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nyuszisue 07-07-2015 09:43 PM

Pain everywhere in the body -but not all at the same time
Fibromylgia pain is on both sides of the body ? Can it be at different places, like left forearm pain, then right shoulder pain, stabbing pain in the left thigh or leg, then a shooting pain in right leg ? but usually not at the same time. What could cause this ? I have a constant neck pain on both sides for almost 5 months now, and that's the only constant pain, all the others come and go.
I'm trying some essential oils on my neck, 6 weeks of PT didn't help at all. My neurologist sent me to pain management, after an MRI showed that my neck problem is not bad enough for a surgery, but I don't want to get injections or strong medications from pain management.
I was just wondering what could be the cause of this strange everywhere pain.
I was low with B12 and was taking 2000 mcg for 2 months ( but I stopped , bc I gained 7 pounds ) had the B12 rechecked after 2 months it doubled.

RSD ME 07-08-2015 06:24 AM

hi ny. i've had fibromyalgia for about 2 1/2 years and rsd for about 4 1/2 years and both illnessess cause me constant widespread pain. the difference for me is that the fibromyalgia causes me a deep aching pain where rsd causes me more of a deep burning pain. they both are pretty much widespread for me. some days are worse then others though. both pains are managed by pain meds that my pm dr prescribes to me. hope you can find some relief soon. soft hugs.

Jomar 07-08-2015 11:10 AM

Are you sure the arm,hand ,neck pain is from fibro?
Could it be a version of repetitive motion, or possibly head /shoulders forward posture?

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) or a version of it can share some crossover sx with fibro.
Or might be some trigger points instead of tender points...

caroline2 07-08-2015 01:39 PM

I deal with "manageable" chronic pain neck down. Prior to 1999 when the Fibro hit me, I had a active/busy life. I was 61 in 1999 when the FM dx was given. Then hip replacement in 2010 pushed my body into more pain. I don't like for a moment what has gone on but "it's what it is"...and I deal as I know best. I take mega amount of supps and avoid the drugs, but this is my way.

I work with my massager more and do my legs and arms where I can reach. I've done so many docs and PT's etc and I'm tired of it all now. Heat and ice are my friends.

So, we work to manage somehow. My heart is good so I'll be around for a while, I guess.

nyuszisue 07-09-2015 08:45 AM

I don't have a fibro dx, I was just wondering could I have it ? I have borderline lupus, my ANA is positive for years, but I didn't have other symptoms "just" the pain, if that's even lupus. And as you said maybe it's a repetitive motion problem, or the bad posture ? How can I find about that ? what kind a dr. ?
I was thinking about myofascial therapy for my neck pain especially , anyone tried that maybe ?
I ordered TOPRICIN topical cream ( somebody mentioned it here somewhere ) just started using it yesterday, and I was already using a cream which contains eucalyptus 3.86 % , tea tree oil 4.25 % , vanilla and olive oil.

RSD ME 07-09-2015 09:47 AM

i found out i had fibro from my neurologist. maybe they can help to you to find out too. soft hugs.

Jomar 07-09-2015 12:14 PM

We have a Thoracic outlet syndrome forum with sticky thread full of info about TOS & RSI's I would suggest checking these out to see if anything fits -

The info should also help you sort out if PTs or MDs are doing what is best for you.. knowledge ...

MD's are often not fully up on of TOS or myofasical syndromes....
Advanced PT might be helpful, avoid rookie PT....

nyuszisue 07-09-2015 12:51 PM

I will check these out, thank you !

brainfreeze 07-11-2015 07:59 AM

Do you see a rheumatologist? They treat fibro and lupus.

brainfreeze 07-11-2015 08:06 AM

Also, fibro is truly a "weird" disease. So many strange things! I too had the sharp shooting pain that occurred in my shin. It was so painful, it would bring me to my knees! But gee, it's been gone for awhile. It's bizarre. The most consistent pain is in my neck and calves. But, sometimes I ache all over. As I said, I would see a rheumatologist.

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