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Old 12-07-2007, 04:29 PM #2
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Lightbulb pt 2 -Dr. Mathias Rath Speech

Now we need to address the most important aspect: The Pharmaceutical "Business with Disease". These are the interest groups that block you from leading a healthy life and for that matter million of other people. Not because they are bad, but because the principle is wrong. Number one, the pharmaceutical industry is an investment in the street based on patents not on health. Secondly, the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable of all industries that’s topping margins seen nowhere else of up to 1000% percent. Valium, the tranquilizer, has a mark-up of 1100%.

The marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry is your body, but only as long as it was sick. So, prevention of diseases, root cause treatment of diseases is bad for business. And worse of all, it’s the eradication of diseases based on new scientific knowledge. You have to understand that the medicine industry among us thrives on the "business with disease".
Whole industries, whole sectors of our society are financed by this industry, by your disease. Media, medicine, politics, we’ll be seeing that there’s hardly any government these days that hasn’t been brought into office, at least with the support of this industry. I’ve mentioned the fact that this industry is based on patents. The precondition for a patent is that the molecule invented is new. So, the pharmaceutical industry is based on finding new molecules that the body doesn’t know. If the body doesn’t know a molecule, it needs to detoxify it. And suddenly, you understand why most of pharmaceuticals are actually toxic for our body and suddenly we understand, the amazing fact. That the fourth leading cause of death in America is the side affects, the deadly side effects of pharmaceuticals -- only surpassed by people dying from heart attack, stroke and cancer.
So the very industry that is here to tell you, "We are providing your health," is causing an epidemic. That’s the form leading cause of death. And this is not dr. Rath saying it. This is American Medical Association Journal, April 15, 1998. One hundred and six thousand Americans die each year from the deadly side effects of prescription drugs -- a statement by the American Medical Association. Many prescription drugs cause cancer for the reasons I just explained. Take estrogen; remember that ovary cell that wants to leave the ovary? What’s the trigger for that? Estrogen? But only one momentary peak - and this peak is sufficient to trigger the production of collagen-digesting enzymes that destroy collagen.
And here are the doctors giving millions of women estrogen, forever. What do they do to the cells? They stimulate production of collagen-digesting enzymes, forever. And suddenly we understand why one out of three women taking estrogen, develops breast cancer. You understand that. And now we understand why everybody is amazed that the studies they are doing on hormone replacement therapy show that the overall health risk of hormone replacement exceeds the benefit. But 73 million prescription every year. And industry that causes epidemics take cholesterol-lowering drugs.

In January 1996, the American medical association came out with a warning, all lipid-lowering drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, on the market are carcinogenic. What does it mean that word, carcinogenic? They cause cancer. And yet they are still like chewing them. It’s like printing money. You need to lower the recommendations of cholesterol in the bloodstream from which the doctors need to prescribe your drug. So what do you do? You buy the doctors who make the opinion. So, should we be surprised that on May 16, 2001, 23 million Americans were suddenly from one day to the next becoming cholesterol sick. Because the expert panel, paid by the pharmaceutical industry producing cholesterol-lowering drugs, has just lowered the levels of what is healthy and what is sick with a strike of a pen.
You remember that there is no connection between cholesterol and heart disease. The Cholesterol-lowering drug business is a biggest marketing fraud of all times. This fraud scheme is probably only surpassed by the "indulgence sales" in the medieval times. If you put quarters up for the money made by the pharma-manufacture of cholesterol-lowering drugs every year. You surround the equator three times.
The business must blossom until August 2001, that’s when card house, the Babylonian Tower of the Pharma Cartel started to collapse. 56 people had died from taking Bayer, cholesterol-lowering drug. I was in Europe at that time. Europe was on fire, literally. There was no doctor’s office where the patient doesn’t come in and say, you doctor, should have told me that. And the doctors said, "Well, I don’t know. Bayer didn’t tell us that". 52 deaths from Lipobay/Baycol. 6 million patients, who had been taking this stuff, were in fear. There was a time bomb ticking in their body.
Class action lawsuits by patients against Bayer, criminal complaints against the entire executive board of Bayer, Bayer shareholders loose billions of dollars because the share price dropped like a stone. And more significantly, and you need to understand that, there was a domino effect. Suddenly within a few days, patients taking calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers and what not were studying to look at the side effects of the singular filling law-suites against other pharmaceutical companies.
By the beginning of September 2001, there was no large drug manufacturer that didn’t have a law-suit on side effects of drugs. In early September 2001, the tower of Babel of the pharmaceutical business was moments from collapsing. The pharma investors knew that the long term losses would be hundreds of trillions of dollars - not billions - trillions. Because it’s suddenly known, that the pharmaceutical business is largely a fraud business, creating illusions.

