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SkimbleShanks 03-05-2015 06:18 PM

Anyone Juicing?
I was reading a bunch of websites where people were juicing for health purposes. Just wondering if anyone here juices or makes smoothies or anything for health purposes? If so how well is it working? Have you noticed any changes in how you feel or anything?

Enna70 03-06-2015 12:00 PM

Hi...I've been juicing/smoothies but not on a regular basis. When I started I had my CRPS localized. And it was working okay. Now that it is spreading, I haven't been able to have even a little I've stopped. I can't remember who in here talked about being hydrated, but I agree; hydration is very important.

Lara 03-06-2015 02:42 PM

We have a new one.

Bananas, almond milk, unsweetened greek yogurt, coconut oil, kale or spinach (we use baby spinach because we can't get young kale), lemon juice and tiny pinch cayenne pepper. It's supposed to have some protein powder in it, but we don't use whey so don't know what else to use.

This is for energy and we've changed diet quite drastically (daughter and self) so need some extras we're not getting in diet so this is one quick way to get it.

EnglishDave 03-06-2015 05:02 PM

Juicers are just too darned hard to strip down and clean daily, especially as my local shop has a vitamin enriched juice which I enjoy.
Blending is another matter, in the Summer with fresh fruits reduced whole. My Ex does this for us for healthy kicks and because it's so good!


caroline2 07-13-2015 04:50 PM

Organic green food powder, coconut milk, apple, celery is my normal mix when I do these. I don't own a juicer, use my blender, works fine. Maybe I'll do one later...I have all the ingredients for a healthy drink.

Lara 07-13-2015 06:06 PM

We just use a blender too. It's one of those mini blenders.
Works fine and was very inexpensive.

caroline2 07-13-2015 06:16 PM

Yep, I was close to buying a juicer over the years, even one from my gf who bought a new one and the old one was fine. But I didn't buy it as I know myself. Her juicers are in the cupboard collecting dust.

DejaVu 07-22-2015 05:30 PM

Thanks for this thread! :)

Have you seen the documentary, ""Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead?"

The main character, Joe, travels around the U.S. as he starts his juice fast. He meets lots of people and some start juicing as well. Joe has an autoimmune condition and has been on daily prednisone and some other meds. He has gained weight, as well. He gets off of the meds and loses weight.

Joe helps many, yet takes an interest in a man, also with an autoimmune condition, also on prednisone and also needing help.

Joe does change his own life!
He assists others in changing their lives, as well.

My doctors have praised the movie.

There are all kind of opinions about Joe's exact methods and the length of his juicing fast. Joe responds to these concerns in his sequel documentary.

An interesting documentary on juicing and juicing fasts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

That said --

My husband and I juice. We love to juice leafy greens, especially. We LOVE our kale juice!:D We then add kale juice to blended smoothies.

Sometimes, we decide to take 3- 5 days of juicing for two meals a day.
During these times, we have some of our favorite juicing recipes, usually greens. We sometimes add berries. If we are juicing heavily, we will drink juices with fruit added in the morning and juices without fruit later in the day.

There are some juicers which are relatively inexpensive when on sale.
These same juicers are quite easy to clean.
I don't think I can mention brands here.

(Let me check. If mentioning a brand is okay, I will edit this and specify the juicer brand I am using. Many juicing gurus suggest this brand for people with limited time and/or limited energy, because the clean up is much easier.)

I enjoy juicing. I find it difficult when in a flare. Standing on my feet for long causes far too much pain. I also use extra cushioning via a floor mat, as well as using a high stool to sit whenever I can do so. It works best when we juice together, as we have a system in place and the teamwork makes it all move along very quickly. When we are juicing heavily, we sometimes juice for up to two days at a time. Enzymes are lost quickly in fresh juices, so we minimize making batches which last up to two days and never make batches which last any longer than 2 days. That's a lot of juice when on a "juice fast." The more fresh, the better!

When I have no fresh juice, I blend dehydrated greens in with other ingredients for a lovely green breakfast shake!:D

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IF blood sugar is a concern with higher carb juices (fruits, carrots, etc.),
one of the approaches to decreasing the impact upon our systems is to add purified water to juice at a 1:1 ratio and then add a healthy oil -- flax oil, flavored fish oil, etc.

