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Old 07-24-2007, 03:20 PM #1
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Lightbulb Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, pesticides, toxic chemicals from body
Originally published August 1 2006

Natural Cellular Defense removes heavy metals, pesticides, toxic chemicals from body - study
by Mike Adams

Natural Cellular Defense is a natural zeolite-based substance that is being increasingly studied for its near-miraculous ability to bind with heavy metals and toxic chemicals, removing them from the body. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., is leading the research on the use of Natural Cellular Defense to remove these chemicals from the body, and this article shares his latest results.
Those results are quite remarkable, as you will see below. Given that virtually every person living in modern society today has hundreds of synthetic chemicals in their bodies that do not belong there, and with the documented proof that combining Natural Cellular Defense with a simple juice fast can remove 88 percent of those chemicals from the body, this is research of tremendous importance. Its importance cannot be overstated when discussing the prevention of cancer, Alzheimer's, birth defects and even diabetes.

For anyone interested in acquiring Natural Cellular Defense products, contact information is listed at the end of this report. Neither Truth Publishing nor its writers has any financial interest whatsoever in this product.

From Dr. Gabriel Cousens

As a natural holistic physician, I, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H) Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate of Ayurveda have come across a major breakthrough in detoxifying the human body of the carcinogens, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and overall acid conditions that promote and cause disease.

Some 70,000 chemicals are being dumped into our environment, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. We live in a virtual sea of pollutants, and carry many of these toxins within us. They can be found even in unborn children. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group identified 287 industrial chemicals in babies’ umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer and 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

In my research to develop a detoxification system for prospective mothers, I recently learned about a naturally occurring mineral called zeolite, which has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure. Zeolite is formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water, and combines all four elements. I feel that zeolite is an alchemical gift from God. It has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being, and is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe). Zeolite is available commercially in a purified, activated form, in the zeolite product.

The results of research on zeolite are very impressive:

Zeolite appears to prevent and may become an important treatment for cancer. In one study, 78 percent of the 65 participants with terminal cancer (many types) are now in complete remission for 12 months (LifeLink Pharmaceuticals, 2005, currently not published).
It has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic), pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other toxins from the body, shown in a study of miners at Duke University. These toxins are strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and dementia.
Zeolite also improves liver function, indirectly improving elimination of pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens.
Zeolite appears to block viral replication, and may prove to be a potent anti-viral and general remedy for all viruses. To date, 40 anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been healed. Preliminary anecdotal case studies suggest that it may help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C as well as the common cold and flu.
Zeolite’s binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems.
Zeolite creates a natural buffer in the system by establishing an optimal pH level (between 7.35 and 7.45), which in turn activates healthy brain function and a strong immune system.
It is an effective detoxifier for prospective mothers and fathers. Anecdotal evidence and centuries of use in Asia suggest that zeolite is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, although its safe use in pregnancy has not been proven in double-blind studies.
A pilot study at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with 55 people, based on my non-toxic baby protocol for preparing parents to bring forth non-toxic babies, consisted of a one-week green juice fast and detox support program with zeolite in the form of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) 15 drops, 4X/day. The following very significant results were found. 18 people were tested for depleted uranium (DU), a very serious worldwide radioactive contamination resulting from the use of DU armaments, especially used in Iraq.
Sixteen of the 18 people tested initially had DU in at least the liver, the breast, or the brain, and 13 of the 18 people had started with it in all three organs, the liver, the breast, and the brain. In one week on this protocol, all the people became DU-free except for one person, who still had DU in the liver. Also, thirty-two people were tested for Teflon and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the carcinogenic element of teflon. Teflon was found in the livers of 27 people, the breasts of 25 people, and the brains of 28 people. All but two people became teflon-free after one week. Only one person had Teflon remaining in the breast, and one person had Teflon remaining in the brain.

In the same 32 people, initially PFOA was found in the liver of 28 people, the breast of 29 people, and the brain of 28 people. After one week, all people became PFOA-free except for one person having PFOA remaining in the breast and brain. In testing people for a whole set of toxins consisting of 14 to 26 of the common heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides, the people initially had on average 90 to 95% of the toxins in their liver, breast, and brain, whether they were live-food eaters or not.

