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Old 03-14-2016, 04:34 AM #1
Husky2010 Husky2010 is offline
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Default Chiropractic treatment for meralgia paresthetica

I was diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica in July of 2015 (diagnosis was made at the Alaska Spine Institute). I’ve suffered with the severe symptoms of MP since September 2012, actually; the physicians I initially saw for the problem were unable to accurately diagnose it at that time.

I’ve met with a couple of pain specialists in the interim (both anesthesiologists) who have not held out too much hope with respect to treatment (outside of surgery). One of them told me point blank that the only two treatments he has ever seen proven effective (to any degree whatsoever) were (1) ultrasound-guided lidocaine and corticosteroid injections, the effects of which generally don’t last beyond 5-7 days, and with me the effects of which only lasted for about 24 hours (but outside of my wedding day to the love of my life they were practically the best 24 hours of my life) and (2) radiofrequency ablation, the effects of which generally do not last more than a couple of weeks.

With regard to chiropractic treatment: I recently came across an article on PubMed which delineated the success of a couple of different chiropractic treatments for this disease. Unfortunately, because I am a new member to this form I cannot post the link. (One must have at least 10 successful posts before one is allowed to post links.)

I would like to know if anyone else on this forum has been to a chiropractor for this disease?

I’ve investigated the surgical options, but of course that is a last case scenario. Additionally, my wife and I do not have health insurance (we have been without health insurance our entire marriage), and given the fact that insurance rates and deductibles are skyrocketing I’m not sure how soon we will be able to afford such insurance.
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Old 10-10-2016, 09:17 PM #2
rMuD rMuD is offline
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It is not a disease. It is a condition. You are not sick. the LFCN is a nerve that comes out of L2-L3 and comes around to the front of the hip and dives under the ligament and come out and is the light touch of your outer thigh.. and when I say light touch.. I mean the hair on your leg, and brushing against your skin light tough.. no matter how much it feels like someone it tearing burning flesh from your leg.. it is just he hair on your leg.

So saying that, lidocaine in the form of a Lidoderm patch works great. but you must remove the hair from your leg first!!!!!! or torture will ensue!!! This will allow cloths to touch your leg without torture. I never listened to maximum durations.

Lyrica worked very well for me, lots of deep water aerobics, walking, exercising on land made it worse. Water aerobics! Warm water! Deep water Aerobics.

Chiropractor is going to be crucial because you are favoring your other leg and you are throwing your entire structural system out of wack. You brain is defending the injury with muscle spasms, a chiropractor will help relieve that.

After 15 years of MP I had the nerve cut, there was no saving it. I am just here to share my experience. I no longer suffer from MP. But I am still recovering from the damage.
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Old 05-16-2018, 02:36 PM #3
csummers@heavenhill csummers@heavenhill is offline
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Originally Posted by Husky2010 View Post
I was diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica in July of 2015 (diagnosis was made at the Alaska Spine Institute). I’ve suffered with the severe symptoms of MP since September 2012, actually; the physicians I initially saw for the problem were unable to accurately diagnose it at that time.

I’ve met with a couple of pain specialists in the interim (both anesthesiologists) who have not held out too much hope with respect to treatment (outside of surgery). One of them told me point blank that the only two treatments he has ever seen proven effective (to any degree whatsoever) were (1) ultrasound-guided lidocaine and corticosteroid injections, the effects of which generally don’t last beyond 5-7 days, and with me the effects of which only lasted for about 24 hours (but outside of my wedding day to the love of my life they were practically the best 24 hours of my life) and (2) radiofrequency ablation, the effects of which generally do not last more than a couple of weeks.

With regard to chiropractic treatment: I recently came across an article on PubMed which delineated the success of a couple of different chiropractic treatments for this disease. Unfortunately, because I am a new member to this form I cannot post the link. (One must have at least 10 successful posts before one is allowed to post links.)

I would like to know if anyone else on this forum has been to a chiropractor for this disease?

I’ve investigated the surgical options, but of course that is a last case scenario. Additionally, my wife and I do not have health insurance (we have been without health insurance our entire marriage), and given the fact that insurance rates and deductibles are skyrocketing I’m not sure how soon we will be able to afford such insurance.
There is a chiropractor that lives in my condo complex that charges residents 35.00 per session. I went to 2 sessions and it was the first time I had some relief. It did not knock it out completely, but it definitely helped.
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Old 05-17-2018, 07:29 AM #4
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Originally Posted by csummers@heavenhill View Post
There is a chiropractor that lives in my condo complex that charges residents 35.00 per session. I went to 2 sessions and it was the first time I had some relief. It did not knock it out completely, but it definitely helped.

Do you know what the Chiropractor did (his technique etc. ) I will be going to my Chiropractor and maybe I can tell him.


If you want to email me you can do that too
sounds like you and I have exactly the same thing gong on (my surgery was April 24)
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Old 05-17-2018, 10:57 AM #5
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Some chiros use soft/cold laser along with adjustments & other modalities.
Might be worth looking into that possibility.
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Old 06-30-2018, 07:18 PM #6
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I too have suffered with MP for the last 3 years. My grandson just became a Chiropractor in another state so I asked him what kinda of Chiropractor do I need to go to for this condition. He said a Chiropractor specializing in ART (a type of muscle therapy technique called Active Release Technique).
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Old 04-26-2019, 09:08 PM #7
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Originally Posted by rMuD View Post
It is not a disease. It is a condition. You are not sick. the LFCN is a nerve that comes out of L2-L3 and comes around to the front of the hip and dives under the ligament and come out and is the light touch of your outer thigh.. and when I say light touch.. I mean the hair on your leg, and brushing against your skin light tough.. no matter how much it feels like someone it tearing burning flesh from your leg.. it is just he hair on your leg.

So saying that, lidocaine in the form of a Lidoderm patch works great. but you must remove the hair from your leg first!!!!!! or torture will ensue!!! This will allow cloths to touch your leg without torture. I never listened to maximum durations.

Lyrica worked very well for me, lots of deep water aerobics, walking, exercising on land made it worse. Water aerobics! Warm water! Deep water Aerobics.

Chiropractor is going to be crucial because you are favoring your other leg and you are throwing your entire structural system out of wack. You brain is defending the injury with muscle spasms, a chiropractor will help relieve that.

After 15 years of MP I had the nerve cut, there was no saving it. I am just here to share my experience. I no longer suffer from MP. But I am still recovering from the damage.
In your third paragraph it's hard to tell what helped and what didn't. Would you clarify please?
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