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Aussie99 01-16-2008 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by cyclelops (Post 188088)
Just think Aussie, in 20 years, how much wiser you will be than any of us.

Hi Cycleops,

Forgive me but I don't get the above statement:confused:

shiney sue 01-17-2008 01:21 AM

I do
very much like Fanfarie and when the day is good ,I see it as a good
day. But i'm not going to say everyday the smallest thing won't
hurt for days..Chronic illness is not sexy and the chronic ill person
is either afraid to speak out for so many reasons,job loss,insurance
loss. Now that i'm a old bag, I'm not so afriad,but I will not
be ignored by narcistic people who say I don't want to be like that.
Because some day they may be,but i've been lucky and have a strong
family,there not all living near me but I know they love me,are
proud of me as I am of them..We are who we are and someday
everyone has a struggel,but we make it the best we can. Some take
pain better then others and we all have pain in different ways.I
am going to have someone clean my house,I won't like it but This
mess bothers me..I could go on,no i'm tired but I'm proud of what
I can still do,I'm not giving up,I want life anyway I can get it. Sue
I take it back we are a sometimes worn out sexy,Look at Billye no
silver haired lady there very pretty,as Mel and many of us if we had
the guts and printed our picture,don't forget that pretty Roxie.good

HeyJoe 01-17-2008 01:36 AM

I think that is great that you are feeling better and in much less pain. Keep on doing what you are doing. Its great to hear success stories.

I keep busy and do what i can and am distracted at times but after a short while my feet insist on reminding me and i can feel the pain while im on them. I try not to let it stop me and i do push myself. Sometimes i hit a brick wall and thats it for that day and i have to ease off or take the day off, but im right back there as soon as i can. I think it really depends on what a person has and how far advanced it is and how much pain, as to what degree and length of time they can become distracted.

Keep up the good work and good luck.

cyclelops 01-17-2008 10:05 AM

I am glad you have found that you are feeling better by helping others and not focusing on yourself.

However,to imply that if I thought more positively, and associated with more positive people that my PN would go away and the quality of MY life improve is a hurtful comment.

You are 20 years younger than I, your experience with PN, as a diagnosis is limited.

It is not appropriate to lecture people on the other side of the mountain, as to which way the wind is blowing.

I wonder after all these years of having PN, that ONE OF US, didn't figure out all we had to do was think positive!

People get PN for many reasons.
Some get it due to cancer.
Some get it due to autoimmune diseases.
Some get it due to toxins.
Some get it from infectious diseases.

Some are BORN with it. I think the idiopathic PNers have the most difficult time, as they have NO idea how to treat the disease. They have no 'scar they can talk about' using the lyrics of a current rock song.

PN is a large net, with many manifestations. Getting a diagnosis of PN is the beginning, not the end of finding out what is causing to be unable to function. Some people with some forms of PN go on to develop life altering and life threatening condititions, regardless of how 'positive' they think.

Positive thinking has been a mainstay of every one on this board.

They have been kind, accepting and helpful to any one who even questions that they may have, or develop some kind of PN, regardless of the tactless form that many of these inquiries take. Many of the inquiries on here are inconsiderate.

If you have developed the level of wisdom you have, at this early time in your life, while exploring this disease as a possibility of your problems, then, you are far wiser than I, and far wiser than the entire group.

Just don't ever tell me, for one instant, that if I did not dwell on my loss of function, it would go away. Don't tell me for one instant that I have not spent my entire life in positive action or positive company and that I still do not do so.

I have spent a lifetime professionally as a registered nurse, caring for sick people. Almost as long as you have been alive.

I have had toxic chemo bags break and cleaned it up with bare hands....that is what we did 'way back then'.

I have spent a lifetime raising 8 children, 4 of them not my own, to adulthood.

I have spent almost 4 decades married to the same man. I have left behind many programs for public good AND I have challenged myself thru athletic activity, competed against able bodies competitors, to put myself out there as a role model to folks with traumatic injury and illness, and to show folks that indeed, there is a place for even the 'impaired' person to be part of something greater.

So tell me, how, how can I think and act more positively to stop my foot drop?

It is pretty hard not to dwell on it when I take each and every step. I have to think to walk, and when I think, it is hard not to remember that I have PN and it is doing this to me.

What YOU can do without thinking about, another person must thoroughly think thru every action in order to accomplish it. It takes a great deal of positive thought just to take a step or open a jar. I have seen very few people complain of how difficult life can be with functional impairment.

I am delighted that you are able to go forth and do good deeds, live life large. It is one less life altered by this condition, and that is what I hope to see.

Aussie99 01-17-2008 04:18 PM

When I started my thread it was based upon my personal experience. Then I discussed a book I was reading called "The Secret". I beleive it's a best seller.

The book just just implies that our minds are very strong and can alter our perception of pain and illness and possibly change an outcome. There are examples of this such as the power of placebo,meditation,prayer,healing touch,laughter as therapy, the list goes on and on. Positive thinking is not a magic bullet, but I think it can be useful to certain people like myself.

