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GeeLuv 02-25-2020 06:42 PM

Check in thread #1
Hey all!

So I like this idea of a group check in thread in which we all contribute how we're doing here. If you like this idea, feel free to post on this all you like. If you'd prefer your own thread, then I will direct you to my personal journal in the bipolar section if you'd like to follow along with me. Thanks for reading! Wishing you all wellness and happiness! <3

My journal

Waking Light 02-25-2020 08:59 PM

re: check in thread
Thank you, GeeLuv! I also like the idea of a check in thread, kind of like a group therapy where we feel like a family & keep in touch with each other. :)

GeeLuv 02-25-2020 09:20 PM

Cool! Then I will get this started.

So, today I am feeling much better than the last couple of days. Woke up at a good time and got a lot done today. Still not as much as I would like to be doing on a daily basis, but it's definitely an improvement. Since this is the Depression forum, I'd just like to share that the past couple of days had been a little bit low. Yesterday I even napped after plenty of sleep and was still tired! But I got up, got going and visited my kitties I'm sitting for. That was the one good part of the day, oh and also that one of my friends has come back after being MIA. Otherwise, it was a pretty crappy day and the few days before I just wasn't feeling that great.

But yea! Today was good! So I'll try to stay on that happy note! :D

Waking Light 02-26-2020 07:54 AM

re: check in
Hi,:) I also have experienced some improvement. Maybe it has something to do with exiting winter & entering spring. Just small steps in the right direction, but progress is progress! Sunshine has a positive effect on me, for sure. I wish all of us a good day today! :grouphug:

GeeLuv 02-26-2020 01:50 PM

Yeah, well it's not even feeling like Spring here much yet, but I guess it's still good that my mood has been ok.

It's a little bit early for a proper check in today, but I'm feeling ok still. However, I'm a little frustrated with the fact that even though I didn't even really visit my regular sites yet, I've already spent almost 3hrs online already and I've been trying to cut back. Sigh! Still, I enjoy myself. Had a good laugh about something even. :)

pink kitty 02-26-2020 08:45 PM

Hi, today has been a good day for me. I got some decent sleep last night :)

hugs to all

GeeLuv 02-26-2020 09:41 PM

So I had a pretty good day too! Got stuff done and then went to visit "my" kitties. (Oh they're so cute and my buddy, "Graybee" was like cuddling with me on my coat while we watched Netflix. ;) Then I came home and cooked and now I just finished eating. Yummy! Also, watching Nancy Drew right now, a favorite show. :)

Waking Light 02-27-2020 09:45 AM

re: check in
Hi, so nice to see this thread seems to be working. I enjoy hearing/reading what you have to say. I am doing pretty good, yesterday & this morning. Trying to make some small improvements, so I don't get overwhelmed, & I've been doing pretty good. I'm going to try to see Nancy Drew. :) Hope you all have a wonderful day! :grouphug:

GeeLuv 02-27-2020 07:58 PM

Well, I overslept and was still tired but probably needed it because I guess I didn't sleep until after 2:30am...that's kinda late. And fingernail picking was keeping me up. Sigh! and I think I had some unpleasant dreams, but I must be repressing them because I only get glimpses and negative feelings. :/ Going to try to make the most of today though!

wanted to see the kitties again today and watch Lucifer. Looks like I'm not going to get time. :/

This might not make a lot of sense because I'm copying and pasting different thoughts throughout the day and distracted as I compile all this. oops!

GeeLuv 02-27-2020 08:37 PM

@waking light did you end up watching Nancy Drew? If you're really interested, I'd recommend watching from the beginning as the episodes continue the storyline from episode 1 throughout the season.

@pink kitty hugs back! <3

Waking Light 02-28-2020 08:46 AM

re: check in
Hi, everyone! I had a pretty good day yesterday. I did my exercise routine, & I got some shopping done, & a nice walk. I have sleeping problems but did a little better last night. I haven't found out yet when Nancy Drew is on. I have to check the station's schedule. I don't have a computer, so I can't watch previous episodes. I'm using a flip cell phone with a brouzer to do this. By the way, I really like this thread. I hope all of you are doing well today. I'm wishing you all the best! :grouphug: :)

GeeLuv 02-28-2020 11:55 PM

this is what I found Waking Light
"airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT"
but I watch at 8pm my time.

As for my check-in, well, it wasn't a very eventful day. Woke up early, but took a nap. Caught the end of The Bold and the Beautiful. Cooked lunch and ate. Then spent the rest of the day visiting with kitties and watching Lucifer on Netflix. Didn't really have dinner plans (what I cooked for lunch didn't make enough this time), but I managed to put together some leftovers with freshly fried was satisfying, yet I'm slightly nervous the leftovers were too leftover (left too long). :/ I'm having a nice bowl of semi thawed frozen berries as a dessert and to forget about the leftover stuff...very refreshing!! Hoping I'll be healthy and good tomorrow because I'm dying to go out for pizza!!

