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mrsD 04-05-2014 07:27 AM

The bike may make problems worse for you. I found that bikes, both recumbant and vertical and the calf machines at the gym
made my PN much worse or invoked a flare.

So you may find the same....please start at short intervals, like 5-10 minutes only with little resistance. If you have any compression anywhere, movement of the ankle may increase it.

Also I forgot ....did you have heavy metal screening? Accidental ingestion of heavy metals can cause a rapid PN. Arsenic is the most common, but mercury and/or cadmium are also potential culprits.

IH8PN 04-06-2014 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 1061548)
The bike may make problems worse for you. I found that bikes, both recumbant and vertical and the calf machines at the gym
made my PN much worse or invoked a flare.

So you may find the same....please start at short intervals, like 5-10 minutes only with little resistance. If you have any compression anywhere, movement of the ankle may increase it.

Also I forgot ....did you have heavy metal screening? Accidental ingestion of heavy metals can cause a rapid PN. Arsenic is the most common, but mercury and/or cadmium are also potential culprits.

I've been doing 20 minutes at a time on the bike. The shoes and socks are a little bothersome but the actual cycling hasn't caused problems. I get a noticeable flare afterwards from the activity, but I feel generally better the rest of the day. The increased blood flow and oxygen seem to be helping.

I still haven't been tested for heavy metals, but after my nerve conduction study I'll be pushing for further testing based on the results. Me and the neurologist are still working things out and building trust. He's been very responsive to my emails but obviously isnt as interested in my case as I am. I'm my own advocate at this point.

hopeful 04-07-2014 03:07 PM

The best thing we can all do for ourselves is to be our own advocates. Your right our doctors have to divide themselves between many patients. We only have to research info for ourselves.
I've taken info from people on this site to my doctor and think I've given him some new info.

Thank goodness, he is receptive!

IH8PN 04-12-2014 10:57 PM

Thought of the day.

I can't think of any other injury, illness, or disease in which you can have the best day and worst day of the month all in the same day. This disease is truly a mind trip. I'll use this bit of insight to get me through the rough patches. I'm sure everybody who's been through this already knows that sometimes you just have to get through the bad days (flares) and tomorrow will be brighter.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we can't be discouraged when tomorrow is worse than today. Just one of the many lessons PN has taught me. I hope one day I can get through this and use what I have learned to improve myself as a person.

CeCe55 04-13-2014 09:02 AM

I am in total agreement with your thoughts for the day IH8PN. Very well said!

IH8PN 04-19-2014 12:13 PM

Big Update
2 weeks since my last update and there is quite a bit of information to add. So much so that I hope I'm not leaving anything out.

First and foremost the most important information to report is the results from my nerve conduction study. Drum roll please..... The results showed the observable nerves in my legs were normal, which I pretty much expected with small fiber symptoms. It was nice to rule out large fiber involvement and maybe something more ominous. But, wait it gets better..... The study also showed that I have Ulnar Neuropathy! (elbow) That's right, I have nerve damage where I least expected it and have very little discomfort. :rolleyes: I've noticed positional numbness in my left hand, but I always thought it was a circulation problem due to my arm being in weird positions. Go figure, I have no pain where I have obvious nerve damage and excruciating pain where the are no signs of nerve damage (yet).

So my doctor emailed me the results and at the end of the email he mentioned that if I was interested in a skin biopsy he would talk to a colleague about having one done. I was very impressed that he offered a skin biopsy without me having to ask. Not only that, but the fact he had to ask a colleague about it showed he was willing to go out of his way to have one done! This is the first time since I developed this awful pain that a doctor has impressed me with their interest in helping me. Maybe I'm just used to doctors shrugging me off so far and I'm easily inpressed. ;)

As far as my physical condition there are also changes to report. I'll start with the good. The burning, freezing, and skin sensitivity are noticeable less. Far from gone but I'll take any relief I can get. Not sure if it's the medication, vitamins, healing, or a combination of all 3. I've also noticed I'm getting some normal feel in my feet back on occasion. The past few months the sensations in my feet were so altered that even carpet felt like walking on steel wool. I've noticed the softness of the carpet coming back in short bursts. I was also able to do a doctors appointment, shopping, and a few errands around the house which required me to be on my feet for extended periods of time. Although uncomfortable and requiring the use of sandals, it was something I couldn't have accomplished a few weeks back. I definitely payed for it at the end of the day with sore feet, but it was mentally rewarding to accomplish physical tasks. I also can't remember the last time I felt an electric shock in my body!

