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MKane 07-26-2008 10:25 PM

Befor buying this place 5 years ago, I looked at proprty in Etowah. it is a lovely area and it is also not that far from Nashville.

Ibken 07-27-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by reverett123 (Post 332440)
I have attached two jpegs of an old motel like I mean. Image 1 is an aerial of the entire site. I have added a "1" to mark the old pool and a "2" to mark the central office.

Image 2 is a street level shot from Google with the two-story central office in the middle.

This one has about thirty units and would be perfect except that Wally World opened a new store just up the street and costs are no longer reasonable. But there are dozens more within an hour of this one.

There is a very sweet one or sale in the small town of Etowah, TN that I would have used but Google has poor detail there. Same size and similar layout. But there is another almost twin next door that is still in use but could be bought to double the number of units.

It is half way between Knoxville and Chattanooga (one to two hours each way) on the same highway you see here but near a four-lane connector to Interstate 75. While passenger service is not available at this time, the little town has a fully restored old time railway station. Possible excursions to the two cities?

The little town itself is one of those that missed out on the urban renewal madness of the 70s and is pretty much intact. They are trying to keep it that way but an influx of outside money could do wonders.

I am not trying to sell anyone on this particular site, but I am trying to get across the potential and it is all over the USA. Here's you a fundraising hook- Drive Route 66 spotting likely sites and launch a "PD 66" campaign. Drive it in a calvacade of vintage automobiles and milk it for all the publicity possible. :D

Thanks for the visuals, worth 1,000 words. If you have time, I hope you'll keep this up. I think E. Tenn is a great location - economically, environmentally, etc. I like your Rte 66 idea - too bad Jaye and her husband have already taken their x-country ride!
I'm wondering what "we" should do to get this thing - a prototype - going, really going. Clearly, the need, the interest is there and I have no doubt that once purchased, it would fill up in a heartbeat and there would be demand for another one even before 'we' could move in - whoever 'we' are. "We" are out here!
Should there be a non-profit org - for donations, etc? Maybe there are investor/development pd'ers - like the rev - needing partners, backing,???:rolleyes:
Could this be the perfect time for such a venture real estate - wise? Who can write up requirements for entry, by-laws or whatever so there are clear guide lines? Good ideas are pouring in from everyone, everywhere.
Someone said "organization is the death of an idea" and I would hope there be as little of that as possible, taking things as they come and not strangling the flow of events.
Basically, I'm saying, where do we sign on ? :D I hear that question from other's, too.
I just know it's important to keep this ball in play and take some definite steps towards getting this dream realized.
What's first?


reverett123 07-27-2008 04:16 PM

my opinion
First, I have to disagree about the value of organization. Counting spouses, we are talking about keeping peace between 100 or so people. The way to do that is to spell out who, what, how much, etc. At the same time, you want to limit he nightmares generated by power mad Property Owners Associations. So, the trick is to maximize the private ownership elements and use common elements carefully.

The common elements would be things like dining facilities, maintenance, housekeeping, support, transportation, etc. - all those things we need help with. Those things cost money and are an ongoing, monthly expence. So any potential buyer needs to know all that before he commits.

The other part would be straight forward - a standard condominium arrangement with some tweaks. You own what is within your walls with a restriction on how it can be sold.

As to how to do it, funding is the requirement. The rest is not that exotic but this is not something to start on a shoestring. Ideally, one of the big PD outfits loans a group organization a half-million or so that is repaid as each unit is sold. In return, we document everything in a manner that gives them something to brag about and they can use the reclaimed seed money to fund another without the mistakes we made.

I'd be happy to take it on as a consultant if it was in my region. If it was elsewhere I would be happy to offer free advice. It isn't rocket science but it is a lot of work. However, it is of the "one foot in front of the other" variety. You just need to keep a good list of what needs doing.:D

harley 07-27-2008 09:21 PM

how about something like this..? this is where im on list for independent housing.

this is an independent living community where you only have to pay 30 percent of your income towards the rent.. that is YOUR income. not your spouses. i did alot of checking into these, and this one by far is the best in my area. however, there is a waiting list. im getting a boost up it due to my particular circumstances, but the list is about a year long. im thinkin it can become eventually a parkie pod as parkies fill the waiting list. it has changed from seniors only and now have many young people with disabilities. this is the only picture i could find of it, but here are some links to what all it offers, and the town its in. i am pretty sure this is where im landing. its a wonderful community,

indigogo 08-05-2008 05:52 AM

intentional communities
Here's an article about "intentional communities" from the Associated Press. This is another movement that would be a good reference point for a PWP home.

little rock 08-07-2008 03:01 PM

Some suggestions
I'm happy to see, a handful of PWP have not forgotten about Parkie Pods That said: three points: I think another way to pay for this undertaking, outside of grant money or even in conjunction with outside donations would be a co-op arrangement. (You most likely are getting tired of my harping on this) Such models work well in large cities such as New York or DC. Granted I've never been a part of a co-op,but I do know they are set up on a contractual basis drawn up by attorneys and thus are rather lengthy and detailed and cover about every financial contingency. Maybe a Parkie who lives in such an arrangement can provide us with more information or even a copy of such a document from which we can pick and choose articles relevant to our specific situation.
Point two; we seem to be going off in numerous directions, we need organization. It sure would be nice if we could meet face to face some time and hammer out a mission statement, establish priorities and set up committees, outline a proposal,but maybe we could do these things from our homes and then vote on proposals through Neuro talk.
point three: I think our first effort should be a smaller venture 10-12 p in a large home (Just to get our feet wet)

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