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law76 08-26-2006 10:15 PM

Your TOS history {Also make your own thread on the main TOS section }

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TOS main discussion section

Start your own thread - New Thread link is here

DDayMBB 08-27-2006 08:01 PM

Laura, I am bi-lateral, left side more so than right due to a work related accident and still haviving an up hill battlre with the attorneys...I have several issues going on with my neck though these have been present for more that the last 10 years and do not even come clsoe to the TOS BEAST... MARK-n-GOOBER

Edelweiss 08-28-2006 07:20 AM

My story
After an accident I had 2 shoulder surgeries on the right side (capsule shrinking, subscapularis-reconstruction, long-biceps-tenodese,..) and later I developped TOS. I have arterial TOS (arteria subclavia is squeezed, angiography showed this very clearly and every 6 month I have a control to see if the artery is intact) and from the "inside"-scars from the shoulder surgeries the nervs are irritated also.

Therapies: actually osteopathie, alexander and rang dröl
Meds: not constantly only if the pain is too strong, sometimes muscles relaxing meds

dawn3063 08-28-2006 11:08 PM

In a Nut Shell...
I have Bilateral Thorasic Outlet.. Post operative Jan 06 for right sided scalenectomy and neuroplasty.. Fibro, Split Sciatic nerve and Failed C5 and C6 fusion and I am currently awaiting autherization from W/C for repair of failed fusion..
((Hugs)) Dawn

tshadow 08-29-2006 05:49 AM

Hi guys, it's me TamaraShadow!!! Somehow I couldn't get my old name back...

Right now my issues are: post surgery pain to right side, TOS;

considering whether to proceed to surgery on the left before symptoms become very bad as they did on the right; or wait and see;

lung problem (adelectosis) being diagnosed and treated - have to go through private insurance as work comp is ignoring it;

just got 10 or 12 visits of psych counseling - YAY! I need it.

Severe fibromyalgia in whole body.

RSD has retreated a lot, just a little on arms and back of calves occasionally.

Missed you all SOOOOOO much. Still sleeping two or three hours here and there, which really messes up the day time. (I am doing this at 4 AM and need to take my pills for pain as it's sky high.) So bye, bye!

PS Laura, saw you called today, I was sleeping most of afternoon / PM time. Will try to call back soon.

Wittesea 08-29-2006 08:58 AM

Hi everyone :) It's good to see so many familiar names here.

Since we are doing introductions....

I'm Liz, with no official TOS diagnosis but a doctor who said "probable Left sided TOS". I never went to a specialist to get 'officially' diagnosed because it doesn't really matter anyway (since I could never and would never have surgery anyway). Based on symptoms, the doc who said 'probable TOS' says it is neurogenic TOS. So I'm just gentle with my arm to try not to make it any worse.

I have Fibro, and connective tissue disease, and "possible MS" and a variety of other stuff for which I take a variety of meds.

Nice to be able to see everyone again and reconnect :)

PS to Tamara --- the reason that you couldn't sign-in as TamaraShadow is because these are completely different forums with no affiliation to braintalk or John Lester, so there is no database that remembers anyones usernames from the original BrainTalk.

This forum was set up by a man named DocJohn who runs the website and forums at PsychCentral and he set them up because he was concerned with BT being offline for so long with no updates, so he set up this BT2 for the BT members to be able to get back in touch while the original BT is offline/broken/gone. He named it BrainTalk2 so that people could easily find it.

Some people want him to keep this place open even after the original BT is fixed (there is a poll about that in Forum Feedback along with lots of posts as to peoples reasons for wanting this place to remain open) and if it does remain open after BT is back online, DocJohn said he would then change the name to something different.