Unfortunately I still get altered sensations, aching feet, and the feeling of walking of rocks which vary in intensity day to day and with different foot wear. I can't say for sure any of those symptoms have lessened, if so it's not by much. Definitely not worse, but maybe I'm adapting better? I've even felt a little better at work which is the one time I don't have control over how much I exert myself, which is physically and mentally difficult at times.

I'm no longer convinced alcohol is the cause of my neuropathy symptoms. Maybe it played a part, and I'm just happy I have been able to seriously cut back on my drinking. I've learned that health is important and fragile. Life is also short. With that being said I've decided I'm going to allow myself to drink socially and in serious moderation. I had a few beers last weekend and don't feel guilty because I haven't touched it since. I proved to myself that I can show restraint with alcohol and have learned just how toxic it can be to bodily systems. (plus even in small amounts it really helps with the pain). I'm still trying to eat healthier, get more exercise, and give my body a chance to heal and thrive. Obviously I will no longer be counting sober days.

-146 days since Left foot symptoms
-99 days since right foot symptoms
-74 days on Nortiptyline (30mg)
-68 days on Supplements
-28 days on gabapentin (600mg x 3)

IH8PN 05-03-2014 02:47 AM

Positive news to report!

First of all I have learned so much about myself and PN in such a short period of time thanks to the members of this board. Less than 3 months ago I was seriously considering suicide. I was in so much pain in such a short period of time with constantly changing and unexplained pain. Truthfully if things stayed on that path I wouldn't have wanted to live. If you kept up with this thread you'd have an idea of what I've been going through.

I wish I could pinpoint what has helped the most but it's been such a shotgun approach to improvement and once again it's all been stated before. But what I haven't discussed much is my improvement. The past 3 weeks have been somewhat of a revelation and it's only after stringing together multiple "good days" that I've truly been able to evaluate my improvement.

I went from not even being able to be on my feet enough to go grocery shopping, too several occasions in which I have left my house to run errands and spend quality time with my family. Not without some discomfort, but the pain was in the back of my mind rather than at the fore front.

The burning/cold sensations which caused severe psychological distress is now felt maybe 1-2 times per week and relatively mild compared to before. The achiness in my feet has subsided enough that I can do chores around the house and make it through work without shedding tears.

The feeling of on sandpaper and steel wool has subsided enough that I'm starting to feel the carpet beneath my feet and I can feel the cotton in my socks.

The feeling of my "rawness" on the soles of my feet is felt much less and comes less often and less severe with the occasional exertional flare up.

The hypersensitivity in my feet and lower legs is still present but to a much lesser extent that sometimes if I'm preoccupied I can go hours without giving it much notice.

I've had maybe 2-3 instances of "electric shocks" in the past month which is once again much less than before.

I'm still bothered by the sensation of walking on rocks or glass in my toes on the right foot and ball of the left foot, but it is less intense if I had to give it an honest assessment.

By no means am I cured, nor has any symptom completely been relieved. What I can say is that I have a significant and noticeable decrease in all symptoms. I'll get a brief flare for a few hours here and there, usually with exertion and it'll cause some anxiety. I just remind myself to stay calm and weather the storm until it subsides. And once the flare passes I start feeling like I'm healing.

In my estimation I still have a long way to go in this journey with PN. And maybe I'll never be completely healed, but I feel like I'm on the right track towards getting my life back. The people on this board who have followed my journey and responded with advice and encouragement deserve some of the credit for me not ending my life when things were at their worst. And this board deserves 100% of the credit for giving me the tools to make educated and informed choices about treating my body right, mentally coping with the burden of chronic neuropathy pain, and providing me with inspiration that under the right circumstances I can get better. I can't say enough about how much of a mental boost this place has provided when things seemed so bleak.

I will continue to track my journey and progress in this thread. I hope it stays positive but am aware that it can go south again at any time. I am thankful with each step I can take without being in excruciating pain and reminded of the fragile nature of the human body with each flare up.

-160 days since Left foot symptoms
-113 days since right foot symptoms
-88 days on Nortiptyline (30mg)
-82 days on Supplements
-42 days on gabapentin (600mg x 3)

hopeful 05-05-2014 12:35 PM

I'm so happy that you are feeling better! I love to hear good reports. They can be so uplifting for everyone here. I'm glad your getting to spend time with your family, it is so important to our well being!

