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bluesky 04-08-2009 04:05 PM

Struggling To Keep My Eyes Open
:(Help!!! Am I the only one who has this problem? I was driving my kids to school this morning and I was having to fight to keep my eyes open. It wasn't a lid problem, it was a problem with the muscles controlling my eyes. They just wanted to roll up and I kept pulling them down and then sometimes I'd lose my "grip" and I'd get double vision and have to concentrate to pull out of that. Sometimes it would just slip away in an instant and my eyes would be closed again. I had too keep my eyes closed at the stoplights to try to rest them. The effort of trying to keep them open actually made me nauseous. The drive was agony and by the time I got home I just fell into bed and slept for 2 hours.

Has anyone ever had this problem before?!?

korbi_doc 04-08-2009 04:44 PM

Holy Crow! Bluesky....I've learned so much from this forum since I was dx last week, but when you said this, I thought you meant you were so tired you couldn't keep your eyes open....I'm so sorry you are having this problem, I can't conceive how difficult this must MG is totally "limbs" so far, & I pray it doesn't get worse....wish I could help...but someone will come on I'm sure to assist you....keep your chin up....I hope they can help you, I'll keep you in my prayers....


AnnieB3 04-08-2009 09:17 PM

Usually when you're that bad, you shouldn't be driving! It's like driving drunk. No offense but it's dangerous. I won't drive when I'm that bad. I have gotten worse while I'm out running errands. I have things I do, like take an extra little dose of Mestinon, etc. but that's up to you and your neuro to work out.

If that does happen when you are out, turn on the air-conditioning in your car and put it on vent so it's blowing at your eyes/face. I think pulling over somewhere first for five minutes or so is a great idea!

When any muscle group decides not to work, you really have to keep an eye on all the others (like hands gripping the stearing wheel!). Sometimes muscles can get weak so slowly that you don't even notice it. It's more noticeable when they get weak quickly. When I had my crisis, I had been getting progressively weaker, slowly. When I went in to urgent care, the doctor said I couldn't even squeeze his fingers. I hadn't even noticed I had gotten that bad.

So if even one area of muscles are getting that bad, you need to put on the brakes (literally and figuratively) and do just what you did - rest or sleep!

Please be careful. And it may be worth a call to your neuro if you aren't doing better. I'm glad you made it home safely.


erinhermes 04-08-2009 09:57 PM

Yes! Yes! Yes!
I had that problem for months! No one would believe me - not even my hubby - people just thought I was being dramatic......if you look in the rear view mirror after resting your eyes for a bit, you'll notice that one eye is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off balance. Your eyes are literally rolling around in your head.

I had to stop drviving all together until I started pred - voila (!) problem solved!

You may want to rest your eyes by icing them down as well - that is what my neuro did to test me for MG...........

Sounds like you need some stronger meds pretty soon!

Hang in there!

Originally Posted by bluesky (Post 493199)
:(Help!!! Am I the only one who has this problem? I was driving my kids to school this morning and I was having to fight to keep my eyes open. It wasn't a lid problem, it was a problem with the muscles controlling my eyes. They just wanted to roll up and I kept pulling them down and then sometimes I'd lose my "grip" and I'd get double vision and have to concentrate to pull out of that. Sometimes it would just slip away in an instant and my eyes would be closed again. I had too keep my eyes closed at the stoplights to try to rest them. The effort of trying to keep them open actually made me nauseous. The drive was agony and by the time I got home I just fell into bed and slept for 2 hours.

Has anyone ever had this problem before?!?

bluesky 04-08-2009 10:44 PM

Thank you!
Annie, you're absolutely right. I had no business driving like that! I had never experience a problem that bad and I wasn't even thinking straight, I was trying so hard to keep my eyes working. Next time I'll just pull right over and call someone to pick me up. The air conditioning is a really good idea too.

Erin, thank you for telling me about your experience. I didn't know what to make of what happened this morning. I couldn't remember anyone describing this eye problem and I was so confused. Is this more evidence of mg? Or is this something else?

Anyway thank you both for telling me! I've been checking in all day, wanting to see what everyone thought. :) It's so good to be able to tap your mg wisdom!


erinhermes 04-08-2009 10:47 PM

MG all the way!
It is totally MG! My neuro checks my eyes every time he sees doubt about it!

THe frustrating thing is that so few people HAVe what we have that they just don't get it - plus we don't always have the exact same symptoms........

Hang in there! We are all pulling for you!



Originally Posted by bluesky (Post 493346)
Annie, you're absolutely right. I had no business driving like that! I had never experience a problem that bad and I wasn't even thinking straight, I was trying so hard to keep my eyes working. Next time I'll just pull right over and call someone to pick me up. The air conditioning is a really good idea too.

Erin, thank you for telling me about your experience. I didn't know what to make of what happened this morning. I couldn't remember anyone describing this eye problem and I was so confused. Is this more evidence of mg? Or is this something else?

Anyway thank you both for telling me! I've been checking in all day, wanting to see what everyone thought. :) It's so good to be able to tap your mg wisdom!


bluesky 04-08-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by korbi_doc (Post 493204)
Holy Crow! Bluesky....I've learned so much from this forum since I was dx last week, but when you said this, I thought you meant you were so tired you couldn't keep your eyes open....I'm so sorry you are having this problem, I can't conceive how difficult this must MG is totally "limbs" so far, & I pray it doesn't get worse....wish I could help...but someone will come on I'm sure to assist you....keep your chin up....I hope they can help you, I'll keep you in my prayers....


