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Taffy 01-14-2008 11:34 PM

Cheryl....(I never call her by her first name by the way unless she is in big trouble!) Take off your pretty new shoes, they look silly with the sweats and get your butt to the Dr. NOW!:mad:

Erin524 01-14-2008 11:36 PM

Go to the ER, they'll check the goo you cough up, might culture it to see what kind of pneumonia you have, then they'll give you some antibiotics probably. They'll also probably x-ray your chest just to see how bad things could be.

If you let it go too long, they'll end up hospitalizing you, and you dont want that to happen. Much easier to recover at home, dont you think?

So go, have a doctor check you out, and when you're really sick, it's amazing how easy it is to show up at the doctor's office wearing your jammies, having not taken a shower in a week, or combing your hair...and not caring that people think you look like a homeless person. At least the last time I did that, I changed into clean pajamas just so I would be slightly less offensive.

Jappy 01-15-2008 08:10 AM

CHERYL: Get your you know what to the ER. Don't play around with
something li9ke this.
I did in 1969 and it turned into DOUBLE PNEUMONIA. I nearly died. I was in the hospital for 2 months. Did the same thing you are doing now. WAITING

This is nothing to fool around with. SO GET MOVING TO THE ER.


Curious 01-15-2008 08:20 AM

cheryl...did go to the dr?


SallyC 01-15-2008 12:31 PM

Hi Cheryl. How are you feeling today. Any better? I do hope you do not have pneumonia and your Doc can find a magic bullet to knock this illness out of the ballpark.

I feel so bad for you. Don't be mad when we talk to you, as if we are your Mama, cause we're the good Mama, who really cares.:grouphug:

Check in, when you are able.

Gentle Hugs,:)

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-15-2008 12:59 PM

I called the doc this morning. They are seeing me at 1 pm. Now if someone would please remove whoever this person is who is sitting on my chest, it sure would be a whole lot easier to move around...

Thanks for caring everyone. I know I need to see the doc...I just kept hoping I would get better.

HSPCraig 01-15-2008 01:02 PM

I agree with what has been presented. I would suggest also going to the ER as they have many more ways of determining what is wrong with you and getting you the right meds.

Yes! Something is severely wrong with you since you've had it this long and it rebound back even after the antibiotics. That's an indicator that what you have may very well be viral in nature. In that case no antibiotics are going to help. Maybe you need IV treatment.

Go to the ER no matter what you look like. Heck! You're SICK for heavens sake. :Sick:

SallyC 01-15-2008 01:14 PM

Oh, Good, Flygirl. Let us know how it goes.:)

Chris 01-15-2008 04:51 PM

Hello Cheryl,
I'm chiming in a tad late here, but I'm wondering if you might have something called "Mycoplasma Pneumonia", or what the lay person refers to as "walking pneumonia"? You should probably ask that they perform a cold agglutinens titre on you. That will tell them for sure. Mycoplasma Pneumonia is more or less a viral type of infection, but the symptoms can be speeded up by taking some kind of "mycin" antibiotic.

I suppose you are being evaluated by your PA now. If nothing showed up and you didn't have a chest x-ray, I would ask for one. Often, Penumonia can be seen and not heard, and other times, we can hear it and not see it. I hope you start feeling better soon. You've really had a rough go of it as of late!:(

Thinking of you,

tovaxin_lab_rat 01-15-2008 06:25 PM

Just got home from the doc.

I got a chest x-ray and am getting a sinus CT tomorrow afternoon. He doesn't want to put me back on antibiotics until he gets the results back.

Also upped my nasonex to twice a day.

We talked about maybe getting allergy tested again but will wait for the x-ray and CT scan. Said my sinuses are pretty red and swollen from what he can see but doesn't think I have an infection right now nor does it sound like pneumonia. MY 02 was sat was good.

So...I am not dying. Thank goodness for that!

For now, rest, liquids, keep up the steam inhaler and wait and see!

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