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reverett123 07-08-2010 10:11 AM

It is very unfair to pick on lawyers. They have contributed greatly to medical research. Just last week, the NIH announced plans to incorporate 250 attorneys into existing trials to offset the rat shortage.:D

bluedahlia 07-08-2010 10:51 AM

Isn't having a high IQ a prerequisite to joining this club? Mine is, or should I say, WAS, 129. And I'll have you know.....I'm not a crackpot. Just a plain old KOOK!!!!!!!!!!! hehe

paula_w 07-08-2010 11:14 AM

I"ll have you know i'm idiopathic! Not mutated like some.

(i can only claim half of that joke.)


Bob Dawson 07-08-2010 04:45 PM

Master of Different Direction Exploration

Originally Posted by reverett123 (Post 673307)

What they (and many PWP) don't realize, is that I may be a crackpot but I'm a darned intelligent and well educated crackpot. And, unlike any generation of crackpots before me, I've got the Net and access to a huge, unsorted jumble of data that has been gathering dust for decades and there are flecks of gold everywhere I look. Maybe we should get T-shirts saying "Not Yo' Mama's Crackpot!" :D

I love the T-shirt and I want one for my birthday. I can easily agree that Rick could be appointed Captain of PD Crackpot Home Researchers. But I have always seen him as a Bee That Flies in a Different Direction.
Honey bees all fly exactly the same routes, time after time, day after day, from a source of sweetness, back to the hive and back to the same source of sweetness again. They all have strictly planned, precise roles to play, always the same, and they all follow the same series of flight plans, over and over.

Except for a very, very few, who fly off in a totally new direction, utterly alone, and discover the next source of food that the hive needs to survive. The worker bees, the Queen Bee, all do the same actions, generation after generation. They would be extinct were it not for the bees who fly off in a totally different direction. The species cannot do without them.

Rick is a Master of Different Direction Exploration.

reverett123 07-08-2010 06:25 PM

Gosh, Bob, I don't know what to say. I've always been like that. Or at least since I got a cell phone...:D


Originally Posted by Bob Dawson (Post 673471)
I love the T-shirt and I want one for my birthday. I can easily agree that Rick could be appointed Captain of PD Crackpot Home Researchers. But I have always seen him as a Bee That Flies in a Different Direction.
Honey bees all fly exactly the same routes, time after time, day after day, from a source of sweetness, back to the hive and back to the same source of sweetness again. They all have strictly planned, precise roles to play, always the same, and they all follow the same series of flight plans, over and over.

Except for a very, very few, who fly off in a totally new direction, utterly alone, and discover the next source of food that the hive needs to survive. The worker bees, the Queen Bee, all do the same actions, generation after generation. They would be extinct were it not for the bees who fly off in a totally different direction. The species cannot do without them.

Rick is a Master of Different Direction Exploration.

alongcamejones 07-09-2010 01:29 AM

dear Brave Lindy. Im with you and girl as the great philosopher once said

"Your Kung Fu is strong Panda"

I wont bicker with you :grouphug: Thnaks for sharing your specialist knowledge



Originally Posted by lindylanka (Post 673298)
I'd just like to interject on the datscan thing. I was given a datscan nearly 3 years after diagnosis, as the neuro I had then, who had never seen me unmedicated decided he 'could see no signs of parkinsons'. My grandmother had whatever I have, she died in around 1981, never medicated, but had shuffly, slow, masked face appearance for many years, and became very rigid and unable to move at all towards the end, though she was mentally intact. That is the reality of unmedicated end stage. So I know I have what she had, no matter what name is put on it. I had the datescan, without a prior MRI. It took a long time for the results to come, I have never been shown the actual scan, and the report said no signs of Parkinson's Disease.

This really shook me, because sinemet had given me back my life, I had some expression on my face again, could walk alsmot normally, and more importantly the awful chest rigidity that made me unable to breathe easily was gone. It was certainly not perfect, I was falling asleep a lot and my dose always wore off, I have never found a perfect balance that allows me to feel free of parkinsons.

Forgive me if this is boring to those who have heard this before.

I stopped going to most forums, stopped trying to find out more. In a lot of ways I was just shell shocked by this withdrawal of diagnosis. Let me say here that I had spent seven years prior to diagnosis trying to find out what was wrong with me, because I knew there was something, I was not neurotic, or imagining it, as some doctors tried to say when their long series of tests all came back negative....... I was devastated by it. And they were trying to stop the ONLY medication that had made a difference. I was, and still am on a very low dose, have never wanted to up it, and am happy that it is not managing all my symptoms, because the ones it does help are the crucial ones for me.

To cut a long story short, I was taken into hospital for a washout, and by day five all the PD symptoms I had before diagnosis returned, my new neurologist got to see what I looked like under the meds, and despite the fact that I do not and never did have much tremor other than on the lips, this doctor sent me home, and I went to his clinic a few days later, medicated and functional.

The crucial reason that I am telling this story, is that this neuro, who is very knowledgeable and has spent a life time observing PD, said that there is about a six percent failure of Datscan to identify PD. This is not the difference between those who do or don't have it. And this is given that nobody really has a clear definition of PD, we are all lumped into this bracket.

