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Nervous 01-24-2012 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 844508)
Yes, the bodybuilding community uses ALA and carnitine quite a bit.

When you say "carnitine," do you mean acetyl l-carnitine, or are you referring to another substance?


mrsD 01-24-2012 09:57 AM

Both L-carnitine and acetyl L-carnitine. The move toward acetyl has been ongoing over the years, because it has been found to be a bit better absorbed.

But both or either are used to enhance muscle energy during exercise or bodybuilding.

It is also abbreviated ALCAR, but sometimes I just get tired of typing the longer name.

Nervous1 09-05-2012 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 744638)
I just started Country Life 100 mg capsules (best deal we found when we ordered, but that probably changes daily) this morning.

Actually, I should say, this morning "B". I have to laugh - now my pill regimens are split into "A" groups (on an empty stomach) followed by the "B" groups an hour later (with food). (Heavy sigh....)

I see also that a 60 day trial is recommended to determine efficacy (efficaciousness?). Coincidentally(?), this brand came in a 60 day supply (when I've noticed most supplements seem to come in 30 day supplies).

Keeping my fingers crossed (can't feel my toes to cross them!)


Dr S/ Mrs D,

I began taking Doctors Best R Alpha Lipoic Acid @ 100mg a couple of weeks ago then slowly titrated my way up to 200, 300 and now today at 600mg. I really did not notice any difference until today when I started taking 200mg 3 times daily spread out at a minimum of 4 hours apart. (Read you should somewhere or bad things can happen?)
So far I have noticed improvement in pain and burning in my feet. I know it is too soon to tell, maybe I am in the honeymoon phase or just having a good day, but this is the most hope I have had since this treachery started 8 months ago. I am going to have to ask my doctor to help me closely monitor my blood sugar to make sure it does not drop too low. But I am hopeful right now :) I will post again in a few days...

mrsD 09-06-2012 04:25 AM

When lipoic acid is used as a chelator of heavy metals (mostly mercury), it is used this way every 4 hours.

This may be a clue to your cause of your PN. Not everyone is going to need this extremely high dose. AND you may not need it this high forever, so be flexible as time passes. Your body may change its needs with time.

Can you clarify the name? Is your product Doctor's Best R-lipoic acid stabilized? If so the word alpha is not in that particular product.


Originally Posted by Nervous1 (Post 912079)
Dr S/ Mrs D,

I began taking Doctors Best R Alpha Lipoic Acid @ 100mg a couple of weeks ago then slowly titrated my way up to 200, 300 and now today at 600mg. I really did not notice any difference until today when I started taking 200mg 3 times daily spread out at a minimum of 4 hours apart. (Read you should somewhere or bad things can happen?)
So far I have noticed improvement in pain and burning in my feet. I know it is too soon to tell, maybe I am in the honeymoon phase or just having a good day, but this is the most hope I have had since this treachery started 8 months ago. I am going to have to ask my doctor to help me closely monitor my blood sugar to make sure it does not drop too low. But I am hopeful right now :) I will post again in a few days...

Nervous1 09-06-2012 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 912200)
When lipoic acid is used as a chelator of heavy metals (mostly mercury), it is used this way every 4 hours.

This may be a clue to your cause of your PN. Not everyone is going to need this extremely high dose. AND you may not need it this high forever, so be flexible as time passes. Your body may change its needs with time.

Can you clarify the name? Is your product Doctor's Best R-lipoic acid stabilized? If so the word alpha is not in that particular product.

Mrs D,

Thanks for the reply! Yes you are right the Alph is not in the name:
Doctor's Best, Best Stabilized R-Lipoic Acid, 100 mg, 60 Veggie Caps

When you say this may be a clue to the cause of my PN, are you saying that this could possibly point the finger at some type of heavy metal poisoning? I know I was tested for copper, can't remeber what else off the top of my head. Maybe I should ask my neuro for a more comprehensive set of metal tests?

mrsD 09-06-2012 10:17 AM

It might not hurt to get a heavy metal screening. PN can come from high levels of arsenic, mercury, cadmium and thallium.

While it is not as common as some of the other PN causes, it CAN happen.

If you are not diabetic, the blood sugar issue is less likely. The warning pertains to diabetics on medication for elevated blood sugar which may suddenly come down, then hence the drugs being used would be too strong.