Thank you for your kind words, Dottie. This one really took me by surprise. It seems like every day gives a new symptom or a new twist on an old symptom.

I'm glad yours is limbs only. Thank goodness it sounds like you're getting great medical help and I'll bet they'll be able to stop yours in its tracks.


bluesky 04-08-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by erinhermes (Post 493348)
It is totally MG! My neuro checks my eyes every time he sees doubt about it!

THe frustrating thing is that so few people HAVe what we have that they just don't get it - plus we don't always have the exact same symptoms........

Hang in there! We are all pulling for you!


:( What I wouldn't give for a diagnosis!!!!! A positive antibody test, symptom after symptom. What more do they want? Sorry to vent but - aaaarrrrghhh!

redtail 04-09-2009 01:21 AM

I get a feeling like my eyes are shaking from side to side very quickly, a TOTALLY wierd feeling.
Thankfully it was happening when I visited my optometrist(not a stressfull situation in the least, he is gorgeous, both looking and in terms of being understaing and he did help diagnose me, unfortunatley he is married,and to a very nice lady so I guess thats ok!!)
When I asked him if he could see it, he said yes. I was glad It was not in my head. It usually happens when I'm very tired, and rights itself after I've rested
take care

ras1256 04-09-2009 12:49 PM

Annie, Great advice all around!
Ally, you'll have to be very careful if symptoms are sneaking up on you like that. I kept ignoring those sneaky signs and then dropped to the floor, conscious but completely unresponsive. Do you have a neighbor that can drive your children until you get controlled a little better?
My MG is generalized and usually my eyes are one of the last muscle groups to get involved to a point that is noticeable. My lids almost never droop but the eyes themselves? The jiggling/jerking side to side, a pulling sensation with kaleidascope vision, the normal double vision, and a just worn out-can't seem to focus for longer than 10 seconds.

Kate - what a double edged sword! Got a gorgeous guy right there in your face and can't focus on him? But to have Gorgeous be in the position of professionally verifying your symptom. Why couldn't it have been part way through so you could have the best of both worlds! :)

Everyone - take CARE!

bluesky 04-09-2009 04:55 PM

Yeah, I know, I need to be careful. My kids could take the school bus, but it gives my youngest a migraine. Otherwise, because I'm so sick and never know when I can run errands I get my groceries delivered from a local store and everything else delivered from Amazon (I love that!).

The problem right now is that I don't know how long it'll be until I get a diagnosis and it's hard to live without a car. Still, I'm going to try to cut way back on driving.

Ugh, I need help! I need medical treatment!

Anyway, thanks for the good advice. :)


ras1256 04-10-2009 04:42 AM

I'm just curious about something. Do you smoke or drink coffee, eat a lot of chocolate? We had a thread going awhile back about the effects of these on the EMG tests. All these, it seems, could scew the EMG results, and I may become the living proof of that here soon. If you do any of the above, before your next EMG refrain from smoking for 24 hrs. (MUCH easier said than done), coffee and chocolate for at least 3 hrs, and don't take any Mestinon for 24 hrs. before (unless of course you start into breathing difficulties!).

Interestingly, my first EMG was negative and I had smoked on the way to the test.

When I got my formal DX, I had been in the hospital and no smoking for about 24 hrs.

My decrement was huge! in the shoulder was 76%, face 23%.

My last EMG's showed no decrement - I smoked on the way in having been told it didn't matter when they were checking the peripheral nerves. But I was so weak in the neck and upper back that I couldn't sit up or hold my head up.

I will be going in for an SFEMG soon. I'll be SURE not to smoke or drink coffee before.

I think this is another example of the patient figuring it out before the med community! When I had my first cervical discectomy the surgeon was trying to get me to use bone bank bone for the fusion instead of my own bone. I insisted that my body wouldn't know what to do with super sterile bone because I have smoked for so long. In six months I had fused as well as they generally see in one year.

Guess what! By the time I had my second fusion (4 years later), he said that "they" had discovered smokers heal better with their own bone! And he said it like that's something they figured out on their own: he had forgotten our conversations on my first fusion! UUGGHH! Doctors!

Just a quick disclaimer - I know I need to quit smoking, but I discovered the hard way that most of the quit smoking aids (Chantix, patches, etc) are no no's for MGer's so this is going to take a major psych job on myself and right now all my "psych" is going into staying somewhat functional, and maintaining with docs!

As you can see, even though I had the formal dx in 2004, we are AGAIN trying to confirm my MG before treating (new neuro due to insurance changes). I am learning that even with another docs notes, tests, etc., if a neuro doesn't see it for themselves, it doesn't exist! That puts us all in a very bad place since, as you know, our symptoms wax and wane.

It's ridiculous that we have to allow our symptoms to get so bad before a doc appt (or even push ourselves to an unsafe point before an appt), just because we know if they don't see it, we don't get help! But....that's the way it seems to be. I think once they get me going again, I'm gonna start a grass roots movement to get them to understand that they need to trust the patient a little more!!!

Good luck, Hope you get your dx soon!


bluesky 04-10-2009 02:17 PM

Hi Becky,
You bring up some good points! I don't smoke, or drink coffee, but as for chocolate - well I'm a girl.:) Still, I don't eat tons like I used to. But i'll be careful to cut it out right now for the appointment I have on Tuesday.

