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sleepyjoejoe 01-14-2023 04:25 PM

Has anyone here experienced heart palpations and elevated heartbeat? Can vaccine possibly cause them? They hit me exactly 2 months after my final (third) shot. What can I do about it? Will this pass?

okaykassie 01-20-2023 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by sleepyjoejoe (Post 1302469)
Has anyone here experienced heart palpations and elevated heartbeat? Can vaccine possibly cause them? They hit me exactly 2 months after my final (third) shot. What can I do about it? Will this pass?

probably just anxiety

Gabo2304 03-04-2023 04:06 AM


This thread has been in active for a while now so not sure anyone will pick this up but I was wondering if there were any recovered people still around and when this started.

I received my final dose 4 weeks ago and have been going through it since then! Muscle aches, nerve pain, tingling, weird skin sensations etc.. my reflexes were also less than usual but MRI was fine and nerve tests all fine. Neurologist said maybe a mild case of GBS and it will go on its own.

Would love to hear a timeline for someone else that went through this, very little info online.

Inder 03-22-2023 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by sleepyjoejoe (Post 1302469)
Has anyone here experienced heart palpations and elevated heartbeat? Can vaccine possibly cause them? They hit me exactly 2 months after my final (third) shot. What can I do about it? Will this pass?

Are you feeling any wierd things in your throat? I had those in the beginning phase but after 6 months thet reduced

Cuk373 03-28-2023 07:30 PM

Glad to have found this thread, hoping there’s still some active people on here 🤞🏼

Started to feel mild aching in my arm 2/3 weeks after 3rd post exposure jab. 4th jab now completed and I have tingling sensations in the jabbed arm, slight tingling in other arm and both feet. Causing me major anxiety, and feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety every time I try to sleep. It’s really affecting me, I have absolutely no idea what to do next. I’m from the UK, do I arrange to see my GP? Will they be able to help or do I just wait this out?

Cuk373 03-28-2023 08:00 PM

Also, the brain fog is extreme. Can barely remember what happened what days and how long ago. The anxiety I’m feeling is overwhelming. Every time I try to sleep I get a sense of dread and anxiety that prevents me, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Jomar 03-28-2023 10:00 PM

Anxiety can create even more issues, a vicious cycle.
Speak to your doctors about your symptoms and concerns.
Read online about the negative impact of anxiety.
Good information can be found on medical based websites.

Gabo2304 03-31-2023 12:21 PM

Don’t worry, one thing I realised was anxiety makes things 10X worse and it’s a cycle. Once the anxiety was less the pain became less. The doctor ruled out anything serious and seems to be the same for everyone else on this page. I am now 2 months post and things are getting better. I would recommend just eating whole good foods and nourishing your mental health as it really will make a big difference to how you feel physically. Worrying won’t help anything and keep reminding yourself it WILL pass.

Cuk373 03-31-2023 01:09 PM

Thanks for the replies guys :)

I experienced the worst arm coldness/numbness I have had so far today, but I’m only 3 days in since it initially became apparent. I have noticed that repetitive movement (at least today) triggered the sensations. Mentally, I’m doing better and have been sleeping. I have come to the realisation that I’ve done all that I can do, and I should try to enjoy and get on with life as much as I can. I think if this persists for a week or two I will contact my doctor

Gabo2304 04-09-2023 09:07 AM

Things are getting better and I have more better days now but has anyone else experienced pain increasing after exercise? Really trying to get back into running but find my joints so sore and tingly afterwards! If so did anything help ease this?

battyinthemountains 06-02-2023 07:15 PM

Rabies Boosters
Blah. I had another exposure and the local public health told me I did not need the boosters despite having puncture wounds and seeing a bat flying in the day time with photos.
I sat with that for a week and then reached out to a local epidemiologist and was told to absolutely get the shots and everyone in the ER was shocked to hear I was advised against it.
With that said all of my side effects came back before getting the shots! I’m going to assume it was anxiety.
I’ll update if any side effects take shape. Glad it’s just 2 shots this time around.
Be well.

Shellz 06-02-2023 07:22 PM

Sorry to hear that! Did it happen in your house again..I remember there was a colony in your home. I hope all is well with you; getting the shots can be very anxiety provoking as I know too well.

battyinthemountains 06-03-2023 05:41 PM

Yes. Our house has bats again, it's awful. I guess they favor a few houses in the neighborhood and ours just got targeted again. Thankfully they aren't getting into the house.`As much as this vaccine can mess with you, I'm grateful it exists. Life is so precious!

