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dorrie 12-29-2008 12:35 AM

I quit smoking!!!
I did it!! Yesterday I smoked my last smoke at 1:00pm. I went to the sore...bought the patch and slapped it on!!! Hubby quit almost a year ago so I have some good support. I am doing great with the exception of a few moments today when I was multi tasking and got overwhelmed and lost it....I was angry and sobbong at the same time. I just went loopy!! It was about 1/2 hour from the time I was to put my next patch on when it happened...I was so upset I said "I need a smoke!!!" Then in the same breath I said "God please help me I want to be a non smoker so bad and do not want to have to go thru this again later if I do smoke now." I continued crying for a bit but calmed down and reached for my arm to feel the patch for some had fell off:eek::eek::eek:!!! No wonder I was so nutty...I remember picking up this clear plastic thing thinking it was the backing off the patch so I thru it in the WAS the patch.....that was 6 hours earlier!!!!!!!!!! I held it together...slapped another patch on and laid down while hubby gave me a relaxing footrub!!! I felt better in no time!!! I hung in there and I am so gld that I did. I want a smoke every time I turn around..out of habit... but as hubby told me to do I keep reminding myself that I am a non smoker and I do not smoke anymore...between the patch and talking to myself I am doing just fine.
My plan was to quit on Saffires b-day on the 7th of January but I decided it was time I went for it!
Wish me luck...I cannot wait to breathe easier and smell purttier too!!!!!!!!!:p

Koala77 12-29-2008 12:45 AM

I am so proud of you Dorrie! :hug:

I quit on August 4th, 2007. :D

So that's one year.....4 months and lots of days.....and I still feel good, and I still don't crave a cigarette. That's a little fib.....I do crave one occassionally, but that craving only lasts a few moments and then it's gone.

I have not once seriously felt like lighting up a cigarette since that day I decided to quit!

I too went with the patches and found them very effective. If you're worried about them falling off again, just put tape around th edges so they can't!

I am now an ex-smoker.... and that's the way it will stay! I will never go back to smoking after doing so well for so long.

Well done Dorrie. I am so proud of you! :hug:

Twinkletoes 12-29-2008 01:24 AM

Wow, Dorrie! You're a NEW woman for the NEW year!!!

Proud of you!!!

*sniff *sniff

Yep, you smell purdy!!! :D

dorrie 12-29-2008 08:43 AM

Thank you ladies!!!!:p

Twinkletoes 12-30-2008 10:38 AM

How's it going for you, Dorrie?

dorrie 12-30-2008 02:55 PM

Hi Twink! It is not easy but not as hard as I though either. I have alot of cravings...everytime I "finish" something ie. a chore. dinner..sleeping, showering...I crave a smoke. I have a HOBBIBLE cold right now...antibiotics did not get rid of it. I am throwing up phlegm and have been for a week...I spend alot of my night in the bathroom gagging. Apparantly qhen you quit you can spit up alot if phlegm...I am tired of it. But smoking will not help it so I won't go there!! I am a non smoker now and as hard as it is...that is the way I want to live!!!!!! I need to be around for my lil Saff for a long I need to get as healthy as I can. One very odd thing...I thought I would eat and eat...not...I am really not hungry at all..I get busy instead...and I have never been one to sit and relax..then I would likely get bored and munch!!

Jomar 12-30-2008 09:54 PM

Yeah , you go girl!!!

are you taking any vitamins?
They might help - I'm sure they will -- cigs deplete many vitamins from your body.
A good multiple, C, and others would be a good start if you aren't taking any.

Friend2U 12-30-2008 10:03 PM

Wishing you continued success! You sound very determined... AND you have a wonderful reason to want to be around for many years to enjoy that precious babe! :hug: HURRAY FOR YOU!

Koala77 12-30-2008 11:13 PM

Dorrie, I found a change in routine also helped me ... like what areas of my house or even at work, triggered smoking for me.

