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Burntmarshmallow 07-14-2009 03:04 PM

another wonder begun #191
Wonder if ya'all know I love to rhyme and write and perform poetry? Wonder that Alffe mom and Gma and some of you already know that :p

Wonder that my dd is finaly after being held up in Chicago for 7 hours is now on her way to Hawaii . WONDER THAT I AM SO DANG JEALOUS!!!!
I wonder that I am counfuised about stuff and how I feel when I look back at my growing up and then look at how she has grown up. I wonder if my thoughts and feelings are normal or not and I am confuised with guilt jealousy and all kinds of feelings. Wonder that I know I should not be like that but I am and I feel bad. :confused: wonder that I have been just trying to ride it out but it is like ya go with the flow ride it out and then it is like bam how the heck did it ,I end up here and or like this. Wonder that it dose not make any sense at all what I just wrote so
wonder if I can just leave hugs and prayers to everyone and go have an iced coffee while listening to some music ? wonder that yup I am going to do that.

Alffe 07-14-2009 04:12 PM

I wonder how refreshing it is to read our honest thoughts and fears...

I wonder if BMW knows how absolutely normal her feelings are and how Mr.Alffe & I feel like a couple of old farts because our kids aren't doing it the same way we did...and of course our way was the right way...:rolleyes:

I wonder if our friend, who's viewing we tried to attend just now, is laughing like crazy at the gas leak that is keeping everyone evacuated and away from the funeral like him to go out with a flurry...
*whisper...rather than a bang!

I wonder how I look forward to the lights out on the wonder love love it.....

I wonder if BMW will ck her pms....

I wonder how Jenn is...have seen her lurking but would love to hear..

I wonder how much Barbo and I accomplished today....

I wonder if you know that I've really gotten into my Christmas shopping..:D

I wonder if Kristen knows how sorry I am but glad that her Grandma is at peace....:grouphug:

megveg 07-14-2009 06:02 PM

I wonder that I miss wondering and all the wonderers here.

I wonder if Mike's dad will ever like me. He's always so mean to me when I'm here and it makes me feel insignificant and unimportant how he talks down to me.

I wonder why Mike doesn't see that it hurts my feelings when his dad does these things and Mike gets mad at me for being upset and it makes me more upset.

I wonder at the possibility of working at the military base in my town. The benefits are wonderful and the pay is much better than the pharmacy.

I wonder if things will get any easier.

Hugs for the room :hug:

MandaC 07-14-2009 06:20 PM

i wonder how everyone has been since i last showed up on this board...i hope well...

i wonder about how i've missed everyone

Doody 07-15-2009 07:25 PM

I wonder if I can thank ((Mistiis)) for wondering about mom in the last wonder. In fact she's doing pretty well! Yesterday was her last IV antibiotic treatments and today they took the PICC line out of her arm. It's sore from that but will heal. They also said her left arm is healing nicely. She has limited use but hopefully she'll get some back.

I wonder that I haven't been able to be around at all during the day and not on much at night but I think about everybody every day. Just can't be around during the day.

I wonder that I'm looking forward to leaving for Mr. & Mrs. Alffe's. Think I'll leave a day early and stop at a motel before Chicago on Sunday night. Maybe I can look up KathyM, I'll have to get in touch with her.

I wonder if Kathy's son is still in Iraq.

I wonder what Alffe will think of the purdy flowers I had painted on my big toes when I got a pedicure tonight.

I wonder at what upheaval there is at work, sigh. Which makes me wonder about my job being cut to 3/4 time next year. I can either bump someone lower than me or stay in my job. Maybe I'll do 3/4 and consider it a slide into retirement, who knows. I'll worry about that later! :rolleyes:

I wonder that Kenji, the Shiba Inu from HUA, has lighted at his new home. I hope he'll be a happy guy.

Love and hugs to all.

