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ginnie 04-09-2014 01:06 PM

Hi Beatle
I would bring this to the attention of your doctors. Since you live in a legal state, it is worth trying to see if it helps. Some pain specialists won't prescribe any medication if you use MJ, even if it is in a legal state. I am involved in getting this issue on our ballot here in Florida. I tried it when I had a window of opportunity, as I do get tested for drugs. It did help, so I went on to fight the correct way, through the legal system. PN is strange, that's for sure. I have it in multiple areas. I do think mj is less damage than opiates. If you use a vaporizer, or better yet the MJ that doesn't have THC, then you are getting the benefit without smoke or the high associated with it. The 6 brothers in your state are growing different kinds for many patients. Get in touch with them and your doctor. Keep us posted on your experiences. ginnie

beatle 04-09-2014 04:41 PM

Yesterday was the first day I have ever tried a CBD product in my life and it was a good day. I almost posted here last night but I didn’t want to speak too soon. I have had other good days with PN - okay, not great, but certainly functional. The best way I can describe my experience yesterday is uneventful. No brain fog or high, nothing like that. In fact, I could think clearer because I was not distracted by PN pain, it was simply gone. That is what I noticed about it, that the stabbing pains and electrical shocks were not present. The tingling was also much less noticeable. Normally the tingling antagonizes me constantly and it was still there, far less though, barely noticeable in fact and not bothersome. The numb parts of my feet remained numb however and I don’t think anything can change that besides possible nerve regeneration and that happens over a long period of time, if ever.

This morning, I woke up at 7:00, feeling normal, still no pain, no grogginess either (like I get from Lyrica as I am hypersensitive to most medications; a downfall with my PN), and no pain all day today. I have had good days in the past but two in a row is not typical for me. I was outside today for the first time in I don’t know how long, walking without any pain, with a clear mind and still numbness in my feet. I am being very cautious about this and carefully monitoring myself and waiting for the pain I haven’t felt for the past day. If it all ends tomorrow, I will report that and if I continue to do well, I will report that too.

CBD can be ingested, inhaled, applied topically, transdermally and probably other ways I can’t even think of (see Dr. Smith’s comment). CBD has been overshadowed by THC, the psychoactive chemical that gets you high but CBD does NOT get you high. Of course many people like the THC high but not me (tried it in high school half my life ago). I am specifically in need relief from PN pain without the brain effects associated with the prescription drugs and CBD has given me that for 24 hours so far.

Below are some of the studies that influenced my decision to try CBD for my PN after all else has failed. The pain relieving components of Cannabis are currently being tested extensively on an international level with promising results so far and it is gradually being embraced by the medical community. Their embracing comes in the form of scientific results and that still will take some time but from what I can see right now, there appears to be some hope for CBD in the treatment for neuropathic pain.

From The British Pharmacological Society:

Difference between THC and CBD administration:

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is “doubling down” on legalizing MMJ and specifically mentions neuropathic pain:
(He was previously opposed to MMJ prior to researching it and has now hosted two documentaries about it on CNN)

From the Federation of European Neuroscience for Osteoarthritis pain:

Comprehensive papers on the topic:

AussieDebbie 04-09-2014 06:06 PM

Thank you very much for getting back to us so quickly. No doubt many, like myself, will be a little skeptical for a few more weeks, waiting to see if this effect continues to work for you over time. However, it does indeed look very promising.

I'm rather excited to get my hands on this, but I doubt it's available yet in Australia. Will make inquiries though. I also smoked it many many years ago, as a recreational, social drug, at the beach with friends. Life was free and easy then, and we were harming nobody.

Just looking into it a little now and I see it's looking promising in some cases as a cancer preventative. Impressive!!

Keep us informed, please. :)

beatle 04-09-2014 07:00 PM

Thanks Debbie,
I definitely will keep updating with my experiences, good or bad.

Here are my concerns:

- That I build a tolerance and over time, need more and more to reap the benefits of pain relief. A very realistic concern.

- That it stops working. A year ago I was prescribed clonazepam (Klonopin) by a neuro and I did very well for a few weeks before it stopped working completely. Benzodiazepines are known for that and CBD is not at all related but I am a skeptic by nature and would need a significant amount of time to go by before I could cross this off the list.

