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MelodyL 04-23-2015 10:00 AM

Question about my husband's foley
First of all, it is now out (two weeks now) he's peeing fine, he's on Flomax and so far so good. Here is what I would like to know.

What the hell did the urologist in the hospital do (or not do) that I had to call the male nurse manager who obviously saved my husband's life.

Here is exactly what happened.

My husband has been in and out of Er's and hospitals and finally the nursing home.

This happened in the nursing home where he was getting physical therapy but because he wasn't peeing (due to an enlarge prostate and had fainted in the house (syncope) and they thought it MIGHT have to do with the tamsulosin part of the med, that they discontinued it and so they put a foley in. All was going well until about 3 weeks ago when he said "I'm not peeing'. I said "but you have a foley in you". He said "I don't care, I'm not peeing"

I put in a call to the urologist who (thankfully we assumed) would examine him, take out the foley, do whatever it is that urologists do and all would be fixed.

That did not happen.

The urologist pressed down on Alan's stomach pronounced all was well and told Alan "the foley has to stay in until next week, THEN we will take it out and see if you pee'. Alan had had the foley (second time since end of March) in him for about 8 days prior. So after 8 days I assumed the foley was blocked, told the urologist, asked that the foley be removed and he said "no, it has to stay, then he looked at Alan and said "Listen, you have a foley inside you, it's not comfortable, don't you understand this".? Alan said "but I'm not peeing and I have this urge to pee". The doctor was not moved and left.

Five minutes later, my husband started yelling his head off and said "I'm dying of pain".

I ran out over to the nurses station (thank god I speak french because they were all from French Morocco or from Haiti and they all spoke french) and they all understood me and I'm yelling 'Please come and help my husband I think his foley is backing up and he's screaming"

The 3 male nurses looked at each other, grimaced, grabbed some tools and ran into my husband's room along with a female nurse.

Because I didn't want to crowd them, I stayed out in the hall. Well......the screams that came out of Alan would be enough to raise the dead.

Then the screams got worse, I had to stick my fingers in my ears.

A few minutes passed and then there was no sound. I gingerly walked back in to find some red thing sticking out of his penis and all this urine pouring out into A SECOND BUCKET.

The urine was brown. I said OMG, this is so bad". The head male nurse said "no, it's nothing, the thing that would be bad is if we see blood and there is no blood".

Then after all the urine was out (and he felt so much better), (there was this other guy massaging Alan's stomach to get the urine out and I had been helping him do this.

When it was done, they told Alan to hold his breath and the male nurse pulled out the long red catheter thing that was being used to drain the urine.

So here is what I want to know. Alan said that when he took a look at the long red thing it had a blade (or something sharp) at the end of it and THAT'S what they put into his penis and carefully put it all the way up into the bladder (that's why he was screaming).

I cannot find any info on what this red thing (with the blade tip) is called that they put into him.

It worked, they put him immediately on flomax and he's been fine ever since and although he is is said to have A-Fib, today we see the cardiologist and he will do whatever cardiologists do when one is released from a nursing home as a follow up cardiology visit.

So if anyone knows what this long red thing is called and if anyone knows WHY my husband could not pee with that foley in him, I'd love to know.

Oh, and get this. I ran into the urologist the next day and I said "Did you hear what happened to my husband yesterday?" He said "yeah, I visited him and told him the foley could not come out". I said "oh you haven't been updated obviously". I told him EXACTLY what happened and his eyes grew big and said "Oh the foley backed up".


Good Grief, poor Alan


bluesfan 04-23-2015 01:23 PM

Melody L
Had been wondering what was going on as hadn't seen a post in a while - no wonder - you've had more urgent things to deal with. Sorry I can't help you with your questions. Have you asked the nursing staff that saved your husband what the red tube was called? Also they would have written up a report on what they had to do - see if you can get a copy of it.
Take care.

MelodyL 04-23-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by bluesfan (Post 1137828)
Melody L
Had been wondering what was going on as hadn't seen a post in a while - no wonder - you've had more urgent things to deal with. Sorry I can't help you with your questions. Have you asked the nursing staff that saved your husband what the red tube was called? Also they would have written up a report on what they had to do - see if you can get a copy of it.
Take care.