Addy 07-15-2009 09:15 PM

I wonder if Doddy will be able to visit all the folks she wants to visit and I especially can't wait to hear about those visits and those peeps! :Heart:

I wonder if I should have flowers painted on my toes, too! what a treat!!

I wonder if my weekend away will be relaxing... I'm heading off to my sister's place at the lake for 3 days after work tomorrow....

I wonder at all the work places that are downsizing because of the economy; the events that are being cancelled because of disease threats; the people who are starving because they don't have enough food; the people who are dying because of hate, politics and beliefs....

aaaaaaaaack... why did I go there.... sorry....

I wonder if it really matters if I don't water the lawn and there might be worms in the cherries or weeds in the garden....

I wonder how lucky I am that my siamese cat didn't get an infection from his latest battle (this is when I wish cats could talk!!)...

I wonder how ~scrabble is doing with her new camera ... !!??
I wonder if she could post a pretty pic here for us all to see ....

I wonder how the Mois are... and how Manda is after sharing her letter to her sister with us... and how Mistis and Nicky are doing.... oh I wonder about lots of peeps....

I wonder why Mike would allow his Dad to be mean to you dear MegVeg :hug: ... I hope you find the strength to deal with the way you are feeling about this...

I wonderr how much I look forward to Marshmallow's thread police... lol

And I wonder, Alffe, if you noticed the size of your font changed and if you did it on purpose... my guess is not ;) ... and thanks for sharing the humour with your wonder about the gas leak keeping you all away from your friend's funeral...

I wonder, also, Alffe, if you took advantage of some great bargains and that's why you can say you started your Christmas shopping today...

and thats enough wondering.... for now

:grouphug: :sing: Addy

~scrabble 07-16-2009 12:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wonder if this will work ... ? :)

Alffe 07-16-2009 05:08 AM

I wonder about some of the people that drop into our lives and give us too much to think about.......:confused:

I wonder if it's honesty or insensitivity or their need to unburden themselves...:o

I wonder about giving such raw information to a new acquaintence...

I wonder when I'll get her out of my head...or if I should...or can I help..

I wonder if I'm more like my mom than I thought I was...complete strangers used to come up to her on the bus and tell her their lives history..although most of it was sharing illness, operation information...

I wonder if you'll forgive me for being so "mysterious"...just don't want you all to have those pictures in your head either...:(

I wonder if Doody knows how much I'm looking forward to seeing her, laughing with her and yes, pls tell KathyM hello from me...:hug:

I wonder if there will be a duck visitation...:D

I wonder where that charming picture was taken....(((Scrabble))) :cool:

~scrabble 07-16-2009 12:49 PM

I also wonder about people who unburden themselves to others and then leave info and images and so much to think about that can be very disturbing?

I wondered if I should have explained that my photo is of a float home at Fisherman's Wharf, downtown in my city? (I love all the shades of blue.)

I wonder if I need to wake up my daughter again as we need to leave in 25 min. for her orthodontist appointment?

I wonder if Alffe will take Doody to the Amish place and if they'll buy some good cheese? (I just bought some goat brie to try.)

I wonder how Kathy M is doing and if Doody will be able to stop by for a visit with her on her road trip?

I wonder if you know that I want to see the new Harry Potter movie? (My daughter was one of the last people to get a ticket for the midnight show a couple of nights ago, and I got to pick her up with 2 friends afterwards .... at 2:45 am.)

I wonder what today will bring?

Brokenfriend 07-16-2009 07:58 PM

I wonder why Im having some mood swings,and anxiety in the middle of my chest. I find myself worrying,because I'm going to have to move out of where I am in the near future. I don't like this.

I have been thinking about moving into a group home with people who have similar problems. I wonder about this. Would that turn out to be good,or bad? Would I regret it?

I live in a rural county,and there are not places like this that are suitable. I don't think that I can move into the next county,where there is a city,because Social Services say's I'd have to move only within this county,with their programs.

