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Starznight 01-14-2017 02:54 PM

Haven't seen a surgeon in a while, but mostly because the last time I saw one after they came out with that microscopic surgery, the one that's supposed to be a less than 1" insistion, i was told yet again that I wasn't a candidate for surgery on my back due to the inability to control the spasisity of my muscles through medication. I was taking 5 different muscle relaxants a day each at max dosage and still they just refused to settle down. It was so ineffective that I basically dropped all but the zanaflex from my diet of pills, and honestly there is no change, even taking the zanaflex is more or less a just because...

They've tried all sort of medications to control them, including not narcos and even gave me three shots of Valium when I was in the ER the other day so they could get images because I couldn't hold still with them and still it had no effect... and I didn't even get 'happy' from it, they might as well have just shot me up with saline and been done with it. But we did manage to get the imaging done after tying me down. The left side had to be restrained just for a Ct scan which takes very little time.

I hate my strong resistance to medications, and it's something I've had my whole life, my mom and dad are the same way as is most of my family. I even wake up under general anesthesia, the anesthesiaologist hate me, because they always feel like they're going to kill me trying to keep me under so I don't wake up in the middle of a doctor cutting into me, especially since I can feel it since they can't use locals due to my allergies and pain meds are laughably ineffective. I say laughably because that's about my only pain relief is laughter.

But the images they have taken, the disks aren't infringing on the spinal cord so while they may be upsetting some of the nerves, they shouldn't be leading to paralysis. If they reach that point then they might consider surgery, because the risk:benefit ratio shifts the other way. Right now I'm at a strong risk for worsening my condition if they try to surgically correct anything, but if paralytic then it's kind of a no harm no foul, they can't very well make me worse and could have a chance of improving things.

Medical limbo is where I'm at :rolleyes: but oh well it will be what it will be and that is all that it will be.

Snoopy 01-14-2017 05:38 PM

My Husband has had two spine surgeries, one in 2008 and one in 2015 that was more extensive than the one in 2008 and included 2 titanium clips. The spinal cord was not effected either time but paralysis was very real per his surgeon and his inability to be mobile without a mobility aid.

What you are saying, quite frankly, doesn't make sense.

Starznight 01-14-2017 06:50 PM

The problem is my muscular spasm that are quite literally tearing my body apart. That is why they won't operate, because it does weaken the area anytime they operate, I have a multitude of ligament tears, tears to the tendons, stress fractures of all sorts throughout the body, and the spasms can't be controlled. Compromising the area with such severe spasms is something no surgeon around here is willing to do. And the ones I have talked to about frankly didn't think I would gain much benefit before my spasms yanked another disk out.

And they all blame the mobility issues on the MS rather than the back, saying the disks aren't infringing on the spinal cord so it can't be the cause of my issues. Also this latest relapse was in the motor cortex of the brain and in an area that fit with my losing mobility and feeling on the left hand side. Just like the one in my short term memory storage that has me forgetting things all the time, and the one in my language center causing me to space out on words and have a harder time comprehending things sometimes so people around me have to repeat things, and the swelling that keeps happening to the optic nerve causing my otherwise 20/20 vision to go all squirrelly.

The only thing they have not been able to explain when it comes to symptoms is the reason for the completely out of control muscle spasms that are ripping me apart. But then those have been tearing my body apart since I was a small child. But since I have the MS dx they just chalk it up to that and write it off essentially. But aside from that all the rest of the symptoms they can point to the white spots in my brain and say this one is here so causing symptom(s) A,...B is here,.... C is there...

Starznight 01-24-2017 03:13 PM

Well had a follow up with the pcp and she listened to my heart rate, asked about my stress, listened again and gave me happy pills. All I can think of now is The Rolling Stones "mothers little helpers", but it is helping some, I'm able to stay calm rather than envisioning the ways of "taking care" of my problem child. And with that the neck is feeling better numbness and weakness is no different but my migraines are reduced and my neck feels betteeer 😊 So I'm liking the new med unlike the Zoloft where I couldn't really express well that I was upset, this one I still can feel I'm upset and can deal with it calmly rather than flying off the handle and adding to the issues

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