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Old 09-16-2006, 11:36 PM #1
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Default Kmeb..question 4 U

You said something about your digestion problems....I too have something similar. I eat just a small serving and it feels like I had a humungous holiday meal. Then it sits there for hours and hours and I often end up vomiting it all back up. When it comes back up it looks just like I'd swallowed it.
Including my time release pain med Oxycontin....I've had several test where they give me an egg with nuclear salt on it....but the 3 times they did this my stomach behaved. It only does this about every other day....not all the time. Anyway....when this happens I get not a shred of releif from the oxcycontin....can't feel it on time I took another one 3 hours later, still didnt feel a thing. When I barfed it up...there were the pills just like I'd swallowed them.
Do you take same meds and have this happen as well? What do I do?How do I get my gastro to do something more.....she's a good one, but hasn't taken this too seriously....its getting worse, so time I need to ask her to help me on this. Blessings, cheryl
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Old 09-17-2006, 10:09 AM #2
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Hi. My husband had to go on the Fentanyl Pain Patch about 5 years ago. He was on it for approximately two years and went up to 125 of the patch. Before he went on the patch (after years and years of pain), they gave him oral meds but after a while, he needed something more. They had no idea why he had PN!!! He had all the tests, etc. etc.

So they put him on the patch and it did the trick, only he never went to the bathroom like most people. He went once a week if he was lucky.

He only had to take a vicodin for breakthrough pain at the end of those two years.

Then, because I kept going onthese message boards, he went to a chiropractor/neurologist who determined that his PN was due to his back. He had adjustments and today, I am happy to report, goes to a gym three times a week and while he still indeed does have his neuropathy, it is about 90% better than all those years ago when he had to use the patch.

I am only telling you about the patch because if you can't take a pill, (seems it doesn't desolve in your somach, right), then perhaps an alternative form of pain killer might be an option.

I would never advise anyone to take any pain killer but with neuropathy, it's about the only thing that works for most people. Especially people with diabetic neuropathy. I mean, if you have to take a pain killer, it pays to take one that works, right? Alan tried elavil (made him itch like crazy but took the pain away completely!!!. He tried neurontin but it made him deathly ill with fever and chills (we tried this twice with the same results so he can't take neurontin). He tried ultracept. Nothing!!! The vicodin did the trick for the breakthrough pain while he wa son the patch.

Then, thankfully, he was able to get off all meds. It's amazing in his case. He was lucky enough to find out that the PN was due to spinal problems, pinched nerves, bulging discs, etc. etc.

So now, he goes to the gym every other day and has become a weightlifter. Can you imagine that? A person who was on 125 of the fentanyl pain patch, could never sleep, (had to take lunesta) and all kinds of stuff during the day, now bench presses and looks like Rocky. I look at him and shake my head.

And I thank that chiropractor/neurologist every day of my life. He only goes once a month now.

But, and this might be worth mentioning. I purchased a MAGNASSAGER and every day, use it up and down his back (and up and down his calves. and I often even give him a deep tissue massage up his spine. And when I say I give him a massage, believe me, short of a woman walking on his back, I GIVE HIM A MASSAGE!!!!1

I can't tell anybody else this will work for them but obviously it works for Alan!!!!
So I hope you find the option that works for you.
Be well,
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Old 09-17-2006, 10:36 AM #3
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Default CryTearszzzzz


Yes, sounds very similar - like gastroparesis..... essentially your stomach stops contracting like it should and isnt pushing food through to your intestines (this can also happen to your intestines and thus the food goes back into your stomach)...... it therefore can just sit there for hours and I even days - and will make you sick - most of the time because its not going anywhere.... there are various causes for "GP" - some neruopathy - some started with stomach viruses, some damage during surgery to vegas nerve - and of course, our favorite "idiopathic"....

The test you are describing is a "Gastric Empty Study" - I've had one and it showed my stomach was not emtying any where near the rate it should be.... some people can control the symtoms with diet alone (no fat, no fiber, no fresh fruits or veggies, etc)- others survive with help of "motility medications" that help your stomach and intestines contract, naursea meds, and in severe cases its necessary to look at alternative methods of getting nutrition like "J" tubes (iquid nutrition striaght into your intestine) or TPN....

I belong to a gastroparesis support group on Yahoo - they are very helpful and have members with all degrees of affliction....
and another essental key to this - you have to find a doctor who understands "motility issues" - which I find is the toughest task.... the site has diet suggestions and an help you find a specialist in your area.....

Personally I find the "GP" more debilitating then the PN because its impossible to ignore the constant nausea and I've lost a lot of weight and find it very difficult to gain back.... I dont take pain killer for my PN because I concentrate on my stomach mesds (although do take tylenol for lower back pain)....... but again - check out the site - and most importantly - find a good GI doctor who understands moltility issues - there are a variety of meds that may be able to help you and just a diet change alone may make a huge difference!

Feel better,
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Old 09-17-2006, 03:26 PM #4
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Hi kmeb:

you said "no fat, no fiber, no fresh fruits or veggies,"

What do you eat, only protein???? just curious. must be very hard!!!