You could use the name TamareShadow here, you just have to newly register it the same way you newly registered tshadow.

tshadow 08-29-2006 06:14 PM

Actually I did try to register Tamarashadow, but it said someone else already took it, and that it didn't register my I had to choose another one. I kind of like my new one, though!

olecyn 08-30-2006 12:30 AM

Injury 6/2000, continued to work with minimal restrictions.
Dx'd 5/2002
8/2002 Bilateral BP & R Ulnar Nerve Depression
9/2002 Symptoms returned
1/2003 RCTR
8/2003 W/C denies ALL PT, recommended tests, pain management & vascular surgeon consult
8/2005 dx'd with Ovarian CA
W/C continues to deny all ...
But hey,
I'm alive and fighting everyday even though it gets old, old, old.

law76 08-31-2006 10:19 PM

That's Comp Is Bs!!! Now Denying My Meds As My Adjsuter Indicated That My Pain Meds Would Not Be Denied...she's A Lying *****

Jomar 09-01-2006 11:51 AM

1999 - Bilateral repetitive strain = fingers, hands, forearms
2001 - R- neck/shoulder strain - due to work
2002/2003 - another neck/shoulder strain R- {slight tear??} - due to work
Barely recovered from that and {MCO} Dr. returned me to full work {again??}
2003 - all of the above returned and increased in symptoms over time

Eventually spred to include some short term ulnar nerve pain and L shoulder pain, with some hypersensitivity remaining in elbows and forearms for over a year.
03/04 started seeing links and info about TOS and then found BT1.

Most of my symptoms are mild now, as long as I pay attention to overuse and posture issues.
I think I do have a chronic C/T spine strain along with TOS & RSI

If I lift or carry something heavy with arms out I get a very weird pulling pain right in the T spine/C spine junction. Even reaching out over the couch to slide the window shut is a pain.

trix 09-01-2006 05:47 PM

1991-rear ended minor whiplash
1993-rear ended minor whiplash
1994-I rearended someone minor whiplash
2005-rear ended
march 2006 diagnosed with bi-lateral TOS
June 2006 put on surgery wait list
I did 6 months of physio and and continue to do chiro1 or 2x per week.
I am remodeling my basement and deck, and I run a daycare from my home. My pain levels are growing week by week.
My lawyer is on leave for cancer treatment, and my husband works 50 hours per week.
With any luck at all, the surgery will come soon, and hopefuly I will get better, get retraining and be able to go back to work.

Gromlily 09-02-2006 12:27 PM

Injured 11/02-Bilateral TOS

11/05- (YES 3 YEARS LATER!!) supraclavicular decompression surgery -removed 1st rib and 2 scalene muscles on the left side, my dominant side
mild disc tear in c5, c6,

recovering- still unalble to shop, cook, clean, drive...... in other words no life...

post op. experience - less pain on left, less swelling of arm and hand, no more discoloration unless I over do, some relief in numbness and pins and needles, still have a numb pinkie finger

post op complications- new stabbing pain in my shoulder blade, weaker neck (duh ! 2 muscles gone ! ) twitch in L eye lid almost constant. L eye, dialates less then R, some difficulty with breathing, voice changed,(not for the better :eek: ) TMJ symptoms worsened.

I still would do the surgery again, the pain relief was worth it!!! :D
Believe it or not I am optomistic I will get better and be a self sufficient individual again, maybe slightly different, but I will have a life again!! :)


tonia 09-03-2006 10:43 PM

Hi ALL!!!...
I am a long-time sufferer of dodgy arms (especially elbows), rotten neck and lower back...
I had heart surgery in April '06 to remove Aneurysm and replace Aortic-valve...
Connective Tissue Disorders suk!

Krankie 09-04-2006 09:03 PM

Hi guys...

I'm 30 w/ bilateral TOS due to a work related injury that occurred in Feb. of '03. I have been out of work for 2 years now and ambored out of my mind!!!! But I feel much better since I'm not working. I am awaiting a hearing for disability and I am presently on W/C, which is another story all together. I'm glad to have a forum back so I can listen to what everyone has to say about TOS and all the other problems that I can relate to. Hope to hear from everyone soon!!!!


beth 09-05-2006 04:15 AM

Hi everybody,

When BT went down I was fine for a while. But I REALLY started missing my friends after 3-4 weeks, ya know? Very happy DocJohn put this up for BT users!

