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Chemar 06-10-2008 08:02 AM

Selling on eBay
Let's use this thread to discuss the pros and cons and share tips about selling on "the world's marketplace":D

mrsD 06-10-2008 08:33 AM

This is a good idea...
I've only been buying so far.

My son has sold a few things on Ebay tho.

I have major trepidations about selling. But then I was very
nervous about buying for a long time. Maybe I will thaw out a bit. I sort of HAD to buy at Ebay because the cookware I wanted is no longer made. Then I discovered the crystal/mineral sellers! HAHAHAHAHA I found all my New Visions cookware, but it took 2 months to get it. There were even some sellers close to me, so I arranged to pick them up and save postage--Sending GLASS as you know, is a worry!
Those sellers were very happy to meet me in a parking lot instead!

I just got two nature books for vacation, and a pair of crocs.

But I always check out what I am planning on buying, on Google too. Sometimes it is less money not using Ebay!

I've been burned by a small number of sellers...not for big bucks, but it was unpleasant. Each was a tough lesson!

Kitt 06-10-2008 03:35 PM

I have bought and sold on eBay for a number of years. It is work when you are a seller. I do not like the new rules and regulations they have now. Others do not like them either. As a seller, all you can leave the buyer is a positive for feedback but they (the buyer) can leave a negative, neutral or positive for the seller. There are times that a negative from the seller would be in order. In all the time I've been on eBay, as a seller I only left a negative twice - and they deserved it. There were other times when I just let it go. And recently as a buyer, I also just let it go.

At any rate, it is very unfair now and sellers are up in arms now over it. And, yes, there was some unfair stuff going on on both sides. But selling isn't all fun and games either. And no matter how fair and decent you try to be, at some point you more than likely will get burned. So it goes:( Guess there is a lot of unfair things in this life:rolleyes:

mrsD 06-11-2008 07:10 AM

I agree...
I met a seller in person, from whom I bought some glass
cookware (to save on postage and the difficulty in wrapping glass). This was last November. We talked briefly. She wanted to know if I had had any "problems" and so we talked about them. She told me THEN that Ebay was beginning a huge
sweep of removal of problematic sellers. I told her that my complaint was rapidly responded to by Ebay, and it was firm in that something would be done.

Did you know that Neil Entwistle who is on trial now in Mass.
for allegedly killing his wife and baby, had 16 complaints...and was removed in Nov 05 from Ebay? He was defrauding people by taking their money and not sending them what they paid for. I don't recall exactly what it was he WAS offering, but it was some "get rich quick" scheme/software.

I think another scheme there sellers use, is putting up an item for $.99 and charging $50 to ship it. That was my complaint. Only the shipping was $25. I was new to Ebay and naive,
and when my item came A MONTH later and was DOA...there was no recourse. I guess some sellers do that so they don't have to pay Ebay fees on the item.

Now I only look at sellers with common sense things/postings.
I did buy (a bit risky) from a new seller with only 5 feedbacks, but the item was sooooo good (very low price)...I gave it a chance and it worked out okay. I mostly stay in the crystal/mineral/small tools area. Those sellers are good and have been honest. One seller I use is in Australia...and he is really nice and fair. I have also purchased from S.Africa.
Sellers who pack and ship thoughtfully also get a return purchase from me. I give them glowing feedbacks, as well.

I go on the forum there every once in a while... that can be a real experience too! I find Ebay very complicated, and difficult.
Bidding can be very frustrating. Fortunately I am getting the hang now...but it has been tough for me. So I will refrain from selling. I only have 4 crystal pieces finished so far, anyway.

I think one needs a Sixth Sense sometimes on there. Thankfully I have that trait pretty strongly.
(I only choose PayPal sellers).

