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EnglishDave 05-16-2015 05:28 PM

Got To Do It
Well, in the past 2 1/2 years I have piled on over 50lbs due to the Mirtazapine making me mentally constantly hungry, and the Metoclopromide emptying my stomach rapidly, leaving me feeling - empty! ALL this weight is the dangerous 'stomach' weight.

So, falling and having my own body mass bust up my ribcage has made me determined to diet. Illness and disability prevent exercise, so it will all be down to will-power, much smaller portions and cutting the rubbish.

Wish me luck.


St George 2013 05-16-2015 09:52 PM

I'll be pulling for you !
Good Luck in your diet journey ! And keep us posted on how it's going for you.

Debi from Georgia

Enna70 05-16-2015 09:59 PM

Yeah, I feel for's hard...I bought a sit up thingy which is suppose to take the stress off one's neck...I was doing fairly well...but then my excuses kicked in....
so give yourself some breaks and enjoy this new way of eating you plan on...and leave a little room for a sweet cheat here and there....keep us posted.:grouphug:

bluesfan 05-16-2015 11:28 PM

Joining you in the battle Dave - GOOD LUCK! My 'enemies' are the 5 different types of steroids I take which make weight gain obstinately stick around - hopefully getting rid of two of them in the next few months will help. Add to that a torn knee cartilage, osteoarthritis, PN and autoimmune fatigue.

Were you able to do any stretch exercises while sitting or lying down (before your rib injury that is) or does that cause too much pain? I do a few which help the osteo (and TMJ) - they mainly help to stop my body stiffening up and keep my joints flexible.

I know also you use meditation frequently and along similar lines I've known disabled people who've received benefit from doing Tai Chi in their heads. They're unable to do the physical moves but by working through the routine in their minds and doing the breathing associated with Tai Chi they've had measurable physiological improvement in respiratory, cardiac and circulatory aspects. Like meditation, Tai Chi takes a while to learn the techniques, but it can be worth it.

All the best with your diet plans - please share with us if you come up with any tasty slimming recipes - particularly for spinach - it's the only thing surviving in my garden since the frosts arrived and is rapidly losing it's appeal!

kiwi33 05-17-2015 03:28 AM

Dave, you have my good luck wishes.

I reckon that you won't need them, because from what you have shared here I think that you are a strong and self-aware man.

All the best.

EnglishDave 05-17-2015 07:40 AM

Thank you all for your support.

Enna70, I have 1"x1/2" rounds of Greek Baklava I am allowing myself one of each week as a reward.

Bluesfan, compressed spinal cord and spinal injuries top and bottom, with arthritis and the neuro and heart problems, means no exercise. If my heartrate elevates too much I become Brady Hypotensive. The mental Tai Chi sounds interesting, I will look into that.

Kiwi, when boredom in front of the tv strikes, the Will can be weak. It's a 'doing something with your hands' thing since I gave up smoking.

I will keep my progress logged here fortnightly.


bizi 05-18-2015 09:22 PM

hi dave, good luck in your journey.
I cheer you on your weigh to better health!

EnglishDave 05-19-2015 06:26 AM

Thanks Bizi,

I follow your journey, too.

3 days in and I'm hungry. I have cut quantities and calories (not needed) roughly in half. Large lunchtime sandwiches have been replaced by vegetable soups. Getting psychologically used to smaller plates.

Of course, it is a balancing act with natural nutrition, so steamed vegetable sides have increased - and will continue to do so.

A few English strawberries, ungarnished, are enough to sate the sweet tooth. Although I have a 12 inch diameter custard Brioche in, waiting for the family's return. It is calling to me like a Siren, but I will be strong.

I just have to fight the Metoprolol.


bluesfan 05-19-2015 02:59 PM

Stay strong Dave - ignore the call of the Siren.
Do you have a food processor or blender? - once read an article that 'creamier' (as in smoother not loaded with cream) types of soups can make you feel fuller for longer. It's to do with the body being able to absorb more nutrients from blended food than chunky food which tends to pass through the digestive system faster.

EnglishDave 05-19-2015 07:11 PM

Hi bluesfan,

We have a blender, I am buying everything new after dear daughter emptied the kitchen to set up her home. Am currently eating fresh/frozen home made tomato and mushroom soups from the freezer. The Ex cooks in bulk.

How are you getting on? I have this for your spinach:

Spanakopira was a childhood favourite in Cyprus, and the Feta is a lower cal option than most cheeses. Sorry to say I have to buy mine in ready made now.

I have actually started keeping a Food/Calorie Log these past two days, and with a new set of scales tomorrow (no thanks, daughter) I will have an accurate Calorie intake.