I wish you many more days like this. If it flares up again, now you know you can make it through and there will be more good days to come!

Stacy2012 05-05-2014 04:52 PM

I agree, it is good to hear you have improved, especially from possible suicide, which i understand, to now sounding so positive!! Congratualtions!! I am hopeful one day I will share a report like this..

echoes long ago 05-06-2014 05:09 PM

excellant news! keep doing what you are doing to provide the optimal conditions necessary to heal.

IH8PN 05-11-2014 01:29 AM

Thanks to all for the words of encouragement.

Another week in the books, and another week of improvement. Keeping a journal or record of where you have been and where you are has proved to be important. I may still have pain and discomfort, but I look back at some of the things I couldn't do just a month or two ago.

Today I was running some errands with my wife. Being mothers day weekend I made it a point to get out and do some of the things she wanted to. A month ago I would have made it a point to stay home as I couldn't tolerate wearing shoes and socks, let alone leaving the house or being on my feet for a couple hours. I mostly hobbled around the house in either slippers or sandals, and somehow bit my lip when I had to wear shoes to work (tennis shoes at a job that requires very little standing thank god)

Well I wore a comfortable pair of tennis shoes and some thin polyester socks and I must say it wasn't too bad walking around those 2 1/2 hours. The small flares the past few days have been very minor and I've been very productive around the house the past week doing chores I just wasn't physically able to do in the not so distant past.

I hope for continued healing and improvement. My physical and mental state is at the best it's been this year. Until next time I wish everyone good health and well being.:grouphug:

Sallysblooms 05-11-2014 10:22 AM

Good news. It is always good to write things down. I do that also. When I add a supplement, etc.

I hope you continue to improve.

IH8PN 05-24-2014 01:30 AM

2 weeks since my last update. Nothing major to report. Basically a stalemate with the pn status. No progression but more importantly no regression. Mostly good days mixed in with the occasional flare up. I'm continuing to be active, spending several hours a day on my feet which was unheard of not so long ago.

My biggest complaint at the moment is the altered sensation on my foot soles. Even comfy cotton or polyester socks can feel prickly. I'll take that over the ache and the burning all day everyday. I still get sore feet with extended standing or walking but it seems to be slowly improving and I'm able to slowly extend activity times.

Today I was getting some "knife jabs" in both feet but its not something that happens very often, and if it wasnt for today I wouldnt even think to note it in my progress update.

Still wishing to get back to normal, but I'm just elated to have the worst of the pain behind me!!

Pixel22 05-31-2014 08:52 PM

I came across this thread and read it all the way through. My PN also started shortly after being diagnosed with a plantar fibroma. It's fairly large and on the arch of my left foot. If I didn't have such high arched feet, there is no way I could have worn a shoe. I ignored a lot of my PN symptoms for about a year while trying to get relief from the fibroma. Both feet burn and ache and it is now in my hands. Not being able to sleep at night is hard. I tried Nortriptyline and if or when I cannot stand the pain, I will try to increase the dose. For now, I am trying diet, supplements, acupuncture and I've stopped drinking wine as it seems to really trigger an increase in symptoms. I do miss being as active as I once was, but I am hopeful when I read posts like yours. I was barely leaving the house for some time, but I've noticed lately I can be on my feet a little more. I hope things continue to improve for you!

MikeK 06-02-2014 10:22 AM

I can relate to what you said here:

My biggest complaint at the moment is the altered sensation on my foot soles. Even comfy cotton or polyester socks can feel prickly. I'll take that over the ache and the burning all day everyday. I still get sore feet with extended standing or walking but it seems to be slowly improving and I'm able to slowly extend activity times.

Birkenstocks are my friends, sandals at home and as often as possible weather permitting, clogs are my second choice. Soft Spot Supremes seem best for me for the other times. Shoes for the gym are another matter, I have yet to find any that I can wear for more than an hour. Socks it seems like the newer the better, a few too many washings and they seem to hurt even more.

Good luck, hope you continue in the "right" direction.

IH8PN 06-05-2014 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pixel22 (Post 1072944)
I came across this thread and read it all the way through. My PN also started shortly after being diagnosed with a plantar fibroma. It's fairly large and on the arch of my left foot. If I didn't have such high arched feet, there is no way I could have worn a shoe. I ignored a lot of my PN symptoms for about a year while trying to get relief from the fibroma.