Chemar 06-11-2008 08:44 AM

I feel one of the best things that happened was eBay cleaning up problematic sellers. they are still there of course...especially amongst some of the "powersellers" but overall the new rules re feedback as well as eBay coming down hard on those who gauge for shipping has resulted in a better marketplace

mrsD have you ever tried shopping eBay stores?
There you are dealing with established sellers and there is no bidding, just Buy It Now with most utelizing the eBay "best offer" system too

when you do a search on eBay scroll down to below the list of items and click on the link to see more from ebay stores and it will open up the listings of store owners selling what you are searching for.


mrsD 06-11-2008 09:06 AM

yes, Chemar...
I have done some Buy It Nows... most of the crystal/mineral
sellers (but not all) have a store. The store tends to be a bit more, but sometimes that is the best way to get an item.

I do think I have seen some shady know people
bidding who are shills...but that is so hard to prove.
So I just ignore those sellers. What I do is go back to the
feedbacks (I keep the item on my screen for a month or more)
and see if feedbacks are given.

Twice now I have received Second chance offers, and both times where I was out bid, those offers seemed contrived.
It was like the shill bid up, then I dropped out, then next thing I know I am getting a second chance offer for my high bid.
I don't respond to them. I have found some times no feedbacks are given on items I've lost. Ebay I think says you must accept, but I have not, and no one forced the issue.
That also made me think it was contrived.

I used to search those people bidding against me, but since they put that anon feature in, I can't do that. But I will search the winner after it closes. By searching the feedbacks of the winner, I often find stores and other sellers with similar items that did not come up on searches.

Sometimes I feel like a detective! I am sort of that way anyway so it fits for me. LOL

Chemar 06-11-2008 11:15 AM

re feedback.......I do think it plays a big part in who you can feel comfy buying from - and selling to ;)
. Not just the *number* tho.... as honest the worst sellers I have encountered are sadly amongst the "powersellers"
It's the %feedback that is most important.

tovaxin_lab_rat 06-12-2008 12:12 PM

My brother makes a pretty good living selling on eBay. He deals mostly with WWII memorabilia so he has pretty specific market. He spends his time at garage/estate sales picking up "stuff" and cleaning it up and selling it on eBay. He's come across some pretty rare finds.

One was an authentic Samurai Sword that was received as a ceremonial gift. He did some research on it and realized that it was worth more than he could insure it. He actually found the original family to whom it belonged and offered it back to them. They live here in the US now and it ended up in my brother's museum display for a while and I believe it is now on loan to a Japanese cultural display as the family did not want it back.

He's had some back luck on eBay, but also some pretty good sales. He has learned over the years what to do and what not to do.

I have sold some things on eBay, got burned once and learned my lesson on shipping. I buy on eBay but do my homework first to set my upper limit on pricing.

My husband buys a lot of rolling train stock on eBay as it ends up better price and better quality than what he can get in the local hobby store.

mrsD 06-13-2008 08:12 AM

For those interested in discipline on EBAY for fraud sellers:

The Neil Entwistle trial is having an EBAY witness to explain
how he defrauded people and why he was unregistered with them. Estimated time is this afternoon. But it may be earlier,
or delayed to Monday. It is on TruTV --cable-- aka Court TV.
If it goes beyond 3pm, TTV stops coverage. It will then be on YouTube. I'll get that link if that happens! The whole trial is on YouTube for those who missed it so far!

I will be watching in any event!

Kitt 06-13-2008 02:09 PM

Entwhistle, etc.
I googled information on Entwhistle. There is much on him but a short version of what I found. He was a jobless computer programmer from England. (So you know he knew how to use the computer to get what he wanted).

He hosted a pornographic website that offered to make people millionaires in return for upfront payments. This was separate from eBay. Then he moved porn thru different eBay ID's. They aren't sure if his wife was also involved in this.

You do not have to accept a second chance offer. eBay does not say that you have to accept a second chance offer. If indeed it said that, it was probably a scam. And, granted some are scams. I have gotten lots of second chance offers and that's just normal. Some I've accepted and some not. Only if I want the item do I accept it. Numerous second chance offers have been used on items I sell. Some accept and some do not. It doesn't matter to me.