Here's my story:

2/2003 Td vaccine reaction causes BP neuritis, RSD, central sensitization, leads to rt-side TOS due to pre-disposition (extra scalene muscle wrapped around lower BP)

2/2003-8/2003 Pain meds, muscle relaxants, sleep aids, MRI, EMGs, PT/OT, chiropractic, physiatry, rest, Doppler sonogram, more PT, see numerous Drs looking for answers

8/2003 Diagnosed w/ TOS, RSD w/ central sensitization - Dr Togut

9/2003- 12/2003 TPIs, stellate ganglion blocks, pain management program (biofeedback, counseling, pain education, massage, ultrasound, interferential, more PT/OT), EKG, MRI, narcotic pain meds, nerve pain meds, anti-depressant,

2/2004 Rt first rib resection/scalenectomy- Dr Annest (re C-8 EMG)

3/2004-1/2005 Nerve glides, PT, Feldenkrais, Tae Chi, massage, warm water therapy, counseling, narcotic pain meds, nerve pain meds, anti-depressant, TPIs

8/2004 Diagnosed w/ lesion rt lateral cord (re 2 EMGs) - Dr Sureka (Peoria)

10/2004 Surgery - pec minor release - Dr Annest

11/2004 Left side TOS diagnosed - Dr Togut (10/2004 Denver EMG supports)

11/2004 Appt w/ Dr Schwartzman - diagnosis severe, full-body RSD.

1/2005 Hahnemann Hospital, Philly, 5-day Lidocaine IV infusion, react to Lidocaine on day 3, relief attempt fails.

9/2005 Hahnemann Hospital, Philly, 5-day Ketamine IV infusion, have really good response, day 5 have zero RSD pain!

10/2005-2/2006 To Philly for boosters, 1st every 2 wks, then every month. Relief now abt only 50% due to the ongoing nerve damage and because I'm always worse in winter. But things stay stable all winter, and it's the best winter I've had in the last 3!

5/2006 Time between boosters extended to 3 months, and it's as though the "magic spell" has started to wear off. One by one pain and sx come back. Stress from frustration w/the insurance co. and legal battle cost me greatly as well.

Which brings me to where I was when BT went down - insurance has denied paying for any ketamine treatments and I've tried most everything else, treatment wise. And when will I hear about the decision on my compensation case? All my RSD sx are back, esp. the pain. Counseling is helping my mental framework, but nothing else is happening. Somethin' has to change! WELL........

I HAVE NEWS - see my post "Good News"!!!!


Horizontal One 09-07-2006 06:56 AM


1990 Bi lateral c7 ribs excised with stellate ganglion sympathectomies

6mnth recovery but car crash - rear impact left with bad whiplash --injections in neck for headaches etc and neck pianfor several years.
Viral illness left with neuropathy to lower limb
R SIJ problems - pain +++
All seemed ok til 04 - L wrist pain....within 10 days raging bilat arm pain..only relieved by being flat hence my sign on name Horizontal. Then that did not help.

Lots investigations.....CXR, MRI, EMG ruled out hind brain herniation but do have narrowing/disc degen down c spine.

05 - had exploratory surgery L brachial plexus ----adhesions, rib end excised, muscle cleaned up, nerve fibres pinned down, released...recon work to sub clavian art...
Have colour change, cold hands, grip probs, sensation issues
Very tight thoracic outlet space......lots nerve damage.

Post op......still pain probs persist....lots of drugs inc Ketamine
Breathing problems - have L. hemidiaphragm paralysis and partial paralysis to R. on oxygen and SOB minimal exertion.

Review with surgeon very soon...also under pain doc. - both great docs.
Getting lower limb problems - both knees jointly (no pun intended) giving me pain...despite the pain meds I am this is giving me trouble getting up and moving about.
Had to retire from work.....fed up but maintaining ability to laugh as if get depressed wont be able to drag self out of hole with useless arms.