Really high doses of lipoic acid will however, take up space on the transporter in the body that also moves biotin and B5. You could become low in either or both of those while taking high dose lipoic.

Sallysblooms 09-06-2012 11:09 AM

You do have to keep blood sugar level. I have very good and normal levels when tested in labs and home. But with the help of my integrative MD, I have changed my diet. Sugar, simple carbs, fluctuating blood sugar levels are all not good for the nerves.

Not just for the nerves, but the brain and body of course.

Nervous1 09-14-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nervous1 (Post 912079)
Dr S/ Mrs D,

I began taking Doctors Best R Alpha Lipoic Acid @ 100mg a couple of weeks ago then slowly titrated my way up to 200, 300 and now today at 600mg. I really did not notice any difference until today when I started taking 200mg 3 times daily spread out at a minimum of 4 hours apart. (Read you should somewhere or bad things can happen?)
So far I have noticed improvement in pain and burning in my feet. I know it is too soon to tell, maybe I am in the honeymoon phase or just having a good day, but this is the most hope I have had since this treachery started 8 months ago. I am going to have to ask my doctor to help me closely monitor my blood sugar to make sure it does not drop too low. But I am hopeful right now :) I will post again in a few days...

R Lipoic Acid seems to still be helping, but still have good days and bad days.
I was also trying acupuncture at the same time, so may have been a melding of the two that made my feet felt so good.
Acupuncture is very expensive, and if it lasted for more that a few days, I would consider mortgaging the farm and continuing with it. But, it definitely gave me my gait back.
May have to try it again???

cbar 12-25-2012 06:12 PM

From Cbar to anyone
It seems that most everyone here is posting about diabetes or pre-diabetes. I have had my idiopathic small fiber peripher neuropathy for 10 yrs. after"per doctors" post infectious " I had explosive diarrhea several times, ached all over, neck hurt, had a jab of pain up inside sinuses way up high inside nose, waves and waves of pricks sensations over entire body head to toe. Sinuses secretions have thickened - abnormal sensations all over face and body. Nothing helps. Any advise?? I had a spinal tap one year after I first got sick and the CSF showed WBC at 9 and doctors like it below 5. Now why after one yr. at the time wouldn't they treat it if WBC in CSF was elevated at 9?? One doctor said I have a brain lesion right on the part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system. I saw 5-6 neurologists and only one noticed it. Anything for someone that is not a diabetic??

mrsD 12-26-2012 07:45 AM

I have a few questions....

What antibiotics were you on back then? Some antibiotics cause PN.

Also did you have your B12 measured? If so what are your results? "normal"is not enough since doctors don't have the new ranges. You should be at 400pg/ml US units at least and maybe more.

Do you use statin drugs?

Low B12 and impaired glucose utilization, are the most common forms of PN. But there over 100 causes. Many come from damage to the mitochondria in the cells. When this happens, the cells cannot process energy properly.

cbar 12-26-2012 04:59 PM

To Mrs. D from Cbar
Doctors did not have me on any antibiotics. B 12 level is at 738. CSF had WBC one yr. after I got sick, they were at 9 and the doctors like WBC to be 5 or below. I don't know why they didn't do anything about the elevated WBC one yr. after being sick. I am not a pre-diabetic either. I was in a Third world country - had explosive diarrhea, jab of pain way up high inside my nose/sinuses, then waves and waves of pricks all over my entire body head, face, my entire body. Now 10 yrs. later, still abnormal sensations, constant 24/7 thickened post nasal drainage from right side, watery eyes, even though I have dry eyes. No Sjorgen disease, I had lip biopsy. I had one biopsy on my face under my right eye area, right calf area. Came back as SFN.

cbar 12-26-2012 05:02 PM

To Mrs. D from Cbar
Oh by the way - doctors took me off Pravachol (statin) for months- didn't do anything. Doctors think post infectious. Virus- The elevated WBC in spinal tap, doctors wrote CNS inflammation, but one year after the intial sickness???I am at wits end.

mrsD 12-26-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by cbar (Post 942429)
Oh by the way - doctors took me off Pravachol (statin) for months- didn't do anything. Doctors think post infectious. Virus- The elevated WBC in spinal tap, doctors wrote CNS inflammation, but one year after the intial sickness???I am at wits end.