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Old 09-17-2006, 03:45 PM #5
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Default Hi Melody....

Hi -

With gastroparesis (again, depeds on severity) - I live only on liqud supplements - but for those that can eat solid food goes something like this - in frequent small meals):

-no fatty foods, no greasy foods (deley stomach emptying)
-no raw veggies (so no salads)
-no raw fruits- especially those with skins
-no red meats (too hard to digest)
-if you can tolerate high protein foods like lean turkey or chicken with no skin, or boiled or baked fsh
-no cream soups
-appplesause, pear sauce, baby food sometimes ok (i ate babyfood for a while - but it started smelling like my cat's food too me - gross)
-again, if you can - tofu, egg white
-miso soup or wonton soup ok if you can (i made the mistake of tryng to live on broth when it got really bad and lost a ton of weight by accident - so you cant live on just this)
-some people do well with starchy stuff like rice - potatoes
-ensure (but watch out for higher calorie kind - has too much fat) - and carnation instant breakfast if you can drink milk

Kinda in summary - fat - fiber delays emptying of the stomach - you learn by trial and error!

I'm starting to notice a crossover of members from the gastroparesis group to the neruopathy group - (neruopathy can damage the vegas nerve that controls digestion) - also patients with lupus, diabetes, scleroderma its common to see......

Boring huh!


Last edited by BEGLET; 09-17-2006 at 03:50 PM.
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Old 09-17-2006, 07:24 PM #6
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Default Oh my God, you poor thing!!!!

Honestly, I had no idea how severe this condition is.

I have a brother in law who is 70 years old this year.

He has never weighed more than 125 lbs in his life.

He is maybe 5'11. In the army he weighed 125.

He is always cold and wears layers of clothing.

Now ask me what he eats.

Only white stuff.

He will only eat boiled macaroni (with absolutely nothing on it). white Rice. Plenty of white rice. White Bread. Like I said , white stuff.

He does not eat salt, pepper, spices of any kind. NOTHING!!!

He will eat a boiled vegetable, he will eat baked chicken. No seasonings of any kind. No skin. Nothing.

He eats absolutely no red meat or lamb, or even fish.

He exists soley on carbohydrates. He won't eat anything with oil on it.

Now you might ask why? I asked him. His answer is always the same:

"I know my stomach, I have GERD. He takes all these pills and uses gaviscon between each meal.

Oh, what does he drink???? The only thing he drinks is hot water.

With every meal.

That's it. No salad, no roughage, nothing. No seasonings. Nothing.

I thought that was a hard diet to follow but he's so used to it, it's like second nature. I have never heard of your condition and believe me, my heart goes out to you.

Believe me, if there is a god, and we have a second shot at life, I wish that you come back with an iron stomach and your first meal is a nice juicy steak and potatoes.

I don't even eat that because I'm diabetic and I had to lose weight.

But (in another life????). you never know!!!!!
Be well, and keep healthy.

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Old 09-17-2006, 07:34 PM #7
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Default Melody

Thanks for good wishes..

Sounds like your brother in law has some pretty serious stomach issues - but has learned to live with them......

I'll tell ya - I used to be known as the girl with the iron stomach - I loved to eat everthing and was lucky in that I was always thin so really could.... and always thought how hard it must be for people to be on diets and I admired them.... now however, I've had to make such a radical change and those that knew me before "PN" ask how I can stand it.... but when you eat and it just makes you sick - you stop.... and now being thin is a curse - because losing weight is not a good thing for me...

However, I dream of the day I can eat again! On holidays I'll go out in the hallway of my aparment where I can smell everyone's delicous meals cooking and just sniff and smile - one day!!! I have confidence!!!!!!

(I'm still thinking about those Dove Bars! Used to treat myself with those - yum!)

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Old 09-17-2006, 08:55 PM #8
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So let me ask you a question.
Do you think there will ever come a day that you can eat normally?

Is there a cure for this condition in the works?

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Old 09-18-2006, 09:10 AM #9
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Well - there are cases where people are able to eat a more normal diet - some go thru phases of several months on, then off. etc.... I think realistically with the progression my PN has made I doubt it will ever be regular food again - but I'd like to be able to consume more "flavors" then just sweet (the supplement) and salty (broth) - so we'll see..... I'm actually seeing a nutrionalist today who has worked with gastropareisis patients in the past and supposedly has some ideas..... (its normal for people to get teporary GP after surgery until their intestines start workin again, but long term is a whole other animal and not many know how to deal with) - we'll see!
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Old 09-18-2006, 10:33 AM #10
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Default What about those 'flavor sprays'?

McCormick, the 'spice' people are in Baltimore - Bob B's country...I'll check them out? Maybe? Unless just the thought could make things worse?

It's bad enuf to lose one sense [in my case sensory], but to lose others...well, WE ARE TALKING DEPRIVATION HERE! SEVERE!

The senses are Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound. Lose one you can be lost, lose two you are even more lost, lose three you could be clueless!

Let's all just APPRECIATE what we HAVE, not what we don't!

Good thoughts to all - j
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