That's you found myself here and made some great friends...great help and useful advice.

sandy1955 09-14-2006 10:50 PM

I was diagnosed with tennis elbow in MArch of 03. I worked until was laid off (due to company filing bankruptcy) on December 31, 2003. By the time I stopped working I had to have not one but 3 procedures on the left elbow. Ulnar, radial tunnel release and tennis elbow release-Jan 2004
July 2004-right ulnar release
December 2004-right carpal tunnel and radial release
Since all that cutting didn't help with the pain in my neck and all the numbness, discoloration and tingling up both arms I finally was seen and diagnosed with bilateral vascular and neurogenic TOS. Treatment started a year later with the rib-resection a year after the PT. April 2006.
I am better but can't do much of anything without pain or swelling. So now they are ready to do carpal tunnel release on left hand.
I have said I will never let them do the reb-resection on the right side-I would sooner cut my whole arm off-than suffer the intense post-op pain after surgery on an outpatient basis.
I, too am bored out of my mind...So I eat and eat and eat.......30 pound weight gain attributed to neurontin and Hershey's!!!!

evie 09-15-2006 06:14 AM

Hi all

My name is eve and I live in Switzerland. As some of you know, I have bilateral, wide cervical ribs and vascular (arterial) TOS which, however, is but a small problem area in my body that seems to be intent on picking rare forms of joint, connective tissue and other problems. The latest one of these is hnpp which was confirmed by genetic testing just 2 weeks ago. It is the cause of quite a few of my neurological problems and mimicked neurological TOS enough to fool the docs for 4 years.

I've had too many surgeries in the past and already have too many lined up for the future...if ever I get a spare decade, I might tend to all of them and get myself fixed up for good at which point I will change my name to bionic or cyber woman. In the meantime, I just try and live as normally as possible....a little bit more difficult right now as I have received the labels "incurable and untreatable" and am still digesting that.

As the choice in dealing with all of this seems to be to cry or laugh, I try hard to mostly works but people have told me that, for some weird reason, my humour keeps getting blacker and blacker...;)


Donna7 09-17-2006 02:51 PM

Thanks, Tracy, for posting the link to this on the MSN Groups TOS message board.

I'm Donna, in Colorado...
Had an MVA 5/02 with a drunk driver; had a lot of shoulder injuries including a SLAP lesion and torn middle glenohumeral ligament; arthroscopic repair to these and other problems in joint in 9/03. Still continued having problems with clavicular instability, numbness in left hand/shoulder and face, pain in shoulder, shoulder blade, neck, head, arm, clavicle. Also had a whiplash with bulging discs at C5-7.

Like everyone, had numerous MRIs, lots of doc visits, almost all of whom have diagnosed TOS, with some differences as to recommended treatments. Since I live near Denver, I was able to see Dr. Sanders for a consult and have Dr. Centeno for a PM doc, and an excellent neurosurgeon at Pres/St. Luke's.

I am now 6 weeks post op from an anterior cervical discectomy with fusion at C5-7, which my neurosurgeon was hoping would help with some of the numbness and pain in my arm/neck/head. So far, neck spasms are better, headaches gone, but left arm hasn't improved. I just got the collar off a couple of days ago, and that seems to have flared up the shoulder some, as well as some swallowing problems (I've lost about 20 pounds, benefit!)

I'm very thankful to have good doctors and a supportive family. My husband has been so patient and kind... I also have a very good attorney who is helping with all insurance issues (we just maxed out the auto insurance and have to switch to our private insurance) and working on a settlement.

It's nice to "see" you all again! Anybody know how Sea Pines (Alison) is doing?


astern 09-19-2006 03:12 PM

still kicking
haha... TOS humor.

I'm F/44, had bi-lateral cervical ribs and an extra left scalene muscle that decided to start giving me sx at age 35. Diagnosed in 2001, had cervie and first rib resections in 2004 in Denver. (I won't mention the first FAILED attempt at a resection in Florida: mangled a nerve in my arm so bad it had to be removed :mad: ) Sx persisted, so had bi-lateral Pec-minor disinsertion April 2005. Overall only 10% improvement... but a 10% I accept happily.