I feel boxed in by Social Services. This is new to me,and I don't like it. I'm going to have to move out of here one way,or another within the next several years. This is not a secure feeling,but I made it over the SSD hurtle.

I wonder If I'm going to loose my privacys. I wonder about all kinds of things concerning these things.

I wonder about my hobbies. I wonder if I'm going to have to liquidate the things that I have,and love.

I wonder about the economy? I don't see the government saving money. This makes me wonder about tomorrow also.

I wonder how (((Nik-Key))) is doing. I hope that she is OK.

I hope that (((abbie))) is doing OK.

I hope that everyone is OK.

I wonder how many people saw Paul McCartney with his group playing on the David Letterman show last night. Wow! That was something else.

barbo 07-16-2009 08:17 PM

BF you are just fine. You've handled a multitude of problems with such dignity. You are such a help to so many people on this forum. Could you just stay where you are and give yourself some rest? I'm thinking of you.

Brokenfriend 07-16-2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by barbo (Post 538600)
BF you are just fine. You've handled a multitude of problems with such dignity. You are such a help to so many people on this forum. Could you just stay where you are and give yourself some rest? I'm thinking of you.

Thank you Barbo. I want to stay here for a couple of years,and let things calm down.

I'm getting a little pressure from a family member to find out about group living possibilities.

I'm sort of throwing a red flag up in the air about moving. The red flag is the econemy. What I'm hearing about the state of the econemy,and what the Government is actually doing about it are two different things.

I think that the Government is addicted to spending everything that they can from the National treasury,with all of these pet programs that are not necessary. This concerns me. BF:hug::hug::hug:

barbo 07-17-2009 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 538615)
Thank you Barbo. I want to stay here for a couple of years,and let things calm down.

I'm getting a little pressure from a family member to find out about group living possibilities.

I'm sort of throwing a red flag up in the air about moving. The red flag is the econemy. What I'm hearing about the state of the econemy,and what the Government is actually doing about it are two different things.

I think that the Government is addicted to spending everything that they can from the National treasury,with all of these pet programs that are not necessary. This concerns me. BF:hug::hug::hug:

I HATE pressure! It's like walk a mile in my shoes then tell me what to do. Much of it is well-intentioned - just misguided. Follow your OWN heart.

Doody 07-17-2009 10:25 AM

I wonder that I am glad that ((BF)) at least has time to check out those other possibilities to see if they would work for him. Breathe deeply and don't forget to get in some meditative moments for yourself. :hug:

I wonder if I should take a snow suit to sleep in at Ms. Alffe's house, ROFL! I remember. :D I'm gonna take my beautiful blankie that ((Dottie)) so thoughtfully gave me. :hug:

I wonder why when I have a day off, everyone else I know thinks I should be available to do things for them. :rolleyes:

I wonder that my lawn needs to be mowed, sigh.

I wonder if the guy who is going to do an estimate on THE RACCOON caper damage will be here today.

I wonder that I like Farm Ville better than Farm Town. I can't get anywhere in Farm Town! :D

mistiis 07-17-2009 10:50 AM

I wonder if I can let you know I won't have internet service till next week :o I will write my friends here when I can...:) please know you are always in my prayers, and in my thoughts daily....:grouphug:

I wonder that we are suppose to get a few degree drop in temp here, and anything is a help *whew

I wonder that the library is in another town...but, I can read from my i-phone, just a little bit difficult to write out much on a phone keyboard :rolleyes:

I wonder how much I think about all my friends here, and love you guys bunches....:grouphug: :)

tamiloo 07-17-2009 02:35 PM

I wonder why I feel so lost and anxious lately.

I wonder if I am calendering...anniversay dates...

I wonder if you all know how great you are and how much you help me...

I wonder why I feel so alone...:(

Alffe 07-17-2009 03:34 PM

I wonder if Tammy knows that she's never alone...we are always here for you...:hug:

I wonder how beautiful Lake Michigan looked today...all kicked up from the wind....