EnglishDave 05-20-2015 10:12 AM

Oh, yes bluesfan,

Another spinach idea, and another favourite, homemade spinach pasta. We have never had a pasta machine, but using a rolling pin makes nice sheets for Lasagne. Fresh pasta has far fewer calories than dry, and it tastes infinitely better.

Oh, and just for my own peace of mind, from a Post above, the problem med I'm on is Metoclopramide, not Metoprolol. That was my old beta-blocker, it's been on my mind with the increased Panic Attacks.


lily101 05-20-2015 03:46 PM

Good luck to you! It is inspiring to see someone reach their goals and when you do, you will motivate others to tackle their own.


Diandra 05-20-2015 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1142818)
Thank you all for your support.

Enna70, I have 1"x1/2" rounds of Greek Baklava I am allowing myself one of each week as a reward.

Bluesfan, compressed spinal cord and spinal injuries top and bottom, with arthritis and the neuro and heart problems, means no exercise. If my heartrate elevates too much I become Brady Hypotensive. The mental Tai Chi sounds interesting, I will look into that.

Kiwi, when boredom in front of the tv strikes, the Will can be weak. It's a 'doing something with your hands' thing since I gave up smoking.

I will keep my progress logged here fortnightly.


Best of luck are smart to allow yourself just a bite of the baklava or other goodie. I have learned, when I try to be TOO extreme with diet, I feel deprived and end up going off the deep end and eating all the stuff I shouldn't.

One thing I have learned to make that is low cal and high protein is chia seed pudding. You just mix a few tablespoons of chia seeds with about 2-3 cups of vanilla almond milk, stir and put in fridge. The chia seeds plump up like tapioca. There are tons of recipes on the internet. It is very nutritious and filling and satisfies the desire for creamy desserts. If you drizzle just a bit of real maple syrup on the top, it is especially delicious. Chia seeds can be found online or I am now finding them in most markets. Shop for price as they can be expensive but, they go a long way. This has become a staple for when I crave a dessert while TV viewing, also my worst time for mindless snacking!

My best, D.

EnglishDave 05-20-2015 07:42 PM

Thanks Angie,

Are you joining us in this Quest?


Chia seeds and the pudding sound inviting - infrequently, or I will break down. The seeds cost £27:00 per Kg at my local Supermarket, although the packets are not THAT big.

Are these the same Chia as in the Chia Pets??? Anyone…

I now have a fairly accurate calorie count for the past few days. 950-1330kCal, which is in my target. I am supposed to consume 2000-2200kCal, I believe I've been having around 2500-2800kCal.

Weighing CORRECT (not diet) portion sizes has been a real eye-opener, I cannot believe how much I overate. Even single portion convenience meals I have in for very bad times are double the weight they should be. No wonder the Developed World is overweight.

I have a call booked tomorrow (today) with my GP to discuss whether I can supplement with Multivitamins, as all I have checked here have Calcium added.


lily101 05-20-2015 09:11 PM

I should join you on this quest, but I have a couple things in particular I am focusing on. One is where I now stand cognitively with PCS, possible treatments and accepting I am different then I was prior to my head injury.

Second, I need to quit smoking.

I am interested in chia seeds though. Are there certain health benefits to them? I will certainty try the pudding recipe.

I used to work for an endocrinologist and personally, I think the diabetic diet is great. The portions are perfect and it designed to maintain blood sugar and metabolism. It may be worth taking a look at.

bluesfan 05-21-2015 12:09 AM

Hi Dave and others
Thanks for the recipe suggestions - I'd forgotten about spinach & feta parcels - used to make them occasionally - unfortunately filo pastry is very expensive here - but I could do an omelet/fritatta version just using eggs. I usually add spinach to pretty much any pasta dish I cook. The chia dessert sounds yummy - will give it a try - like the almond milk idea - would give a lovely flavor.

Sounds like you're really getting to grips with your diet planning Dave - did you find cutting down quickly to a low calorie count difficult or have the hunger pangs eased? Re the 'doing something with your hands since giving up smoking' - a friend also had the same problem and he solved it by snacking on sunflower seeds - un-husked ones - it takes time to get the seed out (distraction) and the seeds are not that fattening. And dare I say it the TV or radio might give you some amusement over the next few days - yep cricket again! It's probably only going to be live on Sky here (and in the middle of the night) so highlights viewing only for me.

As for how I'm doing - fell off the wagon yesterday - long day: 4 hrs driving to and from hospital for first neuro appt. (another 2 hrs) - was exhausted and gave in to a craving for fish & chips takeaways on the way home. I don't feel too bad as it's the first takeaway in months. Did better today - had a meeting in another city with lunch and had salmon & spinach pie with salad. Dinner tonight is homemade Chinese hot & sour soup - one of my favorites and pretty healthy - when I get some energy back I'll post the recipe if anyone's interested.