I think that you often take things way to personally and its like you think it's ok to be hurtful to people who have done nothing to you? So I guess next time anyone has something to say it needs to be run by you for approval?? I think you tend to be too heavy handed with opinions and too ready to argue. If you analysed what I wrote, one post was my own experience and the other was about a book I was reading.

Cycleops, please don't reply back to me, I am not an argumentative person. I think this illness does enough damage without the likes of people like yourself tearing me down even further. And if you don't like a thread just ignore it for goodness sake!


shiney sue 01-17-2008 05:49 PM

not sayin anything other then I kept my PN a secret for over 10 years,
what it did Aussi was just let it get worse.. my hubansd would beg something
is wrong please lets' see about it. I was a nurse ,I was,raising 3 children,
taking care of a sick husband and mother..I was busy,that old pain was
going away it had to ,had to much on my hands..PN is far more common then
we will ever know,because most people don't know what that burning,
tinging ect. is or even what go to. I was a nurse my back hurts very common,but my feet hurt,well I never sit down,but then my hands started dropping things that just to dangerous for the patient,not to mention
sticking yoursef and not knowing it. Today you get more dieases,you can
you can also get more protection..When c.mentioned back when we
picked up bags of nasty stuff ,I was a register nurse,I would not be doing that now,I would be the old lady doing paper work..I got stuck by a needle
once that was throw in a waste paper basket,yes that use to be done.
Then in ER a nurse trying to put a IV stuck me and itslipped and stuck her.
We were quiet,she asked if I had aids,I said no do you. My husband said isn't she going to report 11 yr. old saw a ton of blood a started screaming..I had to report it,we had a look like ignore it,but other paitients
mattered. If you book works good,honest I'm happy for you,didn't get to
know you well..But the price of stuff is expensive there. I can't think
of the name of a new book,it's the guy with MS who wrote BlindSide,his
wife was on the View for 9 years and took over for Katie on one of the
morning shows. People wrote him and said what about us,he could only
pick 5 i think after thousands. It took 2 yrs to write,oh he's legally blind,
and wanting to get it right he bend over close every night. He included
a man with Bi Polar,Mentally ill are more often forgotten then so many.

My legs and feet are very much like Bobby B. did you see his great pictures
the other day..his feet fall in mine fall out. He's great and strong and
very interesting as many on this forum..I'm a positive thinker but a
realistic thinker as well... Good luck Sue Don't care what your problem
with C is but she is brilliant as our Glen..They never ticked me all because
they are just ttat.

dahlek 01-17-2008 05:51 PM

Aussie, I have always viewed you as a STRONG
person...just that your own equilibrium is more easily put off than some others. That, you are able to, and can put aside your own issues for the sake of another is testimony to your strength of mind and will. We all have to do what we MUST when we must.. then we can sort of 'collapse' afterwards?
I believe Cycleops was trying to say that you both are in concert in your approaches, tho coming from different directions to achieve the service or need to the end.

Dwelling on our pain isn't good, but you have to admit that that pain and it's consequences do rule what we do and how we do things to a far greater degree than others? No? Often, more than we would care to know or admit, even. I also find that 'doing' other things that I can do, which take my mind off of my own issues are, while exhausting at times, are very gratifying. They tell me that: I can be productive in society, especially for family and friends; and, that in turn-reinforces my own self that I CAN do things! More than I initially thought.

Aussie, YES! The mind IS one very powerful thing! Let us all try to see the commons in our power, no matter the sources or causes of our debilitations and just go forward to try to help others.. As I know you have always done.

Hugs to all and have at least ONE pain free moment in the next couple of days? You mite not know it's there unless you are 'tuned' in....:hug::hug:'s - j

Brian 01-17-2008 06:48 PM

Hi Aussie, it's great to read any post were someone has found a way to help their PN and it's good idea to share positives in a forum like this as it could help someone else in a similar situation.
I know in my own personal experience with my small fibre damage, it was very clear to me that when i was not not in a relaxed state of mind, the symptoms would defiantly accelerate.
Thanks for sharing
Brian :)

shiney sue 01-17-2008 09:05 PM

I really understand the relaxed state,I use to having people around,I like
it ,Bob is off having so much fun,and i'm enjoying so much being alone
for awhile,I love to read so this is a perfect time.. J said it all in her
post,it said what,i have trying to in a very clumsy way.
I'm glad Brian you are being :cool: lol stay that way friend.:hug: Sue

Adastra 01-17-2008 10:21 PM

Whilst I entirely agree with your first posting Aussie because this happens to me regularly, I have to say that in your posting about the book you most certainly did imply agreement with its message. You say that you have a positive outlook and imply that this can “change ones health”. I think that is an unfortunate overstatement.

Surrounding ourselves with our friends and distractions of any pleasant kind as you originally suggested is right on the ball, these things can certainly “help” to make us feel better. However I feel you were a little too enthusiastic and went a trite too far in your posting about the book.

I do hope you and cyclelops can bridge this gap and “make up”. I am sure you both mean well.


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