The regular EMG that they did on me showed nothing. While I was getting the nerve stimulation test they said that some had shown borderline results and they did a few more. They girl that did it was learning on the job and they didn't concentrate on the muscles that would be involved with mg. I feel certain that if they tested the muscles above my eyebrow I would get an mg result. Probably the same with my shoulder. Mostly thought, it's my abdominal, postural, and breathing muscles that are weak and I don't think they can test for that. What I would really like is a SFEMG by someone who knows what they're doing.

May I ask you what's holding up your diagnosis this time? Have you tested positive for antibodies? What piece of the puzzle is missing that you still have to prove? I'm wondering what would constitute an air tight diagnosis so we don't have to fight, fight, fight for the rest of our lives. I don't think I'll ever have one because the strength in my limbs doesn't fall apart during the standandard exam (which doesn't make sense to me because that's often the case in mg I think - it's weakness after exertion. Is that right?)

I'm sorry you're struggling with cigarettes. I watched my mother struggle with getting off of smoking and it was terrible! I never touched a cigarette because I was literraly terrified of getting addicted to them. (But I never developed a terror of chocolate - strange!) :) It's funny but I feel like you'd better be in great shape when you get mg ;) or your little problems are going to get even bigger. Your smoking problem is like my weight problem. I'm 25 pounds overweight now since I always gain when I'm sick and now I'm looking down the shotgun of steriods. Yikes!

You are so right about having to push ourselves to be heard. That's exactly what I'm preparing to do this weekend - yoga and everthing else I can think of to get my muscles weak and shaking. I'm *not* looking forward to it, it's going to be agony. And they still probably won't believe me. If they could just believe us and take our histories and believe our histories this would suddenly become very easy.

As for patients knowing - that is so true. And they know how to cover their bums well. My conversation with the Mayo doc went like this: me: sf emg is the best test, can I please have a sf emg? Doc: No it's not. Me: Yes it is. Doc: No it's not. etc, etc. My medical record reads: I spoke with the patient about getting a sf emg as that is the most appropriate test.

Ha! He must have looked it up after I left.

Also this gem: The patient may have myasthenia gravis but we won't pursue it at this point because it doesn't explain all her symptoms. Huh!!!!? You're going to ignore a devasting, potentially fatal disease because it doesn't explain every puzzle piece of symptoms?!?!? I just don't understand how the minds of these guys work. Except that they really, really don't like to be proven wrong by patients (I went in asking to be tested for mg and he told me no for a week before he finally gave in. They don't know what to do with a patient being right and them being wrong, I think).

Or the other neuro, red in the face and almost unable to speak he was so angry that I had brought articles that went against what he was telling me. And he very hotly telling me over and over that I didn't have mg. This gets translated in the records as: Of course the patient does have positive antibody test so she may have myasthenia gravis. I have told the patient that I would like her to come back for a nerve stimulation test to explore this further.

Anyway, I hope your "new diagnosis" goes well. Don't give up fighting! This is just a crazy, crazy world when it comes to getting medical care.



Originally Posted by ras1256 (Post 493828)
I'm just curious about something. Do you smoke or drink coffee, eat a lot of chocolate? We had a thread going awhile back about the effects of these on the EMG tests. All these, it seems, could scew the EMG results, and I may become the living proof of that here soon. If you do any of the above, before your next EMG refrain from smoking for 24 hrs. (MUCH easier said than done), coffee and chocolate for at least 3 hrs, and don't take any Mestinon for 24 hrs. before (unless of course you start into breathing difficulties!).

Interestingly, my first EMG was negative and I had smoked on the way to the test.

When I got my formal DX, I had been in the hospital and no smoking for about 24 hrs.

My decrement was huge! in the shoulder was 76%, face 23%.

My last EMG's showed no decrement - I smoked on the way in having been told it didn't matter when they were checking the peripheral nerves. But I was so weak in the neck and upper back that I couldn't sit up or hold my head up.

I will be going in for an SFEMG soon. I'll be SURE not to smoke or drink coffee before.

I think this is another example of the patient figuring it out before the med community! When I had my first cervical discectomy the surgeon was trying to get me to use bone bank bone for the fusion instead of my own bone. I insisted that my body wouldn't know what to do with super sterile bone because I have smoked for so long. In six months I had fused as well as they generally see in one year.

Guess what! By the time I had my second fusion (4 years later), he said that "they" had discovered smokers heal better with their own bone! And he said it like that's something they figured out on their own: he had forgotten our conversations on my first fusion! UUGGHH! Doctors!

Just a quick disclaimer - I know I need to quit smoking, but I discovered the hard way that most of the quit smoking aids (Chantix, patches, etc) are no no's for MGer's so this is going to take a major psych job on myself and right now all my "psych" is going into staying somewhat functional, and maintaining with docs!

As you can see, even though I had the formal dx in 2004, we are AGAIN trying to confirm my MG before treating (new neuro due to insurance changes). I am learning that even with another docs notes, tests, etc., if a neuro doesn't see it for themselves, it doesn't exist! That puts us all in a very bad place since, as you know, our symptoms wax and wane.

It's ridiculous that we have to allow our symptoms to get so bad before a doc appt (or even push ourselves to an unsafe point before an appt), just because we know if they don't see it, we don't get help! But....that's the way it seems to be. I think once they get me going again, I'm gonna start a grass roots movement to get them to understand that they need to trust the patient a little more!!!

Good luck, Hope you get your dx soon!