I have had a month like you wouldn't believe and that's just me. Imagine what Alan has been through. We just came from the cardiologist and he's going to be fitted with a halter monitor next wednesday. His ekg was fine.

And tomorrow we see dr. Fred.

All I do is go on Dr. Appointments with Alan. I am going to go look at my sprouts and feel normal for awhile. will update if there is anything to update.

I'll ask Dr. Fred what that red catheter thing was.

Bye for now


Jomar 04-23-2015 03:33 PM

Was the Foley still in when they inserted the red tube?

I saw some info that the balloon thing can pop inside and block the tube, so maybe that sharp thing was needed to cut /puncture the balloon or whatever was blocking ,out of the way??

Lara 04-23-2015 04:05 PM

Melody, you or Alan should ask the doctor what happened.
Lots of things could have happened from what you've written.
Sometimes the inflated balloon on the end of the cath can get stuck in the urethra rather than in the bladder too and that would be very painful.
There are a number of different methods for deflating the balloon. It's likely it was a needle rather than a blade. Usually that would be done with help of ultrasound though. Main problem would be that a piece of the deflated balloon could break away and need to be removed.

Thinking of you both. Wow, what a time it's been for Alan.

MelodyL 04-23-2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 1137859)
Was the Foley still in when they inserted the red tube?

I saw some info that the balloon thing can pop inside and block the tube, so maybe that sharp thing was needed to cut /puncture the balloon or whatever was blocking ,out of the way??

When the three male nurses went in with some kind of gadgets in plastic, the head guy pulled out the foley, then Alan said he inserted some red catheter thing with a blade at the end. And I have no idea what balloon thing you are talking about. I haven't read up on foleys and balloons. They have balloons??


bluesfan 04-23-2015 10:13 PM

Hi Melody
Here's a link explaining foley catheters;

There's 7 pages in total - 'risks' are on page 2

Look after yourself as well as your sprouts. Hope you get some well earned rest.

MelodyL 04-24-2015 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by bluesfan (Post 1137949)
Hi Melody
Here's a link explaining foley catheters;

There's 7 pages in total - 'risks' are on page 2

Look after yourself as well as your sprouts. Hope you get some well earned rest.

Hi. I read the whole thing
Couldnt find any information about what was done to alan to get the urine out. I am either a complete idiot or i dont know how to find the info. In any case, i do appreciate your showing me this. Off to youtube to see if they have videos on this subject. Thanks much


MelodyL 04-24-2015 10:18 AM

Hi there.

Well, to say that I am being educated on all things foley related is putting it mildly. I've just started. Never knew there was a balloon. Never knew ANYTHING about it until I started watching the videos.

I am learning.

Thanks much


ger715 04-24-2015 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 1138052)
Hi there.

Well, to say that I am being educated on all things foley related is putting it mildly. I've just started. Never knew there was a balloon. Never knew ANYTHING about it until I started watching the videos.

I am learning.

Thanks much


I really admire all you have done to educate yourself in so many areas. Alan is very fortunate to have a very "special" wife/friend. I'm sure it goes both ways.


MelodyL 04-25-2015 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1138189)
I really admire all you have done to educate yourself in so many areas. Alan is very fortunate to have a very "special" wife/friend. I'm sure it goes both ways.


Oh, please allow me to thank you and inform you that it does NOT go both ways. It's all about him. Because he had the foot ulcer for 7 years, I was told to NOT LET HIM GET ON THAT FOOT. So I had to do it all. I did it all. He got used to it. I mean if a doctor tells you that this man can not place his foot on the floor until the ulcer heals and by the time we got crow boots, special made shoes and orthotics, until we got the RIGHT custom molded shoes and orthotics, I was doing everything. When the time came for him to be doing what he should be doing, forget it.

Am I complaining? sure, who wouldn't but it is what it is. I have practically saved his life numerous times but who cares. I'm a wife and that is what I do. But last night was the turning point and after what happened I told him, "the next time someone asks about you I am going to tell the truth".

