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Curious 11-09-2006 08:59 PM


find out from your hosting company what their wait time is. some can be 24 hours up to 78 for a change to take place.

i had a hassle with mine and ended up paying for 2 years of service with one company and never switching becuase of the down time.

you might want to post on the computer forum or send a pm to southernlady, she is awesome at helping.

harley 11-09-2006 09:06 PM

need to clarify..after several attempts at some kind of explanation, i finally got "das boot" . whoever is heading this really knows alot about puters... and has my ip addy.

RW2112 11-13-2006 12:34 AM

I cannot speak for the domain name problem on the forwarding but I can speak for some of the other issues regarding what has all happened regarding the old site.

The old site hosting was provided by Chat Essentials who make the glassroom chat software. This was provided as I understand it at no cost for the setup of a Parkinson's related site which Harley was in charge of. Through a conflict of personalities over the control of the website the hosting company basically stopped working with harley on the administration and maintainence of the site. Thus it went down.

Now, a person named Daniel decided the website did deserve to be available to the Parkingson's community but Chat essentials wanted someone else to run it. So they renamed it Parkinson Profile, set the Parkiejam domain name to forward to it and reopened the site. The site was open under Parkinson Profile for a few months with absolutely no activity. Chat essentials was about to totally shut down the site when they got in touch with a friend of mine to take over the running of it or see it go down for good. my friend accepted it so the site would stay available and was working as best she could to make it a alternative resource for the Parkinson's community.

At no time did anyone actively try to steal anything from Harley except maybe the poor judgement of the hosting company in using the forwarding of the domain name to point to the new site.

lindylanka 11-13-2006 11:11 AM

Hi Harley and others,
As I understood it Parkiejam as an entity was started by Harley and is to all extent and purposes her baby. When Yahoo groups stopped having a chat function the thriving parkiejam site was unable to function in the way Harley set it up to do. Am I right in assuming that the .com site was where you started to re-establish parkiejam, Laura?

I may be wrong about this, but whatever dispute there may have been over hosting the site, I would have thought the domain should still belong to you and that you should be able to determine what it linked to it. At the very least you should have some kind of intellectual rights on the name itself. I went and had a look myself, as I was always unable to access the old yahoo group to join in (I had a mac and couldn't get it for the fun bits :( ). I can see the .net is a site in its own right, but the Profile .com site should not be linked to the parkiejam name - it should be up there in it's own right or not at all. As it seems to have no activity worth talking about, it is a matter of who actually owns the domain name - if that is Laura, then someone is infringing her rights. Even if the domain name was given to her by the hosting company, it should have an owner, it should have been registered.... Either they never sorted out ownership for Laura, or she owns it. However there seems to be some kind of politics about this, at least on a personal level......

Laura, you are always putting your heart into things to help the PD community - don't let this get you down.


RW2112 11-13-2006 01:40 PM

As I understand it Laura does own the domain name, so they should turn off the forwarding and transfer the domain back to her.

As for the website, it is up under So once they un forward her domain name it will be a seperate entity.

harley 11-14-2006 08:31 PM

please do not speak on matters you are not personally involved with ray. the only two people who know exactly what happened are myself and soheil.. the glassroom webspinner. the site came about when i approached him about a possible payment program for his chatroom software and he graciously offered to build the site for no charge. I was not informed that this meant i would not be made admin of site. After several attempts of asking that i be made admin and being told I did not know how to "work" it... I sent an email stating my side loudly. Soheil made me "admin" with the word by my name, and gave me a few things I could do. If I wanted any type of changes that meant tinkering with settings of any kind, I had to email him with requests. Basically, all I could do was approve of pics and polls.. I wanted things like having some wording changed, I called him. No answer. I wanted to have things that i could do in yahoo. No.. I had the same "friend" ray says now oversees the site, call him. He said to her that all requests must be in email. No more phone calls. SO, both her and I emailed. No response. Then, I found myself unable to access the site at all... until suddenly it became parkinson profile
I hope that has cleared all info needed on this "personality clash".. if not.. why not include a statement from soheil?
Recently, I have discovered I can access from another computer... just not mine.

There is no forwarding of this domain. I attempted to forward to and that did not work. This is my baby... thank you lindy. this parkinson profile still has what I was able to put in it.. there... my graphics are still there as well as the forums I added. In essense, it is just a continuation of what I started... without me...

I have a question. WHo is daniel? He obviously knows me. He said in the announcement of parkinson profile that he was involved in I do not remember anyone called "daniel".

ol'cs 11-15-2006 01:39 AM

All i know is that I got into "parkiejam", figuring it was Harly's site and the next reply was from some guy, "cyberposturing" like it was his site, and it seemed weird to me at the time. cs

txpressmen 11-19-2006 12:10 PM

the rest of the story
Harley has finally released me from the promise I made to never tell anyone this information. So now you get the “rest of the story”- Why was Harley fighting with the hosting company? If anyone goes to they will easily understand the problem that Harley was trying to get fixed. It still has the same problems today; it was originally a dating site. It has your star sign and also secret crush messaging (love notes) between members. There were promises made to fix these problems and make it more for the Parkinson’s community. Would you want to be responsible for placing a site that encouraged dating between members in the middle the Parkinson’s community? When she became very insistent that they solve these issues they closed the chat room removed her and Lindy’s administrative access. She felt responsible for protecting private information, such as everyone’s email addresses.
This is where I came into the picture, when Harley could no longer control her web site, she asked for suggestions. Because she was blocked we came up with the plan of trying her password from my computer. We were able to gain access. What could we do now to insure the trust that people had placed in Harley to protect their private information? With the chat room down and the hosting company was acting antagonistic almost to the point of hostility we picked the only responsible choice left. Delete everyone’s information. We had no idea who could access the site and use the email list to start sending Parkinson’s related spam. After I was finished with deleting all names, I deleted as much of the site configuration as I could. Everyone who went there discovered that the site was offline for months; no one entered that site after what I had done. It was not abandon as “Daniel” claims it was destroyed.
I would like to see everyone contact

ol'cs 11-19-2006 03:46 PM

A parkie dating service......
wouldn't be a bad idea; not like anne and greg, or why not, but good looking rich people that need people to fill thrie mansions with warm bodies. I could take a job as "security" to some Hollwood mansion and sit at a desk in my wheel chair and me bobby stick, "while no one but the owners ever crossed over the threshold every day" (just keep me away from the pool, Enrique does that job, and he's a whole lot stronger and good looking than me).
Or some gorgeous babe who only loves disabled guys:D :D !
I'll date the "nursy kind" who are once again gorgeous, young (35-40) ish, loves to serve you:) :D :eek: :p :cool: ; blond hair , blue eyes, and an excellent height/weight ratio. Theres probably oodles of women out there who want to date a guy that can hardly move, don't ask questions when they want to do there thing, and don''t mind listenihg to the daily tally of aches and pains, and by the way darling, how was your day, and could you please sweetie, fetch a cold guineys for me will ya? I'd make you a margarita right now, but i'm like "off" ya know. No probem my roller man, just gi me a miute to change into something more comfortable, K?:) :D :D :D :)

harley 11-19-2006 07:05 PM

sigh.. the more i read this, the more it sounds like a movie.. can i get meyrl streep to play me?

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