For instance......I would have my first cigarette in the mornings with a cup of coffee in a certain spot at home. What I did was change the area that I had my first coffee.

ie: When I smoked, I would go outside with my first coffee and sit in "my smoking chair". When I gave up, I'd have my first cup of coffee in the living room.....or some where else....totally unrelated to cigarettes.

Same at work. I'd have my tea breaks and lunch in totally different areas to those where I once would light up a cigarette. I'd be sitting with non smokers then, and that helped to curb the urge.

Another thing was : I'd always show my patch to co-workers when they asked if I'd go for a cigarette with them (I wore it on my arms lol! ). I'd say thanks but no, I've given up, and show them the patch. They need to see that patch so they know you're serious, and you need to show it to them for the same reason.

Good luck Dorrie. We're all behind you. :hug:

dorrie 12-30-2008 11:45 PM

Today has been a hard day. I had an awful sleep last night as I was up choking up yuck most of the night. I got motivated a little later than I planned this morning as well; We all went up to hubbys parents place on Monday for christmas...I had to leave early in my car with Saff as she had a supervised visit with her mother. As I drove the 2 hour drive home I was having a hard time staying awake I was so tired. This has been going on for weeks..not just since I quit..I have had a terrible cough and it only seems to be getting worse so I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I am pretty sure I have pnemonia...I have had it before and this feels alot like that minus the high fever. I am having a hard time with alot of stress right now and being so darned tired is not helping it!! I need a good sleep but every time I lay down there is so so much congestion in my chest and I start to choke. I woke myself up wheezing loudly last night several times. Also, the patch is drying my mouth out so bad that it only takes a few minutes from when I have a drink and bam ..I am coughin again! I am tired and uptight all the time...
tonight it all got to me and I pulled my patch off and lit a smoke outside. I only had a few drags:eek: and then came back in...I went back out with a tea and lit it up again..I was enjoying my tea but choked and choked and did not enjoy the smoke at all... I do not want to smoke but the stress got so boot I am diabetic and my sugars are out of control due to my cold and cough and my doc is trying me out on a new med that I do not find works well at sugars are always really high. I feel like *****. I put my patch back on because I know that I want to quit. I am going to finish up here and then take a pop off my inhaler and cozy up to my brand new pillows and try to get some sleep.
Sorry all you supportive friends....please do not give up on me...I need my cheerleading squad!!!! :Thanx:

Koala77 12-30-2008 11:57 PM

Dorrie, you know as well as I do there's no shame in having a relapse, as long as you remain committed, and you try again. :hug:

No-one will think any the worse of you for this me, you're not the first! :) Heavens....I was one of the most experienced quitters of all times. You've no idea how many times I tried until I finally succeeded last year. :D

The rotten chest thing apparently is quite common with people trying to give up the smokes. I was lucky enough not to have gone through that, but I have heard that it's rather unpleasant for a few days.

Please try again Dorrie, and we'll be here once more to support you through. If you're unlucky enough to fail again, then maybe you might like to read up on the other medications that are available now to help you through. Chantrix is the one that comes to mind.

Sending you some hugs, 'cos it sounds like you could use a few... :hug:

Jomar 12-31-2008 12:08 AM

will mega amounts of vit c affect your blood sugar?

I don't know if they make it sugar free - seems like they would have some kind of it.
MSM helps for all kinds of things and very little interactions or side effects.

could be your body trying to clear out the crud, but good idea to check it out.

maybe a different brand or type of patch won't cause the dryness so much??

hang in there:grouphug:

tips and suggestions - I didn't know this-
[ Cravings associated to sugar levels

When you stop smoking, your body reacts very quickly to the lack of nicotine in your system. Over the course of three to five days, you are likely to experience a number of the following physical symptoms as the toxins are flushed from your body:

* Increased irritability, frustration, or anger
* Anxiety, tension or nervousness
* Restlessness
* Difficulty concentrating
* Fatigue
* Headaches
* Trouble sleeping
* Increased appetite and weight gain