I wonder if Doody knows that we do have extra blankies here...:D

I wonder if she got the grass cut...I told Cooper you were coming...:wink:

I wonder if someone could explain to me the difference between Farmtown and Farm ville.....:confused:

I wonder that I am sick of throwing food and palm trees....:D

Spanish Moss 07-17-2009 07:08 PM

I wonder if you wouldn't mind a short note that Moi finally got a surgery date of 7/30!
I wonder if you will forgive that we don't get much of a chance to come and visit here much but that we love you and think of you even when we are not posting.

Alffe 07-17-2009 07:36 PM

I wonder how much we appreciate Moss taking the time to let us know.
Going to "ratchet" up the prayers for all of you. :grouphug:

Brokenfriend 07-17-2009 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by barbo (Post 538778)
I HATE pressure! It's like walk a mile in my shoes then tell me what to do. Much of it is well-intentioned - just misguided. Follow your OWN heart.

Thank you Barbo. Isn't that the truth. That's the absolute truth. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Brokenfriend 07-17-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Spanish Moss (Post 539048)
I wonder if you wouldn't mind a short note that Moi finally got a surgery date of 7/30!
I wonder if you will forgive that we don't get much of a chance to come and visit here much but that we love you and think of you even when we are not posting.

Please tell ((Who Moi))that BF says Hi. How are you doing Spanish Moss?

The wait is difficult before surgery. How do we stand it? I have about 6 Bibles. I also enjoy a good sense of humor when I find it. I hope that you all are hanging in there. BF:hug::hug::hug:

GmaSue 07-17-2009 09:42 PM

I wonder how smart Barbo is.
I wonder if Alffe knows that there are 5 or 6 farm games going but that FarmTown is the best one to socialze on-you can chat while you are working on each other's farms (although Farmville is supposedly going to have that feature later on). I also wonder if she knows I am already hiding in Doody's trunk, so I do hope she has LOTS of extra blankies.
I wonder how many hugs I can give to Moss and Moi, before they start complaining.
I wonder if Tamiloo will be able to chase those feelings away. (((Tamiloo)))

Came back to edit this, because that first sentence could be taken 2 ways-I meant: Barbo is a very smart lady.

Alffe 07-18-2009 06:31 AM

I wonder why I didn't know/or remember that you can chat on our Farms..

I wonder how big Doodys trunk is....:D

I wonder why Mr.Alffe is downstairs hollaring at me for his breakfast..:rolleyes:

I wonder if I'll get the grass cut today...

I wonder why I started out making potato salad and ended up making potato soup...probably cause I heard the weather report...48?????

I wonder if Doody will want to go to the bookstore at Notre Dame again...yeah, I know..they are Cub fans!

I wonder if she needs to go to the Grotto...:D

FeelinGoofy 07-18-2009 08:46 AM

I wonder if i'll ever make it to Alffes part of the world??????

I wonder why i had such a horrible night last night?????

I wonder if i can send hugs and prayers to the Mois? :hug:

I wonder if I can tell BF that i think he is a wonderful person.... so supportive of others. And i agree with Barbo... follow your heart....:hug:

I wonder who will start the next wonder thread?

I wonder when this one will get shut down?? LOL

I wonder if i should get off the computer and go to my mothers house like i promised her i'd do today???????
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Doody 07-18-2009 06:06 PM

I wonder that quite a few people here need some extra ((hugs)).

I wonder if I should go check my trunk and make sure that GmaSue has breathing holes. :D Wait! Come on inside! I rented a movie and am going to do absolutely nothing after I take my bath.

I wonder that I pretty much decided to leave early Monday morning rather than Sunday...waste money on a motel room, though the shorter trip would be nice.

But I wonder that you just never know about me. I may hop in my car yet tonight. ROFL!

I wonder that my new neighbor came over to visit and I was whining about commencing to mow my lawn and she said, no way, you're on vacation, let me do it when I do mine tomorrow! Normally I tell people, no thank you...but I jumped on board with this one!

