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Old 07-25-2009, 01:48 PM #1
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Default Almost 2 weeks since operation

Hey guys!

So I had my thymectomy....Oddly, the day of the surgery, I was anxious to have it--almost excited! :S I guess it's one of those things where if you can't cry you need to laugh....In terms of the pre-op, it wasn't that interesting...The only thing that was kinda weird was when the anesthesic (sp.?) guy started 'connecting' my anesthesia line to my wrist....I remember starting to get very relaxed, and noticing that there were these massive bracelet-like bruises developing on my wrist...Just as I was about to ask why he was giving me bruise bracelets, I passed out...

When I woke up in the ICU, I was in some serious pain. I remember moaning and a nurse instructing me to 'press the button.' So I did. I started to feel better. Then, in the haze of my awakening, I heard one of my thoracic surgeons ask how I was doing. I said, 'okay, but was it a carcinoma?' (inappropriate timing of question, I know.). He said, "well, there were 'nodules' but we got everything out." I started crying ( (I was still very out of it). After that, nurses and the doctor were assuring me that everything would be okay...But I kept thinking about how he wouldn't deny that it was a carcinoma, and that 'nodules' meant that the tumor was worse than benign.

After all that commotion, I remember people visiting and me talking to them then passing out. During that night, I woke up every 20 mins., I think. I was tired, but wide-awake and stiff....

By the second day, I was more alert, but still slept most of the time...The third day, I was feeling better, but came down with some type of stomach flu. They thought it might be from the morphine drip, so they disconnected it...That was sorta bad...I couldn't quite get my pain management right after that, and therefore couldn't get much sleep...

The doc. really assured me that the tumor should be manageable, and that I shouldn't worry...He got everything and still isn't even sure I'll need radiation...But I'm still waiting for the biopsy results...I doubt it was a carcinoma, but I have a feeling that it's a different stage now, because it must have been spreading somewhere (I don't remember where the nodules were).

All in all, though, the doctors are really impressed with how well I'm healing. I've been walking around doing stuff since last Saturday (4-days after surgery, and the day I was let out). The scar I have looks like a cat scratch down my cleavedge. The only thing that looks kinda severe are the chest tube scars...but they should clear up...Oh, and my God, the heperin shot bruises are brutal! Looks like someone punched my arms all day...

But, oh my lord, does anyone have any advice about sleeping positions?? I still can't sleep right! I sleep on my side normally...I've been trying to the last few days, and am somewhat successful, but most of the time, wake up in pain....Sometimes, it almost sounds like my bones are grinding! :S

Oh yeah, thank you so much, guys, for your well-wishes! I think that day (the bulbar speech thread), I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, out of anxiety and all the negative feelings we get when we're sick! Things aren't that bad for me in terms of support! I realized that people are there for me more than I realized, and I am so thankful! and I am very thankful I found this forum and all of you! Thanks
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Old 07-25-2009, 02:21 PM #2
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so glad you posted we have all been wondering how your surgery went.

Im glad you are out of the hospital and well on the way to recovery.

Dont wory about sobbing whilst on morphine its a mood altering substance and can make you very emotional. Also you can think and hear and see things that aren't really there, so dont panic !

Don't worry about feeling sorry for yourself and don't apologise. We have the forum to rant and express ourselves. Everyone is entitled to a some self pity! You wouldn't be human if you didn't have dyas when all you can think is "why me". If I have a day like that I say to myself ok you can be miserable today, but it stops on the stroke of midnight. Its healthy to acknowledge those feelings.

Sorry you are still in pain and its not comfortable sleeping. When I had surgery for bowel adhesions 11 years ago I was cut from just under my breast bone to my pubic bone. For weeks after I could only sleep propped up. If I lay down the pain was so immense that I would pass out trying to sit up! I couldn't laugh cough or sneeze as the pain was so bad! I got the fit of the giggles once and I just couldn't stop it was sheer agony!!!

When do you go back for post op checks? Im sure you will be able to discuss things better with your Dr then and you wont be in a morphine smog. The good thing is that they got it out.

Make sure you dont try and do too much! Take it easy.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
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Old 07-25-2009, 04:24 PM #3
Brennan068 Brennan068 is offline
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The chest tube incisions will pucker right up and almost disappear, the scars from those will be tiny in a short while.

As far as sleeping goes, I heartily recommend a foam wedge to keep you partially sitting up. It is really hard to roll over to your side when laying on one of them and it won't take long to get used to sleeping that way. It hurts a whole pile less to lie on your back than your side after a thymecotmy

Best of luck with your recovery, hope it goes well and gives you everything you hope for as far as remission goes.
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Old 07-25-2009, 04:34 PM #4
Pat 110 Pat 110 is offline
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Hey Nicky,

Welcome back! I am so happy that ordeal is behind you and you are on the mend. We sure thought a lot about you and missed you around here. Please be very careful in everything you takes quite a while to fully heal. I am so happy you had your family around you for support. When do you see the surgeon for a follow up? I am sure you will get your questions answered then. After my thymectomy, the only way I could sleep was propped up on several pillows. After about the third week I could sleep on my side, but still with 2 pillows. Hope you find a comfortable position. I wish you a fast recovery and eventully a full remission. Take care.

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Old 07-25-2009, 05:28 PM #5
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Heart WElcome back Nicknerd!

Welcome back honey! I for one am so glad you checked in - we were all starting to get really worried about you!

That morphine is great stuff right after surgery - I think I was pushing the button every 3-5 min b/c I hurt so much - hate the "fog" that it causes though! I need control waaaaaaaaaaaay too much to like the feeling of being stoned! Still, when you hurt that much, there is only so much you can take and then hit the button again! LOL

The heparin shots were the worst! They got me every morning @ 4:00 right around my belly button - they TRIED to make me have them last time I was in , but I just walked my fanny off.....well, I tried to!LOL

Are you home now? Do you have someone there to help you? It is really important to take it ez for a while - no driving, no lifting, NOTHING for a while (for most I think it is 6 weeks)...........