80% of the pharmaceutical drugs sold in America have no proven efficacy, 80%. That just takes away the illusion that you have heart disease by taking away the pain for angina. They cannot take away the root cause. Because it’s bad for business. So the only way they can do that is by giving you the illusion, by treating the symptom while keeping the disease alive. So it is a card house and that card house is about to collapse. The pharmaceutical business is largely based on deception and allowing this fraud to become public in September 2001, would inevitably have caused the vanishing of the entire industry.
Who would take deceptive products any longer? At the beginning of September 2001, the executives of pharmaceutical companies and their political puppets were shaking in their boots. They knew that a global creditability crisis of the pharmaceutical industry would inevitably result, threatening to become a political crises. Which government in the Us and Europe did not get into power without the help of the pharmaceutical and petrochemical interest? Certainly not my government in Germany, certainly nor yours in the US.
For more than half a century, Germany had been the largest export nation of pharmaceutical products in the world. Since about a hundred years, all governments are brought, at least in parts, into position with the support of these industries. Today the US is the largest drug export nation closely followed by Great Britain. But then came September 11. Today, I am speaking in New York. I was thinking carefully about everything I am going to say now. But it has to be said: The pharmaceutical cartel abused September 11 to regain control over the global "business with disease". They took advantage of an inkstand media black out. And they moved forward behind the cover of this tragedy to regain control. On September 26, 2001, two weeks after September 11 at the first meeting of European cabinet, called European commission. It passes a European wide law intended to ban natural health therapies for 280 million Europeans. The media were focusing on the tragedy in New York. No one could take notice of that.
Their political lobbyists acted swiftly. Take Fritz Bolkestein, responsible cabinet member of the European Union Commission (cabinet) for economics. His second job: Board member of the pharmaceutical giant, Merck, Sharp and Dohme. We have to understand that the pharmaceutical industry is such a powerful industry that they just placed their lobbyists in the highest political offices. Nothing happens for coincidence. Since September 11, there are three different legislation's European-wide that have been brought on the way with the aim to ban natural health therapies.