The overall percentage of removal of these toxins from these organs was 88%, leaving only 12% of the toxins in their systems overall. This included 91% removal from the liver, 88% removal from the breast, and 87% removal from the brain. In the 55 people tested the heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicide toxins, initially 801 toxins were found in the subjects’ livers, 825 toxins in the breasts, 824 toxins in the brain. After the one-week protocol, just 73 toxins were left in the liver, 102 toxins left in the breast, and 111 toxins left in the brain:

Results of Week-Long NCD and Juice Fasting Non-Toxic Baby Protocol

Toxins Found BEFORE 801 825 824 2450
Toxins Found AFTER 73 103 111 287
Percentage Removed 91% 88% 87% 88%

The four subjects who continued the green juice fasting with NCD for two weeks went down to 0 toxins, a 100% removal rate. These results suggest a powerful synergy of NCD plus a detoxifying green juice fast. In observing thousands of fasters since 1988, fasting alone—although wonderful for enhancing the vital force—does not seem to significantly get rid of pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals after 1 week by itself. I am proposing a theoretical model for explaining the testimonials of the powerful, across-the-board healing effects of NCD (a purified zeolite) from such health problems as ADD/Hyperactivity, Addiction, Agent Orange Exposure, Arthritis, Autism, Cancer, Cysts and Tumors, Depression, DES Exposure, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Flu, Colds, and Respiratory Problems, Gastro-Intestinal Problems, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Hepatitis C, High Blood Pressure, HIV/AIDS, Kidney Stones, Lack of Mental Clarity, Pain, PMS/Menstrual Pain, Silicone Breast Implant Toxicity, Skin Conditions, Spider Bite, Toothache/Gum Disease, Varicose and Spider Veins, Viral and Other Infections, Yeast Infections.

The model is a foundational healing concept. The basic mechanism we can draw from the literature and my present pilot study is that, by removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and DU, as well as through its effect of increasing immune system function, alkalizing the blood, blocking viral replication, and neutralizing free radicals, the NCD removes the blocks which compromise the vital life force. When the vital life force is freed up and activated, the body’s natural ability does the healing and relieving of these chronic diseases itself. With the NCD, we have returned to the basic natural healing theory for all chronic diseases. NCD is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine.


According to testimonials, zeolite promotes a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness. It appears to do this as a consequence of eliminating toxins and also, according to preliminary research, by increasing serotonin production. One study suggests that zeolite also helps relieve depression.
Anecdotal reports suggest that zeolite increases energy, immune function, and general health.
Zeolite neutralizes the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach. Found in processed meats, nitrosamines are one cause of stomach cancer. Another positive effect on the stomach, according to many anecdotal reports, is relief of acid reflux.
Testimonials suggest that zeolite captures triggering antigens, which cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms.
Zeolite directly absorbs free radicals and thus decreases free radical activity and damage to the body.
This zeolite product is a clear liquid that, taken daily as oral drops, supports us in living healthy, happy, and active lives in an increasingly toxic world. For more information on this article, please call the Tree of Life at 866-394-2520 toll-free, or go to the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center’s website,, or call Jason D. Groode at Pacific Rim Marketing (800) 309-9126.

Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H), Diplomate American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate Ayurveda, Director and Workshops Facilitator of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Host of “Physician of the Soul” and “Creating Peace by Being Peace” Internet Radio Programs, and Author of Spiritual Nutrition, Conscious Eating, Depression-Free for Life, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, and Sevenfold Peace.


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Old 07-24-2007, 03:27 PM #2
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Arrow more information zeoliite -NCD

I am not selling this product -
however I am researching it!
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Old 07-24-2007, 03:47 PM #3
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Arrow the importance of balancing your pH

posting only part of article refer to the link above for the entire article.

