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Old 10-03-2007, 08:49 PM #1
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Default Has anyone tried acupuncture?

Hi Everyone! I don't know if this was discussed before, but I always "pooh -- poohed" the idea before. There were none in my area previously, but a woman just moved here from NJ and of course the article in the paper had glowing testimonials from some of her previous patients.

Guess I'm really getting desperate! With so many things going on, there doesn't seem to be much in the main-stream medical field that helps everything. As a reminder, this is the list: SPMS, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy in legs and feet, Lymph Edema in feet and ankles, last but not least, Atrial Fibrillation. wonder my handful of pills keeps growing. Up to 12 daily now -- oh no,13, forgot my LDN!

Seem to have some kind of a "bug" now with more aching all over and feel like I could throw up any minute. Haven't been around any people since I'm alone, but who knows????

Anyway.....has anyone tried those needles?

Cherie.....What is the spinal fusion like? And was it the neurosurgeon who found the degenerative discs? I'm supposed to have a bone density scan sometime -- it showed up some osteoporosis six years ago, so maybe that's worse from the steroids, etc.? Would this show up any disc problems? My life feels like it's in the pits from this constant, excrutiating pain. Help please!!!!!

I'll be watching for your replies! Thanks for being there you guys!

SPMS -- FIBROMYALGIA -- Ouch! and Ouch!
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:05 PM #2
txbikergirl txbikergirl is offline
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Default acupuncture is amazing!

I have been lurking and learning here the past few months, but have had great success with acupuncture so decided to join the site to share my experience.

I was told I had interstitial cystitus in 1997, believed to be an auto immune disorder/disease of the bladder. I was experiencing EXTREME pain and bladder spasms and was miserable.

At the time there was only one drug to treat the symptoms that had just received FDA approval, and it took about 3 months to kick in. I decided to go the natural route, so I changed my diet and eliminated all acidic foods that irritated the bladder.

This worked for a few years, then even with the diet I started having problems. Then I started acupuncture. The key was, I found a GREAT acupuncturist. He had treated someone with my illness before, and he really researched what he was doing and spent a lot of time on me. At first I went 2x weekly, then after a month 1x weekly, then after about 6 months I went every other week, then after a year 1x monthly. After a few years I can say I was totally healed - I am now back to eating like a normal person and no one else can give any reason for my healing from such a debilitating physical ailment.

I am fairly conservative, but was willing to try acupuncture as I think the history of it really gives it some creed - and I was in so much pain I was willing to try anything.

Also, my father had tried acupuncture when I was a teenager totally out of desperation as he was faced with spinal surgery with a 50/50 chance of paralysis or taking pain meds forever - and he went to acupuncture for about 12 times and it totally took away his pain for the rest of his life.

I have been doing some research on acupuncture for MS out of curiosity, as I am not officially dx with MS but thinking I will try it if dx. The key with MS is you really need to get someone experienced with it, or willing to research well. Because you do NOT want them to stimulate your immune system - as that will aggrivate the MS. And many times in order to help patients they are also working on the general immune system, but with MS that is the no no. They also need to know what herbs and natural supplements to recommend as again, nothing that stimulates the immune system should be used.

Good luck. I would be interested in hearing your experience if you decide to go for it. And no, it does NOT hurt. Sometimes they can accidentally hit a little nerve with a small needle and it can be uncomfortable for a second, but most of the time it is just a minor little pinch as the needle goes in.
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Old 10-07-2007, 10:36 PM #3
Harry Z Harry Z is offline
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My wife tried acupuncture about 7 years ago. At the time she was experiencing a lot of burning and tingling in her legs and retention of heat in her trunk area.

The goal of the therapist was to try and "push" the heat down and away from her abdomen area and to relieve the burning sensation in her legs. It worked to a certain extent and relieved some discomfort as well.

What is important is that the therapist be experienced in applying acupuncture to an MS patient. Otherwise, it is possible to suffer an increase in symptoms if the needles are placed in the wrong area. So if you decide to try acupuncture, please ask the therapist beforehand his/her experience in working with an MS patient.

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Old 10-08-2007, 12:31 PM #4
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Hi Bikergirl and Welcome to the group!! I'm glad you decided to join in. Are you in the process of being diagnosed? Hang in there -- it can sometimes take a long time. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with acupuncture! Your bladder condition sounded terrible. I wonder if it might help with the overactive bladder problem I and many other MSers experience? Thanks too for giving me some suggestions on what to ask, etc. THANKS!

Harry -- First of all, how are you doing? I've thought of you often during this especially trying time. It sounds like Marge found some relief through acupuncture, if only for a time. At this point, any relief would seem like a miracle. Thanks too for pointing out the necessity of finding a therapist who has experience treating MS patients. No, I wouldn't want to do something to make the situation worse. Thank you for taking the time to answer!

I still haven't made the decision, but at least now I know a little more about what to ask, etc. Will keep you posted!!

SPMS -- FIBROMYALGIA -- Ouch! and Ouch!
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Old 10-15-2007, 07:42 AM #5
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Harry -- First of all, how are you doing? I've thought of you often during this especially trying time. It sounds like Marge found some relief through acupuncture, if only for a time. At this point, any relief would seem like a miracle. Thanks too for pointing out the necessity of finding a therapist who has experience treating MS patients. No, I wouldn't want to do something to make the situation worse. Thank you for taking the time to answer!

I'm doing OK although my life seems a bit "empty" these days. After spending 32 years with someone and then having them gone certainly changes your life!

Good luck with the acupuncture.....I hope it helps.

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