As you smoke, nicotine is absorbed into your bloodstream and within 3 minutes, chemical reactions cause your body to trigger the release of sugar. After quitting, you may feel dizzy, restless, nervous or even have strong headaches. This is because you are lacking the immediate release of sugar that cigarettes provide – and why you may have a bigger appetite. These sugar-related cravings should only last a few days until your body adjusts to this new smoke-less state of being. So, for the first 3 or 4 days after you quit, make sure you keep your sugar levels a bit higher than usual by drinking plenty of juice. It will help prevent the craving symptoms triggered by a lack of sugar and help your body re-adjust back to normal.
Smoking cessation and high sugar levels

When you quit smoking try eating healthier. Cravings can lead to over-eating to make up for the lack of instant sugar that was released in your body when you were smoking. Speak to a nutritionist if you are concerned, high sugar levels can be dangerous.

For more information, read Tips for a Healthy Diet : Guidelines for developing a plan for healthy eating

GladysD 12-31-2008 12:21 PM

Hi Dorrie!!!

Cigarettes are harder to give up than alcohol....I must tip my hat to you!!! I know you are strong and you'll overcome this craving for nicotine!!! :hug:

I'm soooo proud of you!!! I gave them up when I got pregnant with my oldest and I never turned back!!! :grouphug:

Curious 12-31-2008 01:22 PM

Awesome Dorrie!!!

Remember about the cinnamon supplements to cut those sugar cravings.


dorrie 12-31-2008 04:22 PM

Hi Everyone!! Thank you all sooo much for your support!
I am back on track...only had those few little puffs...I DO NOT WANT TO BE A SMOKER!!! I went to the doc's this morning. He had a good listen...never really said what it is but wants xrays and made me promise to do that on the 2nd when they are open...he said that in the meantime we will start a course of treatment..biaxin XL YUCK...I hate have to eat with it and I have no appetite. He got all freaky about my sugar readings...they hve been 12 to 25....that is 216-450 in the US.:eek:I know the numbers are high but they get like that if I have any sort of infection. He was saying that I need insulin...the pills that my regular doc gave me are useless for me. I need to go out on Friday to get my x=rays and he made me promise to see my regular doc early nexy week as well.....:(..I just wnat to get better so that I can adjust to the non smoking life with energy and a positive attitude...right now I am just so:( blah!! Thank you everyone for all the support! It really does help alot!!:grouphug:

Koala77 01-01-2009 01:52 AM


Keep on keeping off them smokes! We're here for you every step of the way.

We all now one little slip up doesn't really matter...... you're back on track now, and that's the most important thing of all!

We're all here for you Dorrie! :hug:

Keep talking to us. We'll all be here to back you up! :D

dorrie 01-01-2009 03:57 AM

Thank you Koala!! I am is 3:51 here. I woke up choking again...sat on the I would not wet myself and chked up a fair bit of phlegm...yuck.... better out than in though!! The patch really helps but my mouth is so very dry..I have been drinking more water today to try to flush the phlegm and keep my mouth moistened. I have only been on antibiotics for 1 day so I am figuring hat I will feel much better by Friday.
Thank you for all of your support Anne!!! I sent up a prayer in the santuary tonight for you and DH.:hug::hug:

Koala77 01-01-2009 04:16 AM

Happy New Year Dorrie.....from one ex smoker to another......

It's a little after 8pm at the moment here, so if you can remember the time differences.... then I'm almost always around about this time of night.... should you need a little support.

The yukky chest is apparently quite common as your innards try to expel some of the gunk that you've inhaled over the years. Please remember that it'll start to get better really soon.

dorrie 01-01-2009 11:51 AM

Happy New Year to you as well Anne! Thanks again for all your support! I had a couple cravings but got through the just fine! I am starting a new thing with the weight loss forum so I hope to lose a few pounds as well as not smoking!! Even though I am still sick I guess I am healthier than I was a week ago! It can only get better from here!! Hugs:hug:Love Dorrie

Koala77 01-04-2009 03:22 AM

How are you doing Dorrie? :)

Did you get through the day without terrible cravings?