As for sleeping: the only position that gave me comfort for sleeping straight UP! I mean staight up! I woke up one night and was stuck on my back like a turtle - it is funny now, but not so much @ the time. You may want to try and sleep in a recliner for now - either that or just have a bunch of pillows behind your back so you are UPRIGHT all night long!

I am sooooo happy you are feeling better!


Originally Posted by Nicknerd View Post
Hey guys!

So I had my thymectomy....Oddly, the day of the surgery, I was anxious to have it--almost excited! :S I guess it's one of those things where if you can't cry you need to laugh....In terms of the pre-op, it wasn't that interesting...The only thing that was kinda weird was when the anesthesic (sp.?) guy started 'connecting' my anesthesia line to my wrist....I remember starting to get very relaxed, and noticing that there were these massive bracelet-like bruises developing on my wrist...Just as I was about to ask why he was giving me bruise bracelets, I passed out...

When I woke up in the ICU, I was in some serious pain. I remember moaning and a nurse instructing me to 'press the button.' So I did. I started to feel better. Then, in the haze of my awakening, I heard one of my thoracic surgeons ask how I was doing. I said, 'okay, but was it a carcinoma?' (inappropriate timing of question, I know.). He said, "well, there were 'nodules' but we got everything out." I started crying ( (I was still very out of it). After that, nurses and the doctor were assuring me that everything would be okay...But I kept thinking about how he wouldn't deny that it was a carcinoma, and that 'nodules' meant that the tumor was worse than benign.

After all that commotion, I remember people visiting and me talking to them then passing out. During that night, I woke up every 20 mins., I think. I was tired, but wide-awake and stiff....

By the second day, I was more alert, but still slept most of the time...The third day, I was feeling better, but came down with some type of stomach flu. They thought it might be from the morphine drip, so they disconnected it...That was sorta bad...I couldn't quite get my pain management right after that, and therefore couldn't get much sleep...

The doc. really assured me that the tumor should be manageable, and that I shouldn't worry...He got everything and still isn't even sure I'll need radiation...But I'm still waiting for the biopsy results...I doubt it was a carcinoma, but I have a feeling that it's a different stage now, because it must have been spreading somewhere (I don't remember where the nodules were).

All in all, though, the doctors are really impressed with how well I'm healing. I've been walking around doing stuff since last Saturday (4-days after surgery, and the day I was let out). The scar I have looks like a cat scratch down my cleavedge. The only thing that looks kinda severe are the chest tube scars...but they should clear up...Oh, and my God, the heperin shot bruises are brutal! Looks like someone punched my arms all day...

But, oh my lord, does anyone have any advice about sleeping positions?? I still can't sleep right! I sleep on my side normally...I've been trying to the last few days, and am somewhat successful, but most of the time, wake up in pain....Sometimes, it almost sounds like my bones are grinding! :S

Oh yeah, thank you so much, guys, for your well-wishes! I think that day (the bulbar speech thread), I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, out of anxiety and all the negative feelings we get when we're sick! Things aren't that bad for me in terms of support! I realized that people are there for me more than I realized, and I am so thankful! and I am very thankful I found this forum and all of you! Thanks
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Old 07-25-2009, 05:34 PM #6
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Hi, Nick. I'm glad you are okay. Any kind of surgery when you have MG is scary. Did you hear "carcinoma" while under anesthesia?! I hope it is all benign.

I have not had a thymectomy but have had an abdominal hysterectomy. Same problem with sleeping positions. If you have a very comfy chair or a recliner, I highly suggest you sleep in those! But don't do it for too long or your body might actually start to confuse what it's supposed to do when. It may start to think that your circadian rhythm of sleep is off. Seriously, look it up!

You would have to use your feet to get out of a recliner, since you can't use upper body strength yet to do it. Concentrate on letting your lower body do things. And you do need to sleep as much as possible since a lot of healing happens while sleeping. Has anyone talked about any stretching exercises for you and when to do them? You know how muscles always get worse when they have been inactive for awhile. The same thing will happen with those chest wall/trunk muscles.

Morphine is hell for MGers. They had to take me off of it after only one day due to how bad my breathing was.

I hope you continue to recover well. I'm glad you have good doctors looking out for you.

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Old 07-26-2009, 07:49 PM #7
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So glad you are through the surgery, I hope your Thymus tissue is benign. It took me awhile to learn to sleep on my back, I am a stomache sleeper, restless nights! It gets better though, hopefully you will feel some positive results soon, they keep coming for a couple of years, for full benifit ! My breathing was my first positive response from it, helped so much !

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Old 07-26-2009, 07:52 PM #8
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also try lying on side hugging a pillow-it keeps your shoulders off the bed
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Old 07-27-2009, 05:44 AM #9
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Hey Nicky!!! Welcome homeEE! Am so glad to hear from you honey!

Lol. Am so excited for you. Do hope you'll start feeling improvements everywhere soon! Continue to recover quickly, and come let us know when you're up to it.

You've been missed Nicky!!!!
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Old 07-27-2009, 10:40 AM #10
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So glad that everthing went well for you. I slept upright in bed, with pillows all around me. 4 pillows behind my back and 2 on each side, just like I was sitting in an armchair but I was in bed. That is the only way that I could sleep for weeks. The only problem I had was that once I got all propped up in bed that I usually had to get up to use the bathroom. I also kept my pillow handy at all times (for sneezing & overactive kiddies). Take care ~ Melanie
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