GI6607 04-10-2009 09:24 PM

Ball Park Lights
The worst problem I ever had with eye lid weakness was at my daughter's night softball game last year. I had to drive 20 miles home with my left hand draped above my face, using two fingers to hold my upper eyelids open while I was driving. I don't know if the ballpark lights caused me to strain my eyes or not, but it was not fun driving home. I almost hit a deer I did not even see!

bluesky 04-10-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by GI6607 (Post 494210)
The worst problem I ever had with eye lid weakness was at my daughter's night softball game last year. I had to drive 20 miles home with my left hand draped above my face, using two fingers to hold my upper eyelids open while I was driving. I don't know if the ballpark lights caused me to strain my eyes or not, but it was not fun driving home. I almost hit a deer I did not even see!

Yikes! That's scary!

ras1256 04-11-2009 09:34 AM

My Hold Up! HMMM!
Hi Ally,

Who knows what the hold up is! Actually, I'm kind of a challenge because of some other influences.

As for the MG - I had a "rock solid" dx in 2004 by a neuro that is well respected for her dx abilities in her circles. Unfortunately, I have moved and my old treating neuro stopped taking my insurance, so here I go again.

I haven't had a droopy eye once at the neuro's - that's strike one!
This neuro tells me it's rare, but happens with MG.

I have generalized MG and my face/eyes/breathing are usually the last to get involved. Generalized is apparently a more rare form of MG, so not as many neuros have experience with it.

I am antibody negative for both the known antibodies. Another thing that puts me in the more "unusual" category.

I have symptoms that are definitely not MG - spasticity, hyperreflexive, progressive numbness and tingling amoung others, loss of vibration sense...

They have known since 2003 that there was a second condition, or possibly one condition that accounts for everything, but Mestinon definitely does help me, so that keeps the MG dx around.

The combination of my sx's looks just like MS, but they can't seem to get an MRI that shows the lesions, so in the past they have attributed my second set of sx's to spinal cord compression that I presumably had in 1996 when my first really serious bout happened. I question the cord compression now because there was so much argument between my neurosurgeon (didn't agree), my neuro at the time, my previous neuro at that time (he and my surgeon new each other well and discussed me apparently), and my second opinion surgeon. With the info I have now, I really wish one of them would have been smart enough to get a myelogram on me then to make sure. My MRI wasn't real conclusive due to metal in my neck from the 1st surgery causing "artifact" or obscuring the picture at that level.

Most recently, my newest neuro was able to find the severe weakness, but because I messed up and smoked AND drank coffee (I presume that's why) her EMG didn't pick up the decrements. I'm hoping my mistake will help prove out Annie's wonderful research into the effects of nicotine and caffein on EMG's for everyone in the future. If my SFEMG shows the problem, I'm going to take my 1st EMG (negative-smoked & coffee prior),
my 2nd EMG (after 24 hrs in the hospital, no smoking or coffee prior) that showed 76% decrement in one muscle group, and her EMG (again, smoked and caffein so no decrement) along with Annies research findings and plop them in my neuro's face.

She and the rest of the neuro community are of the belief that caffein and nicotine use don't affect the EMG on the peripheral nerves - I'm planning to show them otherwise with my mistake!

Back onto your experiences, though. You also had some run in with egotists it sounds like. At least yours put good notes in your file, though, even tho' they contradict how they spoke to you. I gained access to notes from my very 1st neuro to my PCP that flat out lied about what I had said about my mental state, that made me sound like an absolute raving nut!! All because I questioned his results on my 1st EMG, which I did because he seemed to be having a lot of trouble getting a baseline - kept reshocking me and telling his assistant "no, that's not what I need", then he finally told her "well, lets just go with this, I don't want to have to keep shocking her like this". Wouldn't that give you reason to question?

Anyway, it was all downhill from there with him and he put a very effective block on me after that. I had so much trouble getting anyone to even start a consultation without asking a bunch of psych questions first!
There's one letter that has been withheld from me (doesn't exist in anyone's file!!! except the 2nd opinion surgeon who said I had to get it from the source - my neuro surgeon) that caused my 2nd opinion surgeon to start my consult with a 1/2 hr. rant about how I better stop acting like this and my husband wouldn't put up with me for long, and that I was passive agressive! My husband and I sat there with our jaws dropping.

This rant was preceded with "I have here on my desk a letter from (my surgeon), and let me tell you something young lady!" After I quit responding trying to defend myself, he finally decided to do an exam and discovered a H response on me. Then he turned it around and said "these boys had better knock it off and get you taken care off". He was a much older surgeon that had actually trained my surgeon, but it was his comment "these boys" that made me realize the 1st egotist neuro was involved in that letter.

Anyway, I don't use that neuro surgeon anymore altho' he may have been right about the cause not being cord compression because I don't deal well with docs that forget their oath is to their patients not other docs!

Hope you have better luck in the future with your docs and dx. The link Annie gave us is going to be very valuable, to me at least, and I hope for you too. I put it my favs folder of ammunition :D .

And forgive my rant here. I just get so frustrated with some of these doctors and the main reason I do is because of the conditioning that first neuro gave me as an intro to their community!

Be careful about pushing yourself. Once a set of muscles get fatigued enough, it can turn into a domino affect that's hard to stop, and can lead to crisis.
Talk to you soon. :hug:


Originally Posted by bluesky (Post 494042)
Hi Becky,
You bring up some good points! I don't smoke, or drink coffee, but as for chocolate - well I'm a girl.:) Still, I don't eat tons like I used to. But i'll be careful to cut it out right now for the appointment I have on Tuesday.

