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Colours 03-20-2009 11:40 AM

Headache 24/7
Since about a year I've been having headaches for really 24/7. I'm 15 years.
Like it's not always very strong, often times its just a dull aching, kinda annoying though. Sometimes worse, sometimes just the dull aching.
But every 2,3 days or so it gets bad enough that if I could I only want to lye down and close my eyes and do nothing - but i can't possibly stay home even more then i've already done this schoolyear. I don't like to take medicine so I don't use that if i can avoid it.

I probably should explain what trigerred the headaches though.
About a year ago I had an accident in wich I injured my eye with cleaning fluids to the point that I became blind in that eye. Since then I've had the headaches.

At first I thought well, its all the staring at the computer you do, your other is just having trouble doing all the work on it's own now. Couple months later I mentioned it again and they checked it out at the hospital, but said it's nothing it's just all the stress and your eyes coping with the loss of vision in one eye. Two months later they checked it out again but they said the same thing. I was gonna mention it again about 2 months ago but I kinda forgot about it because I suddenly had more important things on my mind (my brother died of cancer a few weeks ago).

Anyways... I just was wondering if anyone has any ideas, advice, anything. I'm going back to the hospital next week for more tests because of the headaches but I'd like some more information rather then in a few weeks or so. And what if they say it's nothing again 'just stress'?



MooseasaurusRex 03-20-2009 06:36 PM


Sorry about the problems you're having. It's bad enough for the pain but when you get the run-around on finding an answer it seems to multiply your problems.

I'm not gonna speculate on what it may be but hang in there and keep us posted.

tied 03-20-2009 11:20 PM

familiar with 24/7
i can relate to this on 3 levels.

post mva my head hurt 24/7 for 3 yrs and always where I struck it. neuro doc could not find anything wrong. still hurts there often.

after losing partial sight in one eye from a retinal occlusion i got a lot of headaches from trying to see. the part i lost was on the macula.

i lost my stepmom to cancer this morning. you have my condolences.

this is what i tried. for the mva headaches doc said to get a new prescription to see if that helps. it didn't. what helps me is hot showers and ice packs.

for the blind spot doc suggested eye patch. this did not help. over time i did grow accustomed to the blind spot and the headaches stopped. until that happened large print helped as did frequent breaks from reading. you can also try recording for the blind and get books on tape, in texas you can also borrow the special cassete player free from a library in austin, even the postage is free. the books are delivered free and the only time you pay is if they have to record a book for you. you then have to send them 2 copies of the book and you get them back later.

again sorry about your brother.

Colours 03-21-2009 12:49 AM

I'm sorry about your stepmother Tied.
Thanks for the replies everyone!


tied 03-21-2009 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Colours (Post 484436)
I'm sorry about your stepmother Tied.
Thanks for the replies everyone!


I just noticed you are in the netherlands. my stepmom was from rogel.

Colours 03-21-2009 11:39 PM

I've never heard of Rogel before but I believe you. :)

Colours 04-15-2009 09:10 AM

ok im a little late with replying back
but nothing noppes nada
no news
makes me think i'll have to live with this &*&^*& headache forever

Colours 04-18-2009 12:24 PM

my doctor talked about putting me on immigram - anyone know anything about that?
I'm 15 btw so i guess it will be a lower dose then for adults..

Peter B 04-19-2009 08:52 AM

You have had a lot of stress in your life recently, and it will probably continue I suppose to a greater or lesser extent.
A BIG cause of headaches is muscle tension, particularly from the strong side muscles that keep your head up. Your shoulder muscles are also connected to your neck so the classic shoulder tension, where we store unresolved tension from stress, will make your muscles very tight and sore.
Headaches will follow, and they will be very hard to treat with pain meds.
If this is the case, and you should check it out, I'd suggest remedial massage every week for a while.
The masseuse will know immediately if this is your problem.
Everyone gets it to a certain extent.
I'm now getting this treatment and I've had a dramatic lessening of my chronic neck aches. My muscles were a mess, and the masseuse keeps finding problems, but she is working through them and getting the various muscles to loosen up.
I could feel the whole tension grip releasing after the second visit.
Beats all the medications and injections I was on.

Colours 04-19-2009 11:50 AM

This is what they keep saying too, it's just stress, etc etc...
So maybe yeah, this plays a part in it, that makes sense...

The thing that is so curious though is that it started right after i lost vision in one eye. And I had enough drama and stress before that already...
So the doctors first kept saying it's just your other eye needing to get used to having to do all the seeing by itself... but its about a year now and still... headaches... 24/7

I don't believe it's 'just' stress... But maybe i'm alone in thinking this.

On the topic of massage's.. thanks for the tip I'm glad it works so well for you. Atm however I can't handle being touched, at all. Just someone touching my shoulder can send me into a panicattack sometimes. So massages aren't for me, not now anyway.


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