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reverett123 09-30-2006 08:04 AM

here's a converter between the two systems

GregD 09-30-2006 08:22 AM

Thanks for the converter. Now maybe I can make some reasonable judgements as to just where my blood sugar is.


reverett123 09-30-2006 08:57 AM

mj fox study
earlier this years mjf grant for a study of neuroprotective effects of an existing drug used for diabetes

the press release implies a brand new use but now i wonder if the real effect is not countering harm from ldopa-induced fluctuations

if my experience is a guide, when one checks their blood sugar they are not going to get "high" readings as presently defined. what will be seen is a gradual climb that accelerates about the two hour mark to a peak and sudden drop back to the baseline. mine stay well within the "official" limits but my function goes all to hell with that climb then recovers post-plunge. brain fog and muscle weakness in my legs predominate during this yet are almost not present during simple "offs"

i may be wrong but i don't think that brain fog and muscle weakness were originally part of the symptoms of PD. anyone know when they were added?

reverett123 09-30-2006 02:08 PM

mini update the last 24 hours
it's been weird.

oK, I guess I should elaborate.:)

Went out last night to a live concert. First time in months. Ate requip and Sinemet extra. 2 reqp and 1 scr at 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00PM to get me through. Did great. Scrupulously avoided carbs especially sugar. Got home at 11:00 still feelin good. Had a snack cheese, crackers, pnut butter. Headed for bed and bottom dropped out faster than ever experienced. Went from snacking standing up to barely able to walk in fifteen minutes. Unfortunately couldn't test blood sugar without waking house but sure it was high, not low. Brain fog and bladder were my companions for two to three hours.

Got upthis morning feeling pretty good or at least no worse than usual. Tried to start day with just requip and selegeline. Didn't work so have gingerly added sinemet in slowly. Started to function around noon. It is now 3:00 PM here and i have eaten only a handful of walnuts and a pork chop and I feel good. Blood sugar has stayed in the 90 - 95 (US) range all day. Shouldn't I have been at least a little hypoglycemic? Going to try some carbs in a while to "stress test" this affair.

Over and out.:cool:

rosebud 09-30-2006 11:44 PM

You need the carbs bud! The heavy protien/fat is what did you in. I made the same mistake. Get a copy of recommended diet for diabetics from national website, or glycemic index and stay on the low end. I'll write more tomorrow.
It's not as simple as you might think. Where is Todd? He knows his Glycemic index and can probably tell you a lot. You will be surprised what jumps up your blood glucose. You're right about the high readings slowing your meds. I lived it today and am getting the picture. I now understand a lot of things that just didn't make sense before. But my day is over for today. I'm gone to bed ..nite nite :)

Ibken 10-01-2006 06:29 PM

Adrenal fatigue
I've been looking into this lately and it seems pertinent to the blood sugar discussion. My understanding is superficial at best and I don't have the inclination to deepen it as I'm obsessed with other things right now. I am taking some adrenal support supplements 'cause it just made sense. WHat do ya'll think?


vlhperry 04-04-2007 06:24 AM

Dopamine D2 like Receptors are Expressed in Pancreas
See following study online by searching for:

Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 280, Number 44, November4, 2005.

Then search:

"Diabetes-Parkinson's Link Grows Stronger"

Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Was recently screened and am positive for Type 2 diabetes. As I have the Parkin gene mutations, would explain why I always felt hungry all the time. DBS surgery will not stop this symptom. Just because a news story is printed on medline doesn't make it true.


Teretxu 04-05-2007 05:15 AM

Oh my God!!
Here I am eating tons of sweets and carbs thinking it has not effect on me whatsoever, because my annual blood tests always show perfect blood sugar readings. It never ocurred to me that I could have high readings several times a day, if only temporarily, that would never be reflected in regular blood tests, because these are conducted first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

And that leads to the next question: if we can't eat proteins, carbohydrates and sweets - what the heck is there left for us to eat?! I'm serious. I have no other options available.

Should I cut my veins directly, or let them grow long?:D

Stitcher 04-05-2007 07:25 AM

Two comments...I'm not a doctor, of course, but I am an experienced diabetic.

First, if you eat a lot of carbs, which come in many unlikely forms, yes, you may have temporary highs (however you personally describe a high), but your pancreas is the regulator and as long as it does its job and brings the reading down to normal, with in an hour or two, you should not be concerned. If you monitor your glucose in the morning before breakfast and two hours after a meal, your normal blood glucose level should be less than 110 mg/dl, which is my goal upon getting out of bed each morning.

Second, is this saying that I possibly developed Diabetes, which is now regulated by a minimum of one injection of slow acting insulin (sort of a CR effect), and by one to three injections of regular insulin a day, because of Parkinson's:holysheep:. They both started about the same time. :(

My biggest enemies are NOT what one would consider sugar items, such as candy, chocolate bars, ice cream, etc.

My biggest enemies are concentrated juices (e.g. orange juice...I never drink anymore :Sigh:), rice, potatoes and BREAD!


Suffice it to say my pancreas and I stopped communicating well long ago!! Maybe my pancreas developed clognition too.

Teretxu 04-05-2007 11:15 AM

That's what I mean, Carolyn, if we can't eat proteins (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, beans, peas, nuts, eggs, milk and dairy products) nor carbs (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes), nor sweets, nor juices, WHAT CAN WE EAT??? Vegetables? HA! One single carrot can make my Sinemet stop working completely (Vitamin B6 the culprit?).
We can't survive on apples alone, can we?

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