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Old 08-07-2015, 12:55 PM #1
banjanti banjanti is offline
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banjanti banjanti is offline
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Default Beginning of MP


My name is Martin and I've been just diagnosed with MP
Doc didn't inject lidocaine, but preformed EMG to overrule other nerves, he basically knew what it was after I've described it and it makes sense
2 years ago I gained significant weight after being quite fit for long time, im obese but not to extend, I'm 105 kg /230lbs, but when I was fit I weight 85kg, so it's really 20kg /45lbs of fat on me, not little, but not that much
Anyway my wardrobe wasn't uptated so I started to wear my pants below my waist and using a belt, so I'm assuming the belt compressed on the nerve and viola
My symptoms are not very severe, it's numbness and burning/tingling sensation rather than pain, I feel some pain but mild and rarely occurring
Anybody in same shoes? I read some of your stories and it seems you guys deal with it for years and compared to you my symptoms are still a picnic!
Do you think I may suspect it will get worse or in contrary when I know what's the problem and I take of it by losing weight and wearing loose clothes it may just resolve itself?

All the best,
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Old 08-07-2015, 03:09 PM #2
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Originally Posted by banjanti View Post

My name is Martin and I've been just diagnosed with MP
Doc didn't inject lidocaine, but preformed EMG to overrule other nerves, he basically knew what it was after I've described it and it makes sense
2 years ago I gained significant weight after being quite fit for long time, im obese but not to extend, I'm 105 kg /230lbs, but when I was fit I weight 85kg, so it's really 20kg /45lbs of fat on me, not little, but not that much
Anyway my wardrobe wasn't uptated so I started to wear my pants below my waist and using a belt, so I'm assuming the belt compressed on the nerve and viola
My symptoms are not very severe, it's numbness and burning/tingling sensation rather than pain, I feel some pain but mild and rarely occurring
Anybody in same shoes? I read some of your stories and it seems you guys deal with it for years and compared to you my symptoms are still a picnic!
Do you think I may suspect it will get worse or in contrary when I know what's the problem and I take of it by losing weight and wearing loose clothes it may just resolve itself?

All the best,
Hi Martin,

Sorry to hear you have developed MP. The good news is you got a diagnosis, feel that you know what has caused the compression of your LFCN, and are not suffering too severely from the symptoms that can go with MP.

More good news is you may respond well if the cause of the compression is eliminated.

It can get worse if the cause can not be eliminated. It can go from an intermittent problem that is more of an annoyance than anything else or it can become a life long problem with severe symptoms.

In your case, it seems that the prognosis is up to you. If you can eliminate the cause of the compression, your symptoms should abate in time.

Wishing you the best. We are here for you if you need us.
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Old 11-01-2017, 09:21 AM #3
melia melia is offline
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Default I'm almost exactly where you are Martin

Originally Posted by banjanti View Post

My name is Martin and I've been just diagnosed with MP
Doc didn't inject lidocaine, but preformed EMG to overrule other nerves, he basically knew what it was after I've described it and it makes sense
2 years ago I gained significant weight after being quite fit for long time, im obese but not to extend, I'm 105 kg /230lbs, but when I was fit I weight 85kg, so it's really 20kg /45lbs of fat on me, not little, but not that much
Anyway my wardrobe wasn't uptated so I started to wear my pants below my waist and using a belt, so I'm assuming the belt compressed on the nerve and viola
My symptoms are not very severe, it's numbness and burning/tingling sensation rather than pain, I feel some pain but mild and rarely occurring
Anybody in same shoes? I read some of your stories and it seems you guys deal with it for years and compared to you my symptoms are still a picnic!
Do you think I may suspect it will get worse or in contrary when I know what's the problem and I take of it by losing weight and wearing loose clothes it may just resolve itself?

All the best,
And having a long wait to see my doctor. So here I am looking for help. I am wondering if your doctor told you what exercises to do and not to do. I find that I can walk without difficulty but then I am wondering if I SHOULD be walking for long distances. I am doing the exercises I find online and losing weight also. I find that sleeping is a problem as that is when the thigh starts to ache. I appreciate your post and maybe we can move along together on this journey.
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