I do not bid on items I might want that the starting bid is more than I want to pay or the shipping and handling cost isn't realistic. If the shipping cost isn't listed, I either ask about it or just don't bother with it and go on to another.

And, as you know, you do not get feedback for items you do not win. It's only after a successful completion of a transaction that you get feedback.

I have seen where a seller's ID was hijacked and the person who did it was selling porn - blatantly. Also, I was hijacked by someone selling an expensive motorcycle and they spared no expense on the listing fees. I reported it to eBay and it was taken care of quickly.

eBay is all over the world and so you are going to get some of this stuff as a seller. Maybe not often but it certainly can happen. As a buyer, of course you do not have to worry as much.

Just my experience and thoughts.

fishnbuddy 06-14-2008 06:45 AM

Help with Ebay
My wife tried ebay store to sell her hand made bead jewelry, but it never got noticed so we gave it up. How do you get people to notice your store?

Chemar 06-14-2008 07:55 AM

Hi fishnbuddy

as with all things you need to market yourself effectively

the best way to build a customer base is to send some items to regular ebay from your store and use those to attract traffic back to the ebay store.

I know many use the eBay forums to market too but I personally cant tolerate some of the rudeness and infighting there so stay away from them. *

mrsD 06-15-2008 08:36 AM

Well, the Ebay representative was extremely good.
It was long detailed testimony from Entwistle's records.

What was VERY good was the cross examination, where the defendent's attorney could NOT use his irritating style of cross on Jeremy! He gave up and stormed off.

I won't put the testimony up here because if you are not following the trial, it could be confusing.

But Ebay did put up a YouTube explaining their activities with law enforcement in catching criminal activity. This YouTube is short but very good. Jeremy is sitting on the left. He was very good as a witness and representative of Ebay:

They explain the security portions of Ebay also.

Wiix 06-15-2008 10:56 AM

I have TRIED to BUY on EBay but I can never get in. There is such a hassle with my Password it won't let me in. There have been Many things I wanted to buy but couldn't. I am SAD. :(

I could sell some things too, that'd sure help but I can't work EBay. :o

Kitt 06-15-2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 301694)
I have TRIED to BUY on EBay but I can never get in. There is such a hassle with my Password it won't let me in. There have been Many things I wanted to buy but couldn't. I am SAD. :(

I could sell some things too, that'd sure help but I can't work EBay. :o

You could get change your Password. Or get a new ID and Password. Also, you can ask for help if that doesn't work.

Wiix 06-15-2008 11:35 AM

I tried that. It still gives me the same trouble. :(

Chemar 06-15-2008 12:40 PM

Wiix, have you contacted eBay for help? There's Live Chat on the site and also customer support by phone # 800-322-9266

eBay store owners also get an dedicated Stores Customer Support number to help with all things related to sales and setting up a store.

Wiix 06-15-2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 301769)
Wiix, have you contacted eBay for help? There's Live Chat on the site and also customer support by phone # 800-322-9266

eBay store owners also get an dedicated Stores Customer Support number to help with all things related to sales and setting up a store.

Thanks, I'll look for it. Right now I need a new coffee maker and a few other things. Oh, and some inhalers. I tried buying them on there before since they are so difficult to find and they had quite a few.

Chemar 08-16-2008 11:33 AM

gasp....could it happen........
are free listings coming to eBay??????????!!!!!!!

wow now that would sure be a welcome change in eBay's fees for a change:cool:

Chemar 08-20-2008 08:54 PM

well it isnt yet free but this sure is an improvement for all who want to sell fixed price:)

Reduced upfront fees for Fixed Price: List multi-quantity items up to 30 days for one low fee
We're dramatically reducing the upfront cost to list an item at fixed price on eBay.

* 35¢ Fixed Price Insertion Fee
- Regardless of item price or quantity
- New 30-day option included..........
for more.....

