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Stacy2012 03-28-2014 10:26 PM

I just really believe nobody cares about our health more than us. No doctor, nobody, and we have to be proactive.

Joano, himalayan sea salt is the best salt you can get then celtic, so you have the top two best. MrsD does not buy into all this salt or iodine stuff, no disrespect intended, but I do.

Do your own research, google those two salts and see what you find vs regular table salt. I have read books and done the research. Table salt has been stripped of all minerals and is what causes high blood pressure. The purpose for the salt is that it is so healthy for you, not to get iodine. The only way you are going to get the iodine you need you will not get it in food and you really have to research more, I do not want to get all preachy about it, especially as most on this board do not agree with the protocol. I made a post about the salt here long ago, I listened to both sides, did my research, and came to my own conclusions.

For the protocol Lugols or Idoral is used, not the stuff you find in vitamins.

I will say, I prepared to do this iodine protocol for 3 months before starting it, and if you are going to do the protocol you have to do it correct otherwise you can have serious bromine detox. Also, if you dont change your diet, detox will be even worse since bromine is everywhere in bread products.

Anyway, it's a protocol not to do without great research and consideration. :winky:

Stacy2012 03-28-2014 10:34 PM

Also, saying too much iodine supresses the thyroid is also controversial, depending on which side of the fence you fall on. Some also say not to use iodine if you have hashimotos, but that is only one side of the fence, so clearly, this whole thing about thyroid and iodine is subjective, and people feel strongly on both sides.

You will have to read all sides and make your own decisions but I promise it wont be easy. There are doctors, and studies, etc, for both sides. You will have to decide which side you believe, if either.

Kitt 03-29-2014 09:01 AM

Our body does need Iodine. How much - I haven't checked but the body needs it.

Stacy2012 03-29-2014 03:57 PM

Yes, the body does need iodine and the problem is, bromine, floride, and other chemicals take precedence in the body and push the iodine out, that is a fact. So if you are injesting lots of bread and food with bromine and drinking water and toothpaste with flouride, none of the iodine you MAY be getting is reaching your cells.

There is a pecking order and iodine is at the bottom of that list, so most everyone is iodine deficient.

And people who think nasty white table salt with iodine is good for you in any way shape or form, I suggest really doing some research. You don't have to buy into all the "hype" of celtic or himalayan salt but you surely will find out that any white table salt is death to you. But again, two sides to the salt thing too, so it's up to us to research and decide.

Sallysblooms 03-29-2014 04:25 PM

Iodine, zinc and other minerals are important so I eat dried seaweed, shellfish and miso, etc. It looks like everyone has a very different diet. I use sea salt.

mrsD 03-29-2014 04:54 PM

I am concerned, yes, about the Himalayan salt (which really comes from Pakistan and should be called Pakistani salt), containing lead, arsenic, fluoride, cadmium and 80 other trace elements. Some of the lists contain 84 elements in various concentrations. This product was promoted in Europe with a free tape recording similar to the Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape that circulated in US about the miraculous Utah mineral clay pits.

I've spent 2 days searching for the truth about it and all I find are unreliable sites, willing to make a buck (actually many bucks) on this item.

A very few sites do give a list of all 84 elements in this pink iron rich salt. (people with iron overload problems have to be concerned about the iron content alone).

So anyone who wishes to learn more can do some searching, but it will eat up a lot of time so get comfy and get to it.

I don't add salt to my food... not for 30 yrs. Hubby uses sea salt, that he buys at Costco.

So yes, I am mega skeptical about the "salt" which is pink, and not from the Himalayas.

Stacy2012 03-29-2014 05:34 PM

MrsD I have great respect for you, so I will just say, we are not always going to agree. :) For every negative article you find, I can find a positive one too. The trace minerals you talk about is another concern I had and I checked it out too. Again, I do not feel your "sources" are better or correct, or wrong. I simply believe the other side and the other sources. We, you and I individually, can only rely on the information we READ. It is not you or me that is right or wrong, it is simply choosing to believe in different sources. As much as I respect you as a very knowledgeable person, you can't always have the correct information, only the information you choose to believe.

This is the only salt I use:

In the end, it's not about right or wrong, choose ye this day whom you will follow, and I am following what I believe is the path the Lord has me, personally, going on. He has never lead me wrong.

I simply shared a little here, certainly not going to try and persuade you or anyone else to walk down this path. :)

mrsD 03-29-2014 06:10 PM

I am only sharing my experience the past two days, searching this topic. I even did it on my iPhone (which brings up different Google strings with Safari).

I could not find many "facts"... and that is my opinion. I felt I should say "something" because some readers here look for what I have to say about things.

I am not discouraging you personally, about your use of this salt.
But it did occur to me, that perhaps you could back off it for a short time and see if you feel different? It is a similar technique to isolate a food intolerance, etc.

Natural dolomite for a while many years ago was all the rage, until it was discovered to have significant lead content. No one talks about dolomite for calcium intake these days. Then there was the algae contamination by fluoride, that was involved with spirulina consumption, and fluoride toxicity.

I will say that for myself, I had a huge learning experience ...just after the lisinopril emergency. I started having severe anxiety and palpitations mostly at night, and my doctor and I traced it to my thyroid medication. My tests were creeping up from normal showing too much T4... so I volunteered to drop the medication, for 2 weeks and noticed I felt MUCH better, then started on 1/2 dose which did the same thing to me. So after 3 months of going without, I was retested 3 weeks ago and I hadn't changed much at all. So now the plan is to go without, and get retested in another 6mos. I am sleeping now better, thru the night which is very welcome, and I haven't been cold much this drastic winter, and my hair stopped falling out... etc. My goiter has not returned yet, but it is early days still. So the upshot of that story is that we cannot really take ANYTHING for granted these days. I don't know what will happen after the summer, but I don't miss my racing heart or feelings of doom at all!

Everyone here will find their own way, eventually.... so don't take my opinions on this issue to heart personally, Stacy.

Stacy2012 03-29-2014 07:21 PM

I respect you, so being on different sides of a fence is strange, but understandable, we cant always agree on everything. :)

If you knew my history, you might understand this next statement, but here it is...I am simply led by God. I have many testimonies, but in my life, I never get a flat out "miracle" but instead I am always led down a path that leads to my miracle. So, I do my due diligence to find sources and research but in the end I follow the peace that He gives for my direction, which is my true source.

Sorry, not getting all preachy, it's just my life, hard to talk about it without God in it. I still believe my miracle is coming, He has shown me too many times to have faith than to give up now.

OK all done with this subject, hugs to all. :grouphug:

Sallysblooms 03-29-2014 07:22 PM

Yes, it is good to hear all opinions. We all have different sources we learn from.

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