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Curious 08-23-2006 10:45 PM

Blessings and Howdy!
welcome back to all my ole buddies. i'm sure we have tons of catching up to do. lots of prayers and good thoughts to spread.

a dear dear long time member of sss lost a relative recently. my prayers and sympathy for your loss hon. i have your choccy and hazelnut coffee waiting for you.

SallysMom 08-23-2006 10:56 PM

Hi Curious,

This is kind of like walking in a dark room and lighting candles until the power goes back on! Maybe not. We can just all gather round and help you make some of the hazlenut coffee!


Curious 08-23-2006 11:41 PM

hiya judy!!! got a pot made...but i bet we will need more shortly!:D

Chemar 08-24-2006 05:54 AM

:D I smelt da coffee ;)

Curious 08-24-2006 06:59 AM

<-------hand chemar a fresh mug o joe....hazelnut of course! :D

Chemar 08-24-2006 12:51 PM

yummy coffee as always Curious :)
now please make up a big bowl of your famous choccy figgy pudding and get Chrystoo here with her brownies and Julia with the pecan pie and it will start to feel more familiar :D

SallysMom 08-24-2006 09:29 PM

I am a starving dieter, and you're talk of food is..... oh well not starving anymore I found two Baby Ruth Candy Bars that my husband had hidden, dont know who he was hiding them from but one found their way in my mouth.:p

Ok where is everyone?

Anyone seen Kevin Jackson? I happend to find an Upper Room Devotional today and I think he used to read that?


CoolAngel26 08-24-2006 09:37 PM

Hey everyone,

Just popped in to let you know I'm accounted for..It has been a crazy couple of weeks.We got Mom and Nana moved,now my brother doesn't want the responsibility,and wants me to rescue him...No way,been there,done that.:rolleyes:

Will post more tomorrow...:D

Curious 08-24-2006 10:55 PM

wooohoooooo! looks like the gang is smelling the hazelnut coffee and the choccy!

judy....try keeping those little bite size candy bars in the freezer. takes longer to eat and satisfies that sweet tooth. the hard chocolates like chocolate worthers do the trick too. i will put 1...yes just 1...i ain't my purse if i;m going to be out for the day. keeps me from being bad and taking grandmonkey to sonic for a brownie sunday! :eek: i keep fruit snacks for him. :D

:::;waves::: hi coolangel!!

farside 08-26-2006 12:07 PM

Great to see a new Sanctuary with caring people in it!

Candlelight or fluorescent lights, it's just nice to join with others in kindness, compassion and spirituality. :)

Peace & love to all.

Curious 08-26-2006 05:05 PM

hiya farside.

i'll have to go find my disco ball to light the way...maybe more folks will drop in. :D

Alffe 08-29-2006 06:55 PM

Hi there....does anyone have news of Kathy M? I'm worried about her.

SallysMom 08-29-2006 07:25 PM

I was thinking about KathyM also. She had given me her email address before the old Brain Talk went down, so I will send her a quick email and give her the link to this board. I got the link from Chemar, otherwise I would not have know about it!.


Curious 08-30-2006 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 1836)
Hi there....does anyone have news of Kathy M? I'm worried about her.

i think she joined. i hope it's her. :D

SallysMom 08-30-2006 06:27 PM

I got an email from KathyM. She is looking forward to getting here and talking to all of you. She said to say hello. She has had a multitude of health concerns. I will let her tell you about that. Bless her heart she does stuggle and still maintains a feisty spirit and nobody knows her show tunes like KathyM.

Hey there, "I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair" la la la la la.
or I could have danced all night, la la la la la

Anyone know "Boogie Woodie Bugle Boy from Company B. I don't know if that counts or not.:confused:

Ok, it is a good thing that this website does not have sound piped in.:p

I need to email her back.


Curious 08-30-2006 06:43 PM

lol...i remember the manhatton transfer singing that! i loved it.

lil'monkey was in the musicman last spring. so i still have all those tunes in my head. next audition is the sound of music. guess what she has been singing?

hope you post soon kathy!:D get well.

