow. so im thinking if the vasa vervnoum are compressed from the scar tissue and if the nerves arnt getting alot of fresh blood, mild ischemia can occur, right? which is causing my mild discoloration along with the numbness?

this is where i hope pentoxifylline might help, because the pentoxifylline makes the red blood cells flexible so they can squeeze in through the vasa nervorum and get blood and oxygen into the nerves.

i have another question, nerve injuries gradually heal right? but mine didnt, the sensation spontaneously returned after a session of masturbation and then i squeezed it again because i freaked out because i was ejaculating but not orgasming, which is the dumbest thing...i know i reminded how dumb it was everyday. are the nerve injuries that usually spontaneously return are those the injuries where a nerve is compressed and uncompresses itself?

iv also been taking b12, and i also went to the neurologist who looked at my dorsal nerves from the mri and told me everything looked fine, but how can it be when im this numb and i cant even feel my penis or feel my urethra when i pee.
i asked him if i could get a emg, but he said he dosent think it will help much and he dosent know much about that. so know i feel utterly helpless and dont know what to do. should i go to a urogloist who specializes in neurogenic dysfunction or should i go another neurologist and try to get an emg for the penis?

iv already been to my urologist who thinks i should go to a neurologist.


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 782329)
One member on our Thoracic Outlet forum researched pentoxifylline.

Here is the post:

I know very little besides what is on that post. Also unclear is whether longstanding damage can ever be reversed. But it is worth reading it in detail to evaluate it.

It sounds to me like you need a specialist --urologist for your answers.

ritesofspring 10-20-2011 06:53 PM

The people over at ** and** have seemed to come to the conclusion that this is a Pelvic Floor area muscular issue and not related to nerve damage at all but rather contracted muscles compressing nerves.


It seems that physical therapy is the only real cure for this.

If it is indeed tissue/bloodvessel/ or nerve damage in the penis then I guess only time, rest, and rehab can heal that. But many have gone years without much improvement. Pelvic floor and trigger point physical therapy so far has a better track record.

charleston 11-07-2011 02:47 AM

**** i've been looking for this thread for this thread for months.

Update: Instead of not having intercourse and stuff for some dumb reason I did and not only has my orginal problems continued but my orgasms are less powerful which on top of everything esle is ******* me off. -.- I'm basiclly going to start off with everything you did and try my best to explain it to these ******** docters. It literally is like your finger gets stubbed in a **** door and everything just goes numb. There's no magical way to explain it that hits it right on the nail for me. I have went thru this problem once before so to all coming upon this post get off of this ******* thread and go see a doctor and DO NOT HAVE SEX. Do not let them tell you it's ******** and what your body is feeling makes no sense this is your ******* life take hold of it.

Broken Nerves
Blood Clot
Vessels Erupted
Blood not flowing
Poor circulation
Color change
Monosat fats

All thing you need to relay and ask a doc these are things I found other people researched or a doctor told them spanning from over hundreds of websites. People of the same excact problem but no cure I swear....anyhow just as long as this is documented so whoever sees hopefully I helped. I think the most ******* thing I did was get on the internet and search my problems when I should have went to a doctor. GO TO A DOCTOR.

(My orginal post is above from months ago hope I helped now im going to get my **** fixed :P)

boom1987 10-17-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 331063)
Literally one year ago, I happened to be partaking in penis exercises, where you try to stretch and squeeze the penis to try and make it bigger. I figured what the hay and give it a try. Unfortunately I think I pulled too hard or held to tightly on my glans.

Well my glans went numb! In a week, the numbness was gone, but I've had reduced sensitivity. I must say the sensitivity has gotten better over this past year, but still not where it's supposed to be.

I realize I can feel touch on my glans, but I cannot feel temperature (only a little bit of heat, but no cold) or much pain on it. So it goes to show some small fibers must have been damaged. Thinly myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.

Will these ever heal?? I don't believe I tore my nerve, I think that would have hurt! I probably stretched and/or compressed it too hard. Will this finally heal? Has anyone had this happen? What's the last word on nerve damage if it wasn't torn/cut? I mean its been a year now, and I admit it has felt better, and I've felt tiny tingles directly in that area in the past month.

But I think I need some hope or something, this is taking absolutely forever, for such a tiny trauma, that induced no pain, but just numbness at the time. I really pray and hope everything returns to normal. :(

I have the same problem. Its been about a week and has not gotten better.

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