Sending you my support......:hug:

dorrie 01-04-2009 12:46 PM

Hi Anne!! Thank you for your support...I always look forward to your posts but they are even better when they are for me!!!!!!:p I am doing well with the smoke free life...little cravings here and there but I handle them like a charm...I just rub my patch and do something else..they go away. With the exception of the few puffs I tried to inhale days and days ago...I am not even counting them....I am on my 9th patch...I have never quit for more thaan 10 days in my life. This time it is for life. Even though I have the cravings I do not want to be a smoker. Thank goodness I did quit...I still have the same cold that has been a month...I still have to go for my x ray...but I m on some good antibiotics...still have 5 days more of them to go...Lordy I want to feel better lungs are sore and I am very short of breath today...cannot imagine what I would be like if I was still smoking!!!!
Hope DH is feeling better Anne. I think of you alot and I still say little prayers on your behalf.
This ig a good week....Saffire is turning 2 years old on Wed. January 7th..hooray!! Boy the time flies...Williams b-day must be coming soon too?!
They grow so fast don't they!!
Take Care Anne...All the best to you and your Hubby...Hugs:hug::hug: and one for William too:hug:!!

Koala77 01-08-2009 04:54 PM

How are you doing Dorrie?

I noticed that you hadn't posted for a few days, so I'm hoping that "no news is good news". :)

DM 01-08-2009 09:07 PM

Hello Dorrie! I have never been a smoker, but I'm really proud of you and your positive attitude. Keep w/it and you will succeed. A very good friend of ours quit smoking a few of wks ago, as he had surgery scheduled for PAD in his legs. The Dr said that smoking probably played a huge part in his PAD dx.

His wife called us and said that the stuff he had been coughing up since he quit smoking was just plain nasty. So, think of that as a cleansing of your lungs. She said it took a few wks and now the phlegm is pretty clear.

I am in no way preaching to smokers, just cheering you on and wishing you continued success. You CAN do it! You ARE doing it.


Koala77 01-08-2009 09:18 PM

Us EX-smokers thank you DM.

In 26 days it will be a year and a half for me.....but....who's counting? :confused:

dorrie 01-08-2009 10:50 PM

Hi Anne Hi DM!! Thank you both for your support!!!!
Hubby has had the laptop at work but I should be here more on the weekend...I miss everyone!! I have been doing great. Tomorrow I will slap on patch # 14!!!!!!! 2 more weeks at this step and then 2 for the next and finally 2 for the last step/ I am learning to get thru the moments that I have,......I feel so good though because yesterday was Saffires 2nd birthday. I told her while I was rocking her one night a few weeks before christmas that I was going to quit smoking for her for her birthday and I did it!!!!! I am so blessed to have her in my life and I will be able to continue to part of hers for alot longer just because I am no longer a smoker...I envision my lungs clearing out each cold is almost gone but the phlegm is still coming out...better than in!!
You gals take care! See yoou on the weekend!! Thank you again...sincerely...the support helps me in those tougher times!:grouphug:

dorrie 01-16-2009 12:15 AM

Hi all! Today I almost forgot to but I slapped on my 20th patch!!! I have not been taking a little puff at real desire to smoke..I just get a little flustered over filling the while I was waiting for the water in a pot to boil for dinner...normally I would have slipped on the balcony for a quick puff...instead I thought about it and went an grabbed Saffire for an extra hug ot two!! Much more pleasant!! I find that once in a while I want that feeling of satisfaction that a smoke gave me...esp after a meal...but I would rather have good health! It is disgusting what has been coming up out of my lungs...gross!!!!!
Hope everyone is doing OK!:grouphug:

Koala77 01-16-2009 12:40 AM

That's fabulous news Dorrie!