Applied for SSD/SSI in 2003... still awaiting court date, another year out for GA. Divorced in 2005. Going to try a letter writing campaign to plea for help. Living with family until I win my case. Surviving on State supplied medical care (minimal and poor) and food stamps.

I'm super-glad that we are coming back together!!! :)

gibbrn 09-22-2006 02:00 PM

Hi all not sure if you remember me has been a while since I posted.... couldnt find braintalk, but glad to be here now!

I had work injury nov1 2002 lifted a patient up from a toilet and injured neck and back .....tos dx by three diff doc's after getting out of the wsib system. was initially allowed wsib then dec 15 2003 they denied me once tos dx. I have since won the appeal and am now approved again wsib. it is more paperwork and fighting.....the usual you all know....

Had scalenectomy and 1st rib resection in July 2005. symptoms all went away until doing physio started in Oct 2006. They increased what I was doing and all symptoms came back....was off all my meds now back on many new ones....Lyrica, amitriptyline, diazepam, flexaril, axert.......tramacet for pain relief....yeah

went to see surgeon this week and he said not tos my surgery would have fixed it if it was.....hmmmm guess he hasn't read the failure rate of TOS surgery. Still have vascular symptoms as well as tos.....he is sending me to orthopedic and neurologist to see if other pathology....hello already done veinogram pre op dx is tos.....getting pi%$#E off any how long story short.......still fighting like hell for pain relief...oh and he said I have chronic pain syndorme!!!!!!!!!

Victoria rn

Jomar 09-22-2006 10:19 PM

of course we remember you!!

so sorry your sx are coming back and surg, won't acknowledge it.

I keep wondering how some of the other long time MIA members are doing, someday I hope we hear from them too.

gibbrn 09-23-2006 12:06 PM

hi back
thanks for the reply.....still in parents basement.....ok 32 want a life.....:rolleyes:

hugs Vic

nidia74 09-25-2006 01:43 PM

Nidia's story
Well, here's my story...the short version:

Injured July,2002: 2 door size boxes and weighing 120 lbs. fell against my back hitting all of it in entirety including my neck. I went to Concentra, then Dr. Weddington for Thoracic/lumbar/cervical strain: PTand acupuncture & went back to "modified" work after a few weeks. R arm began to hurt 1/03, complained to work& Dr without any response, continued getting worse, switched Dr's, Dr. Swartz, MRI 4/03:tendonitis in R shoulder/rotator cuff, bulge in neck. Dr only offers meds & off work May/03. Changed Dr.'s again/Dr. Handleman: osteopathic manipulations &prolo injections,acupuncture & PT. Feeling best since injury until Dr. got a crush on me/had to seek new Dr., wc took 4 mos to authorize, got increasingly worse. Saw Dr. McClure d/x TOS w/ MRI/MRA Nov/04. Cervical epidural Nov/04.Dr. Hines for pain mgmt. Dr. Rosales for cognitive therapy/psych. S/x on R shoulder 1/05 w/Dr. Greenwald. Cervical epidural 3/05. 12/05. Moved to SLC. Dr. Giovanniello/SLC treating Dr, cervical epidur. 1/06 & 3/06. Pool therapy/PT for TOS. Dr. Shulimson for cognitive therapy/psych. Cervical Facet block injections 8/06, authorized for rib resection/scalenectomy 10/4/06.
So a week to go for surgery!!

gibbrn 09-26-2006 12:55 AM

Welcome to the communiy!! We'll try to help if we can!!


tied 09-26-2006 06:41 PM

in good shape for what i've been through
i drive 2 hrs to go to my old family doc, because it take too long to describe all of my problems to a new doc. she tells me that it's a miracle that i am in such good shape for what i've been through.

it would also take too long here, but here are the highlights.

3 mva's where the car/truck was totaled, one a rollover where i came out of my seatbelt.

3 workman's comp injuries not counting the one with the gag order.