I wonder that my new neighbor is gay and works for the sheriff.

I wonder that when she walked over she scared the bejeesus outta me in her uniform and badge and crap.

I wonder that she said "Hey good lookin...." which then made me wonder if she needs new glasses.


I wonder what her gorgeous roommate would think of her calling me good lookin. :eek: :o :D

I wonder that my back is killing me and I have no idea why....wait...granddoody and daughter stayed here last night and I bet I picked up that little 2-ton kid. Lordy he's huge! He's going to be very big like his daddy.

I wonder if I should take a pair of jeans...I live in my capris.

I wonder what Alffe would think if I showed up in a parka for my jammies. :D

I wonder that I LIKE it cool when I sleep.

I wonder if I'll remember my fan since I need that white noise when I'm sleeping.

I wonder how different my room is going to be since Ms. Alffe re-decorated.

I wonder that I want to leave special hugs for some people who are hurting, but suffice it to say...consider yourselves loved and hugged. :hug:

Oh, and I wonder that I need to leave an extra extra special hug for Moi and Moss. I love you guys, always and forever.

FeelinGoofy 07-18-2009 11:14 PM

I wonder and i mean REALLY wonder what is going on around the corner from me. it was on the news and everything that there was shooting.. :eek:

I wonder how my daughter is going to get in the neighborhood from work as they have it blocked off with police crime scene tape.

I wonder if she got my text message telling her what was going on and telling her to go to her friend Kims house for the night. Who knows when they'll open the street up....

~scrabble 07-19-2009 02:46 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I wonder what happened near Goofy and if her daughter got the text message?

I wonder how much fun I had chatting with the geese and the swan at the lagoon?

I wonder how easy it is to make friends with birds when you have birdseed?

I wonder if you would like to see a few more photos?

Alffe 07-19-2009 08:31 AM

I wonder if Goofy will ck back in with the "rest of the story"...:hug:

I wonder how neat those pictures are...I thought the geese were standing on rocks..that water must really be clean to have such clear

I wonder if Doody was unable to get ahold of Kathy M.....????

I wonder if Doody ever saw those emails....:rolleyes: and I hope she will have a safe trip....:hug:

I wonder if Gmasue knows she made me lol with her worry about Barbo's never occured to me to read it any other way until she edited it...:D

Doody 07-19-2009 10:38 AM

LOL I wonder that yes you kicked my butt to my emails. Guess my response was too late, darn.

I wonder what happened at Vic's!?

I wonder that I miss Moi....and ((Duck)).

I wonder how glad I was to hear that Denise Withee was found GUILTY on ALL counts of animal abuse on Friday.

GmaSue 07-19-2009 12:20 PM

I wonder if I will ever get to kiss that sweet Bruna face.
I wonder if Scrabbles's gorgeous bird photos will take the place of the float house in my memory, or if they will just share.
I wonder that after many days in bed, if I will have the courage today to get up and start the long journey back to walking and exercising. I wonder why I have to keep learning the same thing over and over; that the day I feel the most like I cannot move is the very day I need to the most, so I won't spiral down.argggg.
I wonder why y'all want to shut down a broom just when I am making friends with it. (Since I even get attached to a thread, no wonder my house is full of "stuff").
I'm going to give out hugs and not erase them. Usually I do, because I know I will forget so many I want to hug.
(((Moi))) (((Moss))) (((Nik-key))) (((Pat))) (((hippiechick))) (((pono)))
(((mistiis))) (((Majo))) and here's some 20's of course. I used to hand out cookies, but I think 20's are more needed these days.

P.S. Doody-leave now! Never procrastinate when it comes to fun! And you deserve an extra motel night. Is Bruna going?

