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doydie 12-05-2013 12:54 AM

Glad you finally got some help Erin. Will you have a ride to physical therapy or will it be in your home? Enjoy your new toy

Erin524 12-05-2013 02:23 AM

My iPad Mini is my traveling companion, but the Air does fit into my purse. Since it's so new, it's not leaving the house with me for awhile. Especially in the wintertime, just in case I hit some ice and fall.

I was surprised to see that the Air is smaller than the iPad3, (not as wide, but just as long). And it weighs close to the same as the iMini. I like it, easier to deal with than the older iPad.

I love me some gadgets!!

I forgot to take some pain meds when I got home. I ate dinner tonight after setting up my Air, and the iPads that got shuffled to my parents. It was late and my arm was hurting bad. I hadn't eaten all day either. I had to put something in my stomach, and then pop a tramadol/vicodin. Thank goodness I had some zolfran, because I needed that about a half hour after taking the pain pill.

Hopefully the pain meds don't trigger a return to my other problem that I had all last week/weekend.

Erika 12-05-2013 08:07 AM

I'm glad that your new gadget arrived. Hope that you get your meds sorted out and that your shoulder settles down.

I've been in a daze since Tuesday. The body doesn't like the Cymbalta but I'm going to stick it out for another few days in the hope that it adjusts. It makes me dizzy, nauseous, weak and cognitively impaired. The vision is also blurry and dim, so haven't been here much.
Will catch up later.

With love, Erika

Debbie D 12-05-2013 11:30 AM

Erika, just don't go off of it cold turkey…you're supposed to wean off of it gradually.

I got a call from the surgery center-they wondered if I'd ever gotten a followup urine culture done…uh yeah:roll eyes:
So now I'm waiting for a call back from them…the pcp's office that got the results is closed today (of course). She has to call around to find the results of the culture.
So I'm still unsure if the surgery's a go ahead or not…they have a real lack of communication there...:confused:

I'd better be able to go through with this stupid surgery; I've been off of arthritis meds for a week now and I now know how much my joints ache without it...:(

tkrik 12-05-2013 11:39 AM

Erika - I didnt do well with cymbalta. I took it for 3 days and couldnt take the affects it was giving me.

Debbie - I hope things go well. This is not the way to start you day before surgery. stress before and after is no good. im keeping you in my prayers.

Debbie D 12-05-2013 12:16 PM

thanks Trish…DH got on the phone with me to find out when we would know, and the woman got back to me within minutes to say it's all clear! I guess I should be happy...:roll eyes: oh goodie, now I get to have surgery and pain…yay…
Just kidding. All will be good. Thanks again…take care of yourself sweetie:hug:

SallyC 12-05-2013 02:25 PM

Wishing you more good luck Debbie.:hug::hug:

Erin524 12-05-2013 07:43 PM

I feel so much better today. I can move my arm, and it's not as painful as it was. Still hurts a bit, but it's nothing like it was. Seriously huge improvement. I didn't get any sleep last night with 3 cortisone shots, and the last of my oral steroid pills in me last night. Tried to go to bed at 3am this morning. Ended up still awake at 8am. Finally fell asleep and woke at 4pm. Hope I can sleep tonight, and that it doesn't hurt my shoulder too bad tonight. Might attempt to sleep in bed tonight. Had to sleep in the recliner last night.

My mom seems to be feeling better today too. She had to go to the doctor for another test tho. This one was interesting. They had her swallow a spy camera. A giant horse pill sized thing. (my dad said it was the size of what potassium pills usually are). She had to swallow that, and wear some sort of electronic thing around her waist all day. Then later this afternoon, she went back, and they took the electronic belt thing off of her. She has to watch for the spy camera to come out tho. Not sure if they want that back or not tho.

My dad told me something scary. The doctor said my mom almost died last week. She was a step away from having a heart attack. (explains the chest pains, and her problems breathing). She was so low on blood. She really was very close to dying. That is really really really scary. She didn't get that close last year when she had West Nile virus.

She's now grounded from drinking or eating caffeine. No more chocolate. (good thing I bought her that 3 pound box last week before they grounded her from it. The box should be empty tonight. Since she can't have any chocolate anymore, that's going to save me $60, because she'd wanted another one for Christmas. No chocolate for her now.

Now we have to buy her decaf Kcups for her Keurig that I bought her for her anniversary/birthday. Good thing I got the do-it-yourself cup adapter for the machine. My dad has several pounds of her favorite coffee in decaf for himself. (she drinks Community Coffee with the chicory flavor in it....eww!)

So, hopefully she's done with all the scary stuff. We still have to wait and find out what her spy camera might have found, but hopefully it's not too scary. My mom never gets sick with colds, so when she does get sick, she gets SICK. It becomes some big dramatic affair when she gets sick.

SallyC 12-05-2013 08:35 PM

Glad to hear that both you and your DMom are feeling a bit better Erin..:hug:

doydie 12-06-2013 12:35 AM

A spy camera, weird. I hope they don't want the capsule back either. Glad you are feeling better.

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