I wanted to watch Bruce Jenner on 20/20. I usually watch stuff on my computer. It would not come up. I turned to him and said "I'd like to watch 20/20" Bruce Jenner is on. Was that too much to ask? I don't think so. He said 'I'll tape it for you". I said "I would really like to watch it and I don't think it's too much to ask after all I have done for you going back and forth to emergency rooms, hospitals, nursing homes, cleaning you up, blah blah. I even sat by his bed side in a chair not getting any sleep. One would think a husband would appreciate this.

He looked at me and said "But I have missed all my tv shoes and I'm catching up". I looked at him and said "Okay, if that's how you feel but believe me every dog has his day".

So I realized what I'm dealing with, he's not going to change, I'm not going to color it anymore. He should have turned the tv over to me immediately and said "After all you have done for me, it's yours". He will never do this, I know this and I'll just deal with it.

But now I make time for ME. That's it. Of course I will go on all his appointments because he can't do them by himself but honestly, I feel differently. I might sound like a bitc* but right now that's how I feel.

Sorry to vent but it's been a heck of an April for me. I'm tired.


bluesfan 04-25-2015 01:43 PM

Feeling for you Melody - I can't suggest what to do in your current situation because I don't know the full details and only you know what will work for you. But you are right it is time to put yourself first. The only thing I can say is do something sooner rather than later before your own health is compromised.
I know you have plenty of other friends on here but please feel free to PM me if you want to vent in private. :hug:

Jomar 04-25-2015 01:46 PM

Everybody needs to let off steam sometimes too...

Don't forget we have a Caregivers Support forum -
A place for people who are a caregiver to another to find help and support.

mrsD 04-25-2015 03:44 PM

You didn't miss anything Mel... about Bruce Jenner. He was only promoting another reality show. He is full of himself... very selfish appearing. I found him rather narcissistic and boring.
I really don't want to go further here about it so try and find
the interview on CNN or YouTube.

On CNN Smerconish's program there was a very interesting interview with Zoe Tur, who is now a female (she was a male helicopter pilot...she was very disappointed with Bruce. I bet you can find that on CNN's website.
If not, here is another example of the interview:

Smerconish is on Sat morning CNN at 9am. He typically has very good and intelligent guests and comments on the week's news. I really like him.

Take care.

I am sorry you have been thru such a terribly stressful time.
And I hope Alan is now on the mend at least.

Kitt 04-25-2015 04:50 PM

I found the interview very interesting. I don't think that he is trying to promote another show. JMO. People should watch it and form their own opinion.

MelodyL 04-25-2015 09:17 PM

Thanks to all who replied to me. Yeah, I'm taking care of myself. I forgot about the caregivers forum. Thankfully I have my sprouting and someone bought me a Fresh Life Automatic Sprouting machine. OMG. it does it all by itself. This is a great hobby for me that I have been doing for years and hopefully will continue.

And I get together at night down the corner at Dunkin and sit with all my friends and we ALL talked about Bruce Jenner. I watched it on ABC on my computer.

Interesting how a man can be an Olympic athlete, have 3 wives, all those children and now at 65 become a woman. I have no opinion on his choices or if he even has a choice. But hey, he has the freedom to do what he wants.

But at 65? I don't think I could do it. I'd stay in the closet. lol

I'm talking to Alan but that's about it. He doesn't have a clue. He is too absorbed in his own health to ever think about my health so I have to do it myself and I do. Thank god for Methyl B-12. That's all I can say.

That supplement probably got me where I am today. Excellent memory. I sleep great. Sure, bad knees, aches and pains, sciatica, diabetes. but I do manage.

And I get to watch anything I want on my laptop which is GREAT. Love youtube.

so thanks to you all.

So far, Alan is on the mend. Now it's MY turn. lol


ger715 04-26-2015 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 1138306)
You didn't miss anything Mel... about Bruce Jenner. He was only promoting another reality show. He is full of himself... very selfish appearing. I found him rather narcissistic and boring.
I really don't want to go further here about it so try and find
the interview on CNN or YouTube.

On CNN Smerconish's program there was a very interesting interview with Zoe Tur, who is now a female (she was a male helicopter pilot...she was very disappointed with Bruce. I bet you can find that on CNN's website.
If not, here is another example of the interview:

Smerconish is on Sat morning CNN at 9am. He typically has very good and intelligent guests and comments on the week's news. I really like him.