FeelinGoofy 07-19-2009 01:43 PM

I wonder if i can tell you the rest of the story about last night.... Apparently there was this guy driving drunk and the police started chasing him. he went down I35 got off on hwy 9 which is the hwy i live off of turned off on the exit towards our neighborhood and if i understand the story right he was heading straight for the police not slowing down at all. one of the policemen shot at him blew out his window, he lost control and crashed into a fence.

WE went down the street all this took place on this morning on our way to church, and there are tire marks all over the road. You can see the tire ruts where the guy crashed. REbecca said on her way home from work last night there were at least 20 police cars on that street. They let her through the road block since she lived in the neighborhood. It was obvious she was on her way home from work. the paper said they didn't know if the guy was shot or his injuries were from the flying glass from the windshield.

I'm thankful nobody else was injured in all this... a high speed chase is so dangerous. I still wonder why he got off the highway and went into a residential neighborhood.... makes me wonder if he might not live in our housing addition... :(

DejaVu 07-19-2009 08:48 PM

I am wondering if I may simply leave warm hugs for all?:grouphug:
I am wondeirng if I may tell you I am thinking of you all?
I am in too much pain to write much just now; yet, am looking forward to getting back to "wondering right along with you all!":grouphug:
Healing hugs!:hug: :hug: :hug: :grouphug:

CoolAngel26 07-19-2009 09:00 PM

Okay troops,let's move on to wonder #192.....but let me leave you with a few last wonders:

1)I wonder how many people's lives my grandmother touched...
2)I wonder if I can thank you for your support over the last few weeks....


billie 07-19-2009 10:55 PM

Reply to Burntmarshmallow

Originally Posted by Burntmarshmallow (Post 537480)
Wonder if ya'all know I love to rhyme and write and perform poetry? Wonder that Alffe mom and Gma and some of you already know that :p

Wonder that my dd is finaly after being held up in Chicago for 7 hours is now on her way to Hawaii . WONDER THAT I AM SO DANG JEALOUS!!!!
I wonder that I am counfuised about stuff and how I feel when I look back at my growing up and then look at how she has grown up. I wonder if my thoughts and feelings are normal or not and I am confuised with guilt jealousy and all kinds of feelings. Wonder that I know I should not be like that but I am and I feel bad. :confused: wonder that I have been just trying to ride it out but it is like ya go with the flow ride it out and then it is like bam how the heck did it ,I end up here and or like this. Wonder that it dose not make any sense at all what I just wrote so
wonder if I can just leave hugs and prayers to everyone and go have an iced coffee while listening to some music ? wonder that yup I am going to do that.

Dear Burnt, depression is isolation and paralysis to me, so I admire your ability to go and have iced coffee. Jealousy is natural as are your other feelings. I'm a newby to chats and don't know what dd is, but I gather it is your sig other. Make a friend to distract from your jealously. The less jealous you are, the more dd will want to be around you. Maybe he/she had to go to Hawaii. If not a sharp reduction in your jealousy should reduce her trips to same. Find distractions. Find a friend. -billie-

GmaSue 07-20-2009 12:07 PM

Hi y'all :D Don't blame me if I am posting in the wrong thread-I am confused :p

Alffe 07-20-2009 12:10 PM

ROFL! You are feisty!:D

Burntmarshmallow 07-20-2009 05:11 PM

wonder that I want to tell Billie d.d. is dear daughter :)
wonder that too I want to welcome you to this great big understanding caring non judgemental family here in sos.
:hug: :grouphug: :hug:

Wonder how this morning I did notice Alffe mom started a new thread but was on the same number 191 :p wonder that I just laughed and headed off to work giggling. Love you Alfee mom :hug: wonder if I thanked you for "talking" and helping?
thanks Alffe Mom.:hug:

wonder that this wonder is finaly tunring out the lights
right here and now!!!
The next one here please just wrap up in a hug I am leaving for eveyone

and meander on to the next wonder 192 .
Its now lights out 10 - 4

p.s. may all who are reading and all who are here feel the love and blessings that are filling this sos room night and day.

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