I've done exhaustive searches on the internet and really haven't found a link between pn and the fibromas. You are the first person I've come across that seems to have problems with both such as myself. It seems like a coincedence at this point, but I'd be interested in hearing more about your symptoms and progression to compare notes.

IH8PN 06-05-2014 03:40 PM

Thanks Mike, good luck to you too. It's hard to explain to people who have no reference for what it's like to have socks feel so uncomfortable. I used to love to wear a good pair of socks in the winter, and now I dread the thought of it.

IH8PN 06-05-2014 03:49 PM

After a solid month of improvement I have to say that the past week has been quite a disappointment. The burning has returned along with an increase in achiness and sensitivity in the feet. A few symptoms that I thought I was close to putting behind me have crept back in intensity.

As a result I've been stuck in the house trying to stay off my feet. very disappointing after I finally had a month were I was able to get out and be active. I also ran out of my gabapentin yesterday as I miscalculated how much i had left and won't be able to pick up the refill until tonight. The increased pain began before I ran out of gabapentin so I'm not confident on the correlation.

I really hope this is just a flare up. It's hard to take a step backwards after seeing improvement. The pain isn't as bad as it was in march when i was at my worst, but it's in the ballpark. I'm trying to stay positive and weather the storm. I've made it this far so I have to keep pushing through each day and hope for the best.

Pixel22 06-05-2014 07:08 PM

I'm not surprised you can't find much on the internet about PN and Ledderhose ( plantar fibromas). Less than 1% of the population has LD, so it would be tough to say how many of those have PN. My PN started nearly right away when I found the lump on my arch. I found a doctor in TX who has been doing enzyme injections for about 20 years with some reported good success. If it doesn't hurt, don't do anything as surgery is the worst thing for it and it will come raging back. If it does hurt to the point of not being able to walk on it, consider the hyaluronidase injections.

Sorry to see you are not feeling well. Right now I have a good day or two at the most. It's hard to get used to.

IH8PN 06-08-2014 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pixel22 (Post 1073898)
I'm not surprised you can't find much on the internet about PN and Ledderhose ( plantar fibromas). Less than 1% of the population has LD, so it would be tough to say how many of those have PN. My PN started nearly right away when I found the lump on my arch. I found a doctor in TX who has been doing enzyme injections for about 20 years with some reported good success. If it doesn't hurt, don't do anything as surgery is the worst thing for it and it will come raging back. If it does hurt to the point of not being able to walk on it, consider the hyaluronidase injections.

Sorry to see you are not feeling well. Right now I have a good day or two at the most. It's hard to get used to.

I've browsed the dupuytren-online website so I'm familiar with Ledderhose. At this point the fibroma itself doesn't bother my foot nearly as much as the PN symptoms. I also have a good fibroma in my hand which I'm sure will lead to a contraction one day. Lucky me huh?

IH8PN 06-12-2014 01:58 AM

I've had an increase in symptoms and pain the past 2 weeks, and i didn't want to jump the gun in case it was just a flare, but it seems like there is more to it at this point.

I was having a slow steady improvement most of April and May, but June hasn't been so kind yet and the past 3 days have been particularly bad and my struggles at work were reminders that I have a long way to go in getting better.

I honestly don't know the cause of increased symptoms, but the week prior to the increased pain I went on vacation for a week. During that time I indulged in more junk food, more alcohol, and more time on my feet than I have previously allowed myself prior to the vacation. It could be a combination of all 3 or just the natural progression and or waxing and waning of this awful disease. I guess the most important thing now is that I'm back on track towards treating my body right and taking it easy on harmful stimuli.

So here's a journal entry so I can look back and find clues to managing this soul draining disease.

St George 2013 06-12-2014 08:24 AM

After Vacation

Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1075281)
I've had an increase in symptoms and pain the past 2 weeks, and i didn't want to jump the gun in case it was just a flare, but it seems like there is more to it at this point.

I was having a slow steady improvement most of April and May, but June hasn't been so kind yet and the past 3 days have been particularly bad and my struggles at work were reminders that I have a long way to go in getting better.