EnglishDave 05-21-2015 05:01 PM

Well, I had a great phone talk with my Doctor today, who was VERY supportive about my diet, and agrees that 950-1250kCals is an ideal target to achieve my goals.

I also have a panel of blood tests booked in 3 weeks to check early for deficiencies, and to see if I can tolerate any increase in Calcium - which all the multivitamins seem to contain.

Last night I took the drastic step of measuring my stomach at it's largest circumference. This is my problem area, as I have said, and I am unhappy. No figures - too depressing to count down from so high - I will (hopefully) Post running totals of losses going up.


You need a good, balanced diet - possibly with supplements - to deal with PCS. As for smoking, I quit just before my Cancer/Diabetes dx and - even with all that and the weight - still feel better for it.


The hunger is still there because the Metoclopramide empties my stomach, more than anything else. For my evening meal, the addition of a few extra steamed vegetables or plain microwaved mushrooms - being low calorie - eases the problem while I get used to the quantities.

I used to eat more sunflower seeds than a parrot in my youth, but now my arthritis leaves me with no dexterity. I will just have to fidget. The Cricket is no distraction, it's only live on Sky Sports here and I don't subscribe. I do watch the highlights, but when it's a foregone conclusion… lol.

Don't beat yourself up over one take-away. You will soon regain that loss. The salmon and spinach pie sounds good, and we are always up for a nice Chinese recipe of any kind.


bizi 05-22-2015 12:05 AM

good luck dave in your journey!

kiwi33 05-22-2015 05:28 AM

Dave, I think that you are doing really well :).

Microwaved mushrooms are high on my list of yummy things as well.

caroline2 05-24-2015 12:24 PM

Since my hip replacement MESS in 2010, and my downhill slide from this mess, I cannot walk much at all anymore, so find myself at home A LOT, and enjoy foods...but am sensible....I've put on maybe 20 lbs in the last 5 some yrs but I bring NO BREAD into my house anymore and have not for some yrs.....started to buy gluten free but stopped that too. Wrap my burgers or whatever meat I choose in lovely romaine lettuce leaves...

Bread is dead food and my body does not need it. There is a huge article on the history of bread in our lives and I found it very interesting when I read it.

I take no prescription drugs that put on weight but I know many do take them and the weight gain is major. Good luck and just DO IT....

My dear daughter went thru some major issues in her marriage and ended up in a rehab situation, and while there the sleep drugs they gave her packed on probably 60 lbs to her lovely body. It took a couple yrs but once she got a grip on, she took it off, Jenny Craig program helped her a lot.

bluesfan 05-25-2015 01:51 PM

The soup recipe
Hi Dave and all,
Here's the soup recipe I mentioned earlier. By the way it freezes well if you want to make up a batch.

Chinese Hot & Sour Soup

Ingredients: Serves 2

2 cups beef stock
100g finely sliced lean rump or topside steak (schnitzel works well)
½ cup sliced mushrooms
½ teaspoon finely chopped ginger
2 teaspoons tomato paste
2 teaspoons soy sauce
125g fresh noodles or 30g dried noodles (plain)
1 tablespoon vinegar (cider or rice wine vinegar works best)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
¼ teaspoon white pepper
1 tablespoon finely sliced spring onion (green shallots)

Place stock, steak, mushrooms, ginger, tomato paste and soy sauce into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Prepare noodles according to pack directions, drain well and add to soup. Add vinegar, sesame oil, and spring onions. Return to the boil and serve at once.

Variations: Sliced chicken and chicken stock can be used in place of beef. If noodles are not wanted finely sliced cabbage can be used to replace them. Other ingredients can be added to suit: eg finely sliced capsicum, chilli, carrot etc.

kiwi33 05-25-2015 09:26 PM

Thanks bluesfan - looks yummy and I will give it a try.

With winter approaching I should add to my batches of home-made soup.

EnglishDave 05-30-2015 04:58 PM

Ok, it's been a fortnight, and I have settled in to 1/3 to 1/2 the ridiculous QUANTITIES I used to eat, and hit 920 - 1150kCals a day (around the lower on fish days), again cutting calorific intake by 50 to 60ish%

And what did I find of benefit from this radical reduction? A 9lb loss in the first 2 weeks. I know I have been ultra strict with portion size, this speed of loss is unsustainable, and I have always lost weight quickly in the past, but this amount comes as a shock! I checked 3 times, weighing at noon on Saturday wearing t-shirt and boxers (sorry for that image in your minds). I suppose my Metoclopramide is now working in my favour.