- That is becomes unavailable or a shortage occurs. This could happen with anything but the way things are going here in the US, medical marijuana laws are gradually changing, resulting in more competition and hence, more availability. Still, it's something that I have thought about.

Dependence I do not worry about at all. I have already weighed this out and given the choice between being bedridden with PN as I have been or dependent on swallowing a pill or wearing a patch every day to function like a healthy person...

Right now, I am very much enjoying this relief with a clear mind. It has been a long time since I have felt this normal and CBD has so far exceeded my expectations.

beatle 04-09-2014 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 1062489)
I would bring this to the attention of your doctors. Since you live in a legal state, it is worth trying to see if it helps. Some pain specialists won't prescribe any medication if you use MJ, even if it is in a legal state. I am involved in getting this issue on our ballot here in Florida. I tried it when I had a window of opportunity, as I do get tested for drugs. It did help, so I went on to fight the correct way, through the legal system. PN is strange, that's for sure. I have it in multiple areas. I do think mj is less damage than opiates. If you use a vaporizer, or better yet the MJ that doesn't have THC, then you are getting the benefit without smoke or the high associated with it. The 6 brothers in your state are growing different kinds for many patients. Get in touch with them and your doctor. Keep us posted on your experiences. ginnie

I am holding off on reporting anything to doctors. This is new for me Ginnie and need to be methodical how I proceed. I am doing baby steps with it. I too believe MMJ is better than opiates. I also know about the brothers here. They are helping a lot of people right now. I too am getting help that I am grateful for.

Dr. Smith 04-10-2014 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by beatle (Post 1062548)
Here are my concerns:

- That I build a tolerance and over time, need more and more to reap the benefits of pain relief. A very realistic concern.

If this happens, periodic breaks—medication vacations—should work well.


- That it stops working. A year ago I was prescribed clonazepam (Klonopin) by a neuro and I did very well for a few weeks before it stopped working completely. Benzodiazepines are known for that and CBD is not at all related but I am a skeptic by nature and would need a significant amount of time to go by before I could cross this off the list.
I haven't heard of this with CBD, but time will tell. If it happens, I would try the same "vacation", as it may just be a tolerance issue.


That is becomes unavailable or a shortage occurs.
Given your location, is this really an issue? I would think that if it proves a successful therapy for you, you might naturally move on to self-supplying (growing your own of an appropriate strain).


Right now, I am very much enjoying this relief with a clear mind. It has been a long time since I have felt this normal and CBD has so far exceeded my expectations.
Following with interest.


ginnie 04-10-2014 07:53 AM

Hi Stacy
I am involved in getting this MJ on our ballot this coming fall. There are ways of using MJ without smoke at all! There is something called a vaporizer. If this law passes, and allows this state to be for Medical MJ., I will try it in this way. I don't want the harmful part, the smoke. In fact, if they removed the THC, that would be fine with me too. From all that I am reading on the subject, it does provide a measure of relief from pain. Good to talk about this subject, as the laws will begin to change for most of the USA in time. ginnie

hopeful 04-10-2014 12:15 PM

Right now I am wishing I lived in Colorado. Beatle this sounds so promising. I hope it keeps working. Just to have two days of no pain and a clear head would be amazing. Thanks for bringing this to the forum.
As I said before PA will probably be the last state to make it legal. Our governor wants to part of it.

Apollo 04-10-2014 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by beatle (Post 1062550)
I am holding off on reporting anything to doctors. This is new for me Ginnie and need to be methodical how I proceed. I am doing baby steps with it. I too believe MMJ is better than opiates. I also know about the brothers here. They are helping a lot of people right now. I too am getting help that I am grateful for.

This is fantastic news ... wow!

I also always tell anyone with "Idiopathic" pain such as yours to explore Lyme Disease and be properly tested for it!

Please keep giving us regular updates!



Dr. Smith 04-11-2014 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by hopeful (Post 1062647)
As I said before PA will probably be the last state to make it legal. Our governor wants [no] part of it.

...or it could be the next.

13 States with Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana (as of Apr. 10, 2014)

Bill To Legalize Medical Marijuana In Pennsylvania Has Bipartisan Support For First Time Ever

medical marijuana pennsylvania


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