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JKPHOTO 11-25-2022 03:20 PM

Medical Gaslighting
I found this to be fascinating and I believe I am a victim of Medical Gaslighting.
I knew the connection between Statins and nerve damage 20 years ago. The doctor said that he would be doing me a disservice to not have me on a Statin, so I am still. Perhaps they do prevent heart attack and strokes, so you have to choose what is more important to you. Also, about 6-7 years I discovered the connection of Metformin and low B12 to nerve damage and when tested it was very low so I am supplementing. Recently I have been told that Metformin did not cause low B12, but it can. I was also told that Statins do not cause nerve damage. Nixon and Watergate was not the break in, but the cover up. Clinton was not Lewinsky, but the cover up. I am very fearful for the patients that come after me since much of my condition should have been prevented. By me and the doctors, but it did not happen that way. Now they tell me to see a therapist and do water exercises. Terrific.

What Is Medical Gaslighting?

what is medical gaslighting - Google Search

caroline2 11-26-2022 01:47 PM

You call it Gaslighting, I have called it for years pushing a drug to fit the doctor/pharma narrative. at the time and health issues the experts are presented with. I woke up to this over 30 yrs. ago. Every drug comes with a list of side effects..

JKPHOTO 11-26-2022 07:07 PM

I agree, but what now? I have tried many alternative treatments with no help. For starters, perhaps dump Statin drugs and use red yeast extract.

caroline2 11-26-2022 08:42 PM

Foods to reduce cholesterol. Do you stay on top of the proper foods we need to keep things Moving?

Myth: Eating foods with a lot of cholesterol will not make my cholesterol levels go up.
Fact: It can be complicated. We know that foods with a lot of cholesterol usually also have a lot of saturated fat. Saturated fats can make your cholesterol numbers higher, so it’s best to choose foods that are lower in saturated fats. Foods made from animals, including red meat, butter, and cheese, have a lot of saturated fats.

Instead, aim to eat foods with plenty of fiber, such as oatmeal and beans; and healthy unsaturated fats, such as avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Learn more about healthy diets and nutrition at CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity website

Personally I don't fret about cholesterol, I know our bodies and BRAINS need it. But have been working more and more on high fiber foods such as Beans....I don't eat oatmeal.

I believe too many statins today are causing more and more dementia.

caroline2 11-26-2022 08:59 PM

This link gives 3 specifics for lowering cholesterol: Bergamot, Niacin, Garlic.

There is so much info and foods to work with.

Top 5 Natural Supplements To Lower BAD Cholesterol In 2022 | Smarter Reviews

JKPHOTO 11-27-2022 12:25 PM

Very good advice. I have changed quite a bit, but probably still not perfect.
I use Psyllium when I remember to or need. I think I am beyond the point of (know) return. I have kept meat, organic chicken, wild Salmon to about 1-2 a week. Metformin was used first in 1957 and in 1969 it was discovered to increase nerve damage when B12 unchecked, but still denied today by my doctors...
Oatmeal, even whole or steel cut raises my blood sugar.

caroline2 11-27-2022 01:43 PM

I don't care for oatmeal and so many different opinions from many on it's value. Stay on top of diet Photo and drugs are not necessary.

JKPHOTO 11-28-2022 12:41 PM

I may try a trial of getting off Statins, but perhaps way too late. I have heard that Red Yeast Extract with COQ10. Would you consider this, or your suggestion, or all?

caroline2 11-28-2022 02:25 PM

I can't advise you what to I mentioned your total cholesterol is posted the numbers. And going lower and lower could bring on dementia as I do believe this is a big cause of so much dementia today, too many statins.

JKPHOTO 11-28-2022 04:46 PM

I understand, I am seeing Naturopathic Doctor and I will discuss it.

caroline2 11-28-2022 06:34 PM

Sounds good and hope you can get a response on the Low Total cholesterol.

echoes long ago 11-29-2022 11:10 AM

you might want to do a search on red yeast here, I seem to recall red yeast also being implicated in long term nerve damage. I personally wouldnt be taking statins if I had nerve damage already.