BetterSoon 08-17-2023 08:06 PM

Hi everyone. I just got the post exposure protocol (vaccine and immunoglobulin). About two hours after my first dose, I started having intense muscle twitching in my legs. A short time later, my feet started burning. Since then, the burning has slowly moved up my body.

The burning gets worse with walking and movement. Also feeling intense internal vibrations and extreme weakness feeling in my muscles. Standing for a few minutes is exhausting. I’m starting to get quite nervous that I’m not improving at all and in fact, getting worse. It’s been weeks since this happened.

Is small fiber neuropathy or burning nerve pain possible after the vaccine? Does this have the capacity to resolve? Seeing a neurologist in November (earliest appt)

Lara 08-21-2023 05:28 PM

Hi Better Soon,
I'm sorry you've received no replies yet, but I'm sure someone will pop by soon when they're checking the thread. I can't help you with the post rabies vaccine information I'm sorry. I have PN but from other cause.

Maybe read as much as you can of the Rabies thread and that might help relieve some anxiety. Anxiety is very common, but if you're feeling worse and worse you should maybe see your GP instead of hanging out until November.

Many before you have been through similar. Try using some magnesium foot baths and can buy creams and sprays. I find that helpful. Look for tips and tricks to help with the search engine. Don't be scared. Try to rest and take care of yourself.

I understand it must be frightening having all this start so suddenly. It's a bit of a wait until Nov unfortunately. There is a search function here too that might help you find particular symptoms

Gabo2304 08-23-2023 05:36 PM


I am sorry you’re suffering from this. All I can say from my experience is it will get better but the only way is to distract yourself and prioritise your mental health as we can hyper focus on the pain which makes it a lot worse. Meditate, take vitamins, exercise & rest. I personally got no answers and therefore had to just move on.. the symptoms will pass & try and get some reassurance from the GP / Neuro xx

Inder 08-25-2023 12:27 AM

I had 2 booster shot’s February end, now august i had taken some antibiotics for some acne problem. Since then all the Side effects have come back again. My eyes feel sore and blurry at times. Did anyone else face issue with the eyes at point of time?

BetterSoon 08-25-2023 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Gabo2304 (Post 1303677)

I am sorry you’re suffering from this. All I can say from my experience is it will get better but the only way is to distract yourself and prioritise your mental health as we can hyper focus on the pain which makes it a lot worse. Meditate, take vitamins, exercise & rest. I personally got no answers and therefore had to just move on.. the symptoms will pass & try and get some reassurance from the GP / Neuro xx

Thank you for your reassurance. I’m working with a therapist and starting to see my mood improving. I’m 16 days out from vaccination. Still have all these symptoms.

One thing. I’m noticing intense muscle twitching mostly in legs that triggers my nerve pain. Did you happen to have any twitching?

How long did it take for you to feel better?

echoes long ago 08-26-2023 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by BetterSoon (Post 1303682)
Thank you for your reassurance. I’m working with a therapist and starting to see my mood improving. I’m 16 days out from vaccination. Still have all these symptoms.

One thing. I’m noticing intense muscle twitching mostly in legs that triggers my nerve pain. Did you happen to have any twitching?

How long did it take for you to feel better?

those muscle twitches are called fasciculations in case you want to research them and what they mean.

BetterSoon 08-27-2023 11:31 AM

It seems I’ve regressed a bit in the past few days. Burning skin pain is very heightened and I’m exhausted. My muscles feel physically weak, but dr says I’m not actually weak. But I feel weakness from head to toe. Twitching seems to only happen at rest.

Anyone else have lots of burning skin and weakness? I’m 18 days post vaccine.

BetterSoon 09-04-2023 12:46 PM

My symptoms continue nearly 28 days out. Terrible burning in feet and legs mostly. Internal vibration feelings. Muscle twitching has maybe lessened slightly. The burning is unbearable.

I was given gabapentin for pain but it hasn’t done much. I don’t see many talking on this thread about intense burning pain. My pain is pretty constant but don’t feel it as much while walking or sitting.

Anyone experience consistent burning pain?

