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Dejibo 07-15-2011 06:26 AM

No walking for me today. DH is having his colonoscopy today, and I am not allowed to walk without him, and he doesnt feel well enough or strong enough to go with me today. I said Hurray! you get how I feel on some days! He said "ugh! go away!" lol.

I did however call the horse farm ontop of Rabbit Hollow Road (the dread rabbit hollow) I told her that once I can get to the top I want some work on horses (hippatherapy) to rebalance my MS riddled brain. She told me she works with several MS patients and it has done wonders for some, and nothing for others. I said "welcome to my world" so, next Tuesday I WILL get to her farm, and I have a 9:30 appointment to try. Expensive! I can afford to try it ONCE. and then I will have to make choices if I want to continue. She said we will know in one session if I can do it or not.

I am so proud of the rest of you. Its really not easy, and so many of you know the pain and mental anguish and then the celebration of just getting to the mail box on your porch somedays and then others days you take one step more. It will help get your blood pumping, your vitamins circulating and your self esteem flying. Come take a gentle walk with me.

Debbie D 07-15-2011 04:26 PM

I worked out Tuesday and Thursday...walked on the track at the fitness center for 30 min on Tuesday; was only able to work out on a stationary bike for 12 minutes on Thursday before leg spasms made pain too much to go on. Both days, I also weight trained for 25 minutes.

On Monday I cleaned my bathroom floor to ceiling; I was soaked from sweating afterwards! It took about 3 hours, but it sparkled. Only need to scrub the tile floor and clean out the drawers I forgot about:rolleyes:

On Wednesday, I decided to trim the bushes out front that I'd been waiting for DH to do for months. It took about an hour and a half; I cut through the extension cord with the trimmer, which I'd managed to avoid for the last 30 years:rolleyes: I was wiped out afterwards. But I felt as if I accomplished something!

Dejibo 07-15-2011 05:56 PM

Whew! anyone who says cleaning isnt hard work, hasnt done it in a long while. Cleaning will whup your heinie!

I am so proud of you Debbie for those 12 minutes. it may feel like 122 minutes, but it every little bit helps.

Anyone ever lay in bed and do those leg stretches up in the air while on your back? you know each time I try it the DH appears going "whatcha doing?" with that wolf hungry look on his face. CLOSE THE DOOR! I screach. Im trying to exercise. He says "diarrhea" and leaves. I use those bands like in PT. push hard against them or use them to provide resistance as I push my legs apart.

I saw my GI MD today because she was doing the DH colonoscopy (she is VERY pregnant) and she said WOW! look at you! that was the first time someone really noticed my hard work. Of course I gave her baby bump a rub and congratulated her. (she has been trying for 12 years!)

So, even laying flat on your back, you can do some stretches. Get that lactic acid moving out of your muscles.

dmplaura 07-15-2011 09:02 PM

30 min this morning, 20 minutes of toning, 30 minutes after dinner. It has been very cool out, which is great this time of the year for physical activity (right now it's just below 60F, to give you an idea of our 'summer' we're having on the East Coast of Canada).

Tomorrow is my lazy day. I'll still do my 30 min. in the morning before work, then 20 minutes toning at supper time, but no walk tomorrow night, phone time with Mom :).

Dejibo 07-16-2011 07:23 AM

Dear God,

Each day we go further and further up Rabbit Hollow Road (google it) and its STEEP! Made my mark, then dropped to my knees, puked, and turned into a snot dripping, eyes running, lungs burning, mouth gasping, unable to say the swear words on my mind kinda gal. DH dunked me with water (thank God!) and allowed me to get my breath. Blind I eventually found enough strength to get back up on my feet and spit at him! He came over and gave me a head noggie (knuckle rub to the head) and told me how Fing proud of me he was. took him a year to make it that far on that hill. I cursed at him, wobbled over to the weeds, puked again, and he said “look” I said “oh no! I aint falling for that!” and he said NO! LOOK! I look at right there was the crest of the hill. I wobbled like a new born deer to the edge and ...Saw forever! You can see for miles and miles and miles! its amazing! I turned and kicked him in the shin, and said we could both hobble home now. Stole his water and laid in the grass till my lungs didn’t feel like they were ripping outside of my body with each breath. Btw, the cooling collar worked, but I had to keep refilling it from the ice water bottle. so, it did help but the jury is still out. After a half hour I could breathe again, grabbed DH by the hand he was rubbing his shin with, and we wandered back home. I kept having to pep talk myself back home. telling myself stories like “its all downhill!” or “come on baby! you can do it!” but OMG! I don’t want to do that again for a long time.

What did the rest of you do? anyone else kick their DH?

Erin524 07-16-2011 04:52 PM

I'm in a hotel right now. Going to a baseball game in a little bit (btw, it's 100 $:/&ing degrees out!!) just got done swimming with my boyfriend for an hour. First time I've been swimming in over a year. When I get home tomorrow night, if I'm not totally exhausted, I'm going to look into a swimming exercise class.

It was so nice to float in the water, and feel like I was walking normally in the water.

I'm just tired as heck now and looking for a couple of spoons to get me thru watching the baseball game in this stupid heat. I'm so gonna be paying for this weekend later this week. Worth it, but I'm expecting to feel like crap when I get home.

poochie 07-16-2011 05:03 PM

I walk outside when the weather permits, it is so hot here, this morning I bought a treadmill, so I'll be able to keep walking. This gives me incentive to report back to you. Thanks:):)

dmplaura 07-16-2011 08:37 PM

Great updates! :grouphug:

I did my 30 min walk and 20 min toning, and talked with Mom. Now I'm relaxing. Big day tomorrow running around doing grocery etc. I am on foot (or on a bus if it's too long a walk and I'm too loaded down with stuff to carry going home).

Supposed to be a scorcher tomorrow too. Hope I don't react horribly to this next weather change.

poochie 07-16-2011 08:58 PM

I walk when the weather permits, it is so hot here in Tx. I bought a treadmill this morning so I can still walk, going to try to walk everyday, maybe twice a day if the fatigue doesn't get me.

Dejibo 07-17-2011 07:41 AM

Slow day for me. I am really struggling today, so I did a short walk around the block and I am done. I must be headed towards something, cause I was covered in sweat, my back is aching, and my feet were screaming. I went blind much more quickly today, and I have a fat case of "i dont wanna" so we didnt climb Rabbit Hollow Road, and we didnt pick up the pace. I dragged along today. I did get out there tho!

I have lost over 10 pounds now on my diet. I dont feel deprived, and I dont feel like I am doing without. I even had a individual sized ice cream sundae the other day. I had hoped walking would kick it into high gear, but alas, my battered body is gonna do this the slow way. UGH.

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