I honestly don't know the cause of increased symptoms, but the week prior to the increased pain I went on vacation for a week. During that time I indulged in more junk food, more alcohol, and more time on my feet than I have previously allowed myself prior to the vacation. It could be a combination of all 3 or just the natural progression and or waxing and waning of this awful disease. I guess the most important thing now is that I'm back on track towards treating my body right and taking it easy on harmful stimuli.

So here's a journal entry so I can look back and find clues to managing this soul draining disease.

Good morning....same thing happened to me after vacation. My SFN pain is 24/7 in varying degrees throughout the day. I decided to use some fatigue meds that I had left over from chemo and for 2 days I was having a ball on St George Island. We were there for a week.

We got home on a Sunday and I spent the next 3 whole days in bed. Could not get the pain under control even with pain meds. It was just horrible.

Take care of yourself and thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.

Debi from Georgia

mrsD 06-12-2014 08:35 AM

I seem to recall you mentioning some sort of fibrosis growths in your feet? If so, then, these may have some compressive mechanical actions on nerves. So the more you use your feet the more the potential for pain. This may respond somewhat to Lidoderm patches... so you might try them.


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1075281)
I've had an increase in symptoms and pain the past 2 weeks, and i didn't want to jump the gun in case it was just a flare, but it seems like there is more to it at this point.

I was having a slow steady improvement most of April and May, but June hasn't been so kind yet and the past 3 days have been particularly bad and my struggles at work were reminders that I have a long way to go in getting better.

I honestly don't know the cause of increased symptoms, but the week prior to the increased pain I went on vacation for a week. During that time I indulged in more junk food, more alcohol, and more time on my feet than I have previously allowed myself prior to the vacation. It could be a combination of all 3 or just the natural progression and or waxing and waning of this awful disease. I guess the most important thing now is that I'm back on track towards treating my body right and taking it easy on harmful stimuli.

So here's a journal entry so I can look back and find clues to managing this soul draining disease.

IH8PN 06-13-2014 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 1075310)
I seem to recall you mentioning some sort of fibrosis growths in your feet? If so, then, these may have some compressive mechanical actions on nerves. So the more you use your feet the more the potential for pain. This may respond somewhat to Lidoderm patches... so you might try them.

You know I attributed the fibromas to the pain for the first 2 months before the pain in my right foot (which has no fibroma) became worse than the pain in the left foot (which has a marble size fibroma)

Regardless of the cause of pain I have tried lidocaine cream in different areas and have no luck with pain reduction. Not sure if the patches are better, although I asked my podiatrist for a lidocaine patch prescription and he directed me to the cream. It was a waste of money in my case.

mrsD 06-13-2014 03:08 AM

The cream is not going to penetrate well, unless it is compounded with a special transdermal gel. If your lidocaine was packaged commercially, those vehicles are typically NOT going to work, they are for skin pain only, and won't go deeper.

Also where you apply it is important. Don't put it where you feel the pain, put it over the nerve distribution on the instep. That is far more efficient for pain relief.

IH8PN 07-24-2014 01:25 PM

5 weeks since the last update. Things have really slowed in terms of my day to day symptom changes so there hasn't really been a reason to do weekly updates at this point.

Good news is I have not regressed since the beginning of June. I might even be able to say that I've had very slight improvement, but it's more likely it's just the same. I have good days and bad days still, but my pain has been limited to feet aches, "walking on rocks", general parenthesis, and very occasional lightning pain. Burning pain is nearly gone. I've been getting itchiness in and around my ankles a day or two a week, but not sure how that's related.

I still feel an overall improvement in sensation normalcy in my feet since the beginning of the year. Seems to be best after being off my feet awhile, and gets worse with extended time on my feet, and especially after showering. It's as if carpet begins feeling like "steel wool" when walking barefoot. Very unpleasant but tolerable.

The biggest breakthrough has been at work. For the past 3 weeks I have been able to upgrade from tennis shoes to work boots. Beginning in January I couldn't wear my work boots for longer than a few minutes so I switched to tennis shoes as a substitute. Recently I tried wearing the boots again just to see how they felt on my feet and they have actually been relatively tolerable. This might have been the case sooner, it just happens that 3 weeks ago is the first time I dared to try.

Some days I can be on my feet a few hours and other days I'm in pain after a few minutes. Haven't pinpointed and exact reason for this other than luck of the draw for that particular day.

