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Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 2
Newly Joined
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 2
Is it TD, Myoclonus, or Dystonia??
So I have a history of SSRI use for over 10 year but at very doses. I recently suffered akathisia trying to reinstate 5mg of Celexa after being off for 8 months.
After my reaction which happened 4 months ago and still suffer from residually but very minimally, I get these jerks while falling asleep or trying to fall back to sleep after waking in the morning. Everyone is telling me they are hypnic myoclonus because of when they're happening but the nature of them looks like TD or dystonia. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.
When falling asleep, the bottom portion of my lower lip on the left side will will pull downwards and occasionally I wake up with it in that position. As soon as I wake up, I move my mouth immediately back to a normal position. I have also been getting shoulder raising jerks, sometimes on one side sometimes on both and hip jerks. In addition, I will sometimes raise my eyebrows, purse my lips or my fingers will move.
All of these actions are tic-like (except for the lower lip thing). Nothing is happening during the day when I'm awake and these tend to happen more often when dozing off when I'm very tired.
I may need to start medication again for depression but I'm scared it will make things worse if it is TD or Dystonia. Dr tells me not to worry about it.