3 toxic jobs, 2 with gag orders.

lots of falls, and a trick leg that sometimes gives way under me.

2 tos diagnoses, but none substantiated by additional testing.

a lifelong sleepwalking disorder that the sleep doctors are calling "alleged". i have broken bones from this alleged disorder.

a retinal occlusion in one eye and multiple minor peripheral blind spots in both. the retinal occlusion is nearly dead center. you can't imagine how annoying that would be until it happens.

high blood pressure.

total hysterectomy 10 yrs ago.


gosh i am long winded. i also get depressed occasionally, but most of the time i am pretty happy.

i overwork, but i do enjoy my job.

i use a kinesis ergonomic keyboard. it has helped a lot.

i have been a horse woman most of my life and for financial reasons i had to adopt (sell) out both of my horses. i have visitation. i keep my big truck for that day when i can afford to have them back.

i have a very friendly dog and that's most of my social life.

i don't work and play well with others. i guess my social skills aren't up to getting along with (can't use that word here).

really get a lot of support here on this forum and couldn't imagine not having y'all.

gibbrn 09-28-2006 12:02 AM

oh and I am F/32 in sunny not for long.....snow is soon to come!!!!

Kpryor35 10-02-2006 02:58 PM

:) Hey guys

its Kimmie here don't know if you rember me I don't post alott mostly
just watch. any ways Hi Tammera Hope you are feeling well.

I was ina head on closion car accident.
(L) Carpultunnel surgerys x 2
(R) Carpultunnel surgery x3
I have had 2 surgerys on the (R) side scalemenectomy, 1st rib resection "98"
I have had 3 surgerys in my (L) side 1st rib resection, scalenectomy, 1st rib resection Jan. "99" 7 months later. removel of Bone spure, redue
sympathectomy witch was very very painfull I don't recomend it., "2003"

BAck fusion surgery ALIF "2004" digenitive disc. L45-S1
I also had to have a Pota-Cath placed because when they go to draw blood they don't get any. Do's any one else have the same thing.???


Kpryor35 10-05-2006 09:17 AM

Hello flippnout , My name is kim I to go to st.louis I see
Dr. Thompson I have been seeing him there sence 1997
I live in Missouri.

where do you live if you dont mind me asking just wondering. How did your surgery and the Sympathectomy go.?

I had the sympathectomy 2003 WOW!! I wont have that again I don't know what you. But I was in so much pain after the surgery. I have had 2 surgerys on my (R) side and 3 surgerys on my (L) side. my left subclavian artery is so butchard up from all the surgerys How ever I like Dr.Thompson I trust him we have been threw alott.

how ever here is my Email address is you wouldlike to write me.

thanks Kimmie

johannakat 10-06-2006 10:39 AM

new to board and TOS
Hi, I just found this board. Well, actually I found the ressurected old brain talk board and then stumbled onto this one.

I have just had a TOS diagnosis, I had an arm injury doing yoga- watch out for poses where you put all your weight on your wrists!!! and after a few rounds of PT and a nerve conduction test, was diagnosed with TOS first in June, and confirmed just a week ago. I am seeing Dr. Sheldon Jordan in Santa Monica, CA. He does a Botox procedure to relax the muscles that constrict, as well as an ultrasound procedure to do the actual diagnosis....anyone else know of or work with him before?

I had a right scalene nerve block about 1.5 weeks ago...was not forewarned about how much it was going to HURT...yikes. But I am starting to feel better. Just trying to gather as much information as I can to make sure (with the docs help) I get on the proper treatment path.

Glad to have found this place, I am a little confused about the two forums, but I guess everyone is over here now?