Chemar 08-30-2006 08:35 PM


hope you start feeling much better and able to post

doesnt feel the same here without you :)

KathyM 08-31-2006 10:05 AM

Doctor My Eyes
Hi everyone. Thanks again, Judy, for letting me know about this site. It's so good to be with my BT friends again! :D

I had an eye exam recently. I dread those exams because they're so painful - I'd rather have a root canal. What made it worse was the days leading up to the exam were the toughest challenge I've faced yet.

Every symptom from head to toe decided to flare all at once, and the pain was pretty harsh. My stomach decided to join along, so I spent three solid days crying and heaving in the bathroom without any sleep, food or water. Several hours before my appointment, my legs gave out and I tripped over Geneva. It startled her, and when she got up it flipped me face first into my dresser. Fortunately, I turned my head before impact - had a huge lump on the side of my head though, and bruises all over.

I managed to clean myself up and make it to my appointment. All that pokin' and proddin' made me start heaving again and feeling faint, but the only way out of there was to finish the exam.

There were some fun moments too though. A doc friend of his interrupted our visit because he had a patient from Boston in his office he wanted to brag about - a fascinating case he was researching and writing about.

Dr. Sugar puffed up and said he had a pretty interesting case too, leaned back and told his friend of his most amazing discovery some 25 years ago - the story of my mother. He remembered every detail.

He then told his friend to take a look for himself. The doc looked into my right eye. My doc said "check out the diffuse lattice lines all around the periphery, and the thin wispy lines through the center. His friend remarked "spectacular." My doc then said "now, check out the left eye." His friend looked into my left eye, sighed, then said "Ahhhh, beauuuuutiful." He then realized he wasn't just looking at a slide, he was looking at a patient who was obviously very sick. Before he could apologize, I laughed at him and told him it had been a while since I'd had a man react that way to my appearance.

I had a long talk with my doc about some concerns I've been leery about discussing with him - was afraid maybe he'd have me committed, lol. Thing is, I see dead people - just kidding - no, really, I see visions - usually when I've gone through these phases or when I've allowed myself to cry.

When I close my eyes, there's a strong, bright strobe-light effect. Added to the mix is an amazing fireworks display, and it shoots me into "outer space." It looks like I'm speeding through a tunnel with stars all around me - or they are speeding past me, not really sure. Then I see objects, landscapes, and faces of people I don't know. The exception was when I saw the face of a girl I went to grade school with, but we weren't friends, and I never even thought of her when we went to school together.

My doc assured me I'm not crazy, and said my "visions" are probably due to extreme pain/exhaustion. He also explained why my daytime vision is so strange. The overall haziness has increased, but the visual acuity is still there. The diffuse lines around the periphery, give me no peripheral vision, only a kaleidoscope effect. I still have central vision, but sometimes it's very surreal. I was downtown one day and looked across the street to see if I could see anything. Everything was out of focus, except for a man and his dog - he and the dog appeared highlighted. I watched him and his dog cross the street, and they remained highlighted, while everything else remained out of focus and distorted. My doc said it's because of the thin lines through the center of my cornea that made it look like there was a light on that man and dog.

It's been a few years since I've seen my doc. At the end of the visit, I told him it was good to see him again, that he was looking good. He smirked back at me - "Yeah, well, your vision is very distorted." :p

I'm still recovering from this recent bout, but I'm feeling MUCH better. I look forward to reading about all the happenings in your lives since we've been apart.

jingle 08-31-2006 11:52 AM

Kathy - I'm very sorry you've had such a painful, difficult "bout" - I hope it's over - never to return.
In Feb. I had surgery that caused some great pain and afterward I had what I called hallucinations.... seeing totally weird things that didn't exist. I told a friend of mind - a physician who had nothing to do with the surgery - about them and she said they weren't hallucinations - they were my brains reaction to extreme pain. Wow !!
Whatever they are called or what causes them - it was good to have them end.

