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indigogo 07-14-2009 12:17 PM

Libra - I live in Washington State also; when you do finally decide to apply for Social Security Disability, our state "regulators" (Social Security, although a federal progam, is operated on a state-by-state basis; the service varies widely, although the amount of money you receive stays the same regardless of state of residence) were very receptive to depression as a condition along with the Parkinson's - I was glad I had it well documented as diagnosed and being continually treated by drugs and counseling in my medical records as part of my PD care - it helped my case.

I totally collapsed from stress while still working; deciding to stop working was even more stressful. It's a tough road, but now looking back six years, I am extremely happy.

much love -

Sasha 07-14-2009 07:23 PM

Hi, Libra,
I really sympathize with your situation, having been through many of the same issues, including the kid in jail - although no one could find him for four days, so I didn't know what had happened...

I think what helped me most was an internist who insisted that I should leave work while I was in condition to walk, not crawl, out of the door. That I should go home and work in my garden and take care of myself and of my kids. My neurologist rubber-stamped her recommendation, my psychologist supported it, and I left on disability. I mourned for a year, but its gotten better. Last week I won the city-wide landscape contest! (had to work that in - I've never won anything before!)

And last night I had another nightmare about how cruel a couple of my co-workers had been to me when I was at my most vulnerable, really spending a lot of time staring into space, but hanging on for the dollars and benefits. I should have left sooner. Sometimes its extremely hard for me to sort out what is in my own best interest. The doctor, therapist and and a financial planner all helped here.

Best wishes however you decide to proceed.


BUZZZ 07-17-2009 02:42 PM

PK & retirement
Hello, I have to comment on forced retirement ( if thats what we call it).
I retired from a trucking career ( 30 years, last 12 with fedx freight out of San leandro Ca.. Cal. Class A license, combination vehicles, Hazmatt endorsements running Ca, Or, Nev, Az.) in fact, it was during a D.O.T. physical that it was suggested by the nurse practitioner that I get checked for PK.. I was Diagnosed as early stage pk and was able to work for a few more years while trying to keep a low profile, knowing that the day I reported to our dispatch and safety depts " unable to perform my duties safely, because I have Parkinsons" would be the last day of my career!
I was able to retire on "soc sec Disability" with the proper time reqirements of course. With that and some other modest investments I manage!
My question is, and I am only 61, Diagnosed at 48, anybody who has paid in to soc sec is eligble, yes? I am now down sizing even more, not just because of finances, although, one can not remain idle for almost 10 years drawing on diminishing resourses either! No, I am downsizing because the less I have to deal ( what I don't enjoy) with! The happier I am!! Simple things are my delight now!
Hey, was in terrible shape at noon took 396 mg of potatssium and now at 1430hrs feeling much better! Will report more later!

libra 07-19-2009 11:30 AM

I have started the process!!
I have made the decision to go for long term disability finally!! I have spoken with nurse at work and have an appt with the benefits person on Monday. I dropped off paper work with my back doctor. I meet with my general practitioner and will make an appt with neuro. I will start filing for social security disability on line this weekend. I know that this is the time to do this when I can't even sit still for 30 minutes to do my work without it hurting my back. It's a bittersweet feeling. I hope with retirement my symptoms get better. I have such a strong work ethic tho that this is a very hard thing for me to do and it sounds like it is going to be a long process!! I have to start sometime so now is better than later. Thank you everyone for encouragement.

reverett123 07-19-2009 12:30 PM

Don't forget the psychologist
For some reason they seem to give a lot of weight to them officially saying that you have problems with depression. Like who wouldn't but the extra piece of paper might help. Just pretend to take any meds he suggests.:D


Originally Posted by libra (Post 539656)
I have made the decision to go for long term disability finally!! I have spoken with nurse at work and have an appt with the benefits person on Monday. I dropped off paper work with my back doctor. I meet with my general practitioner and will make an appt with neuro. I will start filing for social security disability on line this weekend. I know that this is the time to do this when I can't even sit still for 30 minutes to do my work without it hurting my back. It's a bittersweet feeling. I hope with retirement my symptoms get better. I have such a strong work ethic tho that this is a very hard thing for me to do and it sounds like it is going to be a long process!! I have to start sometime so now is better than later. Thank you everyone for encouragement.

libra 07-19-2009 02:56 PM

don't have one

Originally Posted by reverett123 (Post 539685)
For some reason they seem to give a lot of weight to them officially saying that you have problems with depression. Like who wouldn't but the extra piece of paper might help. Just pretend to take any meds he suggests.:D

I went to one about 10 yrs ago, but have been on antidepressants for along time. My general practitioner has records of that. Hopefully that will help. Unfortunately I have many health issues not just parkinsons and back. I have rods in both legs due to auto accident, knee surgery, ankle fusion, depression, melanoma, etc. My body has been thru alot!! I believe the severity of the auto accident in 1971 is what triggered all my health issues including parkinsons.
I appreciate your suggestions alot Everett.:hug:

libra 07-25-2009 06:40 AM

I did it
I was able to reinstate my short term disability claim at work from my back surgery since it has been within a 6 month period. I still have some short term disability left and have applied for the long term disability plan at work. I am extremely lucky because I work for a wonderful company which has a terrific benefit package.
Friday was my last day at work. My boss is extremely supportive and I am going to miss everyone tremendously. I have always worked. My first job was when I was 15 yrs old. I worked for Dole Pineapple in Hawaii, putting sliced pineapple into cans on a conveyer belt. Since then, I have been a draftsperson for 38 yrs. It felt soooo wierd to be packing up my books and tools at work and going home. This is totally unbelievable. I know I did the right thing tho.
I am glad for all the support everyone here has given me. Thanks.:hug:

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