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tamiloo 08-15-2008 03:52 PM

Commm..on...Where is your pain today??
A few minutes ago my dear honey “Olhipie” asked me where I was with my pain…hmmmm didn’t take me long to answer. I knew if I hesitated a moment in giving my answer he would know I was lying…so I said just a few tears from a 10. Then I started to really feel it…a full blown 10…:Sinking:

So why didn’t I take a pill over an hour ago?? Duh…I’m not new to pain…you think I would learn…:Dunno:

Where is your pain today…com…on…lets a least co-miserate that a word...well it is now!

Idealist 08-16-2008 08:54 PM

My pain today really hasn't been too bad, thank God. And Tamiloo, I know that you realize pain is a lot easier to prevent than it is to treat, right? So when you feel that pain getting bigger, please do take that pill, even though I know you probably don't want to. I hate taking pills myself, and I've always been bad to take a lot less than are prescribed to me. I hate the thought of being dependent on anything I can't control. But I've been trying to follow directions, and it has helped, so maybe it would help you, too. :) I hope that you and everyone else will have a good upcoming week.

CayoKay 08-16-2008 09:53 PM

my pain's not *big* or unmanageable today.

it's just............ from so many different places at once that it's driving me to distraction.

it's making me irritable.

my back's out of alignment between my shoulder blades (a 3), and that pulled out my left hip, which is aching at a medium grade (about a 4).

I've got intermittent TN (a 20, then gone, wham, bam, thanky ma'am!)

my calves are dully aching and tight (a 4) and my thighs (a new spaz, started this week, oh joy!) get a sharp, quick pain that's about a 6... about a dozen times today.

I've got sudden foot-arch cramps (a 5) but at least they're over fast, let's see, had a handful of those today.

my right arm is achy and throbbing (more muscle spasticity - maybe a 3?) especially the wrist.

I've got an infected cut on my forefinger (lanced and ointmented, and bandaged, it's a 2 when I BUMP it on the mouse, darn it!)

my neck - well, I napped wrong this afternoon, and it's sorta tweaked, varies from a 2 to a 7, depending on if I forget, and try to suddenly turn my head... whoops!

and my GI tract is in he!! at the moment, I picked up some evil intestinal bug, and have been visiting the can inordinately frequently... the belly pain varies between a 4 and a 5... been on a bland diet for two days, and have to watch my husband gobbling down homemade Kung Pao Chicken, while I look on longingly and jealously.

oh, and mah poor bottom is sore from so much bathrooming. (a 2)

so, here's the GIST... I can handle one or two or three or four minor pain things at once, but I HATE it when so much little stuff is going on all at the same time.

makes me unfit for company, and I feel like Greta Garbo... "I VANT to be ALONE!"

*hugs to Tami, and waves to the ol' hippie.*

tamiloo 08-21-2008 12:17 PM

Kayo, my honey said to tell you we will be right over to take care of all those numbers...thank you for being honest about your pain!!

Today, I'm not sure where I pain is...I'm trying to stay ahead of it with my killer pills. I'm always hovering over an 8....:(

Curious 08-21-2008 12:37 PM

maybe an odd question...but i thought it would be a good one for people like us in chronic pain.

do you think the average pain scale works for us?

for me, the answer is no.

i have had pain since i was 12. it's always there in some level.

my worst pain to date was when i had my son. it was an emergancy c-section and i wasn't put under after the dr said it was a boy. :eek: that was my 9. 10 for me would a painful death. :o unrecoverable pain.

it makes it hard for me to be compassionate when my husband has a sore shoulder from working out or sleeping wrong. you would think someone had sliced open his belly and yanked out a 9lb'er. :wink:

:p i'm kinda whiney. got the bone grinding on bone right now. just grates on every nerve. i move and i feel it everywhere. i'll get through it. i need to get some pounds off. i know that will help my back. 20lbs. :eek:

tamiloo 08-21-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 351899)
maybe an odd question...but i thought it would be a good one for people like us in chronic pain.

do you think the average pain scale works for us?

for me, the answer is no.

i have had pain since i was 12. it's always there in some level.

I agree with you on the pain scale. I also have been in pain all my life...Spina when a doc asks me where my pain is I look at him and usually say...not sure...let me think on it. :confused:

I have had to push my pain back if you know what I mean, to be able to function.

Whenever we go on a road trip or doing other tasks when I am not able to medicate my pain, I fall a part within miles of our home. The pain catches up with me and wow...:(

I once told a doc when he asked where my pain was and I said 10+ and he said that if my pain was that bad I should be crying...I told him I was crying inside and will really cry when I get to my car...

Therefore, I guess my answer would be no the pain scale does not apply to everyone!

I hope your pain is something you can deal with today...:hug:

Vonn07 09-19-2008 12:16 PM

hi Tamiloo and Olhipie ...

I think that I'm in denial still ... seems like I'm always in pain - and try to stay busy with quilting or checking on yous on NT ...

but if I sit too long -- then stand up >>> STIFF ... then I have to concentrate on each step I take not to falter ...

then my legs hurt all the more (like when you are sitting and a child gets 'heavy' on your lap) .. that's what it feels like while I'm standing ... and if I stand in one spot too long - like doing dishes ... I'm STIFF .. and can't turn on a dime .. need to go and sit ...

when I'm lying down - my legs go to sleep and my hip locks up that I have to wake up to grasp my leg to move it (to wake it up) to get into another position ...

when I sit - my arms feel like weights .. and I've noticed that by raising my arms over my head and clasping my hands on my head - relieves it ...

taking no pain meds ... but the neuro prescribed me Lyrica 50mg .. been reading what peops are saying ... not sure if I want to go that route yet ...

spending time alone and at home - helps me control my *issues* ...

tamiloo 09-20-2008 05:38 PM

Vonn, so sorry you are having such a hard are so amazing in all that you do!!

I'm having one of those days when if it doesn't really need to be done well, its not going to get done. Just tiding up a little for the sabbath.

The wind is blowing and puts me down. I need to shower and don't want to. It makes me so weary.

I know my honey...Olhipie will want me to take him for a get his usual ice cream cone and to pick up some groceries for Sunday dinner...

Hope your day can somehow get better...prayers to ya!!

Vonn07 09-20-2008 06:47 PM

thanks, Tamiloo ... I'm doing okay - thank you for letting me vent about my pain - I try not to think about it or say anything to anyone ... but yet, the SSDI people still feel that I should be able to work a full-time, even a part-time position because of my age and education ...

I wish I could - but everyday is different and it's so hard to anticipate .. does that make sense??

hope you and Olhipie got to go out for ice cream ... I just had my ice cream drumstick ... I like my ice cream too!!

have a wonderful Sabbath!

tamiloo 09-20-2008 07:40 PM

Vonn, haven't gone for the ice cream yet. Hey, the Olhipie retired from Nestle' Foods when his MS made working traveling impossible. He was their Sales Manager and Campus fact the drumstick is a regular in our frig!!:hug:

I had to lay down after my shower so now I'm ready for the rest of our day!!

You also have a good Sabbath:)

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