So I'll continue to emphasize that I'm significantly better than I was in January-March but probably only slightly better than I was mid April-Today. Things have become somewhat tolerable and I've continued to adapt my lifestyle, but I'm still hoping to get back to "normal" someday.

Stillfighting 07-25-2014 10:49 AM

Just found your thread as I have not visited lately. Thanks for posting. We all have had similar journeys. I wish I would have better documetation of mine. After at least 4 years I have found few answers but thank God my pain has been minamal. The discomfort and the constant search for the right footwear has been the biggest irritation. I think orthotics has been the best thing I've done. sounds like you have done all the right stuff. I would just caution you not to do any radical unproven proceedures without checking in here first. Keep up the good work.

IH8PN 09-03-2014 12:25 AM

Another month, another update. Still learning about my neuropathy. What makes it better. What makes it worse. How to manage it with foot wear. And what my limits are.

Heel pain definitley better than when this all started. Worst pain seems to have moved into the balls of my feet and into my metatarsals. Best way to describe it would be a burning cramping pain. I'm not sure a word exists to accurately describe it which makes it difficult to explain it.

Rest really helps the pain and discomfort. If I can stay off my feet I rarely feel pain. Actually I feel best in the morning when I first wake up before I have to stand, walk, or stress my feet.

I've probably extended the time I can spend on my feet before the pain becomes unbearable. 10-15 minutes standing. 30-60 minutes if I'm walking. It's comparable to slowly moving your hand towards a flame. As you get closer it becomes uncomfortable, then painful, and the unbearable. That's how the pain builds up when my feet are stressed. Sitting down with my shoes off and I the pain and discomfort subside usually within minutes, but it's usually sometime before I feel comfortable trying to stand again.

General burning and freezing pain still don't bother me often. The other day when I did feel unusual temperature sensations it was limited to my toes.

Still taking supplements but have limited it to ALC, R-Lipoic, Multivitamin, COQ10, Magnesium, and Fish Oil and within the last week have put forth effort to improve my diet and excercise. I hope I can keep that up.

adrenalfatigue81 09-05-2014 02:57 AM

Hi IH8PN, i was wondering how you are and can you tell me what are your most important findings. I am interested because a friend of mine experiences some of the same symptoms.

Good luck!

IH8PN 11-10-2014 02:30 AM

2 months since last update. I'm still moving along dealing with the PN. There are a few things I've been meaning to mention, and I hope to catch this thread up by the end of the week.

For now I just wanted to note that half way in to my shift at work and it's probably the least amount of pain I've had in my feet in the past 11 months. Most days are moderate pain, and some days it's severe. Today I'd call it "discomfort." I know it's just "a good day" but sometimes you need milestones to judge progress. When it's so easy to get depressed dealing with chronic pain, you'll take any reason you can to remain cautiously optimistic.

Hope everyone is hanging in there. :grouphug:

IH8PN 02-12-2015 01:22 PM

I hate to say it, but no my PN is not gone. I've stayed away from posting for 2 reasons. First is I'm not sure much has changed for me in the past few months. Second is I feel I'm better off mentally if I find ways to distract myself from my symptoms rather than dwell in them. Posting may bring some baggage with it as I bring to light all the things I hate about this disease. I'd much rather distract myself.

I can echo the sentiments of many when I say that some days I feel like I'm getting better, some days it feels worse, and other times I think I'm just getting used to it.

The PN in my feet is 95% related to pressure, meaning that the pain in the soles of my feet steadily worsens when standing and tapers off fairly quickly when I sit. The other 5% is random twitching, prickling, and feelings of coldness that seem to come and go on their own.

I have been pretty good about taking better care of myself the past 3 months. Diet has gotten better with more fruits and vegetables, exercise 3-4 times a week on the bicycle, alcohol and junk food way down, and still a steady dose of supplements. I haven't noticed a significant change in pain levels with or without the above, but I feel better mentally knowing that I'm taking care of myself.

Tried capsaicin the other day because at this point I'm willing to try anything. That was a bad idea. awful burning that started a few hours after application and didn't die off until 24 hrs later. I know there were warnings from others on here about capsaicin but I had to try it for myself. I'll never do that again for what its worth.

My neurologists sucks. I told him the gabapentin wasn't working and that I'd like to taper off and try something else. He wanted me to see how I felt without the gabapentin first. I'm sick of having to suggest ideas and beg for help. Shouldn't my MD be the one to offer suggestions and help? I'd like to get off medications anyway so I'm not going to stress about not being offered an alternative to try. My next course of action may be to try and get a hold of a compound cream if I were to try a new medication.

