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Roxie2007 01-12-2008 02:21 PM

HI All!
I will look for the generic EMLA and see if it's cheaper than the real stuff.
I took the bandage off the new Port this morning so I could shower.....and it kinda freaked me out to see that lump there under the skin....I guess it stays that way because thats the port, right?? UGH!!!!!! I feel like the Bionic woman now! LOL

Sue I haven't mentioned to my school that I want to change jobs, yet. But now that I have the port I think I will because if I'd get bumped on this lump it would hurt like crazy!
I have no idea what they'll say....hopefully they will agree with me.

Well it's pain pill time again.....I'm going to try a Darvon this time....see if it makes me itch too :(

MelodyL 01-12-2008 03:56 PM

To the Bionic Woman

Go and watch the New Terminator TV Series. We'll be calling you Terminator Woman. lol

What do they do with the EMLA, do they just apply it before they hook you up for the infusion??


Roxie2007 01-12-2008 04:15 PM

LOL that's funny Mel!
Yes I guess the nurse just puts the needle into the port. I'm not exactly sure where the needle goes into the port so I'm just going to cover the whole area with the EMLA and hope I've got it all covered.
I took a Darvocett instead of the Hydrocodone and that seems to not make me that's a good thing!

MelodyL 01-12-2008 04:23 PM

Okay, explain the whole port thing to me.

My friend (who was undergoing chemo), and was anorexic, well, they couldn't use her veins so they tried to put in a port. But the port didn't take. I have no idea what this means, because they stopped the chemo, because she refused to eat. Anyway, she has passed on now and is in a better place.

But I remember when they hospitalized her to put in the port and it didn't take.

So I gather a port is a place (that if you have infusions weekly or whatever), that they don't have to repeatedly stick you in your vein, right??

Last week, before my husband's visiting nurse came over, she phoned me up and one of the questions she asked me was "Does your husband have a permanent device"??? I then said "oh, you mean, does he have a port, or heplock thing?? and she said "exactly" and I said "no". She said fine.

When Alan was getting two infusions a month, the nurse would use a heplock so the next day when she came, it was right there in his arm.

I'm not familiar with ports. Does it stick out of your body?? I mean, if you were to expose the area, do you then go "oh, there's a port??"

just curious. I want to have all my eggs in a basket, just in case my hubby ever needs one of these things.

Thanks, Mel

P.S. If you have a port, and it's a place where the infusion person just has to put the needle in, then why do you have to rub EMLA creme over it?

See where I'm confused.

Does your port area get sore or something??

Thanks Mel

Roxie2007 01-12-2008 09:11 PM

My port is under the I will get poked but the port has it's own vein....that it goes thru so they just have to stick me and that's it. I can see the port. That's why I need the cream, so I won't feel the needle go into the skin on my chest. OUCH! I'm hoping that once the swelling goes down and the incision heals it won't be as noticible.....or I will look like the Terminator lady! lol

daniella 01-12-2008 09:40 PM

I am glad things are going a little better. I was wondering if you still work. I missed that. Do you have to go back on Mon? Is this going to be the port I mean forever?When do you see how it works or when is the next ivig?Take care and no scratching. You have to wear oven mits.

Roxie2007 01-12-2008 09:45 PM

Yes I'm still working......I'm on sick leave till the 24th though.....then it's back to work.
I have my first IVIG using the new port on Monday.....I have my fingers crossed that it works ok!

Silverlady 01-12-2008 09:58 PM

I'm so glad this went well for you. I worried so much because I knew so much of your history..(yeah, I could remember it). I hope things continue to go well.

I just don't understand this doctor thing. "You do it, it's not my responsibility.", " do it, it IS yours". I get so tired of that. I am going thru some of it with the ortho, rheumie and pain doctor.

Please let us hear from you, there are a bunch of people here who care. :hug:


dahlek 01-12-2008 10:01 PM

Roxie, tho I've not gone thru this?
INput from others has told me that it is important to get that 'port' used as soon as possible..should there be any problems they will crop up right away. That is aside from some pain/discomfort either from the needle accessing the port or from the 'disturbing' of the surgical site..thing is you've got to use it to keep it ...well, going. Those I have met who have them definitely endorse their use...less pain, fewer problems overall. Just be SURE you are well educated as to what all are the truly PROPER sterile procedures that should be followed? It is your life, health and safety here, after all. People forget, even medical professionals so YOU are going to have to be the HAWK on this stuff..Caution, prevention, can save a whole heap of problems down the road to keep things from going wrong. It is my hope and prayer that you are more on top of IT ALL than they are! I do believe you are, and I suspect you are wishing rite now, that you could 'cruise' a bit? Not now, maybe later? I sure hope you get a 'cruising' point and soon! Anything that is not up to YOUR OWN standards of quality...ask questions of your docs and demand answers...Remind them YOU are the person affected by all this?

In my mind, you are one truly brave and serious person about this all. YOu want to get better! Just truly wish any improvements show up soon? My! I truly hope for this! - j


daniella 01-12-2008 11:07 PM

I agree just reading your story and others issues how you keep fighting and trying new treatments is amazing. I really can't say enough what an inspiration you all are. I am at the loosing my mind point but holding on to hope and a lot is hearing all you fight.Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for good luck on Mon. I agree to use your voice. At the doc last week I even said to the latest new how I feel unheard and rushed by the docs. Basically she did the same thing but I used my voice. I think some are planning there evening plans or grocery shopping while doing my exam. Ok enough of me going on. Hang in there.

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