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weegot5kiz 09-01-2008 01:05 PM

you know there use to be this miracle little pill called saccharine, made a dang good cup of tea, my mom truly miss saccharine when they banned it, anyone recall why they banned it, just saying I disagree with the Lady at the Neuros office but ya know, we dont find out its bad till afterward.

heck I am actually waiting for them to tell us about how bluetooths will cause cancer or brain tumors. yes I get a bit cynical about certain things, and am sure it has something to do with how I veiw things, wonder if that lady at the neuros office was also a cynic

DM 09-01-2008 01:32 PM

I have ALWAYS been a diet soda junkie. Well, for the past couple of months, I have virtually given it up, except for a token soda a couple of times.

Well, dadburnit!!! I still have my sx's!!!

*tossing aspartame email in the trash*

However, I thought I would miss the soda alot and quite to the contrary, I don't even want one now.

I was just told to go on a low sugar/low fat diet by my Dr last wk, so no fun for me!


bobcatsrule 09-01-2008 01:52 PM

aspartame and saccharine...
well I don't have MS but before we found out why I get "tipsy" off of the air i breath (or at least that is what it appears to be to others who don't know about the inner ear condition). I was being evaluated for MS. And yeah, i heard all the sacrine and aspatrtimane things too.

If aspartimane gives you MS then why DO I NOT have it, since i used to drink diet sodas at one time. that dumb aspartimane email has been circulating around the internet for years now.

Even though I don't have MS I can relate to what ya'll are saying b/c of the time when we weren't sure If i had it or not. I was even asked that question about aspartimane by a doctor :Bang-Head::Bang-Head::Bang-Head: so while we can't fight the rumor in all fronts at least there is a place to vent!

bobcatsrule 09-01-2008 02:01 PM

stay encouraged...

Originally Posted by Blessings2You (Post 359080)
After church Sunday, a good friend and genuinely caring woman said "Did you know the lady that was here last week has MS? She's on a special diet! She had lost her eyesight and used a cane, and now she can see! And she doesn't need her cane anymore!"

You know, someday I'm going to miss out on something genuine because I've become so cynical and negative in this area. My friend is so sincere and sweet that I thanked her and said that I'd be glad to get the information.

But in my heart I was thinking two things: First, that a healthy eating plan is good for ANYBODY's health, MS or no. And I was thinking that optical neuritis and other symptoms often remit on their own after an exacerbation.

I know we've been down this road before here, and I'm certainly not doubting that different regimens have helped some MS people, and some a great deal. MS is so individual and so unpredictable that I don't know how anybody knows what's working and what's anecdotal anyway.

But if it makes my friend happy to know she's at least tried to help, it's worth a few minutes of reading at least.

Hi Blessings,

I wanted to comment on your origional post as well (in addition to my concurance with the others on the aspartamine thing). it isn't easy when someone offers you the "magic cure" and then you know in your heart that it isn't what they claim it is and it won't "CURE' anything.

I've been through that with my medical issues in the past and i just wanted to offer you some encouragment in the sense that You are such a blessing to others and thoguh I don't know why you or the rest of my friends on this forum are going through what you are having to deal with the MS.

i can say that you and the other members of this forum are an example of how to handle life and an encouragement to not only each other but also to those of us who don't have MS but just love ya'll company. (I know I'm in the miniority on this forum but ya'll have become friends for me and I love it).

You show a lot of strength in the way that you handled that situation and a lot of wisdom in recognizing that your friend was well intentioned though badly misinformed. You inspire me. (as do all of my buddys on this forum).

Keep your chin up and don't get too discouraged, you are a lot more tender than you think and i think you will know when the cure is before you, so don't worry about that. You have the wisdom to decern the difference trust your gut.

Bobcat :hug::hug::hug::hug::grouphug::hug::hug::hug:

whispers 09-01-2008 02:05 PM

People know so many cures! I know that many mean well. I also know that some are just plain mean! :D Sorry...I just couldn't resist the double entente!

In addition, it is difficult to explain ms to people. Sometimes, I have trouble explaining it to myself! And I live inside of me!

I was told that Aspertame is not good for anybody . Chewing gum is a new one...


BaxterTheBunny 09-01-2008 02:27 PM

This is reason 118 why I don't go to church anymore. I had this one couple who had a son w/ severe disabilities who were all the time giving me 'cures'. One time he gave me a book that basically said if people drank more water they'd be cured :mad: His wife was pressing me to go to this 'healing farm'. When I resisted she stated and I quote "You've made a friend of your disease." I started avoiding them like the plague.

I stopped going to that church. Found out the pastor was beating his wife! :eek:

But I ran into them at a friend's funeral a couple months ago. The guy asked me how I was doing and I told him I was healed! I said, "Yep! It's a miracle!"

Don't know if he was smart enough to grasp the sarcasm or not. :rolleyes:

SandyC 09-01-2008 02:34 PM

I was once told by my then bible thumping brother that if Jim allowed his "people" to lay hands on him he would be cured of ms. Yep, he sure did and I countered with "If they are that good can't they do it from a distance?" lol

BaxterTheBunny 09-01-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by SandyC (Post 359387)
I was once told by my then bible thumping brother that if Jim allowed his "people" to lay hands on him he would be cured of ms. Yep, he sure did and I countered with "If they are that good can't they do it from a distance?" lol


That's my thought exactly!

I still have several good christian friends. They are sensible good people. It's the nuts you have to watch out for. :rolleyes:

SandyC 09-01-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by BaxterTheBunny (Post 359565)

That's my thought exactly!

I still have several good christian friends. They are sensible good people. It's the nuts you have to watch out for. :rolleyes:

The worse part is he has been told they suspect he has ms. :( Now he has heart trouble too. :(

I had to hold back and tell him to have hands layed upon him. :p

In his defense, he stopped bible thumping a while back. He was a newbie Christian at that time with so much to learn. lol

dmplaura 09-01-2008 08:20 PM

I'm laughing about all the references to aspartame and diet soda/gum. I can't count the number of times I've received those infamous aspartame warning emails (Mom means well sending them).

I barely ate any sweets before my MS diagnosis. I also disliked diet sodas, so I drank the real stuff. I hardly ever chewed gum either.

I actually began chewing gum since my diagnosis when I found out that it can relieve BMS (burning mouth syndrome). It works wonders for it! Finding gum that isn't sugar free is like looking for a needle in a haystack it seems. It's rows upon rows of sugar free gum. Apparently it's not so 'poisonous' that it's been pulled from the shelves yet. :p

It's been over a year now, in any case, without any soda of any type. I don't miss it one bit, and I don't miss those pounds I lost cutting it out. Now it's black coffee, water and fruit juices :)

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