The regular EMG that they did on me showed nothing. While I was getting the nerve stimulation test they said that some had shown borderline results and they did a few more. They girl that did it was learning on the job and they didn't concentrate on the muscles that would be involved with mg. I feel certain that if they tested the muscles above my eyebrow I would get an mg result. Probably the same with my shoulder. Mostly thought, it's my abdominal, postural, and breathing muscles that are weak and I don't think they can test for that. What I would really like is a SFEMG by someone who knows what they're doing.

May I ask you what's holding up your diagnosis this time? Have you tested positive for antibodies? What piece of the puzzle is missing that you still have to prove? I'm wondering what would constitute an air tight diagnosis so we don't have to fight, fight, fight for the rest of our lives. I don't think I'll ever have one because the strength in my limbs doesn't fall apart during the standandard exam (which doesn't make sense to me because that's often the case in mg I think - it's weakness after exertion. Is that right?)

I'm sorry you're struggling with cigarettes. I watched my mother struggle with getting off of smoking and it was terrible! I never touched a cigarette because I was literraly terrified of getting addicted to them. (But I never developed a terror of chocolate - strange!) :) It's funny but I feel like you'd better be in great shape when you get mg ;) or your little problems are going to get even bigger. Your smoking problem is like my weight problem. I'm 25 pounds overweight now since I always gain when I'm sick and now I'm looking down the shotgun of steriods. Yikes!

You are so right about having to push ourselves to be heard. That's exactly what I'm preparing to do this weekend - yoga and everthing else I can think of to get my muscles weak and shaking. I'm *not* looking forward to it, it's going to be agony. And they still probably won't believe me. If they could just believe us and take our histories and believe our histories this would suddenly become very easy.

As for patients knowing - that is so true. And they know how to cover their bums well. My conversation with the Mayo doc went like this: me: sf emg is the best test, can I please have a sf emg? Doc: No it's not. Me: Yes it is. Doc: No it's not. etc, etc. My medical record reads: I spoke with the patient about getting a sf emg as that is the most appropriate test.

Ha! He must have looked it up after I left.

Also this gem: The patient may have myasthenia gravis but we won't pursue it at this point because it doesn't explain all her symptoms. Huh!!!!? You're going to ignore a devasting, potentially fatal disease because it doesn't explain every puzzle piece of symptoms?!?!? I just don't understand how the minds of these guys work. Except that they really, really don't like to be proven wrong by patients (I went in asking to be tested for mg and he told me no for a week before he finally gave in. They don't know what to do with a patient being right and them being wrong, I think).

Or the other neuro, red in the face and almost unable to speak he was so angry that I had brought articles that went against what he was telling me. And he very hotly telling me over and over that I didn't have mg. This gets translated in the records as: Of course the patient does have positive antibody test so she may have myasthenia gravis. I have told the patient that I would like her to come back for a nerve stimulation test to explore this further.

Anyway, I hope your "new diagnosis" goes well. Don't give up fighting! This is just a crazy, crazy world when it comes to getting medical care.


erinhermes 04-13-2009 06:07 PM

Hey Becky!
How are you? Are you OK? So, generalized MG is the rarer form? Leave it to us to be "special" with an already rare disease! LOL! Maybe we should buy some lottery tickets- what do you think?

I hate the fact that drs are sucha pain! If they experienced ONE day in our shoes it would shut them up! I wanted to smack a few that thought I was crazy/depressed when I was really, really sick......the whole EGO thing gets in the way of properly dx'ing people.......

Just wanted to vent!

Big hugs!

Originally Posted by ras1256 (Post 494330)
Hi Ally,

Who knows what the hold up is! Actually, I'm kind of a challenge because of some other influences.

As for the MG - I had a "rock solid" dx in 2004 by a neuro that is well respected for her dx abilities in her circles. Unfortunately, I have moved and my old treating neuro stopped taking my insurance, so here I go again.

I haven't had a droopy eye once at the neuro's - that's strike one!
This neuro tells me it's rare, but happens with MG.

I have generalized MG and my face/eyes/breathing are usually the last to get involved. Generalized is apparently a more rare form of MG, so not as many neuros have experience with it.

I am antibody negative for both the known antibodies. Another thing that puts me in the more "unusual" category.

I have symptoms that are definitely not MG - spasticity, hyperreflexive, progressive numbness and tingling amoung others, loss of vibration sense...

They have known since 2003 that there was a second condition, or possibly one condition that accounts for everything, but Mestinon definitely does help me, so that keeps the MG dx around.

The combination of my sx's looks just like MS, but they can't seem to get an MRI that shows the lesions, so in the past they have attributed my second set of sx's to spinal cord compression that I presumably had in 1996 when my first really serious bout happened. I question the cord compression now because there was so much argument between my neurosurgeon (didn't agree), my neuro at the time, my previous neuro at that time (he and my surgeon new each other well and discussed me apparently), and my second opinion surgeon. With the info I have now, I really wish one of them would have been smart enough to get a myelogram on me then to make sure. My MRI wasn't real conclusive due to metal in my neck from the 1st surgery causing "artifact" or obscuring the picture at that level.