Mood: okay

Waking Light 03-01-2020 11:48 AM

re: check in
I had a busy day yesterday, & not much sleep. Thank you for the information about Nancy Drew. I hope I don't miss it this week. Sometimes I miss a program because I'm doing something else & forget. Today I am feeling slowed down. But I think it will be all right later. I hope your day goes well. :)

GeeLuv 03-01-2020 09:05 PM

Well, I guess I must just be enjoying life too much right now to be up to posting much. Lol Good right? I'm super excited about this new (newly discovered) show I started looking into the day before yesterday and watching it last night. I was afraid it might scare me, and it still might later on, but im super curious about it. I really enjoy one of the actors in it. And there's still another show i need to finish, but i ended the season I was on, so I figure it's a decent breaking point. All of this I have to watch at my parents place because I don't have Netflix, so I basically get another week to enjoy this until they return and take back their tv. I'm also enjoying the company of their kitties ("my" kitties I say because I adore them like they're my own). They've 2 baby boys, Graybee and Blackie (not real names). One is very shy, Blackie, but he comes around for special treats lol and occasionally let's me pet him till he purrs. And then there is Graybee, the extrovert. Lol He's super affectionate and my pal.

What else? We cooked a special meal tonight which was very tasty, and I finally got my pizza yesterday. Pretty good weekend I'd say. So I'm gonna share my good vibes with all of you now.


Waking Light 03-02-2020 01:13 PM

re: check in
I'm overwhelmed with paper work & I'm just too tired, so it's been piling up. But I have read a lot of things for voting. I'm glad to see the sunshine today. :)

GeeLuv 03-03-2020 01:56 PM

Sigh! I just don't know about my sleep habits! Seems I sleep less when I go to bed later but oversleep when I go to bed closer to on time. Maybe I'm compensating but I probably should have an alarm or something. I dunno! It's hard!

Moodwise I've been pretty ok. I dipped a little last night again when I got bored and started picking again. Bleh! Gross! My "body focused repetitive behavior" has been getting worse lately and I'm feeling down about that fact. Like the more I try to control it, the harder it is to resist! I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about this, but it kinda affects my mood. But yeah, generally I've been in a good mood this week. Enjoying my mini "vacation" visiting kitties and watching some fun Netflix shows. :D

Waking Light 03-03-2020 08:52 PM

re: check in
I had plans but didn't carry them out today. So I'm disappointed in myself about that. And I'm tired. Best wishes to everyone. :grouphug:

Waking Light 03-04-2020 01:47 PM

re: check in
Hello again, I've been doing pretty good this morning. Today is Nancy Drew day, so I put a little sign up in front of the tv screen, so I don't forget to watch it. This morning I enjoyed watching a couple of travel shows on pbs, & also a kid's program. It all was kind of therapeutic. Have a wonderful day everyone!! :) :grouphug:

GeeLuv 03-04-2020 06:53 PM

Hehe! Yep, Nancy Drew night! Little over 2 hours to go!

Well, I'm kinda in good spirits today. I didn't do anything except binge watch my new show on Netflix. I actually finished the season! (6 episodes today?? Oh, maybe it was 5) Anyway, and husband and I are going out for dinner tonight and to pick up my prescription (yeah, just a quick place for food cause it's Nancy Drew night!! Lol)

Oh, I said "kinda" good...well, the season kindof ended creepily and a little sad and I also feel kinda mixed about leaving the kitties and not seeing them tomorrow. I mean, I might go, but I might have to stay and catch up on things here. If I don't go tomorrow, I'll go Friday. Anyway, well they're just too cute to leave alone...but I bribed them with treats. Lol Anyway...

Ok, well I think I should at least do the dishes, so I'm off!

GeeLuv 03-07-2020 01:03 AM

Ok, so I'm kinda disturbed at the moment by this particular season of a show I started watching...guess it illuminates some fears for me. I ugh, expressed my fear to someone online and they said the show isn't that bad. But see, this is from the male perspective and now I'm a little scared that I shared my fear. I dunno. Hopefully I'll get over it. I've been Googling all night trying to find ways to overcome fear. I feel a little bit better now...

Oh! but what brought me to this forum was to admit that while watching the show, I was engaging in my picking "ocd" thing again (for those who haven't read it yet, I haven't officially been seen nor diagnosed about this yet since it's really only been concerning since this year/couple of months). Anyway, so I suppose fear, which is kinda anxiety, right (?) is a trigger for my obsessive compulsive tendencies.