Nice to meet you all,

DDayMBB 10-12-2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by law76 (Post 2415)
That's Comp Is Bs!!! Now Denying My Meds As My Adjsuter Indicated That My Pain Meds Would Not Be Denied...she's A Lying *****

Wow Laura, I have never seen you so vocal so to speak... However I do agree with you about WC and just how frustrated they can cause one to be. I have been providing my own health care and meds for the last year waiting for them to step up and take responsibility that is due! I can not understand how you get injured on the job they hire a "PLEATHORA" of ATTORNEYSto go to bat against me and my ATTY. I would LUV to be back at work, though it is not going to happen at this point and time!!! I can not really drive at this time and when I do it is around my meds and usually under 15 miles... not like I can jump up in my truck and be griping and slamming a 10 speed around than pull a 200 + pound hose around... as far as working in the office... I have my good days and bad as far as typing and not dropping stuff... can see them firing me for not being able to produce. Also my Dr. has placed me on such limitations so it does not progress to much further before I am able to get fixed what got messed up on the job i the first place! I screwed up, playing it tough instead of going to the ER that day... than again on 4/1 was taken over by a major corp and the accident took place on 4/2... I heard they had a zero tolerance policy on accidents, than dealt with their doctors that were a joke seen one of their PTs and on the second visit he doubled my pain oh heck I can go on but it is not going to change anything taking place also starting to REALLY cramp up! I do not know where I am headed though hope all is well with everyone:)


Stardust 10-12-2006 11:19 AM

Hi and hope everyone is having a low-pain day!

Wanted to respond to Johanna's question about Dr. Jordan. I haven't seen him myself, but I remember that several people on the old forum had good things to say about him. They seemed to think he understood TOS and that he was "good with the needle." :) Sorry you've been diagnosed with TOS, but welcome to the forum. You've found a great group of people with an incredible wealth of info. I know I would have been lost without all the info and support I've gotten from the people here and on the old forum.

David K. 10-12-2006 06:07 PM

Feeling Great!
Hello Everyone,
I'm 4 months out from my second surgery. I had the rib removal and all the scalline muscles. Dr Avery did great work! I have been denied therapy wich has been a set back. I was doing water therapy and that was the best it really works the upper body and strengthens the core. It will be about a 12 month recovery and then I move on. Take care :)

johannakat 10-12-2006 11:05 PM

Stardust- Thanks for the answer. I was a little worried when I didn't see him on the reccomended doctor's list. He does come highly reccomended by my ortho (and himself...but in a very nice way!), but I have been unable to find much about him elsewhere.

Also, I saw him tuesday and am scheduled to have the Botox injections on my right side next week. I am a little nervous- trying to make sure it is the right thing to do, but at the same time anxious to get on with it.

He does all of his needle work with EMG guidance I believe..which is one of the reasons he is accurate.

Thanks for the welcome : )

annhere 10-12-2006 11:13 PM

David, hoping for more info
Hi David,

I'm set to have my 1st rib removed on my right side due a severe narrowing
(only 6mm & 7mm on the left). I had a neck fusion in 10.2005 it helped a lot with my neck pressure, but as you know with TOS there horrible pain. I'm glad to hear you had surgery with Dr. Avery.....Can your tell me more? Did you have a MRA/MRV test prior? How long were under his care before his suggested surgery? What is your history....

Thanks for your time.


nidia74 10-19-2006 06:55 PM

2 weeks post op w/ Dr.Avery also
hi there.
2 weeks post-op...Oct 4th.
I'm struggling because of a lot of swelling and still a lot of pain. I was under retractor longer than expected because Dr. Avery said it was really quite a mess in there. oops!! My narrowing numbers are/were 5 mm on right which I had done and 2 mm on left.
I have limited range & control of right arm because of swelling of nerves/ build up of fluid affecting biceps and deltoids. I can move my hand and wrist but that's about it for now. I had full range with my arm day of surgery but overnight the nerves swelled up and I've had a little day to day improvement since. My diaphragm was weak too but I've made huge progress strengthening. I'm very tired and wear out easily but am doing stretching exercises every day. Just going to be slow!!
I had my first out patient PT appt today which went well. Before surgery, I moved to SLC to have support from family and it's been reassuring to have chosen to do the surgery in SF even though I'm doing recovery/pt in SLC. The therapist said the last surgical case she had was 15 years ago.
She and Dr. Avery have talked at length and I feel very confident with her. She seems very on the ball as far as the right protocols for healing from this surgery and nerve desensitivation. The facility is state of the art at the Univ. of Utah...just very few surgeries are actually performed here.
I have been so impressed with Dr. Avery. I met him a year ago and then again in March. I had to see a neurologist/ Dr. Ansel from w/c and get his go ahead before they would authorize surgery. Dr. Avery was very thorough before and after in his care and responds quickly. He obviously cares about his patients...and not just those he does surgery on.