Take care.

I am sorry you have been thru such a terribly stressful time.
And I hope Alan is now on the mend at least.

I only saw a few minutes yesterday. According to what you wrote; I hit the "nail on the head"; couldn't help but add "he's a real jerk" !!!!!! All show and for show....He must be desperate for attention and a few $$$$$.


ger715 04-26-2015 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 1138354)
Thanks to all who replied to me. Yeah, I'm taking care of myself. I forgot about the caregivers forum. Thankfully I have my sprouting and someone bought me a Fresh Life Automatic Sprouting machine. OMG. it does it all by itself. This is a great hobby for me that I have been doing for years and hopefully will continue.

And I get together at night down the corner at Dunkin and sit with all my friends and we ALL talked about Bruce Jenner. I watched it on ABC on my computer.

Interesting how a man can be an Olympic athlete, have 3 wives, all those children and now at 65 become a woman. I have no opinion on his choices or if he even has a choice. But hey, he has the freedom to do what he wants.

But at 65? I don't think I could do it. I'd stay in the closet. lol

I'm talking to Alan but that's about it. He doesn't have a clue. He is too absorbed in his own health to ever think about my health so I have to do it myself and I do. Thank god for Methyl B-12. That's all I can say.

That supplement probably got me where I am today. Excellent memory. I sleep great. Sure, bad knees, aches and pains, sciatica, diabetes. but I do manage.

And I get to watch anything I want on my laptop which is GREAT. Love youtube.

so thanks to you all.

So far, Alan is on the mend. Now it's MY turn. lol


A while back I was reading your posts regarding Alan's Psoriasis and the scraping off sounds coming out of the bedroom. All I could think about was the mess that it must have been to clean up. There was much more about your looking into anything and everything you could do to help him.I guess it's about time you vent...


MelodyL 04-26-2015 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1138374)
A while back I was reading your posts regarding Alan's Psoriasis and the scraping off sounds coming out of the bedroom. All I could think about was the mess that it must have been to clean up. There was much more about your looking into anything and everything you could do to help him.I guess it's about time you vent...


To be honest i think he has Aspergers. Oir son took off 12 years aho, put us through hell with addictions to onlime gaming and gambling
Nothing we did had any effect. He eventually said " mom,you were great parents, this has nothing to do with you, but i havent seen you in so long you are no longer a priority of mine." Let me tell you, his actions after that well lets just say i got professional help and put up walls. My son then said All i need is to go on SSI and ill be taken care of" he got a diagnosis of Narcissistic
personality disorder but later on ONE doctor said You have aspergers"' makes sense now. If this is going to continue i will put up more walls and do what needs to be done but thats it. I am supposed to arrange for p/t and have a therapist come to the house. I am at the point that if the phone rings and the p/t person is on the phone, i am tempted to hand him the phone and walk into another room. Yes, i think i will do just that.


P.s. sorry to go off topic. Will not do it again

Kitt 04-26-2015 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1138373)
I only saw a few minutes yesterday. According to what you wrote; I hit the "nail on the head"; couldn't help but add "he's a real jerk" !!!!!! All show and for show....He must be desperate for attention and a few $$$$$.


People need to watch the whole interview. And that is two hours worth. Interesting to say the least.

ger715 04-27-2015 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 1138402)
To be honest i think he has Aspergers. Oir son took off 12 years aho, put us through hell with addictions to onlime gaming and gambling
Nothing we did had any effect. He eventually said " mom,you were great parents, this has nothing to do with you, but i havent seen you in so long you are no longer a priority of mine." Let me tell you, his actions after that well lets just say i got professional help and put up walls. My son then said All i need is to go on SSI and ill be taken care of" he got a diagnosis of Narcissistic
personality disorder but later on ONE doctor said You have aspergers"' makes sense now. If this is going to continue i will put up more walls and do what needs to be done but thats it. I am supposed to arrange for p/t and have a therapist come to the house. I am at the point that if the phone rings and the p/t person is on the phone, i am tempted to hand him the phone and walk into another room. Yes, i think i will do just that.


