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Old 06-03-2010, 09:06 AM #1
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Default Learned my lesson

Over the Memorial Day weekend I was feeling pretty good. Was at home for 4 days (I am gone during the week d/t my job) and saw some things that needed some "attention." So, I pulled weeds, powerwashed the back patio and patio furniture, washed the windows that were spotted from the power washer, helped lay the weed cloth in our garden, cleaned the bar-b-que grill, and went grocery shopping. I felt like I had accomplished climbing Mt. Everest when I was done. I was SO proud of myself. Well, the next 2 days I paid for it in more ways than one. My hands burned like they were sitting on the flat surface of an iron. Of course, my husband proceeded to chew me out and told me "you need to realize that you can't do these things anymore." My response was "I am not going to quit living because I fear the consequences. I will continue to do what I want to do (or can do) until they lay me in the ground." I just need to learn my limits and not overdo, to do the things I enjoy, in small doses!! A little off the subject....tonight will be my first night off of Cymbalta. I am hoping not to have any of the awful withdrawl side effects that I have read about on other posts. I can already tell that my body is returning to a near state of normal as far as not being so "bound up." Life is good again, as far as that is concerned. I don't really notice any increase in my pain levels yet so maybe the Cymbalta wasn't doing me that much good in the first place. Lastly, I have to say, I value all of the info shared on this sight and feel like I am making new friends. First thing I do when I get to work is log on and read all of the new posts. I wish we could have all met under different circumstances but we play the hand we are dealt!! God bless all of my new friends......
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Old 06-03-2010, 10:01 PM #2
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Oops... Remember: Conservation of Energy. I have a tendency to forget that over and over and over again.

Don't worry about going off the Cymbalta... you may have no issues whatsoever; and worrying is not going to help...

Hope you feel better,

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Old 06-04-2010, 12:45 AM #3
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I am also going off my Cymbalta as I feel it is not working for my pain any more, I am to take 30mg for 4 days and then one every second day for a few days. I am hoping I do not get any bad withdrawals.

Yes and I pay for it when I do too much, we have to learn to balance things, but it is hard when there are things to be done.



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Old 06-04-2010, 09:38 AM #4
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Last Friday I fired up the log splitter and finish splitting a cord of wood left from last year. Well its Friday and have been couch bound due to the activity the previous Friday. This happens a lot when having PN, not being able to be active is a real downer. the only med I am taking is 50mg of Tramadol 2 times a day as I have detox off of Methadone (I miss it, it worked) and quit Lyrica in Dec. There is an old saying "There's no fool like an old fool", I guess that will be my epitaph.
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Old 06-04-2010, 07:29 PM #5
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Default Remember to be careful?

The Conservation of Energy applies here but more in a pain/reward aspect?
Doing little 'bits' a lot of little times adds up almost as fast as a marathon. But with less pay-back. It's the pay backs for the over-dos' that are the killers.
Hare and tortoise thing? Zip thru and collapse for days or go slow and get things done at a pace that can be handled. AND KNOW when to NOT! DO some things? Yes we can 'do' them? But maybe we are a bit unsteady or potentially dangerous in the 'doing'? Think double think and be super careful!
Wether we do it or find someone to help us do it? It can and will get done. Not as we'd like it to be done? [As in NOW?] But, rather as it simply GETS DONE. Don't sweat over it, just get it somehow done and over with! Not fast? Not now? But when it's happening.
Panic never gets one anywhere! Hugs and hope! - j
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Old 06-04-2010, 07:32 PM #6
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My response was "I am not going to quit living because I fear the consequences. I will continue to do what I want to do (or can do) until they lay me in the ground." I just need to learn my limits and not overdo, to do the things I enjoy, in small doses!!
I started walking in April and am up to 1 mile. If I try to go beyond that mile, I pay. So I do just what you are saying..I do what I can within my limits and do not go farther. I figure 1 mile is much better than not going at all.

I learned a hard lesson today too. I love the beach, and yes, I do know better than to go barefoot, but I love the feeling of the sand on my feet. Well, today was my lesson. It was only 82 out, and I have been to the beach when it was much hotter than 82. Today, I get part way to the water and my feet are on fire. The sand felt so hot. I rarely go barefoot anymore, only in the house, and maybe my feet have gotten soft too. I debated on going back to the car and getting my swimmer shoes, but knew if I went back, I wouldn't return. So, I hurried to the water. A short time later, my left big toe felt like it was cut..without my glasses on, I thought it was I was yelling at myself doubly for no shoes. When I was done wandering, I looked for the shortest distance back to the car. I'm telling you, more than once I was near tears today in that sand. Finally, back at the car, I washed my feet off, added some powder, and put my socks and sneakers on. I had a few errands to run, and my feet were hurting so bad, like all my toes had cuts on them. When I got home, I looked at my feet, and I had blisters on 4 toes, no wonder they hurt.

Guess I can't go barefoot anymore. We all seem to learn our lessons the hard way, don't we.

We urge all doctors to take time to listen to your patients.. don't "isolate" symptoms but look at the whole spectrum. If a patient tells you s/he feels as if s/he's falling apart and "nothing seems to be working properly", chances are s/he's right!
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Old 06-04-2010, 08:22 PM #7
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the sun was really strong today. it raised my pool temperature 8 degrees today. as you found out you can definitely get burned on sand. now make sure you dont get infections.
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Old 06-05-2010, 04:19 PM #8
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Thanks Echoes..I am watching my feet, and have used bactracin on the blisters. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would get burnt walking on sand. I know now! I did not see another person complaining about the heat of the sand, and I wanted to scream out in pain. I won't be walking to the water without shoes again!

We urge all doctors to take time to listen to your patients.. don't "isolate" symptoms but look at the whole spectrum. If a patient tells you s/he feels as if s/he's falling apart and "nothing seems to be working properly", chances are s/he's right!
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Old 06-10-2010, 12:53 PM #9
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Default Wow, blisters from the sand!

Hey Deb... Who would think that would happen! I think I'm going to learn from your lesson. I can't stand the feeling of the sand on my feet anyway, they are so sensitive to anything. I even hate it if I get sand inside my shoes with socks on!

I've "just now" started wearing sandals again. I've had PN for six years. However, the thing I find that bothers me is, wearing shoes without socks, when your feet stick to the shoes, it feels like the skin is being ripped off when the shoe separates from your foot.

It's like wearing shorts and sitting on a vinyl seat for an hour, then getting up, and your skin feels as if it's being ripped... that's how my feet feel when I wear shoes without socks, like sandals. AAAAAhhhhhhhggggg!

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Old 06-10-2010, 08:24 PM #10
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For me it's the opposite...without socks, my feet feel wet when they really aren't. Isn't it strange how we all have differences and are still the same?

I actually love the feel of sand on my feet on the beach, not in my shoes though. I used to be the barefoot queen! Now, I'm rarely barefoot

We urge all doctors to take time to listen to your patients.. don't "isolate" symptoms but look at the whole spectrum. If a patient tells you s/he feels as if s/he's falling apart and "nothing seems to be working properly", chances are s/he's right!
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