It is not easy. I have hunger pangs and cravings, but I had them before and that is where the weight piled on. There has been no junk, one Baklava treat a week - and that is just 97kCals. It helps that my neck and arms are so painful it slows down lifting a fork to my mouth now, and is deteriorating. Meals last nearly twice as long so I get the chance to savour my food and feel full.

The one thing I have not done is get the tape measure out. That is a once-a-month ritual.

I trust that everyone on this Journey is making progress. I still have a long, long way to go. Maybe I will photograph my scales when I hit my target?


kiwi33 05-30-2015 05:43 PM

Dave, that sounds really great :).

I do mindful eating ("I get the chance to savour my food" as well.

bizi 05-30-2015 10:48 PM

Dear david,
congratulations on your weight loss.
that is fantastic!!!!!!!!
I applaud you in your determination to stick with your diet plan.
Losing weight is all about the food.
I am sorry you can lose weight and not do one exercise at all.
I think that you need to eat at least 1200 calories or you run the risk of your body turning into panic mode. starvation mode and turning off your metabolism.
I wish you much luck in this will take a while but it is worth the effort.

EnglishDave 05-31-2015 05:40 PM

Hi bizi,

Thanks for the encouragement - and especially the advice. I am now aiming more at 1200kCals per day as a deliberate Target. I didn't want to have to cut, then cut again, but then my 'Low Count' days are not deliberate, just that I am eating a very varied diet. When I have a low cal main meal (fish usually) I will compensate with a higher count lunch and snacks.

I am slowly getting a grip on the hunger issue by allocating enough for a small snack every few hours.

I am coming from a long way up, with great determination - fuelled by the support of my Friends here. For that I thank you all.


bizi 06-01-2015 09:49 PM

Drinking a ton of water and chewing gum helps me.
a piece of fruit like an apple or a pear in the evening is perfect when I watch an episode of the x-files with my hubby in the evening around 10:30 pm.
lights out midnight.
tonight we had a late dinner, I worked late so dinner at 720pm when we normally eat at 6. then we took a walk around the neighborhood, about 2 miles.
I wear a fit bit and todays totals are:
7615 steps
3.17 miles
1782 calories burned total
for dinner I had baked chicken with bacon and cream cheese
( rarely do I eat bacon!) and steamed brussel sprouts with strawberries and blueberries for desert oh and 2 dark chocolate hersheys kisses.

EnglishDave 06-02-2015 06:06 AM

Thanks again bizi,

I have to watch Gum, acid issues I take Lansoprazole and Metoclopramide for. Fruit I am finding is good, instead of reaching for a packet of cookies. My Diabetes glucose levels are obviously dropping from this swap (I don't test yet, maybe this year).

For dinner last night I had 4oz Southern Coated Chicken Breast - as a treat, baked. 8oz baked potato and 6oz steamed peas and green beans. I hit 1180kcal yesterday nicely. I am not an obsessive counter, I do not include splurges of condiments or the like, and I round up and down. As long as I am hitting 1200-1300 consistently, now I am 'in the groove' I am happy.


bizi 06-02-2015 07:54 PM

oh dave look at your condiments. they can really add up!
Are you diabetic? knowing what your A1c is really helps to see how your blood sugars have been over the past 3 months. It should be below 6.

ger715 06-02-2015 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1145549)
Hi bizi,

Thanks for the encouragement - and especially the advice. I am now aiming more at 1200kCals per day as a deliberate Target. I didn't want to have to cut, then cut again, but then my 'Low Count' days are not deliberate, just that I am eating a very varied diet. When I have a low cal main meal (fish usually) I will compensate with a higher count lunch and snacks.

I am slowly getting a grip on the hunger issue by allocating enough for a small snack every few hours.

I am coming from a long way up, with great determination - fuelled by the support of my Friends here. For that I thank you all.


Bizi is right about at least 1200 Cals; even 1500 Cals for a man would still be good. You don't want to set yourself up for failure by not allowing yourself enough to sustain a good diet.

Wishing you a successful, lasting diet.


EnglishDave 06-03-2015 07:27 AM

Hi bizi,

I should clarify, I am not a great condiment consumer - a small squeeze of yoghurt and garlic sauce on a baked potato once a week, and now fries are out so is ketchup. I do count my allocation of skimmed milk I use in tea, and obviously fruit juices - everything natural, unsweetened, vitamin enriched.