Most recently, my newest neuro was able to find the severe weakness, but because I messed up and smoked AND drank coffee (I presume that's why) her EMG didn't pick up the decrements. I'm hoping my mistake will help prove out Annie's wonderful research into the effects of nicotine and caffein on EMG's for everyone in the future. If my SFEMG shows the problem, I'm going to take my 1st EMG (negative-smoked & coffee prior),
my 2nd EMG (after 24 hrs in the hospital, no smoking or coffee prior) that showed 76% decrement in one muscle group, and her EMG (again, smoked and caffein so no decrement) along with Annies research findings and plop them in my neuro's face.

She and the rest of the neuro community are of the belief that caffein and nicotine use don't affect the EMG on the peripheral nerves - I'm planning to show them otherwise with my mistake!

Back onto your experiences, though. You also had some run in with egotists it sounds like. At least yours put good notes in your file, though, even tho' they contradict how they spoke to you. I gained access to notes from my very 1st neuro to my PCP that flat out lied about what I had said about my mental state, that made me sound like an absolute raving nut!! All because I questioned his results on my 1st EMG, which I did because he seemed to be having a lot of trouble getting a baseline - kept reshocking me and telling his assistant "no, that's not what I need", then he finally told her "well, lets just go with this, I don't want to have to keep shocking her like this". Wouldn't that give you reason to question?

Anyway, it was all downhill from there with him and he put a very effective block on me after that. I had so much trouble getting anyone to even start a consultation without asking a bunch of psych questions first!
There's one letter that has been withheld from me (doesn't exist in anyone's file!!! except the 2nd opinion surgeon who said I had to get it from the source - my neuro surgeon) that caused my 2nd opinion surgeon to start my consult with a 1/2 hr. rant about how I better stop acting like this and my husband wouldn't put up with me for long, and that I was passive agressive! My husband and I sat there with our jaws dropping.

This rant was preceded with "I have here on my desk a letter from (my surgeon), and let me tell you something young lady!" After I quit responding trying to defend myself, he finally decided to do an exam and discovered a H response on me. Then he turned it around and said "these boys had better knock it off and get you taken care off". He was a much older surgeon that had actually trained my surgeon, but it was his comment "these boys" that made me realize the 1st egotist neuro was involved in that letter.

Anyway, I don't use that neuro surgeon anymore altho' he may have been right about the cause not being cord compression because I don't deal well with docs that forget their oath is to their patients not other docs!

Hope you have better luck in the future with your docs and dx. The link Annie gave us is going to be very valuable, to me at least, and I hope for you too. I put it my favs folder of ammunition :D .

And forgive my rant here. I just get so frustrated with some of these doctors and the main reason I do is because of the conditioning that first neuro gave me as an intro to their community!

Be careful about pushing yourself. Once a set of muscles get fatigued enough, it can turn into a domino affect that's hard to stop, and can lead to crisis.
Talk to you soon. :hug:

ras1256 04-13-2009 08:47 PM

Hi Erin,

I am (cross your fingers) finally starting to feel a little better. I imagine it's cuz I'm working on getting a picture of me in the dictionary under "couch potatoe", but
!whew! it was getting really bad there. I couldn't stay upright for evern 14 minutes without practically collapsing - I know the time cuz I was trying to get my own dinner which was a Stouffer's thing that took 14 minutes in the micro. I almost made it till it was done, but not quite - that BIT!!!

Did you have a fun Easter? Hope so!

Yeah, some of those docs have it all screwed up! It's one thing to miss the dx because you just do, but to cop an attitude like some do is unforgiveable! I have to keep telling myself that I really have only had 3 like that, because they left such a bad taste in my mouth that I hate to go see docs, then I freeze up sometimes when I get there. I'm getting better about that though, thank goodness.

As for the rare/rare - such a dubious honor isn't it? Causes a whole bunch of problems with getting a dx if you don't follow the pattern - add to that my "problem" of no droopy eye, and it seems every new neuro needs to put me through the whole bunch of tests all over again before they want to treat me! GRRRR. I sure hope this one doesn't stop taking my insurance, and I don't end up having to go on some insurance she doesn't take.

Hope you're doing well. Sorry everyone for hijacking the thread for chit chat :)


erinhermes 04-14-2009 03:30 PM

Hey Becky!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! :D

There is NOTHING wrong with resting - obviously you NEED it! I slept all day - and I do mean all day yesterday - and it was wonderful!

I had a GREAT Easter! I was in Dallas visiting my grandparent's and we were all able to go to church, so it was great! How was your Easter?

I just don't understand why they (the docs) are giving you such a hard time! You have already been dx'ed with MG - what more do they want?

Hope you are feeling GREAT today - can;t wait to hear from you! I have missed you!!!!

Big, big hugs!

Originally Posted by ras1256 (Post 495393)
Hi Erin,

I am (cross your fingers) finally starting to feel a little better. I imagine it's cuz I'm working on getting a picture of me in the dictionary under "couch potatoe", but
!whew! it was getting really bad there. I couldn't stay upright for evern 14 minutes without practically collapsing - I know the time cuz I was trying to get my own dinner which was a Stouffer's thing that took 14 minutes in the micro. I almost made it till it was done, but not quite - that BIT!!!

Did you have a fun Easter? Hope so!

Yeah, some of those docs have it all screwed up! It's one thing to miss the dx because you just do, but to cop an attitude like some do is unforgiveable! I have to keep telling myself that I really have only had 3 like that, because they left such a bad taste in my mouth that I hate to go see docs, then I freeze up sometimes when I get there. I'm getting better about that though, thank goodness.

