Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 175
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 175
Around Christmas 2006 I was walking by a Chinese herbal medicine shop that said they had a doctor who specialised in MG. I went in to speak to him an he suggested accupuncture and drinking a prescribed tea on top of the meds I was on (at the time Mestinon was controlling my symptoms for the most part - my worst symptoms were my drooping eyes and double vision). I was game because even though my symptoms were okay I still had to always conscious of my body and didn't feel I was able to live a "normal" life.
Long story short I started to go for weekly accupuncture which felt great while I was there but did nothing as far as I could tell to alliviate (sp?) my problems, in fact I think it might have temporarily worsened my eyes. The tea they prescribed was not easy to drink (terrible taste, alhtough I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to drinking stuff) and again didn't seem to make a bit of difference. So, after 6 weeks of the treatment I quit. I'm glad I tried it and I think I would in the future again but this time it really did nothing for me.
I do find massage very helpful - I know some myaesthenics go regularly for a massage. Unfortunately I can't afford that, but my husband buys me gift certificates for most holidays and he's really good about "rolling up his sleeves" if I'm feeling uncomfortable.
Hope this helps!