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Old 05-16-2021, 07:15 PM #1
Kim90 Kim90 is offline
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Default Alcohol neuropathy?

Hello all,

I am Kim, 31.
I think I have alcohol neuropathy, for over 5 years I have been having pins and needles in my feet constantly, every day, all day and it is really getting to me. I thought it was caused by having sepsis 5 years ago but deep down I think it is related to alcohol. I had bloods taken last week which came back as low in folate, they asked about my drinking ect. I drink on a weekend and I have done since I was 18, every weekend without fail, sometimes I drink during the week. I drink vodka. I didn't think I was alcohol dependent but I do think I am now. My mother died of alcohol 5 years ago. My dad has a dvt through alcohol. It runs in the family. My doctor has prescribed me with folic acid for one month and to see how I get on, if I still have the tingles then the route is to see a neurosurgeon. Anybody else been through similar? I think the damage is done now, I don't get a breather from the pins and needles, I also get cramp in my feet most days, seems to be getting worse.
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Old 05-17-2021, 12:05 AM #2
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Welcome to the forum. There's plenty of information on this website to help you. One thing I would do today, if I were you, is to start taking B12.

Best wishes,

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Old 05-17-2021, 11:31 AM #3
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Hi, Kim90, and WELCOME!

I have MS and don't drink but there have been many drinkers in my family, including some problem drinkers. A cousin died of alcohol-related liver cirrhosis. A nephew died of a combination of heroin plus alcohol. My sister, who always drank vodka, died at 73 and had esophageal cancer, which is a terrible way to go. That type of cancer is common among vodka drinkers, very tragically.

There are many severe neurological problems caused by alcoholism. You could try cutting out the vodka for a while and see how you're doing--you might see an improvement in your symptoms.

I've known people who haven't liked the idea of AA but eventually went there and found it helpful. You might want to give them a call, maybe go to one of their meetings, if you think you might be an alcoholic.

I had a close relative who hated AA's near-religious tone but she was desperate enough about the memory lapses she was having to seek them out, and she was active in AA for quite a number of years. Most people stay in it for life because you don't stop being an alcoholic, or so they say.

I knew some of her AA friends, and they were interesting people. Some had been at the skid-row stage, being hauled in to be dried out, etc., but had stayed sober for 35 years or so. It can be done.

If AA sounds too serious for you at your young age, you could try their branch called AlAnon--for persons affected by alcoholism in their family.

And by all means visit this board. Online friends can be helpful here.
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MS diagnosed 1980. Type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteopenia.
Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Currently: Glatopa (generic Copaxone), 40mg 3 times/week, 12/16/20 - 3/16/24
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ago, alcohol, drink, week, weekend

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