As for the rare/rare - such a dubious honor isn't it? Causes a whole bunch of problems with getting a dx if you don't follow the pattern - add to that my "problem" of no droopy eye, and it seems every new neuro needs to put me through the whole bunch of tests all over again before they want to treat me! GRRRR. I sure hope this one doesn't stop taking my insurance, and I don't end up having to go on some insurance she doesn't take.

Hope you're doing well. Sorry everyone for hijacking the thread for chit chat :)


BARBARA356 04-18-2009 09:16 PM

eye problems
Hi Guys, I have been having problems with my eyes for about 8 years. It started out I had Strabismus, which mean my eyes were not seeing together correctly and one would sort of shoot out of alignment, then Later I got diagnosed with Nystagmus which is an eye movement. I don't feel them moving, but if other were to look at me closely they would say it looked like I was reading, or looking out the window of a train at the scenery. Now this year I am diagnosed with MG. Just think it is all related. I also have the droopy eyelid going on.

mrrunon 11-05-2009 09:50 AM

i think i have MG too.. thanks to a google search that led me here. i suffer from the same thing (eyes won't stay shut).

xanadu 11-08-2009 01:48 AM

I often get this problem when driving. It is scary isn't it. I have to drive 100 miles to my Dr and sometimes feel like I cannot keep the eyelids up and see. It comes on so suddenly and you can't seem to stop it. I don't have any answers - sorry - I am trying to be diagnosed myself.


Originally Posted by bluesky (Post 493199)
:(Help!!! Am I the only one who has this problem? I was driving my kids to school this morning and I was having to fight to keep my eyes open. It wasn't a lid problem, it was a problem with the muscles controlling my eyes. They just wanted to roll up and I kept pulling them down and then sometimes I'd lose my "grip" and I'd get double vision and have to concentrate to pull out of that. Sometimes it would just slip away in an instant and my eyes would be closed again. I had too keep my eyes closed at the stoplights to try to rest them. The effort of trying to keep them open actually made me nauseous. The drive was agony and by the time I got home I just fell into bed and slept for 2 hours.

Has anyone ever had this problem before?!?

bluesky 11-08-2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by mrrunon (Post 586368)
i think i have MG too.. thanks to a google search that led me here. i suffer from the same thing (eyes won't stay shut).

Xanadu, I hope you get diagnosed very soon.

mrrunon, did you mean to say you can't keep your eyes open? I don't know about not being able to keep your eyes shut, although come to think of it now,there is a neuro exam for mg where the patient is told to to close their eyes as tightly as they can and then the neurologist will pull up on the eyelid and some patients have trouble keeping their eye closed.

Okay, I just found another reference to some patients not being able to keep their eyes completely closed during sleep.

I'm sure other people know more about this. I'll tell you what: if you still think you might have mg the best thing to do would be to start a new topic and explain a little bit about your symptoms. You'd get the most help and the most feedback that way.

At any rate, whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.

Lori Denise 11-08-2009 04:19 AM

You are not alone...... We share a similar problem...

Originally Posted by bluesky (Post 493199)
:(Help!!! Am I the only one who has this problem? I was driving my kids to school this morning and I was having to fight to keep my eyes open. It wasn't a lid problem, it was a problem with the muscles controlling my eyes. They just wanted to roll up and I kept pulling them down and then sometimes I'd lose my "grip" and I'd get double vision and have to concentrate to pull out of that. Sometimes it would just slip away in an instant and my eyes would be closed again. I had too keep my eyes closed at the stoplights to try to rest them. The effort of trying to keep them open actually made me nauseous. The drive was agony and by the time I got home I just fell into bed and slept for 2 hours.

Has anyone ever had this problem before?!?

Rest is the key with a good pair of sun glasses. Try getting a stick on eye patch and wear it whe you can to rest the eye. Is one eye worse than the other.... I get double vision with very tired eyes. If I do not rest and am rundown I have serious vision issues due to MG. How do you find light... I like things dimmer more relaxed on the eyes even in the home. Snow is the worst when driving and headlights at night on a bad day cause problems. Try resting one eye at a time. It works for me. I get totaly upset when my eyes are not working causes stress and only makes it harded to get back on track.Double vision lots. If I close my eyes for a rest it makkes it harder to get the single vision. Head tiliting at times is helpful to make it home.If you cant pull out of the double vision, cover one eye and it will be single. All this is very scary, I have had this off and on for twenty years. Rest those eyes, and get rid of stress, or you may have an illness comeing on. Take Care hope this help....Mother of three thought only I felt this. Winter to Summer also pose problems...Would liike to learn more .....Thanks Lori:hug::hug::hug::hug:

Joanmarie63 11-08-2009 08:38 PM

I too have times when I have trouble closing my eyes, I thought it was just me because everyone always complains about keeping them open. It does take work to open ones eyes {in more ways than one} Having been DXed over 18 years it amazes me to learn something new everytime I come here.

Welcome to all the new visitors to the site, you will find answers here and learn so much!

xanadu 11-08-2009 09:15 PM

That reminds me. Does anyone else wake up with a dry feeling eye and a lid that is not working and open ? I sometimes have to drag the lid down over the eye and then it does not feel dry any more and gradually gets back to normal ( whatever that is lol)

Nicknerd 11-08-2009 11:23 PM

I have problems keeping my eyes closed tight too when I'm really weak...For example, after I have a shower, and come out of the bathroom, there are 'halos' around all the lights in my house. I realized it's because water accumulates on my eyes because I can't close them tight enough- it's kinda also find that my eyelids are swollen a lot, especially in the mornings...I guess it's from keeping them slightly ajar all night....