On a happier note, got to see my precious kitties again and shy Blackie was hovering around me even more again tonight. I realize that I might only be loved because I give out treats, lol, but this was even before that and after as well! <3 <3 <3 Too bad I can't live with him and possibly help him completely overcome his shyness...I suppose he's better with my folks too, but I know he still even gets jumpy with them. He won't even play with his toy on a string because it scares him! :( um...well, that wasn't a very happy ending....

How about this- does anyone else know someone who's smile just lights up their day?? They can be people you know or people you don't (like celebrities). I have a few and I just think of those happy smiles and it warms my heart! Happy smiles (and hugs) to all who need them/want them!! :)

Waking Light 03-07-2020 07:16 AM

re: check in
I seem to be dealing with some challenges as well. So I'm kind of in the "this too shall pass" mode. This morning I'm thinking about what to fix for breakfast. I guess that's on the order of "living in the moment". And tomorrow daylight savings time begins. I'm glad about that. :)

GeeLuv 03-08-2020 02:54 PM

I'm trying to fight these symptoms of depression with sunshine, coffee, and forcing myself awake. I dunno why lately I just feel so tired! I guess I'm a little bummed my "vacation" is over. :/
Suppose daylight savings didn't help either. I went to bed earlier, but since we pushed the clocks ahead an hour, it was pretty much pointless. Sigh!

Waking Light 03-08-2020 09:10 PM

re: check in
I'm sorry, GeeLuv, I really am. I'm going through stuff, too. Let's us just wish the best for each other. Take care. :grouphug:

GeeLuv 03-09-2020 08:30 AM

Oh, many hugs to you waking light! :grouphug:

I'm feeling a bit better today, but didn't sleep a lot. Hubs is worried about something and kept me up half the night worrying about him. I hope things go well for him today and we both get some sleep tonight. <3

Waking Light 03-09-2020 02:01 PM

re: check in
Thank you so much, GeeLuv! I wish the best for you! And hubby! I love online friendship because I'm such a loner usually. I really do care but have a hard time being very social. I love solitude. But I have voices that interfere.

GeeLuv 03-09-2020 04:16 PM

I wish I could take away your voices's way too quiet over here!!! lol I'm sorry. I know it's serious, but sometimes you just gotta laugh! I'm sure I'd seriously be freaked out it I had voices.

I just get so bored and find myself either in front of the tv or with music or a podcast on to feel less lonely. I'm sure you'd enjoy this peace and quiet, but I get lonely. Ironic thing is, when I'm with people, many times I just can't wait to get home to my comfy bed. :P I like company...if it's pleasant company AND if I'm feeling well. Like I don't want to hang out if I'm feeling sick or sad or something, unless they also get it.

I'm wasting away this day. It's already 4pm and all I've done is wash dishes and take a nap and eat lunch...I didn't even have my coffee yet!!! Sigh! Just so tired! :/

GeeLuv 03-10-2020 08:22 AM

Feeling a little frustrated and sad that I woke up with a cough. I hope it passes quickly. Probably just from "that time of the month" weakness, or...too much screentime. :(

Waking Light 03-10-2020 05:57 PM

re: check in
Thank you for all your posts. They are always interesting & even entertaining & funny. :Good-Post: I would watch your show if you were on tv. Anyway, I'm feeling better today. I hope you are doing better, too. :grouphug: :hug: Bye for now. :Trapeze 2:

GeeLuv 03-11-2020 11:14 AM

Oh you are too kind! Lol Glad you are entertained though. I do enjoy making a good impression on people. :)

Glad you are feeling better. I'm not too bad. And your post is helping too. *hugs* I'm really going to try to stay awake today, do some exercise, but also watch B&B. And don't forget, Nancy Drew tonight! Lol Actually, did you even watch it? If so, I'm sorry I forgot to warn you about the ghostie...she was very apparent in last week's episode. Usually it's just a subtle glimpse. Still, a little spooky. I'm not even sure that's true to the original books. Sadly, I never read them...maybe one day! Although it's harder now since Mom doesn't work at the library anymore and I have yet to go through the process of getting my own library card (it's done at a separate building and you need to have blah and blah and it's just blah. :P )

Have a good day WL and anyone reading and lurking on this thread. Yes, you! ;)

GeeLuv 03-12-2020 10:11 PM

I'm having brain fog today... if anyone is interested, I posted some actual concrete thoughts in my personal thread on the bipolar forum. I'm still curious if some of my behavior in the past was hypomania or not and I'm keeping track now to see if it starts up again...was feeling a bit over enthused today, hence the brain fog.
also, so sick of the coronovirus stuff! I couldn't even focus on Twitter today at all...