The Importance of
Your Body's pH Balance

Each of us is at war and we don't even know it! The private war we each wage is a daily assault on our body by bacteria, virus, fungus, yeasts, and molds. We have entered what might be referred to as critical mass when it comes to this bacterial warfare onslaught being waged against us by stronger and stronger killer bugs and bad bacteria. Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war. Even the medical profession's first line of defense (the antibiotic) is becoming less and less effective against resistant new strains being created daily as the bacteria mutate. Since Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory of disease that states germs are the cause of disease, time has proven him correct. But note Dr. Pasteur's dying words: "The germ is nothing, the inner terrain is everything."

The inner terrain referred to in Dr. Pasteur's statement is now being called our biological terrain and comprises our body's digestive tract, lymph system, blood, urinary tract, interstitial and interstitial fluids. Our bodies are alkaline by design and acid by function. Maintaining proper alkalinity is essential for life, health, and vitality. Simply put - an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition favorable to the growth of bacteria, yeast and other unwanted organisms. All leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized pH (or the acid-alkaline balance) as the most important aspect of a balanced and healthy body. They have long known that the maintenance of an alkaline pH in our tissues and cells is critical to cellular health. In contrast, our digestive tract (except for our normally alkaline mouth) has varying degrees of acid by design, and our urinary tract should be slightly acidic for healthy function.

We live and die at the cellular level. All the cells (billions of them) that make up the human body are slightly alkaline, and must maintain alkalinity in order to function and remain healthy and alive. However their cellular activity creates acid and this acid is what gives the cell energy and function. As each alkaline cell performs its task of respiration, it secretes metabolic wastes, and these end products of cellular metabolism are acid in nature. Although these wastes are used for energy and function, they must not be allowed to build up. One example of this is the often painful lactic acid which is created through exercise. The body will go to great lengths to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they act as poisons in and around the cell, ultimately changing the environment of the cell. Most people and clinical practitioners believe the immune system is the body's first line of defense, but in actuality it is not. It is very important, but more like a very sophisticated clean-up service. We must instead look at the importance of pH balance as the first and major line of defense against sickness and disease and for health and vitality.

If we were to ask "What is killing us?", the answer might be "ACIDOSIS"! It has been demonstrated that an acidic, anaerobic (lacking oxygen) body environment encourages the breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses. Let's look at an example. If we were to seal the door to our freezer and then unplug it, come back and open the door in two weeks, what would we find? Mold, bacteria, microscopic bugs. Things will be growing and multiplying. Where did they all come from? They did not sneak in - remember the door was sealed. The answer is . . . "they were always there". It is simply that the environment changed to a more inviting and healthy one for the "critters" to live in. This can be likened to a shift in our biological terrain from a healthy oxygenated, alkaline environment to an unhealthy anaeorbic acidic environment. You see what is healthy for us is unhealthy for the body attackers and what is healthy for them is what is unhealthy for our body.

A state of acidosis is simply the lack of oxygen and available calcium which the body uses to maintain its alkaline balance. Calcium makes up 1.6% of our body weight. It is literally the human glue that holds the body together. Calcium is so biochemically active that it has been likened to an octopus. A calcium ion can hold onto seven other molecules while it grabs onto one molecule of water. No other ion can do this. And it is the right size to easily get in and out of the human cell. As it does this, it takes a chain of nutrients into the cell and then leaves to get more nutrients.

The biggest problem scientists have found is that over time the human body becomes depleted of calcium. A compound called mono-ortho-calcium phosphate is the chemical buffer for the blood. This buffer maintains the alkaline level (or the lack of acidity) in your blood. Without it you would die. If the acidity level of your blood changes even slightly you die immediately. But in order to supply enough calcium for buffering we must have enough calcium being absorbed from our diet or our body will simply rob the needed calcium from our bones and teeth. The more acidic we become, the harder it is for oxygen to be present, so our biological terrain also becomes more anaerobic. Without adequate oxygenation, unfriendly bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungus can live and prosper. Then our cells cannot carry on their life-giving functions in a very efficient manner because our biological chemical reactions need oxygen.