In the US, the FDA and FTC seek to reverse the 1994 natural health freedom act also called the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. That allows the things that you heard tonight, natural health therapies, to be said and spread and disseminated freely. Where are the laws, I am asking, protecting us against the epidemic from drug side-effects? What a hypocrisy. There is an epidemic caused by pharmaceutical drugs, but no one seems to care. No one tries to protect us from those side effects. But the things that are real answers that you heard tonight are banned, in the shadow of one of the greatest tragedies that hit this planet here in New York City.
Everything changed of course in wake of September 11. No one asked about the deadly Bayer’s drug anymore. Did you hear about them any more? The cross sectional law-suites against drug crimes for selling deadly drugs were out of the media focus. No one confronted politicians supporting this business with disease. The civil rights were curtailed and can be abused for any purpose. Any purpose, including the one that I am going to show you now. Criminalizing natural health, you are going to say what is that.
On the pressure of pharmaceutical industry, European legislation is seeking to criminalize, make it a criminal offense to disseminate preventative and therapeutic benefits of natural therapies that are not patentable.
You say, "Well, that’s Europe." Well there is a global ban on natural health therapies currently prepared by using the united nations Codex Alimentarius Commission. This unethical legislation threatens natural health freedom in all member countries of the United Nations, including the United States of America. They meet November 4 –8 in Berlin.
On May 4, 2002, I had given another talk here in New York City in the Town Hall on this very same subject. And I informed people here at this lecture, about the connection between the pending collapse of The Pharmaceutical "Business with Disease" and the terrible events of September 11. Five days later, on May 9, the US government admits, that the White House had received information about September 11 - in advance. The FBI chief had to admit that September 11 could have been prevented. And just a week ago a congressional investigation about September 11 said there were reports signs warning before 9/11. The FBI's New York office took no action on the information. This was a CNN report, public knowledge,
Another staggering puzzle: Boston Globe, yesterday, president O.K.s for 9/11 search followed families lobbying. For more than a year the families of the victims of the World Trade Center attacks had to lobby to start an investigation. Doesn’t that ring a bell? Wouldn’t it be known for any government to say, "Of course, we would be the first to investigate this." And today’s New York Times, it really can’t get any more scary. The U.S. gave secrets to terror suspects. 48 classified FBI reports in the hands of Zacarias Moussaoui. The files were retrieved during searches in his jail cell in summer. What else is to come until we all wake up?