So you are back on pravastatin? Not a good idea for anyone with nerve problems. Statins are known PN causers (among other things).

cbar 01-04-2013 10:02 AM

All my vit. levels came back fine- normal. I do not have diabetes or pre-diabetes. My Small fiber sensory peripheral neuropathy came after I had as the doctors say "post infection" viral. 10 yrs. now and no help with any type of medication. I do not have pain, I have all abnormal sensations, tingling, rippling etc. and also my sinus secretions have changed as well- 24/7 chronic post nasal drainage on right side. That is the side way up high inside my nose is where I got a jab of pain, then the secretions ran down my throat like water, then after 5-7 seconds later it stopped and thickened up behind my nose and has gotten worse, especially after total ethmoidectomy, and maxillary antrostomy. ENT also cut off posteriorly on inferior turbinate a mulberry tip as he calls it, a enlarged inflammed sac of blood or inflammation - I don't know which it is. ENT did this surgery thinking it might help - made things worse. I had 3 sphenopalantine nerve blocks where they go through my face and up into the sphenopalantine nerve. Didn't help either. I am still thinking its from my autonomic nervous system. Any ideas anyone???

Idiopathic PN 01-09-2013 10:04 AM

I went back to taking R-Lipoic. I dont say it helps my PN but being an antioxidant, I think it will help me with my immune system.

Another reason why I take it is because it says in the label that it can help maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Since August of last year, my sugar has been elevating with no changes in my diet. Although, my last AIC was 5.6 and fasting glucose is 91. But, at one time, my fasting blood su gar was 126. Still the endoc did not seem worried but I am. So, I am doing what is necessary to avert it.

Sallysblooms 01-09-2013 11:13 AM

Yes, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Benfotiamine are so good for that and many reasons.
Exercise also. I add cinnamon to oatmeal and that is good also. Lots of good things to help. I have no problems but I am careful so it stays that way.

Idiopathic PN 01-09-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sallysblooms (Post 945947)
Yes, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Benfotiamine are so good for that and many reasons.
Exercise also. I add cinnamon to oatmeal and that is good also. Lots of good things to help. I have no problems but I am careful so it stays that way.

I take benfotiamine. It used to be on a daily basis but since taking the antibiotics, grudgingly, I had to to take it slow on my supplements to "minimize " the work of the kidneys. Did I get you right that benfotiamine helps in the blood sugar level?

Me too, I put ground cinnamon in my oatmeal together with medium sized banana and 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries.

Beachbum65 03-12-2013 11:43 AM

Instead of Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 mg
alpha-Lipoic Acid 200 mg. (both are in 1 cap) 3 x daily

Change to R-Lipoic Acid. 100 mg 1 x daily ?

Is this correct ? What I read was alpha-Lipoic Acid needs to be 600 mg. daily
But I can't find a conversion over to R-Lipoic Acid.

Thanks !

mrsD 03-12-2013 12:00 PM

100mg of the active R form is very absorbable, where as the
old mixture is not, and is only 1/2 active.

The new R stabilized form, gives much better blood levels.
It is called NaRALA. Doctor's Best makes it, and so does LEF.

It removes the need for high doses of the old ALA.

Calen 02-16-2016 11:52 PM

Dr. Best stabilized R-ALA with Nala
MrsD mentioned this new formulation but I cannot find the Nala version of Dr. BEst to buy.

Anyone with any clue?

Calen 02-17-2016 12:57 AM

Ah I found it at Now my question to yo all experienced with theser suppliments. Is Dr. best and LEF high aquality?

anyone with any experiences with these brand, especially the new Na-Rala?

Thanks. I appreciate and feedback.

indigo 02-18-2016 03:45 AM

Mrs D I'm trying to sort out a new supplement regime. The R-lipoic acid I'm using is Drs Best, Best stabilised R-lipoic acid. Is that a good option? It's 100mg. I noticed you mentioned another one from the same brand.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

mrsD 02-18-2016 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by indigo (Post 1199941)
Mrs D I'm trying to sort out a new supplement regime. The R-lipoic acid I'm using is Drs Best, Best stabilised R-lipoic acid. Is that a good option? It's 100mg. I noticed you mentioned another one from the same brand.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

Yes, that is fine. I like Doctor's Best... I use several things from that supplier.

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