Dolfinz 10-28-2006 06:46 PM

Hi to some old friends
Hi all,
My name is Valerie and I have just been diagnosed with a Subclavian Compression on the right side::) Artierial TOS and such.. I am so glad to see a new site .. miss ya all !


dabbo 11-01-2006 04:36 PM

Hi all- glad to have stumbled across this site too - I'm a 25 y.o. male, docs think I have TOS - thankfully, only on the left side. Constant pain, numbness, tingliness, weakness, etc. I do get some, albeit brief, relief from the nerve blocks. I've been trying to think of how this all happened, and can only think that its another 6.5yr old injury (mar 2000) from weight lifting- My shoulders had rotated/drooped EXTREMELY far forward. I tore my labrum (left shoulder), which went undiagnosed for 5.5 years or so. I finally had that taken care of this past march. Lo and behold, 5 wks later, i noticed constant numbness and pain in my arm. Initially I wrote it off to the shoulder rehab/surgical nerve block, but it didn't go away :mad: . I also realized that I had some of the same pains 1yr ago, and I just attributed them to my other injury. Saw 2 neurologists, was referred to a pain management doctor (top-notch guy, in my humble opinon ). He thought it was brachio-plexopathy, continued to treat me, while referring me to a thoracic doctor, who said it sounded/looked like TOS, and then HE referred me to another neurosurgeon :confused: . My pain mgmt doc told me today that no one was to cut on me until i had a BARE MINIMUM of 2 opinons (exluding his) - that raised my respect for him. Thankfully I'm still able to work, but going to the doc/pt (and never after or before my long work hours) is getting tiresome. I know it could be worse. Sorry to ramble......

oldsman2 12-19-2006 03:02 AM

Hi to all old and new
Man o man where to start.

01/2003 started having numbness of upper extremities while working overhead
made several dr. visits to finally get a name and DX for it. Only took
18 months.
08/2003 Dx'd bilat. C/T and Bitlat arterial thoracic.
09/20/2003 removed from work for redue of right C/T and birage of Physical
therapy for Tos. amoungst the nightmare of tests emg/ncv's
goes on for along time until 2004
10/12/2004 all treatments and therapies stopped due to complications its has
caused medically suspended from work till further notice finally.
11/08/2004 right 1st rib resection performed with positive results no therapy
12/09/2004 left 1st rib resection performed with bad results no therapy given
12/24/2004 unable to take anymore of me hurting wife leaves me.
01/06/2005 still having complications to left side and no ideas from dr why.
02/14/2005 with improper care and lack of if attempted suicide for both
physical and emotional pain.
totall attempts number 4
the pain in the left is still present to this day and has caused me all sorts of grieve. the last attempt on myself was june 30/2006 and left me in the hospital for over 2 weeks one week was spent in ICU. dont remember much of the time..
finally got the help i needed from pshyc dr's. not that i trust dr's anymore thou.
10/10/2006 1 week stay in hospital for a t4 or t5 epideral 750 ml of bupovicaine pumped in my arm. stopped pain for 3 days after it was removed

now waiting on dr for the installation of some type of electronic device that is supposed to interrupt the pain signal from my arm before it goes to the brain
still fighting with w/c and ss lawyers. have not gotten a pay check since sept 20,2004 its sad to be living at home at the age of 34 with parents.


siccy 01-17-2007 01:56 PM

Hello to all I didnt post much on old forum .TOSER/RSD .99 dx repetative strain.01 rib resection with sypathectomy.05 spinal stim implant.

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