Life and death are in the biological terrain and the battle cry here is to reclaim your biological terrain. This is so important that some practitioners working with the inner biological terrain and its implications to the health of our bodies are beginning to say "There are no specific diseases, only specific disease conditions, and there is only one disease. And that one disease is acidosis."

The human body is very intelligent. As we become more and more acidic the body starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the damaging acid from entering our vital organs. It is known that acid gets stored in fat cells. After all, if the acid does come into contact with an organ the acid has a chance to eat holes in the tissue. This may cause the cells to mutate. The oxygen level drops in this acidic environment and calcium begins to be depleted. So as a defense mechanism, your body may actually make fat to protect you from your overly-acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may actually be packing up the acid and trying to keep it a safe distance from your organs. The fat may be saving your vital organs from damage. Many people have found that a return to a healthy inner biological terrain helps them to lose excess fat.

Osteoporosis is very confusing for many people. Most people think they can eliminate it by increasing their consumption of milk and dairy products. But in the countries where the consumption of dairy products is very low the instances of osteoporosis is very rare. Osteoporosis is an acidosis problem. As the body becomes more acidic, to protect against the event of heart attack, stroke, illness, or even cancer, the body attempts to remain healthy. So, it steals calcium from the bones, teeth, and tissue. As bone mass becomes depleted, this is what we call osteoporosis. As we saturate the body with calcium this brings the alkaline pH up and drops the acid levels down.

One of the first warning signs of an acidic biological terrain is calcium deposits. A little known fact is that there has never been a scientifically proven association between calcium deposits in the body and nutritional calcium. In fact quite the opposite is found in the results of testing calcium deposits of the body. Calcium deposits come not from dietary calcium but from the structural calcium of our bones and teeth!
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Old 07-24-2007, 03:52 PM #4
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Arrow VIP pH and health

How You Rot & Rust


According to many health researchers, total healing of chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. In case you missed it, let me say it again...

Total healing of chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal,

slightly alkaline pH.

The magnitude of meaning behind this research is of incredible importance to someone who is fighting a disease, overcoming an illness, or just desiring to feel better. What it means is this...

Your Body pH Affects EVERYTHING.

Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range right around 7.3. Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.

When pH goes off, microbial looking froms in the blood can change shape, mutate, mirror pathogenicity, and grow.

When pH goes off, ENZYMES that are constructive can become destructive.

When pH goes off, OXYGEN delivery to cells suffers.

_______________________________________________ WORD ABOUT OXYGEN

More and more research is showing that low oxygen delivery to cells is a major factor in most if not all degenerative conditions.

Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, won his Nobel Prize for his discovery of oxygen deficiency in the CANCER growth process. As stated above, when pH is off and our bodies are running more acidic, our cells are getting less oxygen. Cancer thrives under an acid tissue pH/oxygen deficient environment. Is it any wonder today that cancer rates are up?

To recall how important oxygen is to your life, just stop breathing for a minute. Get the idea? Each cell in your body can breathe fully or not. Which it is depends upon having an optimum pH balance. Do you think keeping an eye on your body pH might be important in your life?

pH Controls the Things You Can't Live Without...

Like your BRAIN. Your brain needs fuel to run, and the fuel
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Old 07-24-2007, 07:46 PM #5
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Default Caveat emptor

Natural Cellular Defense is a mlm operation that charges a huge sum of money for a tiny bottle of questionable product. They prey on desperate people. Their marketing quotes doctors who do not seem to exist. Beware.
Born in 1953, 1st symptoms and misdiagnosed as essential tremor in 1992. Dx with PD in 2000.
Currently (2011) taking 200/50 Sinemet CR 8 times a day + 10/100 Sinemet 3 times a day. Functional 90% of waking day but fragile. Failure at exercise but still trying. Constantly experimenting. Beta blocker and ACE inhibitor at present. Currently (01/2013) taking ldopa/carbadopa 200/50 CR six times a day + 10/100 form 3 times daily. Functional 90% of day. Update 04/2013: L/C 200/50 8x; Beta Blocker; ACE Inhib; Ginger; Turmeric; Creatine; Magnesium; Potassium. Doing well.
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Old 07-24-2007, 10:12 PM #6
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Arrow you are very wise rev!

dear rick,
thank you!
it is as you say!
[a rip off ] - hype -
I was approached by a woman selling the product -
I just wrote her an e-mail -stating non impressive medical research...
zeolites in latin mean -( a boiling rock)
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:43 AM #7
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Default Dear Tena...

