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Adastra 07-19-2007 08:04 AM


I would be most grateful if you get the chance to speak to Karen before she has this investigation to send her my very best wishes. We had been emailing each other recently and I did not know what the problem was.

She is a truly wonderful person and deserves to know how many are thinking about her. Like everyone else I shall be waiting to see her postings and emails again.

Many thanks


mrsD 07-19-2007 09:57 AM

computer woes?

just a brief message here...sorry Karen is caput

The wifi here works, but the laptop does not like my car..
so I have to run on batts...the cursor goes nuts on the adaptor

and I can't get used to this keyboard...

We are trying to toughen up, but we are having frig problems..
and pretty cold weather. Today is the first day in town.
Hubby leaves me alone on Sat and my son comes next Sat,

Don't have much time this trip....hope everyone is doing okay and
that Karen gets back on soon/!

Silverlady 07-19-2007 02:46 PM

Double Ugh!
I was so hoping the computer thing with Karen was a minor thing. I know how much she depends on the laptop for everything. And I for one know how lost she is without it. I know when I was in the hospital and couldn't keep up with my group of friends, I lost my lifeline. You are all so much a part of my world.

You tell Karen that I feel like I've lost part of my world not being able to email in our "conversations" every day. I miss her badly when I can't email her.

That's scary, it almost sounds as if her computer exploded on her.


Alkymst 07-19-2007 07:24 PM

please add my best wishes to K-meb that her GI exam and the anaesthesia Monday are uneventful and clean. Tell her too that I send the best for her computer woes - bloody suicidal little black boxes can drive one to drink on occassion.

dahlek 07-19-2007 08:29 PM

Well, She's now on day 3 of ...
'puter withdrawal...the HP service folks have received the seems to be a cracked casing because the screws on the latch are too tight? Broke the LCD screen....I sure hope they've got a 'spare 'puter body' or the right type right there! and can get it back soon!

She's really appreciating all of your support and good wishes-each and every one of you!...Just spoke with her about an hour ago...So Alkymst, your kind words will have to wait till tomorrow. And any others who want to send them! As with Billye, we don't really appreciate being CUT OFF from those who truly have any clues about what we deal with until such events happen.

Pain free moments, or even longer to all of you. Updates to follow... - j

dahlek 07-20-2007 08:24 PM

Day four...
She'd been given a 'tracking service number' to find out what progress, if any, has been made. The service folks can't seem to 'find it'-her computer that is... EEEK? [my comment].
Well, let all of us wait and find out what form of 'service' HP provides regarding admittedly defective equipment. For most of you know she went thru so many Dell replacements and hard was surreal.
I did give my IBM CLONE the appropriate worship and respect this morning tho, just in case! -
She seemed to be in good spirits, tho she got a 'call interrupt' and was going to call back...sure hope it was either something good or at least interesting? As that was a couple of hours ago.
Good thoughts to all! - j

Silverlady 07-20-2007 09:05 PM

It was me
I was the call interuppt. :D She sounds good but is really stressed because of the problems with the LTD again this year. I don't know why they can't leave her alone. And the computer problems are just not real, they can't possibly be doing this to her again. I know she is really lost without her computer. She was able to order her groceries before the thing went back. I just hope they get it back to her fast. It's just not fair that one person has to go thru so much.


shiney sue 07-20-2007 09:24 PM

Oh Darn
J please sent K my love and best wishes. I went in the hospital Monday
night and went nuts because no computer. I go back Thursday so
tell her they just my have to put us in the nut house by then. I hope
with all my heart they get it fixed and running real soon. Did you say
cracking nosies oh no,better get this one checked out. I going to
visulize it be fixed once and for all. Karen you are missed. Okay i'll sending
out fix the computer right now unn Please!! Sue

Brian 07-20-2007 10:41 PM

If its the same as here in the US, it takes ages to get things repaired these days, knowbody seems to keep any stock anymore, once they work out what wrong then they nearly always have to order the part needed, then you have to wait until they get the parts are delivered, which can take ages, before they attempt fix it, unreal, you would think that they would lend her one to get by on, its pretty mean not to, considering how much she relies on it.

MelodyL 07-20-2007 10:59 PM

You know, I always wanted to buy a laptop (before I got this Hewlett Packard Media Center PC.

I figured, why get a whole computer, when you can get this little thing, put it on the desk, it comes with a nice hard drive, wi-fi, if I wish. Or I can plug it into a modem and use the phone line.

Someone told me "you can't use your laptop all day long". I said "well, I'm not on it all day long, but when I want to use it in different rooms, I can just unplug it and plug it into a different phone jack, right?

For some reason, I was discouraged from buying a laptop. and there are several nice laptops out there. They have Windows XP, or Windows Vista, they can get me on the internet, they have microsoft word. They have a touch pad in addition to a mouse.

So someone tell me what the big deal is that I was told "no, you should get a computer". I really dont know why.

Isnt' a laptop, just a smaller computer? I mean they have webcams and everything.

Anybody know???


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