JKPHOTO 11-29-2022 03:08 PM

I did not see that about nerve damage, but yes, it also has a number of side effects as well.

JKPHOTO 12-04-2022 01:04 PM

100 percent sure now, it's the Statins...
Yet they continue to suggest and insist I take them. I won't anymore, and will shall see.

Lara 12-04-2022 03:57 PM

Whatever you do, please do it in consultation with the doctor or practitioner who is looking after that area of your health care.

I wonder if you can reduce at first rather than stop outright. I don't have any experience with stopping or even starting Statins so it's just a thought really. There have been others on the forums here in past years who stopped Statins and did well afterwards but I honestly don't know whether they did it slowly or straight up.

I just found this information on Healthline.
I don't know if it'll be of any help but there may be something in there to help you worry less about it.
Statins: How to Safely Stop Taking These Cholesterol Drugs

JKPHOTO 12-04-2022 04:22 PM

Thank you Ms. Lara,

They seem to be all of the same fraternity that wants to sell drugs that cause more serious problems, then deny any connection . It has been going on a long time, and getting abusive towards me.

Lara 12-04-2022 04:38 PM

The doctors are being that way towards you? Ugh, that's terrible. Sadly I know the situation myself. If I was a patient prescribed Statins, and I had no heart problems, or ever had a stroke in the past I'd not want to take them either, but it is all about the risk.

I'm not sure what it is that they're actually treating you for with the Statins. I mean have they actually told you that it's dangerous for you to stop the Statins and if they did, what did they suggest would happen?

A lovely lady who used to post here in the past stopped Statins due to side effects. They actually diagnosed her with something else erroneously but it turned out to be side effects. I'm not in contact with her anymore unfortunately so can't find out how she stopped.

P.S. What does your Osteopath or Naturapath suggest?

P.P.S. :eek: btw there are lots of threads in the New Members Forum and in Neuromuscular regarding people who stopped their Statins and did well.

Jomar 12-04-2022 05:06 PM

I took Lipitor for awhile and had some very weird vision and cognitive issues that did go away after I stopped it.. I talked with a pharmacist about how to stop and risk of doing so, plus a lot of online searches before stopping.. It was a low dose 10 or 20 mg...

My cholesterol was at 350's and triglycerides were high also back then.. but no heart risk factors and I cleaned up my eating with healthier fats and a lot less junk food since then.. Haven't really checked cholesterol levels in not sure where they are now..
My brothers all take other statins I think.. One says fun/good memories I recall from child hood, he doesn't remember...:eek: Makes me wonder if statins are affecting his memory..

JKPHOTO 12-04-2022 05:34 PM

I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes over 20 years ago. Before I got out the door, they had me on Metformin and a Statin. Now I learn the both are linked to painful nerve damage and they will not admit it. I am not sure what the ND has in mind but somehow get off them. the ND is also a pain specialist. I have lost the will the fight them since they seem more concerned about CYA then trying to help me. But I still need a doctor since I do a BP med is important. I have been asking about this for years, but they insist on them. I think they are trying to shut me up, but I won't. The only think they have in their dirty bags of trick is stating a very old, probably untrue mental illness as a diversion. There is not enough Liquid Paper in the world to erase those old notes. Doctor senses depression, no S***. That's all for now.


Lara 12-04-2022 06:08 PM

How about what Jomar did with asking the pharmacist about coming off it.

I may be wrong but it appears to me that your doctor/s have frightened you so much that you're scared to stop it.

As I said I have never taken a Statin so I don't know what sort of things happen when you stop it.

Many Doctors (and other people in general here there and everywhere) gaslight all of us who have anxiety or depression or other conditions in our past. It's very difficult to deal with I know but it's always going to happen. It's shameful that people do this and especially Doctors but that shouldn't stop you coming off a Statin if you don't want to take it. I don't take anything unless I understand why I'm needing it and actually want to take it and that is my right under the health laws.

In the past, meaning many years ago, I've taken advice from Doctors and taken medications that I certainly would not do today. In saying that I have been in treatment with something that does potentially cause life threatening and serious side effects so it was a matter of weighing up the pros and cons and in the end the pros won for me. It was very difficult to make the decision but it's given me several extra years of my life so far.