Lately, last couple of days, my left eyelid is lower than the right one...I never had 'droopy' eyelids before....This is a new one...

bluesky 11-09-2009 02:12 AM

Closing Eyes

Originally Posted by Nicknerd (Post 587616)
I have problems keeping my eyes closed tight too when I'm really weak...For example, after I have a shower, and come out of the bathroom, there are 'halos' around all the lights in my house. I realized it's because water accumulates on my eyes because I can't close them tight enough- it's kinda also find that my eyelids are swollen a lot, especially in the mornings...I guess it's from keeping them slightly ajar all night....

Lately, last couple of days, my left eyelid is lower than the right one...I never had 'droopy' eyelids before....This is a new one...

Funny, I had never heard of this problem until it was brought up on this thread. What I found in the mg book when I looked it up said exactly the same thing as you here are saying. The author of the book describes problems in keeping the eyes closed in the shower and washing hair, of not being able to close one eye while leaving the other open while taking photographs, and of patients having difficulties completely closing their eyes during sleep and having irritated eyes upon awakening.

I haven't had any of these problems (yet - knock on virtual wood :winky:). I'm glad you all were able to connect and be reassured that it wasn't just you!


bluesky 11-09-2009 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lori Denise (Post 587366)
Rest is the key with a good pair of sun glasses. Try getting a stick on eye patch and wear it whe you can to rest the eye. Is one eye worse than the other.... I get double vision with very tired eyes. If I do not rest and am rundown I have serious vision issues due to MG. How do you find light... I like things dimmer more relaxed on the eyes even in the home. Snow is the worst when driving and headlights at night on a bad day cause problems. Try resting one eye at a time. It works for me. I get totaly upset when my eyes are not working causes stress and only makes it harded to get back on track.Double vision lots. If I close my eyes for a rest it makkes it harder to get the single vision. Head tiliting at times is helpful to make it home.If you cant pull out of the double vision, cover one eye and it will be single. All this is very scary, I have had this off and on for twenty years. Rest those eyes, and get rid of stress, or you may have an illness comeing on. Take Care hope this help....Mother of three thought only I felt this. Winter to Summer also pose problems...Would liike to learn more .....Thanks Lori:hug::hug::hug::hug:

Welcome, Lori Denise!! Holy cow, twenty years is a long time to be struggling with this.

You gave some terrific advice. My eyes are always worse when there is bright sun out, my eyebrow falls and my eye muscles don't cooperate and my vision is blurry. I just didn't have the presence of mind to put on the sunglasses. Next time I will. Actually next time I'll put on sunglasses and pull over and call and get some help.

Do you have purely ocular mg? Or is it generalized mg. I can't imagine driving in the snow with that kind of challenge. Around here, everything just shuts down and we all make hot cocoa to hand out to the masses of cold neighborhod kids running through our houses on their way back up to the top of the hill for a nice slide down again. Ya, I know what you're thinking and it's true: we're snow wimps. It sure is a fun time though!


rach73 11-09-2009 11:11 AM

I have problems when sleeping. My eyes dont stay shut. I end up with very painful dry eyes because of this.

Does anyone else have this? I think its because I dont take to take mestinon during the night. When I have a shower I have to make sure I took mestinon an hour before otherwise I wouldn't manage it, so I dont have problems with getting water in my eyes.


alice md 11-09-2009 02:34 PM

my neuro-ophtalmologist gave me lytears, because she said that myathenic patients never blink enough and that is why their eyes tend to be dry.

the SFEMG done on the occular muscles is as far as I know, is based on the muscles that close the eyes, not the ones that open them.


Nicknerd 11-09-2009 02:37 PM

Hey Blusky,

Yeah! I definately have the problem with not being able to close one eye. Sometimes I attempt to wink after making a joke, and I feel like a basket case because I can't do it properly...Kinda ruins the

Veronika 12-19-2012 05:52 PM

Eyes rolling around/cannot focus
On Nov. 19th I was sitting by myself at work and it felt just like a curtain was going down from the top of my forehead just past my eyes. My eyes started to jitter around in my head ... rolling sideways, backward and so on. I had to close my eyes as I could not see. I was fully concious during this episode. It lasted about 2 minutes. I was fine when it passed. On the 9th of Dec. I was sitting in bed and the same thing ... curtain dropping etc. and likewise, after about 2 min. this incident passed.

I am a cancer patient, stage 4, and am taking Arimadex. I was thinking this might be the cause. I am not going to rush off to the Dr. as I just cannot face all the tests that this might entail. Just curious if anyone has ever heard of this or been thru this before.

bny806 12-20-2012 11:20 AM

I have had the problem where after I sneeze, or wink/blink my eye is stays extra droopy afterwards and doesn't open as fast.. and when my symptoms exacerbate I must have incomplete closure, especially at night too..
Veronika- curtain closing sensation with your eyes can be a sign of other problems too, if it's not your actual eyelid closing that appears like the curtain- . retina problems I believe (can't remember exactly).. unless your talking about your actual eyelid closing, I would mention it to your dr.. but I can imagine your sick of testing/dr's appointments, however it might be as simple as seeing an opthamologist for one visit?

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