IH8PN 05-25-2016 11:14 PM

It's been quite awhile since I've posted any updates. I apologize as I was hoping to post regularly as both a journal and a case study.

In general things have changed very slow or often, but I have something I'd like to share. I often hear that neuropathy improves or changes very slowly. I'd have to say that in general my "good days" have been better and more often.

I still can't pin point and cause or effect. It's maddening to have "good days" followed by "bad days" when you have no idea what the reason is.

Yesterday I had quite a bit of pain. Standing and walking were very uncomfortable. It's usual so while it took a toll on me physically and mentally, it's not something I'm not accustomed to.

Well today was a great day and I don't know why. If I did I'd do whatever it took to feel this way I'd do it everyday. I don't expect to feel this way tomorrow as I rarely string together multiple days being pain free.

As a result I did everything I could that required being on my feet. I played with my kids and did as many chores around the house as I could fit in.

It's definitely a mind trip to go back and forth between hope and despair as the pain waxes and wanes without notice. I try to stay strong as thoughts of despair consume my mind. I don't know if i'll ever get back to normal. It's been almost 3 years and while the neuropathy has improved noticeably, it's hard to believe i'll ever feel normal again.

I still check on the board once a week or so to see how people are doing. Stay strong. It's hard. I know. I struggle everyday and I know how hard it is to push on. Let's fight this disease together. One day we'll have a way to combat this, or at least manage this. Thank you all for your involvement on this board, it is more valuable than you know to fellow members.

Sorry if this post seems to rambles on. I jhave so much going through my head that it's hard to put into words. Goodnight all!!

MikeK 05-26-2016 10:00 AM

Your story sounds so familiar, the really good days followed by the bad days.

For me since my back surgery the pain has been reduced greatly. The pain from my back to my feet is almost gone, the burning and tingling is still there some days are better than others. For me the biggest plus is prior to the surgery I came to dread the really good days since I knew what was going to follow wouldn't be pleasant. Now I don't have that fear.

Keep exercising & moving, one foot in front of the other is my mantra.

Best of luck & I hope you continue to improve

IH8PN 02-21-2017 12:57 AM

It's been awhile
I definitely haven't kept up with my symptom diary like I had originally planned so I think it's time for an update. I think the slow progression and or regression is so gradual that it's hard to know when things are changing. With the highs and lows you don't want to assume anything until you've had some consistency with symptoms.

The beginning of the year seemed like a perfect time to push through and focus on my health. I cut back from drinking once or twice a week to no alcohol at all in 2017. I also decided after finding my clothes no longer fitting appropriately that it was time to lose some weight as well. I've gone with a pretty srtrict low carb diet the last month or so and have begun fasting twice a week for about 36 hours at a time. I'm down about 10-15 lbs depending on the time of day and how hydrated I am. Fasting really causes the body to let go of the extra water so it can fluctuate a lot day to day. I even bought some basic wieght lifting equipment and am planning on putting together a home gym in a spare room at the house. I made some serious changes cold turkey and am surprised how disciplined I have been even if its been less than 2 months. Part of making a life style change is making it a habit.

It could be my nerves have healed or just taking care of myself has decreased symptomatic pain in my feet. Either way I can say that the past week I have had the least amount of pain I've dealt with in the past 3+ years. If it requires the sacrifices I'm currently making to have a reduction in pain I think I can keep this up. When you experience excruciating pain the discomfort from fasting, not drinking alcohol, not eating sugar, and exercise is nothing. I can say for certain that yesterday was the least amount of pain I've experienced in a 24 hour period since my neuropathy peaked. I hope the next time I add an entry to this thread I've have either remained at this level or improved some more. Time will tell.

Usif 06-28-2017 10:36 PM

You are such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for posting updates. This is giving me hope

springsjean 04-04-2018 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by IH8PN (Post 1052422)
Not the end of the week, but I feel the need to post an update. Partly because it's been a bad day pain wise, and partly because I need something to take my mind off the desire to drink. My pain went up enough to cause my feelings of despair and stress which is ultimately putting my sobriety in jeopardy.

How can I expect to get better or seek the advice of others if I can't hold up my end of the bargain?