I am a Diabetic, another factor in my need to lose this belly fat. I have my levels checked at my GP's during my Annual Review, last year it was 6.9. I have developed new/further deterioration in the form of sharp needle stabbing pains in my feet, legs and hands this year. I have full bloods being done on 12th of this month, with a GP Review a week later.

Gerry, I have spoken with one of my GPs about calorie count and vitamin/mineral deficiencies - although I am eating better now than I have for years. My diet was not particularly bad, it was the extras and the sheer amount that was the problem. Anyway, my GP was very supportive with a count of around 1200kcals being a good starting point. Remember, due to the pain and my injuries I am very sedentary. It is easier to pop a couple of hundred more cals on mid afternoon with a cereal bar and an apple than it is to scrounge around to make further cuts once the diet is established.

I really do appreciate everyone's advice and encouragement, the weight may have started dropping quite quickly (as before), but this IS very hard.


bizi 06-03-2015 08:57 AM

This is hard and you are doing a good job, it will be curious to see what your next a1c is in three months I bet it will be more normal if not then your meds need to be adjusted 6.9 is still too high. diabetes is a silent attacker of your kidneys, eye sight etc. a disease of the whole body as you know.
I am a registered nurse and have dealt with a lot of people with diabetes in the past.
good luck in this journey. We are here to help support you. Hopefully you have people in real life that support you too.

EnglishDave 06-03-2015 11:10 AM

Hi bizi,

They haven't put me on meds for my Diabetes - yet. I am supposed to be diet-controlled. Maybe this year that will change, then again hopefully I can crack it with this new regime.

Real life support is patchy. Everyone knows I need to lose the weight, but those in my vincinity are waning in their enthusiasm, even though they 'talk the talk' about joining me. My Daughter who lives away, and sister who is ill are both right there with me.


bizi 06-03-2015 07:22 PM

You can ask your MD to put you on meds they will help you lose weight in addition to bringing down your blood sugar. 6.9 is too high!:eek:

EnglishDave 06-04-2015 06:32 AM

Just received a Diabetic Retinopathy appt for early July.

I will definitely speak to my GP about everything involved… meds, possibly getting a meter and self-testing. Now I am taking positive action myself in dieting and losing weight I feel more comfortable asking for help.


bizi 06-04-2015 09:57 PM

You are doing great dave. keep moving forward!

EnglishDave 06-13-2015 06:10 AM

I hit 2 initial Landmarks today - 28 days in. Another 6lbs this fortnight makes a total of 14lbs (have decided to round down instead of up, actual 14.7) after 8 in first 2 weeks. We use the weight format: Stones and Pounds over here for weighing ourselves - those of us who haven't gone Metric, and 14lb is 1 stone:) My waist is also beginning to shift, the fat started getting softer, less taut - it was like a large drum - now I have lost an inch, which I am very excited about.

Psychologically, it is getting easier. Even mealtimes with the reduced quantities are fine, in the main as I have a nice piece of fruit between meals, instead of half a packet of biscuits. My water and no sugar/no sweetener, low cal diluted fruit juice intake has doubled, pure fruit juice intake has been cut to RDA. My real problem is still with the Metoclopramide, which I can never get away from.

I think my weight loss has now settled to up to 3lbs per week, which is a good, sustainable level for the distance I have to go on my Journey. With losing an inch off my waist I am 10% there.


Diandra 06-13-2015 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1148054)
I hit 2 initial Landmarks today - 28 days in. Another 6lbs this fortnight makes a total of 14lbs (have decided to round down instead of up, actual 14.7) after 8 in first 2 weeks. We use the weight format: Stones and Pounds over here for weighing ourselves - those of us who haven't gone Metric, and 14lb is 1 stone:) My waist is also beginning to shift, the fat started getting softer, less taut - it was like a large drum - now I have lost an inch, which I am very excited about.

Psychologically, it is getting easier. Even mealtimes with the reduced quantities are fine, in the main as I have a nice piece of fruit between meals, instead of half a packet of biscuits. My water and no sugar/no sweetener, low cal diluted fruit juice intake has doubled, pure fruit juice intake has been cut to RDA. My real problem is still with the Metoclopramide, which I can never get away from.

I think my weight loss has now settled to up to 3lbs per week, which is a good, sustainable level for the distance I have to go on my Journey. With losing an inch off my waist I am 10% there.




bizi 06-13-2015 05:48 PM

You have done so well dave!
But please don't use food as a reward!
congratulations on the 1 inch waist loss that is fantastic!!!!!!

kiwi33 06-14-2015 12:52 AM

Dave, I think that you are doing really well.

I had a chat to a couple of my professional dietitian colleagues about this, obviously not revealing any private stuff. They both said that your idea of sustainable weight loss is right on the money.

Good job and keep it up!

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