P.s. sorry to go off topic. Will not do it again


I think you probably spoiled Alan from the very beginning. Maybe this last hospital stay really was extremely difficult and feels like the "last straw";( you know the one that broke the camel's back).

Hopefully you and Alan can work something out where he takes a little more responsibility; like your idea about handing him the phone when the p/t person calls. It's a start !!!!


MelodyL 04-27-2015 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1138587)

I think you probably spoiled Alan from the very beginning. Maybe this last hospital stay really was extremely difficult and feels like the "last straw";( you know the one that broke the camel's back).

Hopefully you and Alan can work something out where he takes a little more responsibility; like your idea about handing him the phone when the p/t person calls. It's a start !!!!


To be quite honest, I did not spoil Alan. I was told by his podiatrist 'He must not touch the floor, until the foot ulcer is COMPLETELY healed. Because we tried various shoes and orthotics, it would heal and then return. It would be debrided, and every single day I had to change the bandage after doing the saline wash, putting on medi-honey (or whatever other ointment we were using). I could do that in my sleep. Before the foot ulcer, he used to do security work and I would meet him for breakfast after he completed the night shift, then he came home and went to bed.

But once he got the foot ulcer (because the stupid people at the cariac rehab place made him go on a treadmill and he COULD NOT FEEL HIS FEET, so he never knew he was developing a foot ulcer), well after that, he had to keep off of his feet.

And because the weather here in Brooklyn is absolutely nuts, last night his sciatica kicked in and he was a goner. He could not sleep. I gave him one of his prescribed pain meds which he NEVER takes because it inhibits the inability to go to the bathroom, well last night we had no choice. It did help. We are now awaiting a call to let us know when the physical therapist will come. Nothing more I can do to make this man do ANYTHING because he can't get up off the couch. I have been there. I have had sciatica, bad knees, osteoarthritis, etc.
But I'm different. For whatever reason, I'm like the energizer bunny. I keep going.

I hope this back thing passes because I remember what I went through. I once had 3 months lying on my couch (20 years ago) and I could barely move. The key to helping one's back is exercise but no one wants to do anything because it hurts. Last year I had to go to Physical Therapy three times a week on my knees and on my back. I went. It helped tremendously but it hurt like heck.

At least Alan will get someone to come to the house.

be well

P.S. Alan has the phone right by the couch. I meant what I said. He has to arrange this.

MissusH 04-29-2015 02:36 AM

Coude catheter...
You probably have already found out more info about the catheter but just in case you haven't, it is called a coude catheter.

The tip is narrower than a standard indwelling catheter and slightly bent at the very tip. No blades. It makes it much easier and less uncomfortable to insert in patients who appear to have some sort of urethral obstruction (usually men with enlarged prostates).

Kitt 04-29-2015 08:43 AM

Welcome MissusH. :Wave-Hello:

MelodyL 05-15-2015 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by MissusH (Post 1139056)
You probably have already found out more info about the catheter but just in case you haven't, it is called a coude catheter.

The tip is narrower than a standard indwelling catheter and slightly bent at the very tip. No blades. It makes it much easier and less uncomfortable to insert in patients who appear to have some sort of urethral obstruction (usually men with enlarged prostates).

Hi there. I just this minute saw this post. and you'll never guess what happened today. The physical therapist came to the house (after the visiting nurse came three days ago and pronounced Alan as needing in home physical therapy). Well, the PT guy came and watched Alan move and walk and listened to all his tales of woe and that he has PN and all that stuff and the guy goes "He does not need "in home P/T". He needs to go on an outpatient basis."

He was polite, courteous and then left.

So on Monday, I will be taking Alan to the senior center two blocks from our home where they have an recumbent bike (because Alan will not go for out patient P/T it's too many co-pays). So hopefully this center will let him go on their bikes and such. I joined last year but went for quite a while and watched all the 80 year olds jump on top of chairs and work out like they were 25. That will not happen with Alan on Monday.

I will make a video if they let him go on the bike. He did it in the therapy room at the hospital so he can do this.

I really thought he could get in home P/T. Guess I was really mistaken


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