Dmom3005 09-26-2008 07:56 PM

I would love to get started selling things on ebay. I have a name and
need to start figuring it out. But I keep turning chicken. We have
lots of stuff that we need to sell.

What would be the best way for me to get my feet wet to try and
get a start.

Nothing really big, just see if I can start.


Denise R 09-26-2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 377194)
I would love to get started selling things on ebay. I have a name and
need to start figuring it out. But I keep turning chicken. We have
lots of stuff that we need to sell.

What would be the best way for me to get my feet wet to try and
get a start.

Nothing really big, just see if I can start.


Hi ,
I also sell on eBay and learned a lot from the eBay for dummies book.Also the forums on eBay helped me a lot.Before I sold I bought a few items to get a score some people will shy away from a new seller with no score.
I love to sell on eBay.
But the shipping and packing part is the hardest for me as I hate to drive/go in to the post office.I am considering making all my items priority mail then the post man comes the next day to pick it all up ....Yeah!:)
It cost the buyers more so am not sure about it but I need to bring up my shipping score.
New rules about the (DSR) star rating system start around November
I also have an eBay store items sell slower but to list them only costs 3 cents + a monthly charge of 15.95 so you can list hundreds of items for less than $50.00 a month.

Chemar 09-26-2008 11:13 PM

If you have a PayPal account you can print all shipping labels online via them (including USPS priority,parcel post, media mail, first class as well as UPS too) sure saves those trips to the post office and those lines. USPS also allows you to schedule pickups online now, like with UPS

It seems an eBay store really is a great way to learn the ropes, but even the new eBay fixed price listings means you can jump in with not much layout of $

there is a comprehensive "help" section on eBay

Dmom3005 09-27-2008 08:55 PM



Chemar 09-28-2008 10:30 AM

I also found these helpful tutorials on selling on eBay

southie 09-28-2008 04:13 PM

I'm so old that eBay wasn't even eBay yet ... *laughing*
I've been with eBay before eBay was eBay!


It actually was ... *laughing*,
I'm one of the many 'originals' there.... unfortunately
my nasty divorce and (can I say stupid ex?) Judge's
orders to wipe the account out (well it was under my
stupid ex's name but I did all the work) - with over,
10,000+ feedbacks, 1 neutral and no negatives, 5
accounts... and tons of repetitive customers. (Remember
only 1 feedback is unique, no matter how many they
leave you)

eBay just wasn't the same like the "Good Old Days"
when they started to get greedy!


All I was doing was breaking even. *sigh*

Gone was the "Bid Warz" ~ all the fun watching 20-30-40
people fighting over an item, bidding like crazy, was gone
and some items would have left you with ....


Remember the Bug in a Jar? (DOA of course)

Tattoo my Boobs? Then the other one Tattoo my head?

Nekkid man on Teakettle? (Well he didn't realize it but
people caught on to it only AFTER the auction image
was displayed and someone blew it up, and yeah, he
was nekkid alright - *laughing* and eBay uses that
to teach you what NOT to do in eBay selling!)

And other outlandish things including the military jet
(and yes, that was legal and tender) ...


While I have rapport with the Top Staff, but it just isn't
the same anymore; even though I had to start all over
from scratch (I did have another 'backup account' which
was under my name and my ex tried to wipe that one
out too - geesh!).

But there's a lot of other places you can list for free or
cheap ...

Check out Power Sellers Unite

And you'll find other auction sites available that you can
list elsewhere (especially if you have multiple items) that
you can list for free or nearly next to nothing and many
of these places - allows you to import your eBay feedbacks
to their site so you can have a reputation there too and
be able to display your eBay items on their site as well.

Hope all these goodies help!

Chemar 09-28-2008 04:50 PM

hi Southie

yes eBay is not what it used to be but, for many it still is an essential outlet for merchandise because it, like nowhere else online other than, gets the traffic.

we do have another thread here about other places to sell online

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