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shiney sue 12-22-2007 03:24 PM

Wrong ,wrong in just about every state Medicate does not count 1 car
and your's is older. Like I said see the Social Worker that you owe 10.000
thousand dollars 2 they will want there money ,if your job like the car
factories have gone down hill. The Social worker at hospital will step
in and work with medical,thet want there money. this is a step in getting
you better help. I'm seen it happen many times.. C will back me up
on this alot of people use to go in the hospital ,I'm not saying it wasn't
needed and ran up a 5 hundred thousand dollar bill and go bankrupt..
C is right about the medical system,you worked hard Ron,use
everything you can. I was told i had a milder form of what you have,tured
out I didn't.

PN can cause strokes and heartattacks...But so can STRESS,but i'm worried
about you. Mu Aunt just started having mini strokes,and I'm willing you need more tests. Once again go to a ER. and the more they tell you see a Dr. tell
them nicly to send someone down from that department,you do not have a Dr..I could go on for hrs. why are health care system is so bad,but I'm not
feeling well right now.,lucky you. Listen you can have both PN and Car.Tunnel,I have both. Please go back to hospital,start at er you need help
now if I'm reading you right don't let them scare you,speak up,it's your
life... Best wishes Ron,we have all been through this in one way or ano we have people who are lucky to have good insurance plans and
people who are about to be put out on the street. Hugs Sue

Dakota 12-22-2007 04:00 PM

It wouldn't hurt you at all to eliminate caffeine. Even de-caf has some caffiene, and you are drinking a lot. Caffeine can raise blood pressure and heart rate -- two things you don't need.

Brian 12-22-2007 04:46 PM

Hi Ron, i would really take notice of the previous members posts, your health has to come first before anything else.
Someone correct me if i am wrong but i was under the impression that sitting in one position for long periods can cause clots in some people.
I don't know how your health system works over there, but i am sure that if you advise a doctor of what is happening to you they will act very smartly and get you the medical attention you need.

Brian :)

Curious 12-22-2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ron9 (Post 179397)

How come my picture is not showing up - it did on BT ?

I looked at the "options" and found nothing about it showing or not showing and it does show up on my profile - but not on my post?


ron you put your picture in your profile. you need to load it as your avatar. :)

in your UserCP on the left side you will see the button that says :edit avatar. be sure to click save when you are done. if you need any help, just send me a pm...or post here.

and welcome to neurotalk.

glenntaj 12-22-2007 05:37 PM

Ron, with all the usual caveats about my not being a doctor--
--the pattern of symptoms you're describing does not really seem to be peripheral neuropathy related. Albeit, you may well have neuropathy and carpal tunnel, and it is certainly easy for already damaged nerves to be VERY prone to compressive effects (I'm quite good proof of that, and have recently been fighting some compressive effects in my left leg and ankle area that make it feel like I'm walking on a sponge), but the speed of your symptom change and the varying locations (fingers, face, etc.) make this sound much more like building/releasing brain and spinal cord pressures from where I'm sitting than a peripheral effect from repetitive motion.

I think they need to take a good look at the spinothalamic tracts of the brainstem--what you are describing is consistent not only with TIA episodes but with early Central Pain Syndrome, and you certainly would not want that.
(You can read about that at but that condition is so intractable you want to prevent it any way possible.)

Please, get thee to an ER--worry about the money later. Your life and functionality are far more important.

shiney sue 12-22-2007 07:19 PM

Thanks Glen you always come through that's how my neuro explained things
me..Ron I live in Columbia ,Mo I will PM you...Hugs Sue.

Silverlady 12-22-2007 10:11 PM

Putting off the envitable....
Seems to me like you are playing with fire. My mother suffered a major stroke when she was only 46 years old. She never recovered from this stoke. She was paralyzed, in a wheelchair with no use of her left side.

She lived 33 more years. She lived only half a life, never getting out of the house unless we could take her. Never shopping, never anything that she really wanted to do. It took away her independence, her dignity and finally her family as my father divorced her.

I kept her at home as long as I could, but finally was unable to care for her with my own health problems. She suffered a final stroke last year.

I was a witness to that stroke and trust me, it wasn't pretty. It left me with a memory that isn't likely to be forgotten. you want to go thru all of this?? Seems like a waste of a good life to me.

You have been given excellent advice, forget the money, get yourself to good medical help. It means your life. A stoke can cripple and kill you.


LizaJane 12-24-2007 03:16 PM

Stroke Center
Ron--have you check the hospitals in your vicinity out to find the nearest stroke center? It's something you may want to know, as you say your first doctors were not stroke specialists.

shiney sue 12-24-2007 04:13 PM

Your picture is showing up.. Just once again no asparin if taking blood
thinners.Please Sue this is a lifesaver but not on bleedthiners..

LizaJane 12-26-2007 11:15 PM

Do you have any follow-up for us? I had gotten so emotional when I read your post, your second post, that my post to you had gone over the line, and the moderators took it down, using their very good judgment. I was, perhaps, goading you into finding yourself better care.

But here we are, a community of people who have taken the time to get to know you, to throw in our two cents---please do us the favor of letting us know how you are doing.

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