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Dejibo 06-04-2008 06:55 AM

Who has turned off the TV, and picked up a book?
I am so tired of the TV. EVERY channel has democratic debates, and tally counts. Then we have the TV people who feel they have to interview each other about what just happened, as if listening to them drone on for the last hour and a half wasnt bad enough. Then of course, we have to interveiw celebrities and get their take on it. I find that so many channels are just shows full of agruementative people!

I have picked up books! well, I have picked up Audio Books. I am currently listening to Janet Evanovich, stephanie plum series. Its much more to my liking than channel after channel of people that are arguing.

Now, I am NOT picking sides. I have my opinions, and like anybody else appreciate having it heard, but dangit! after awhile, we reach burnout status and just dont wanna hear it anymore.

250 channels of nothing good to watch! I have all the movie channels, and all the expanded basic channels, and its just more of the same old thing.

Who else has turned off the TV? What are you reading?

Bets 06-04-2008 08:09 AM

Me, me me! I turned the tv off over a year ago. I stopped reading the first section of the newspaper as well.

I was out with friends one evening and we all wanted to be home to watch Lost. I thought is was kind of pathetic that I was planning my social life around tv. So i decided to start renting tv programs at the end of the season and watch them on my own time and without commercials. I even cancelled HBO and Showtime because I can even rent their shows. I love my new freedom and actually rarely rent the tv shows now either.

Right now I'm reading the last Augustin Burroughs book, can't remember the name. He is amusing and a quick read. I always have a stack of books to read. Next on my list is Lif of Pi. My sis and BIL are both english profs so they pass along tons of good reads.

greta 06-04-2008 08:18 AM

Me. I really dislike tv. I watch househunters at 730 pm sometimes and occasionally we'll watch a movie or use the music channels, but that's about it. My DH watches a little, but would rather play WOW. I watch no news whatsoever. I get what I need online.

I'm the only person I know who's never seen CSI, Desperate Housewives, Lost, etc. It's actually nice - I didn't intend to stop watching tv, but I found that as I developed hobbies and interests, there wasn't time for tv anymore...and then suddenly, I realized that I didn't miss it.

I read, I bead, I walk, I cook. I've found all sorts of fun things to do with my free time.

AfterMyNap 06-04-2008 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by greta (Post 292590)
I'm the only person I know who's never seen CSI, Desperate Housewives, Lost, etc.

I'm the other one, Gret! I've never watched any of them either. I've never seen American Idol or those other kind of shows. I did watch the first Survior, but it was such a new idea then, I got a kick out of how everyone in it was so manipulative. Haven't watched one since.

I do like Boston Legal and I did watch the Sopranos on DVD, but I hate the networks and all their garbage that spews forth. I'm a bit of a CourtTV junky when there's a trial that interests me.

I read a lot of books, I love the classic greats, especially the Russian titles. As someone said, I can't stand the network "news".

barb02 06-04-2008 09:23 AM

I read alot of books for pleasure. Deb, I have read all of the Stephanie Plum series and just pre ordered the new one. Isn't the grandmother a hoot?

I like to read alot of mysteries and legal thrillers, and also belong to a book club where we mainly read fiction. This week for Book club we are supposed to discuss our favorite book that the group has read. I am having trouble picking out one. Some of my favorites from are list are: The Historian, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Kite Runner, The Secrers of the Divine Ya Ya Sisterhood, Bel Canto, Easter Island,Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Middlesex,Snow Flowe and the Secret Fan, The Da vinci Code, The Girl With a Pearll Earring, The House on Lake Devine, The Secret Life of Bees, and The Poisonwood Bible.

So if you are looking for a good read, I would recommend all of these. Also if you are looking for a light summer read, the following of authors have fun female detective series: Nevada Barra, Dana Stabenow, Sarah Paretsky, Marcia Mueller, Susan Whiting Albert, Susan Grafton. some of their books are better than others. I also like Alexander McCall Smith's books. Ok, I am stopping now. Who has time to watch tv? There are too many books to read.:D

braingonebad 06-04-2008 09:34 AM

I'm reading a really good Clive Barker book - are there any other kind? Mister B. Gone.

Yup, tv is really lame lately.

BaxterTheBunny 06-04-2008 10:44 AM

I went 8 years without tv when I was in my twenties. I was single and lived alone. I had an active life; working, going out with friends, exercising and I read a lot and listened to music.

Now we have a nice tv with Directv HD system and I enjoy recording shows and watching them without the commercials.

Lately tho I have started back reading more again. Love Frank Peretti novels; The Oath and Monster.

Now that the weather has gotten nice I really enjoy sitting out on the patio and watching the birds and animals.

Niko 06-04-2008 11:16 AM

Selective tuning
Yeah. I'm a selective-tuner. :)

I have TiVo. I record the shows I want, Law&Orders, CSI/NY(not Miami), a few other shows... and happily fast forward through the commercials.

But I usually have the set on for background noise, unless the stereo is on.

The set is seemingly always turned to C-SPAN (1,2 or 3). I love politics and C-SPAN has cameras at events, without 'talking head commentators' and without commercials.

With the background noise, I can read a book, magazine...


MooseasaurusRex 06-04-2008 11:23 AM

Selective tuning. I like that. I'll check the History and Discovery channels now and again, but other than some cartoons for my sons once in awhile, we don't bother with the TV.

Got a whole list of books I want to buy/order eventually.

Bought a dictionary a few weeks ago. Hope it has a happy ending.:rolleyes:

MooseasaurusRex 06-04-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by braingonebad (Post 292631)
I'm reading a really good Clive Barker book - are there any other kind? Mister B. Gone.

Yup, tv is really lame lately.

Love the Clive Barker. His short stories and Weave World are really good.

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