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coachV 05-11-2007 02:14 PM

sleepless kids
shirley and mel,

(i'm visiting here today from the rsd board....i'll have a separate post on that).

simply COULDN'T ignore this about smart sleepless kids......the old nurse was right!....we were at a seminar for the parents of gifted children years ago and the first question the speaker asked was "referring only to the gifted child who is your reason for being here today, how many were good sleepers?" a room with about 40 parents in it, ONE mom raised her hand.....and then she quickly lowered it, when she realized that the rest of us were glaring at her......we all had a good laugh about it and the speaker went on to say that one good sleeper is about all she ever gets at the 'gifted' seminars....she also had some "recent studies" to back up her story, but i no longer have that info.....this was at least 15 years ago....the gifted kid in question is now in medical school.

let's hear it for old nurses!

Silver Swan 05-11-2007 03:17 PM

Sleepless kids (gifted)
Hi coachV:

Thanks for your input. I had forgotten when I wrote my posting that my stepson also kept his parents awake when an infant. There was a grandmother living with them too, and all the adults took turns trying to get this infant to sleep by walking him, etc. He is now a grown man and very knowledgeable about computers and systems. He became a member of MENSA while in highschool - took the test at my urging.

I am glad to know about the speaker asking parents about non sleepers. This topic has interested me for decades. I have always suspected that the smart babies hate to go to sleep and miss anything.

Thanks again CoachV.

Shirley H.

Aussie99 05-11-2007 05:05 PM

Thanks you all
for your input. Maybe I do have some sort of aura or something that they like. I think I will start off with the traps and see how I go.

Thank you

Brian 05-11-2007 09:50 PM

Just had another thought, perhaps they may be attracted to hair spray or gel.

MelodyL 05-11-2007 11:44 PM

Since this is a thread about pests, I just had to share what happened to Alan and I yesterday when we went to Kings Plaza Mall in Brooklyn.

Our podiatrist is located in the mall. So we had a few minutes to kill so we decided to walk around the mall. Well, I never in all my life saw such exhibits.

Every once in a while, someone will set up a display of art, or of jewelry, or SOMETHING from another country and you can view it or purchase it.

Well, Alan and see this tremendous exhibit and you will never in million years iimagine what the guy was exhibiting!!!! INSECTS!!! From various parts of the world, like Rain Forests, Afraica, Central America, you name it, there was a creature on exhibit. And I'm not talking your average two inch creature here. Each specimen was encased in glass. They were preserved. After I realized what I was actually looking at, I just stopped dead in my tracks and said "Alan, get over here, you have to see this giant Beetle". He walks over and there we both stood mesmerized, looking at the biggest beetle in the whole world. Must have been over 10 inches long. All the creatures had amazing names. I never saw things with wingspans like these things. They had something called a stick creature (or something like that). It looked like ordinary twigs but it was an insect. And it was over a foot long. And they had scorpions, dragonflies the size of something you would see on the SciFi Channel.

But nothing prepared me for when I walked to the other side of the exhibit. When I saw what I saw, I started to back away (and remember, these things were DEAD....... There was a guy in another stand selling cosmetics and I whispered to him "Do you know what is directly behind you?" and the guy whispered back to me "You mean the centipede, the one that's 3 feet long"??? Then he said "I am NOT TURNING AROUND".

So Alan comes around to where I am standing and he is face to face with the biggest bug you ever saw and he has his nose pressed up against the glass and I simply said "Alan, just glance down and look to the right". You never seen a man jump so high in your life. He said "Holy *****". What is that thing, a centipede???" There were two specimens and one was bigger than the other.

I simply moved backwards and said "let's get out of here, these things are giving me the heeby jeebies. Then I run into the guy who is showing the exhibit and I say "where on earth did you get these things?" Are you ready for his answer???" He said "Why, we grow them on a farm". I said "You do WHAT????" Do you mean you grew these things on purpose?" and he said "oh of course". and I said:... "in a lab"??? And he said: "No, on a farm". And I said "AND YOU DO THIS WHY?????" and he laughed and said "for scientific purpose and teaching". I just looked at him and said "you do know these big flying things must be descendants of the teradactyls??? The guy burst out laughing.

I grabbed Alan and ran out of there. When we got to the podiatrist, when Alan got in the chair, I said to Dr. Baird. "There's an exhibit in the mall that is right up your alley (because he grows plants in a hothouse, I figured he would be fascinated, right). Well, he goes, "Melody, if you are talking about the giant bugs in the mall, NO THANK YOU, I DON'T LIKE BUGS, ALIVE, DEAD OR BEHIND GLASS.

I mean, if anybody can get to Kings Plaza, the exhibit is on the first floor.

Bring some smelling salts. I almost needed them myself.

Heebe Jeebies, believe me!!!!

Brian 05-18-2007 09:16 PM

Aussie, how did you get on the those annoying fruit flies.

Aussie99 05-19-2007 02:43 AM

It's a bit embaressing....
Ok I'll confess!!!:wink:

I cut down on eating fruit in my office and the fruit flies have not been bothering me as much. So next week I am going to try to not snack or eat any fruit in the office and see how I go??

Brian 05-19-2007 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Aussie99 (Post 101947)
Ok I'll confess!!!:wink:

I cut down on eating fruit in my office and the fruit flies have not been bothering me as much. So next week I am going to try to not snack or eat any fruit in the office and see how I go??

:D :D fair enough & good luck ;)

MelodyL 05-19-2007 09:08 AM

No more fruit!! no more snacks.

Now won't you be a skinny thing!!!!!!


shiney sue 05-19-2007 09:42 AM

There you go
I'm a old nurse,never could sleep at childhood or old lady hood and
right from the get go i told you not to eat fruit in your offic. So this
makes me a sleepy genius and a wise one at that..:D Sue

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