Inder 09-27-2023 12:06 AM

As i told earlier this month, i all the side effects are back and i am in bed from last one month. There was sore throat for a weak then eyes seemed blurry for some 10 days and are back to normal now. There was fatigue for the whole month just started feeling energetic from last 4 days. All the symptoms were back and with full force

Regretful123 12-28-2023 05:18 AM

I am 5 days post vaccination. I am regretful for getting it. There was a bat in my house and I had an unexplained bite/itch so I precautionary took the first shot. No one else chose to thank God because I feel terrible. Headache. Dizzinessness. Off balance. Hot flashes. Fast heart rate . No appetite. Tingly arms. Felt like currents going through my upper torso the first three days. My arms feel heavy and weak... but not weak as if I can't move them.

I notice the calmer I am. The more distracted I am. The better I feel but I know this isn't anxiety. I have managed anxiety all my life... this isn't it. I went to urgent care and they did a neuro test and blood work. All looks good. They referred me to a disease specialist.

We did catch the bat. Put it in for rabies testing and nada. No rabies. So I did this for nothing. I am really feeling shameful and having dark thoughts.

I guess at least I don't have to continue the shots. Please tell me it gets better. The only symptoms today is periodic dizziness and balance issues. High heart beat. Hot flashes and tingly arms and hands. Oh and a massiv3 headache but the whole family is sick so I can't rule out that.

Regretful123 12-28-2023 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by BetterSoon (Post 1303710)
My symptoms continue nearly 28 days out. Terrible burning in feet and legs mostly. Internal vibration feelings. Muscle twitching has maybe lessened slightly. The burning is unbearable.

I was given gabapentin for pain but it hasn’t done much. I don’t see many talking on this thread about intense burning pain. My pain is pretty constant but don’t feel it as much while walking or sitting.

Anyone experience consistent burning pain?

How are you feeling now?

Regretful123 12-28-2023 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Inder (Post 1303747)
As i told earlier this month, i all the side effects are back and i am in bed from last one month. There was sore throat for a weak then eyes seemed blurry for some 10 days and are back to normal now. There was fatigue for the whole month just started feeling energetic from last 4 days. All the symptoms were back and with full force

Are you feeling better now?

Regretful123 12-28-2023 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1093724)
I am so sorry my spam filter caught this notification.

I am sorry to hear your daughter had a bad reaction.

My issues started with lower back pain that started 24 hours post vax and the over a few weeks turned into parathesia, tendon issues, joint issues, sleep deprivation, depression, tingling and numbness. I also started random parts of my body twitching and had joint stiffness in the morning on my left knee.

The neurologist that I went to thought it was all in my head. She performed an EMG and found nothing wrong with my extremities.

She kept repeating vaccines are safe and that the back pain was coincidence. Of course it's a very strange coincidence and I never had any of these issues I the 36 years I have been on this earth. But heck what do I know about my own body. :rolleyes:

It's amazing how many Doctors are in complete denial over how once body can be affected by a vaccine.

Anyway this went on for 3-4 months pretty good. The tingling and numbness started to subside. Happening less and less. Every flare-up was depressing but overall it was getting better.

My back on the other hand still hurt every day pretty bad. The neurologist that thought it was all in my head sent me to physical therapy. After 4 months of therapy and very little help I decided to break from my neurologist and went to see an orthopedic doctor.

The new doctor shared with me that she had seen this. An arthritic flare in the hip of a man that had a flu vaccine. She sent me to an MRI and what it revealed was an arthritic condition my lower back.

About 6 total months after I experienced back pain I had a pain free day... Of course that happiness was erased the next day when the pain creeped back in. However I started getting pain free days... Then a few in a row... Then weeks pain free!

I am sitting over a year post vax and I feel 99.9% back to normal.

I remember how depressed I was and the crazy ordeal I went through by my daily body journals.

Tell your daughter to take a deep breath and this will pass.

It will take some time. Progress is measured in months not days.

Have your daughter eat non-processed/whole foods and rest.

I did end up connecting with TNShopper via PM and she had the same experience and almost the same time table.

How are you doing today. I'm in the beginning stages and feeling pretty hopeless right now. Any permanent damage?

Inder 03-16-2024 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Regretful123 (Post 1304009)
Are you feeling better now?

Yes its quite better

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