Alffe 08-31-2006 01:45 PM

Judy thank you for locating our KathyM. well no wonder I have had you on my mind lately dear girl. Such awfulness for you to have to endure...sending you positive energy for relief from the pain...gentle hugs and I'll throw in a prayer for good measure. Are you journaling? You could record your thoughts.

So good to see you post. Love, Alffe

Waves at Jingle.........

Chemar 08-31-2006 02:54 PM

Kathy, how very like you to be able to add humour to your post even tho it is so clear that you have been going thru a horrid time with your illness.

I do hope and pray that the severity of your symptoms will let up and that you will be able to enjoy a respite.

we luv ya:)

Curious 08-31-2006 03:23 PM

ok...close your this first...then close your eyes...
envision bert parks on the stage of miss america..singing...

here is miss kathym........

i knew you'd find us! all these prayers and good vibes being sent your way HAD to work! that and the smell of fresh baked brownies....choccy figgy pudding...figgies from you know who's tree...and hazelnut coffee!

Curious 09-12-2006 10:39 PM

i just wanted to add a little sumpin'

hugs, prayers and good healing thoughts for the entire bt2 board.:D

i read pretty much every new post. i still feel funky about jumping in and posting on each forum. i just wanted everyone to know that i offer you my support, hugs, prayers, knowledge, experience and lots of brownies!

just remember...this sanctuary is a peaceful place for us all to come together in a time of need. no matter what your "home" forum is....:)

welcome to sanctuary for spiritual support. sss

Idealist 09-13-2006 12:29 AM

Hey, Curious! Been a long time since I had one of those brownies! I see they don't have a Night Owls forum here, but I'm glad we have SSS.

BTW, this is Auto. I'm going incognito (ssshhhh...:cool: ).

It's good to hear your cheerful voice again, and enjoy a bit of your unique caffeinated humor! Hope you're taking care...

Curious 09-13-2006 08:27 AM

you sneaky man you. ;)

no night owls, but the social chat would be a good place to meet up in the weeeee hours.

now if we can just find weezy and the rest.

so how have you been? dx'ing any car troubles over the phone lately? :p i wonder if you could have done that for me when the mechanics told me my front 2 axels were rusted and had to be replaced. i don't notice a difference and it makes me wonder about the repairs. :confused:

any whoooooo...i'm really glad you found bt2. :D

Curious 09-13-2006 08:28 AM


<-------hands idealist the first brownie outta the pan this morning. :D

Chemar 09-13-2006 08:43 AM

Hi incognito auto:D

gimme one of those brownies too please monkey!

Curious, that was a very special sumpin' of hugs and prayers and healing thoughts you posted last night. ((hugs)) back at ya

Curious 09-13-2006 09:01 AM

<------hands chemar her morning brownie!

and of course ((((chemar))))

JoJo6 09-13-2006 01:54 PM

hello everybody! good to see y'all. Yes, this little MonkMe has been a real special lifesaver/greater. I'm thankful for her.

Chemar, I read a post from you the other night was was going to respond but I have yet to find it. Anyway, great to see you and I wish I had some of your hair. whack off a bunch and send to my, will you? nice looking woman you are. Well, you too Curious.

Alffe and KATHYM!! So glad to see you both. Its been way too long and I have missed all of you much. Hi to you too Judy. How are the migraine's? I hope so cause I think you spread them over Curious and me both. They are real killers aren't they. Good to see you.

Lets see, did I miss anybody? If so I didn't mean too. I loves you all and glad to have a SSS to come to again.

KathyM, you behave yourself and stop giving those Drs. a hard time!:D Yeah, thats you all right. Can't see to good these days. Nothing as exotic as your problem, just cateracts, both eyes, they let you go blind just about before they do anything.

Well, I'm thankful for our new home. DocJohn has been very caring and has tried to help us feel at home. Yes, we may not see him too frequiant but he is out there somewher

my love to all, Jo or Julia. I had a time getting a name and I didn't want to change! old people don't like change, do we Alffe? lol lol lol lol Oh yeah, hows Queenie ACK, I forgot your name. I'll just call you Queenie:p

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