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Wing42 10-24-2006 12:49 AM

Can't get into OBT
When I tried to log in, Wings42 wasn't found. When I tried to register anew, I got the message "The administrator has banned your email address. To contact the administrator click here." I clicked on the link about two weeks ago, asked what the problem was and how to remedy it, and received no response. That feels so like the old OBT. I tried again tonight after reading this thread, but am not holding my breath awaiting a reply.

OBT had two crashes of the old server, and two of the new. The old server problems were quickly remediated, and we were all kept informed. The new server (which I helped pay for) problems were very s-l-o-o-o-o-w-l-y solved and we were not kept informed. In the case of the latest crash, the database wasn't even restored. In any computer dependent business, the IT director would get fired and possibly sued if the database was lost and it took so long to bring the system back up, and if the users were kept uninformed.

As far as I'm concerned, two adages apply:

- "Once bitten, twice shy" and

- "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

I'm not a fool, and will not set myself up for the typical OBT abuse and neglect a third time.

MelodyL 10-24-2006 08:02 AM

You need high speed internet access for Second Life
Hi Mrs. D.

You need a cable modem or a dsl line to get into second life.

And yes, I agree, there are many souls out there who are too shy to go in the real world so a fantasy world is right up their alley.

You should have seen my face when this naked person approached me asking me if I want to get it on and I think I replied "get it on what?"

Now that just shows you how old I really am.

I was sorry to hear that Liza Jane donated $10,000. At least that's what I read in the posting. That would pay my rent for one year.

So some people have bad things to say about OBT and some don't. Matter of perspective I guess.

Oh, by the way, Alan had a full spine MRI yesterday. Told me it was painful. I said "how on earth can an MRI be painful?" he said "you know I can't lie down straight without the pins and needles and shooting pain". I said "you did this for 30 minutes, you poor thing".

Nice cup of hot tea soothed the day.

Will update on what they find and what can be done. (if anything).

be well

HeyJoe 10-24-2006 08:40 AM

I was never involved with any politics at braintalk, as most here werent or arent. I didnt even know there were politics, I thought it was a totalitarian state. Sure I am grateful that I had a place to go to when I didnt know anything about PN, and I appreciate most deeply the people who went out of their way to give me advice and just in general took the time to post what they knew. Many times however, I felt like I was back in grade school with the arrogance, and at times just plain meaness of the moderators. I was once threatened with being banned because I said I was sick and was throwing up, another time I was banned for 30 days because I was discussing peripheral neuropathy in the chat room and someone else found it boring and complained. That has nothing to do with politics, its just the way I was treated and I resented it. I wasnt denigrating the people from here that go to both places, Ive made a few posts there since its back up running, what I was amazed at was the almost fanatical devotion to someone who obviously has moved on to other things and the denigration of anyone who posited their view of needed reforms after two major crashes. I understand perfectly why people who contributed money to get it back up and running last time feel the way that they feel. I bet many feel like they bought the Brooklyn Bridge. By the way in a recent thread, an administrator at this site said there was no problem with discussing what people felt that they needed to about Braintalk.

mrsD 10-24-2006 09:49 AM

Yes, Joe, you make some good points.
Discussion is good, IMO. Implying that "something is wrong" with people who post at OBT is crossing the line, IMO.

Alot of the behaviors at OBT, I thought were due to the personality issues that the admins had.
For example, my son is a computer "nerd" techie..he makes his living with it
now. So I know many of his friends...over the years, and have a feel for
the "type" it can attract. I can tell you for example the head computer technician at the
huge place I am now temping at could put some of those admins at OBT to
shame. Did you ever see the skits on SNL in the past about the computer guy who comes into the office and denigrates the personel because they are having a snafu? Very familiar to me at least. While we can laugh at the TV, it is another matter when it is you or I who are being shamed. And I also get that shame feeling from this thread.

I personally did not feel comfortable in chats... I visited a few times, and decided it was not for me. But I would not post that I was "stunned" that others chose to do so! I think as a matter of fact that you and I chatted on one of those rare times!? I also had my moments of not posting as often as before while I was sorting out my own feelings and issues.