First my stats regarding the PN.

-87 days since left foot symptoms
-40 days since right foot symptoms
-15 days on Nortriptyline (up to 30mg a day for the past 2 days)
-12 days sober
-9 days on supplements (and working to improve my diet)

I can't believe these symptoms and pain have progressed so rapidly up to this point.

I know it would be ridiculous to think that after such a short time frame for "healing" I'd really have significant results already. But the past few days leading up to today gave me signs of hope. The burning in my feet and legs has been noticeably less and not very noticeable in my arms or upper body. Since I'm on the shotgun approach to recovery I cant say whether its the Nortriptyline or supplements that helped. Maybe it's a combination. I'm just happy that there is some relief and I'll worry about figuring out the reason later. That's the good news!!

The bad news is that today I've had increased pain in the soles of my feet. The feeling of walking on "bunched up sock" increased in the ball of my right foot. And the ball of my left foot is still walking on "rocks" which seemed sharper today. For some reason walking around barefoot feels better. Maybe the pressure is distributed just right to make it more tolerable. Walking around in shoes (pretty much any shoe, I've tried every pair I've owned) makes it worse. Anything with arch support is the worst. Makes it hard to leave the house or go to work!!

That brings me to the worst of my pain right now. My right foot has a dull ache which was brutal today. It's hard to pinpoint where it's originating, but the "arch supports" in shoes make it worse, so I'm thinking its originating around that area of my foot. Anyway it's impossible to stand in one spot for more than a minute or two without having to move or sit down. Sometimes its worst in the heel area and sometimes it seems to radiate up to my ankle. As soon as I sit down it quickly subsides as it is very much pressure/position dependent. At the same time I can't replicate the pain by pressing on the sole of my foot. Feels very much like I'm walking on the bare bones. One thing I have noticed is that I get a vague cramping feeling in the same area when I'm relaxing in bed. I'm not sure I'd associate the dull pain with PN, but the burning and dull ache began on the same day 40 days ago. It came on so suddenly and expectantly, I'll never forget that day as long as I live.

Anyway the pain made it very hard to concentrate on anything other than getting off my feet today and as we all know, stress only makes the nerves more agitated. I needed to put my feelings down to take my mind off of alcohol and continue to track my journey.

Days like this are really going to test my resolve to fight this condition. I'm still so young and have a lot of responsibility with a toddler and I don't have time to take a day off and feel sorry for myself. Thank goodness I have my first appointment with a psychiatrist next week. I really need to get my mental health in check to properly attack my physical problems.

Just curious, have you ever been properly tested for lyme and coinfections?

One of the symptoms of bartonella is burning soles of feet. and anxiety is many people with lyme first symptom. I have lyme for 15+ years and battling peripheral neuropathy now which is why I am visiting here.

Freeform 06-16-2023 01:15 AM

Hey did you break by now it's been awhile? Are you back to normal?

G.paton 03-26-2024 03:37 PM

Hi new member
I can relate to a lot of what people are suffering with
My problem was diagnosed 2 yrs ago
With my toes in both feet , right is worse
Can only describe it as frostbite, and burning , very uncomfortable, seem to get it worse when I drive , especially when stuck in traffic, can get unbearable at times , and have to get out of car , exercise my foot , what makes matters worse also got plantar fasciitis
I have spoke to my specialist and having b12 blood test which in some case can help with adjustments, then physio, then stick wave treatment that can relieve nerve endings and promote repair to them , so have a few things to try , definitely won't be trying the drugs route.made my mind up about that , hope this helps anybody , we all have different thresholds of pain , at the moment mine is tolerable

JILLB 05-07-2024 02:46 PM

New symptoms every day
I've had PN for almost 10 years and I'm still finding new symptoms that can be linked to autonomic dysfunction. The latest one is stomach problems - ibd - bloating, pain etc that tends to crop up when I'm stressed or anxious. I'm working on solution for that one.
I can recommend Vioxx sox, only available on-line. I rub magnesium cream on my feet and put my sox on at bedtime. No more RLS and foot pain. I also belong to a zoom group from the Western Periphery website. We zoom twice a month - it's wonderful to chat with people who understand PN. My greatest fear is falling, so I go to the gym 3 times a week to strengthen my legs. I've had to cut back on my beloved gardening (can get down, can't get back up). I worry about what the future will bring, but as they say, We Go On.

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