I’ve shown you the representatives of the pharmaceutical cartel in Europe. Here is another one: Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense was previously the CEO of Pharmaceutical multinational Searle. The Pharma-Cartel put their own man in charge to determine who long the bombs fall on Iraq and other countries. I am asking the question, "Will the Iraq crises focus media attention until natural health has banned world wide, and the drug companies have regained control?" You know we are in a race. Either the things you heard today make it for all mankind. Or the Pharma-Cartel are able to put a lid on that for anther 50 or 100 years.
I am from Germany and I hope I am representing a new Germany than I am going to show you now. There is a lesson from history to be learned. On Feb. 28, 1933, the German parliament the Reichstag burnt. The next day, the very next day, the civil rights in Germany were abolished. There was an act to protect the people in homeland implemented, the next day. Everything was drawn. All democratic elections were suspended until 1945. Of course, and I am saying very freely here, I am not comparing president Bush or any of the government with Hitler like some European politician did foolishly.
But what I am asking you to look at are the interest groups that brought them to power. This dictatorship is not only for military dictatorship but also for economic power. So they are thinking globally. Telford Taylor, the US chief prosecutor at the 1946 Nuremberg War Tribunal said: "Without the IG Farben cartel, the Second World War would have not been possible. If they were not brought to justice, they would do more harm to future generations than anything Hitler could ever have done.”
Now who was IG Farben? Until 1945, IG Farben was the second largest petrochemical and pharmaceutical complex in the world. The Nuremberg Tribunal has split them up into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst (now Aventis). Take the tragedy of Auschwitz. Auschwitz started as a forced labor camp for IG Auschwitz. IG Auschwitz was a 100% daughter of IG Farben, that is Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. Now this is picture also displayed at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC. The red circle here is the IG Farben industrial complex in Auschwitz. The yellow circle is the extermination camp. The size of the industrial plant is ten times the size of the concentration camp. This is an interest group so powerful that they even hide these basic historical facts for half a century from you. Or did you know about IG Auschwitz? I thought about everyone of these pictures and I still decided to show them. You need to understand one thing: These economic powers are determined to sacrifice the lives of millions of people – for profits.
I show this connection because I do not want you to say to me one day: "You knew it – why didn’t you tell us?" Nobody should say I didn’t know. Here is the message that I am telling those interest groups that I’ve just been talking about: No one can stop the eradication of cancer and other diseases. On March 8, 2000 we placed a full-page announcement in USA Today: “Breakthrough in Cancer Research.”
Our research proves that vitamin C, lysine, proline and specific extracts from green tea can inhibit the spread of cancer cells. USA Today didn’t want to publish it. Their legal department said, ”You? There are 55 thousand researchers working on that riddle.” The fact that they had to publish it showed that we had proved everything that is written there.
We did it, because it has to be said to the world, once and for all. USA Today is the largest newspaper in the world. It’s read not only in the United States, but also all over the world. The politicians read it, the pharmaceutical companies read it, the doctors read it, and above all, the patients read it and so many of you saw it, too.
It followed that the San Francisco Chronicle on May 12, called it the holy grail of medicine and said we now know that all forms of cancer spread in the same way, just six or seven days after this announcement. Before that, it was all different. Every form of cancer was a new market place. There was news about breast cancer therapies, prostate cancer therapies, and what not. This was published in a weekend edition – two pages with illustrations resembling the illustrations from my book.
Most amazingly, three months later, on June 19, 2002, the American Medical Association came out reversing a 20-year-old anti-vitamin policy. The American Medical Association is now advising all Americans to take at least one multivitamin pill each day. The reason for this: Scientists’ understanding of the benefits of vitamins has rapidly advanced, and it now appears that people who get enough vitamins may be able to prevent such common chronic illnesses as: Cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. After twenty years of blocking vitamins, only weeks after we really pushed it in their faces?
You know, when the train is starting to run, there are always people who hurry to be on the train because there may be a day when they need to say to everyone, “We’ve been on that train all along.” In May, the National Institutes of Health approached us for collaboration. In June, the Royal College of Physicians in Great Britain urged the UK to get educated in nutritional medicine. Suddenly, in July, the World Health Organization, the largest medical organization in the world, launched a worldwide campaign on fighting cancer. In August, French President Chirac declared war on cancer. In September, the European Union launched a $400 million dollar program to fight cancer, and the Department of Agriculture, USDA, said, "We may have to change our recommendations. People in America need to drink green tea to prevent cancer." While you may have read about some of these things you probably didn’t know who triggered them. Now you know it. This list of events we triggered with our research gives me the confidence to say there’s no way that this can be stopped. It has gone too far – it has spread too far.
And you know who paid for that full–page announcement in USA Today? The same people who paid for this room tonight. The same people. And that’s another take-home message for you to think if you really want the disease that many of you carry, and many of you know friends who carry it, if you want that disease to disappear, only you can accomplish that.
I take you along into history. Imagine you could have helped James Lind to eradicate scurvy. It took forty years after knowing that lemon juice prevents sailors’ death until the British Admiralty implemented that. We don’t have that time. People are dying from cancer now. Imaging you could have helped to eradicate childbed fever. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis found that childbed fever was the result of doctors not washing their hands when they left the pathology lab to go to the maternity ward. He was dead when this knowledge was finally implemented, many thousands of unnecessary deaths later.
Imagine you could have helped Robert Croft to fight cholera and tuberculosis based on newly discovered microorganisms. And now, after what you have learned after this lecture, you can help eradicate cancer and other common diseases and imagine that, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever, not only for you, but also for the generations of your children and your grandchildren. Imagine you can say, “I’ve helped to do that.”
Cellular Health™ is the scientific basis to eradicate today’s most common diseases and achieve Health for All by the Year 2020. I am not an illusionist. I know there will still be diseases around in 2020, but I also know that heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes will be a fraction of what they are today. But I also know that the knowledge about how to tackle the rest of these diseases will have spread worldwide, and by the same token, the Number Four cause of death, the deadly side effects of pharmaceutical drugs will have disappeared because they are no longer needed. I am challenging you: Who, if not you?
When, if not now? But it’s not enough to fight for a healthy world. It’s also important to fight for peace. I have worked with one of the finest human beings. Linus Pauling received a Nobel Prize not only for chemistry, but also for peace, with his fight against nuclear testing. In the spirit of people like him I am saying today here in New York City: “Make health, not war.”
President Bush, declare war against cancer and other diseases, not against the people in other countries.
with much love,


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