So the fact remains that we now have a nice new home. Those interested will find this place like OBT was found on Google. I don't think it is necessary to
keep going on and on about has to move on to the more constructive issues. And here it means support and helping.

mrsD 10-24-2006 09:54 AM

you know I had an MRI of my right knee/thigh when I was having major pain, several years ago.

I thought the MRI made it worse for about a week. I have seen posts where
people have thought the same. The MRI agitates molecules to make a picture.
It stands to reason it is doing "something" to the body, IMO. So it might be that in addition to the uncomfortable position? They say at the test, "no" but do they really "know"?

dahlek 10-24-2006 11:09 AM

Can I say AARRGUH!! GARGUH! About all this?
Mrs. D YOU WERE BANNED? David, did you 'start over?' I got that rite off the bat...
Aussie, you are spot on....about the 'bubble'! VERY GOOD! Gave me a good smile for my morning! I really needed it.

This all is getting depressing, can we all live, work with what 'vehicles' we've got and get on w/it. I beleive contributions will reflect accordingly. Wherever appropriate...after all $ is a major influence- look at Congress and politics! No-brainer! - j

Life goes on-As Cats say: Life is hard, then you nap! - apt?

MelodyL 10-24-2006 11:10 AM

A MRI agitates molecules!!!! Really!???
I'll never have an MRI again. Believe me, I want my molecules to stay right where they are!!

Especially when a naked person approaches me again!!!

Lordy, lord


mrsD 10-24-2006 12:03 PM

Oh, Melody...L O L
Thanks for the big belly laugh... I needed it today. (I am working a very
stressful shift 2:30-11pm and I am getting a bit foggy in the noggy!

A good laugh clears the mind and soul!

HeyJoe 10-24-2006 12:09 PM

Ive had 4 mri's and one cat scan, and the only effect Ive had is being stiff from not being able to move for 20 minutes. Now EMG/NCS's on the other hand have set off my PN for a few days.

I hope it wasnt me that you felt was trying to shame, as a matter of fact i owe you more than i could ever repay.

LizaJane 10-24-2006 10:19 PM

Omigod, Mel, I did not donate $10,000 to JL. If it says that somewhere, please show me, as it's a bad typo if that's what it says. JL told us he had raised $10,000 when he asked us for money after his servers crashed. No, I did not give that much---oh to have such money to donate--would be nice, but no, not me. But I did give generously, by any standards with the belief that money would be used to maintain the site.

MrsD--I'm sorry you think I'm insulting the moderators over there, or "trashing". My post here was mostly because, well, I'm stunned that folks post there and not here, where we are being treated warmly and with respect. I certainly feel safer here, and I appreciate that the moderators here are open, bright, and seem to understand what we are dealing with. My understanding of the moderators "there", was that they were basically friends of JL from Second Life. I could be wrong on that, but I understood that we paid for them to go to California together and "brainstorm". And I have found out, when I did my charity search, that yes, JL did not have to file anything with the IRS because the charity was under $25,000. Still, I started this thread because I was annoyed to have to check both sites to find my friends, and hoped everyone would just stay here. I like this place.

I'm sorry if I said anything shaming that somehow hurt you. That surely was not my intent. But I don't mind shaming JL. I think his behavior, and that of some of his mods, is lacking is simple empathy and conscience. It's just plain wrong, and I have no trouble saying that, but surely, it is not aimed at you, MrsD, so I'm confused at how i triggered this feeling, and I am sorry for somehow doing that.

Joe--I appreciate your message that it's okay to talk about my feelings about OBT here. I'd like to be "over it", but I'm not quite. I feel conned and used.

Mel--about your day at Second Life. It sounds like quite an adventure---a virtual sex club! Who woulda thunk it possible? But Second Life is becoming the next big thing on the internet, and a number of real brick and mortar companies are investing in it, and people are spending real money there. So...did you have fun?

Steve--<<I'm not really sure how crack-addicted one would have to be be to imagine that people with twice one's IQ and six times one's moral fiber would keep coming back to an Internet forum only to be harangued with one's incoherent and nearly illiterate lectures on the sanctity of JL, but obviously a lot of people over there are hitting the pipe very hard>>

You do make me smile. Too bad you're spoken for. All the good ones....

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