You are wise because you don't believe everything that you hear

"I am not selling this product -
however I am researching it."

The Rev is right Tena. So much of advertisement "claims" are pure garbage that it boggles the mind. This is the type of free speech misuse that would have our founding fathers spinning in their graves. When I see these things advertised for sale that are snake oil, I feel sorry for poor people who are sick and desperate who get sucked in and buy these type of products. I don't know why there is no agency that really protects the consumer from these lying charlatans . If you haven't been trained in biology, physics, chemistry and the like, then it is difficult to get the REAL TRUTH behind the lies that people tell, themselves protected by "freedom of speech"
In your first post about "zeolites" for instance. Zeolites are just a classification of certain types of minerals that have more "open" molecular structures. Inorganic chemists can do some tricks like say sequester a charged metal ion in the "cages" that exist in certain zeolite structures, but thats about all "zeolites" can do. They cannot tell the difference between a toxic organic molecule and a non-toxic organic biomolecule of the same size and shape, and biomolecules are for the most part neutral in charge, so there are no strong interactions with them. The only way to get "toxins" out of ones body are first of all few and far between, one example that comes to mind is cleaning out mercury from the bloodstream using dimercaprol, one of a very few uses of "chelating agents" only used in certain cases of metal poisoning. Dialysis CAN remove certain toxins from the blood but only for a limited amount of molecular toxin types, and usually not efficiently enough to be of great use. In other poisonings, total blood replacement by transfusions is the only way to prevent death, and has to be done very quickly after the poisoning event before irreparable damage to organs is done. There are NO KNOWN quick and easy methods to rid the body of often very small amounts of potent toxins such as afflatoxin, PCB's, polyaromatics, dioxins, etc. which every one of us has as a result of 20th century industrial pollution and poisons from natural sources that have always been with us.
So you see only by digging and doing a lot of researching does one find out whether a product is useful, minimally useful, does nothing, or , indeed, is harmful itself. Keep on researching It's the only real way to the TRUTH, as best as we can get it. And don't ever be put off by ignorant people who often take offense at your wisdom. They do this because it could put them out of business, selling their bogus wares.
In the constitution, if they had known back then, it would have the amendment reading more like "freedom of telling the truth, and punishments for spreading lies". Maybe if this were so, we WOULD BE the greatest nation on Earth
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Old 07-25-2007, 12:41 PM #8
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Thumbs up dear cs- thank you!

Dear cs,
You have been gifted with a scientific mind,
but the average Joe or Josephine may fall for the outright lies...
I needed proof, and you have so much expert knowledge - and I appreciate
your opinions a great deal!
thank you, cs!
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Old 07-30-2007, 01:35 PM #9
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Default Zeolite

See this link:
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Old 07-30-2007, 05:39 PM #10
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May 14, 2007

Zeolite “inventor” sues Waiora, Dietsch and downliners.

If anyone is still interested in the MLM zeolite scam perpetrated by Waiora and their volcanic wonder supplement scam called NCD, take note that Lifelink Pharmaceuticals Inc. who hold Dr Harvey Kauffman’s patent on the Zeolite product, is currently suing Waiora (and its phony scientist and chief plagiarist Dietsch) for patent infringement. The link to the case is here. What is going on is not clear at this stage, but we look forward to seeing the brown stuff fly before long….note that downline distributors are also being sued in the case. Perhaps Kauffman is irked about all the money they are making by phony cancer cure claims…meanwhile the famous “about to be published” case of all those terminal cancer patients miraculously being cured by zeolite (NCD) referred to in much of the Waiora downliner literature has yet to surface. Don’t hold your breath.
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