Many people in past posts have said they changed diets and took this or that and have done well. If you have no really serious underlying reason (past stroke or heart attack) for being on the drug then go off it. If you have blood pressure problems, buy your own device and take it from time to time to see how you're doing with that. I have seen doctors try to prescribe me BP med when there's nothing wrong with my BP except for what they call "white coat syndrome" and going to the doctor or hospital all the time is enough to raise anyone's BP if they're that way inclined. I have a wonderful GP and she knows my BP is normal unless I go to the hospital so I am grateful she is on top of that.

JKPHOTO 12-04-2022 06:19 PM

I need to get off but fear way too late. There is a pattern of abuse there, legal action? But before it could be settled, I would be long gone. I do know they are trying to shut me up. They will have to kill to shut me up, and nearly have already with the drugs.
But I won't give up the fight...

Lara 12-04-2022 06:21 PM

Ok, I'm sorry it's so hard. :(

Jomar 12-04-2022 09:26 PM

They will rarely admit a mistake due to possible legal actions.
If getting drs to admit those types of things is your main focus, it probably is a losing battle. It would be very hard for anyone to definitely say X med caused your condition and nothing else was a factor.

You can decide if and what you want to take.
There are some good MDs, DOs ect, but takes work and luck to find them.
How long have you been taking statins and which one/s?

JKPHOTO 12-04-2022 10:10 PM

Atorvastatin, Lovastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin. For over 20 years. I went to well respected nerve damage specialist back east. He said stay on a Statin. He suggested Topamax could reverse some damage in early stages . Also Borage oil. ALA but not much helped. Then a few years ago, it started getting very progressive. Now I know why, IMHO...
I really can't go back to my HMO, but still need medical care. Too weak to launch a health care move. It just seems that my life was wasted on trying to get help while everyone just about said stay on a Statin. But I had a really good life...

JKPHOTO 12-31-2022 05:20 PM


I have a new doctor. Perhaps a little better, but it seems that the doctors just look at the old notes and repeat the false, misleading and often dangerous information. The new doctor say 100 percent diabetes and that muscle is the most common side effect of Statins. Or Fibromyalgia, but not the medications, or whatever they think I will believe. But medications can have more than one side effect. Also a statement was made that your B12 is fine so a deficiency from Metformin could not be the cause. That would be like me saying that diabetes had nothing to do with it since my blood sugar is in control now. I think a combination of things is more probable. That's all for now...

JKPHOTO 01-07-2023 10:43 PM

Whatever I have and whatever caused it, it does not feel survivable now.
Severe body pains with numbness setting in all over, including the head.
I also feel like I have some inner ear issues and pain in the ear.
I really have tried so hard and for so long, but I have done something wrong for a long while.
Also inflammatory foods. Bell Peppers, Curry, Tomatoes , Tomatillos, Eggplant, Sugar Free Peanut Butter.
That is almost my recipe for Chicken Curry, not Peanut Butter.

Thank you...

Lara 01-08-2023 04:12 AM

I just hope you have a family member or friend close by that you trust who can offer support or just be there to listen.

If you need help at home maybe make contact with a social worker or home care specialist. I don't live over there so don't know what is available for you.

I'm sorry you are in so much pain.

JKPHOTO 01-08-2023 11:00 AM

Yes, looking into all that now. I have someone coming to clean soon. Thank you, Lara

JKPHOTO 05-14-2023 11:28 PM

Well I have been able to add another drug making me sicker than I would have thought possible. Gabapentin depletes B6 another known cause of nerve damage. I don't believe I was given a B12, B1, COQ10 or B6 or D3 test ever since my diabetic diagnosis 20 years ago. My B12 and D3 are fine now. COQ10 is also good now. I will have to look at more recent testing of B6 I am told it is just the natural progression of the illness, diabetes. The doctors say that the drugs, Statins, Metformin and now Gabapentin have little or nothing to do with my condition. Do I believe them? No I don't. It is very much a cover up now. I am really not saying that these drugs should never be given, but vitamin and antioxidant testing would have been a good idea, in my opinion.

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