The balcony was my smoking area as well, but I found if I went to an entirely different area with a coffee or a soft drink instead of a smoke, it completely confused my brain and I no longer experienced that craving sensation.

It's now 18 months for me. Time is flying by so fast that it won't be long and you'll be there too! :D

dorrie 01-17-2009 08:25 AM

Way to go Anne!! Congratulations!!!!
It is 3 weeks for me today!!:p
Have a lovely smoke free day:hug:

DM 01-17-2009 09:32 AM

Hey Dorrie! You ARE doing it!! :hug: Between the strength you've shown in kicking this habit to the curb and your joy and love for lil Saffire, I am humbled by your posts. That lil one is the best medicine in the world for you and the love you share gives me such a smile on my face. Keep the faith, Dorrie~ :winner_first_h4h: :You-Rock:

dmplaura 01-17-2009 04:11 PM

3 weeks is pretty much beating the beast if you ask me :)

Welcome to the proud ex-smokers club! :D :hug:

GladysD 01-17-2009 07:31 PM

WTG Dorrie!!!

WTG Anne!!!


dorrie 01-17-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by DM (Post 448072)
Hey Dorrie! You ARE doing it!! :hug: Between the strength you've shown in kicking this habit to the curb and your joy and love for lil Saffire, I am humbled by your posts. That lil one is the best medicine in the world for you and the love you share gives me such a smile on my face. Keep the faith, Dorrie~ :winner_first_h4h: :You-Rock:

Thank you so much DM!!! That was so nice of made my heart smile when I read your post! :hug:Hugs!!

Koala77 01-17-2009 11:27 PM

Knowing that people actually do care.... and are there for that little bit of support.....really does help.

I know....... I've been there!

Well done Dorrie! Keep on keeping on......we're all on your side! :hug:

just drea 01-20-2009 12:33 AM

X-smokers Club
WELCOME and are gonna do better and better and you will never regret quitting..I never have sinsce 1997. There will be things that will try to push those buttons, so keep up the great job::yahoo:

Koala77 01-20-2009 12:37 AM

No smokes since 1997 is a great achievement. Well done just drea.

WTG other ex smokers.

Well done Dorrie! We're all on your side. :hug:

dorrie 01-24-2009 05:58 PM

4 weeks today!!! I start the 14 mg patch tomorrow!!
I am really bummed though as I have gained weight:(
Thank you all for the support:hug:

Koala77 01-24-2009 06:07 PM


4 weeks is a tremendous effort Dorrie. Well done! :hug:

The weight gain is only a temporary glitch. Once you're off your patches you'll be able to think about losing weight, but for now, just concentrate on one thing at a time.


dorrie 01-26-2009 01:44 AM

Thanks Anne...I needed that has been really hard. I dropped down to 14mg from 21mg. I could really feel the difference. I have been moody and anxious all day. I do NOT like withdrawl at all. This reminds me of the withdrawl effects of effexor...just not as bad. I am having a really hard time with brain is somewhat boggled as well. Lord I hope this does not last too long. I thought all of my withdrawl was done when I quit drinking...NOT...I had to go and decide to quit smoking!! Oh well. I tell you...even though it is really hard at times...I do not want to be a smoker...I want me and mine and our things to be smoke free!! I want me and mine to live longer!! Take Care Anne xoxo Thank you!

Koala77 01-26-2009 02:34 AM

Dorrie go back to the pharmacy and buy another of the stronger packs, like the 21mg. patches that you just finished.

If you're having a really tough time, buy the dose that you had before the 21mgs, but don't give up! There's absolutely no reason at all that you cannot repeat last week's dose, or the dose before.

One step back, but then two steps forward Dorrie.

Please know that I'm here for you :hug:

GladysD 01-27-2009 03:22 PM

How's it going for you, today, Dorrie?! :hug:

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