oops! lost my train of thought again! :P


Waking Light 03-13-2020 08:24 AM

re: check in
Hi! Yes, it's actually me. I'm sorry I have been so absent from posting. But my heart was here. First of all, I hope your or anyone's symptoms of depression, etc., have been changing for the better. At the moment I'm feeling ok. I did watch Nancy Drew Wednesday night & I loved it. I tuned in a few minutes late but saw most of it. It's a really good program! I read one of the books, I think, long time ago. I have the movie, & it also has a ghost in it. Hopefully the coronavirus problems will calm down soon. I'm wishing you & everybody good health & all kinds of joy! :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: :)

GeeLuv 03-15-2020 01:11 PM

Feeling emotionally and mentally tired. I guess physically too, but to a lesser degree or concern.
I'm feeling misunderstood and in conflict with someone or even someones and it is worrisome and sad. I want to like people and for people to like me! And for everyone to just live in peace and harmony!
Yes, bringing the cheese! Say cheese!! :D


Waking Light 03-16-2020 04:45 PM

re: check in
I'm sorry about how you've been feeling. I hope things get better for you soon. I am doing ok most of the time. But the coronavirus sure is a dark cloud over everything.

GeeLuv 03-16-2020 06:53 PM

yeah...just found out hubby will likely have to work from home now...or he's choosing to because he was the only one in the office today.

I'm choosing to be happy and chill right now. I did much of what I wanted to do today (which, honestly wasn't a lot), but I had a lot of fun too (mostly chatting online. there's a live chat on one site and I invited a friend to it's always fun to be the one teaching others about things as opposed to being the newbie...but there's also a sweet innocence about being a newbie too. lol)

listened to some more music today while I did my chores...will likely be the last weekday I'll be able to do that for a long time now. :/ So I need to find some other things to do to keep me busy...i mean, besides being online all day. (I did that too today and will likely have to cut back on that if hubby's watching and critiquing ehhh!! bleh!)

Not sure what else to say. I'm going to check our B&B thread now :D

Waking Light 03-17-2020 12:55 AM

re: check in
Oh, my goodness. The coronavirus is affecting so much! Routines, expectations, reliances, comfort zones, so many necessities. It's a temporary interruption, but we have to adjust & be strong, on top of the problems we already had to deal with. Oh, well. :) Anyway, thank God we have our forum friendships where we can relate with each other. :grouphug: :hug:

GeeLuv 03-17-2020 03:01 PM

If I miss an update here, @waking light i might have just posted in the bipolar section on my journal. If you feel like checking that thread too, you're more than welcome.

Well, I just finished dusting and sweeping upstairs. Took me almost an hour because omg it was dusty! It gets neglected because it's so cold up there in winter and we never really use the upstairs. But it's even worse now since the window ACs had been installed. In fact, it almost never was dusty up there before, but now we get dust, dirt and parts of the bird's nests that have subsequently come along. Bleh!

Anyway, but I found a book of short stories I've never really read and my coloring book...and even a sock left by my nephew when they stayed cough cough two? summers ago. (Omg) I was actually hoping it was my long lost gloves, but no such luck. No luck on the colored pencils yet either, but i didnt really look everywhere for them.

Hubby is finally off the phone for now, so I should ...but I'm tired now! Bleh! ;)

Waking Light 03-18-2020 02:07 PM

re: check in
I haven't posted much in the last couple of days. I managed to accomplish two things I had been putting off, & I feel glad about that. I hope you find your colored pencils & your gloves. Maybe me hoping that will help? :)

GeeLuv 03-18-2020 08:55 PM

awe! thanks so much!! but i think the gloves are a lost cause. They've been missing at least 3, maybe 4 years now. sigh! I'm sure if I looked i could find the pencils though.

kinda sad no Nancy Drew tonight, but hubby and i are probably going to watch I know what you did last summer movie instead. TC!

Waking Light 03-19-2020 05:15 AM

re: check in
I completely forgot about Nancy Drew this week (so many other things on my mind). So I don't feel so bad if it wasn't shown. I'm doing ok. Just tired, mostly from needing quality sleep. You take care, too! :)

GeeLuv 03-19-2020 10:37 PM

Watched part 2 tonight -i still know what you did last summer, and it's only 10:30! I had a most productive day, exercised, and watched a movie and still have time to stop in and say hello. Hello!

Pretty good day actually! Even if it was busy and I was stressed for a lot of it. Well, have a goodnight!

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