My parkinson's nurse is of the opinion that it does not really matter what name is put to it, it falls within the PD range, what matters is that I have some quality of life, which I clearly do not have without this medication. I worry about what happens if I start to experience dyskinsias, severlely. I worry about not being on the steady regime I now have, I worry that my neuro will retire and I will be at the mercy of someone who has not seen the evolution of PD treatment, someone who will not see PD in me BECAUSE my medication is working.... I am seven and a half years into treatment, am taking a third less sinemet than I was in the early couple of years, because I take entacapone, and I know that I have progressed some. But in those years I have single handedly brought up my son, who is now just about to enter the jobs market, and who has had to struggle through education with his own neurological issues. I could not have managed that untreated, and more than the other more physical issues, the awful masked face that I have unmedicated would have led to me being miunderstood and misread at every turn in some of the battles I had to fight on his behalf, education being every bit as muddled a part of the public sector as medicine.

Do I think there can be better treatments, YES
Do I think that medicine knows what it is looking at, NO
Do I think that it is worth fighting to ensure that other people, down the line ar going to get a better deal than PwP today, Yes

Do I think it is worth us bickering, or making divisions between PwP, NO

We are all in this together, no matter what eventual name they put to our varying conditions. We know there are subtypes, we know they may turn out to have differing causes, and treatments. We know that as yet there are no treatments that halt or reverse what is happening to us. And we know that what treatments are there are ALL flawed.

We also know that the best thing we can do is be very very well informed, and take note of some of the wisdom that Indigo talks of, and find out what is best for us personally.

We are all on the same page really............ we may not agree on everything, and each of us is coming from our own unique experience of what it is like to be under the PD umbrella.


alongcamejones 07-09-2010 01:46 AM

Im liking you more and more little fighter :) I really mean it.

How long is life Blue? How old are we really? Some say as old as the stars but we only remember one life at a time

Keep fighting Blue but dont ever let it make you bitter. Your bigger than that. :) Your brother Jak


Originally Posted by bluedahlia (Post 673355)
Let's talk, when you're 11 years into this thing. Until then, blast away with your abrasive behaviour towards your fellow parkies, U know who WE are.

lindylanka 07-09-2010 07:15 AM

You've made your big entry, we know you are there, so why don't you take time to get to know us all.

We know a bit about you, you've got a diagnosis you don't like, and you are angry about it, you've taken time to get yourself informed to some degree, and at the moment you seem as though you want to bite some heads off.

There are a lot of fighters here, fighting the daily battle with PD and the side-effects of medications, fighting to keep good information coming, fighting a system in which the patient is secondary to the industry that has grown up around him/her, fighting old and invalid stereotyping of PwP, fighting a lot of battles on behalf of PwP everywhere.....

What I don't understand is why you are picking a fight with us, or maybe you are just vulnerable to fearing you will be the stereotype......

We are breaking the mould, once and for all, whether you have PD or not, you could be helping us....... you've obviously got the fire power

It's up to you.


reverett123 07-09-2010 09:30 AM

Your energy is needed, for sure. One of the problems is that too many PWP come out of that first neuro appointment confused but confident that in five years everything will be cool. By the time they figure out that they have been sold a pacifier, they aren't as strong as they were and energy that might have been used for shouting is required for breathing. You are ahead of the curve on that and there is enough anger and cynicism lying around here to keep you pumped.

I like your Nietzche (sp?) quote. A similar theme that appeals to me but that I have been scolded for before is from a movie (Pappilon I think) where the protagonist has been banished to the horrors of an island leper colony from which there is no return and no contact with the outside. Forcing him onto the beach, the ship beats a hasty retreat as the lepers approach. Turned out that the lepers were a damn sight more human than the rest of society as they welcomed him and helped him make the change to the new reality.

Welcome to the colony Jak. :D

alongcamejones 07-09-2010 10:26 PM

It might be a guy thing. Maybe not. Some males get to know each other by fighting. In Rugby you felt alive after being on the end of a big hit and getting up. These are the lines previous to my quote at the bottom of my posts.

War and courage have done more great things than charity. Not your sympathy, but your bravery hath hitherto saved the victims. "What is good?" ye ask. To be brave is good. Let the little girls say: "To be good is what is pretty, and at the same time touching."

Its not personal Lindy. Im not fighting here. I have also never posted while angry. Im fact I have not been angry re PD. Not Once. I dont feel vulnerable. In fact I feel better than ever.

What you write is true where you start There are a lot of fighters here,

I will help. But I take a holistic view and maybe people will find it out there. What you will get though is honesty. Its all that is worthwhile in the end. If an honest person is wrong his / her honesty will redeem the situation and lead to the truth.......eventually.



Originally Posted by lindylanka (Post 673619)
You've made your big entry, we know you are there, so why don't you take time to get to know us all.

We know a bit about you, you've got a diagnosis you don't like, and you are angry about it, you've taken time to get yourself informed to some degree, and at the moment you seem as though you want to bite some heads off.

There are a lot of fighters here, fighting the daily battle with PD and the side-effects of medications, fighting to keep good information coming, fighting a system in which the patient is secondary to the industry that has grown up around him/her, fighting old and invalid stereotyping of PwP, fighting a lot of battles on behalf of PwP everywhere.....

What I don't understand is why you are picking a fight with us, or maybe you are just vulnerable to fearing you will be the stereotype......

We are breaking the mould, once and for all, whether you have PD or not, you could be helping us....... you've obviously got the fire power

It's up to you.


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