Happy juicing and/or blending -- whichever your pleasure! :D

To Our Healing! :grouphug:

Diandra 07-22-2015 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by SkimbleShanks (Post 1127702)
I was reading a bunch of websites where people were juicing for health purposes. Just wondering if anyone here juices or makes smoothies or anything for health purposes? If so how well is it working? Have you noticed any changes in how you feel or anything?

I juice vegs every day and wheatgrass and they do make a difference.
My green veggie juice twice a day is celery, cucumber, fresh ginger and then whatever other greens I have, spinach, parsley, kale, romaine or some herbs from my garden. I do agree with folks though that most juicers are a pain to clean. I also have a nutribullet that I absolutely love and it was much less expensive then the juicer.

I do a 1-2 ounce shot of wheatgrass juice once a day. I grow my own wheatgrass, it is very simple to do.

I had gone to a holistic health center in Florida called Hippocrates Health Institute many yrs ago and did a 3 week program where you lived on a raw, vegan, organic diet and did a host of other things to cleanse and heal the body, reduce inflammation and make it more alkaline, which is supposed to be conducive to keep bacteria, etc in check. I have an old post somewhere on here that details what I did. Just search on Hippocrates Health Institute.

I did very well, got off ALL my pain and neuropathy meds and lived on that very extreme diet for just over 2 yrs....however, it was almost a full time job to live raw vegan and juice wheatgrass and green juice several times a day. I don't work, am out of work on disability and found the regimen very helpful for my pain and somewhat for neuropathy but I was also treating severe Lyme Disease that had done damage to my brain and I have alot of cognitive issues.

I find the raw vegan diet very extreme and frankly I got tired of it but there is no doubt the regimen really helped me. It is just time consuming with juicing and expensive to live on all organic food. Recently I was dx'ed with breast cancer so have gone back to a limited form of the diet but I still eat fish and chicken and eggs to get more protein as my oncologists all feel I need protein to keep up my body/strength due to surgery and treatments.

Is there something specific you are trying to treat?

DejaVu 07-22-2015 08:04 PM

Hi Diandra,

Oh, wow! Thanks so much for you post!
I really needed to hear of your experience tonight!

I was just reviewing my treatment plan, I have meetings with specialists this week and next... and we have tried to treat for over 25 years now. I am allergic and/or intolerant of most medications. There's not a med we haven't tried, repeatedly. Everyone is trying so hard, including my physicians. We simply don't know where to turn next.

I was just discussing getting into a more lengthy juice fast with my husband.
I then came back to visit the forum and found your post.

My doctors encourage the juice fasting on a longer term.

I honestly think I need to do this more.

It is a lot of work. It's not easy to do this when ill or in pain.
Yet, I know my husband will help me. He has fun with juicing and drinks his share, as well.

I will look up your Hippocrates post. I have heard very good tings about that health center. A friend of mine goes to a similar one in California. (She goes once a year for three weeks.)

Thanks again, Diandra! :hug:

To Our Healing,

P.S. My daily green juice: Kale, Broccoli, cukes, celery, lemon, green apple, ginger. Yum! I crave this juice. (I also make beet juice and carrot juice when I can do more.)

The juicer I use is not the very best extractor for leafy greens, but will work for kale. It's a very easy clean-up, compared to the more complex juicers. It is a Breville. Juicing gurus tend to suggest this one for people just starting out or for people with limited time or limited energy, simply because it is so easy to clean.

Diandra 08-04-2015 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1156990)
Hi Diandra,

Oh, wow! Thanks so much for you post!
I really needed to hear of your experience tonight!

I was just reviewing my treatment plan, I have meetings with specialists this week and next... and we have tried to treat for over 25 years now. I am allergic and/or intolerant of most medications. There's not a med we haven't tried, repeatedly. Everyone is trying so hard, including my physicians. We simply don't know where to turn next.

I was just discussing getting into a more lengthy juice fast with my husband.
I then came back to visit the forum and found your post.

My doctors encourage the juice fasting on a longer term.

I honestly think I need to do this more.

It is a lot of work. It's not easy to do this when ill or in pain.
Yet, I know my husband will help me. He has fun with juicing and drinks his share, as well.

I will look up your Hippocrates post. I have heard very good tings about that health center. A friend of mine goes to a similar one in California. (She goes once a year for three weeks.)

Thanks again, Diandra! :hug:

To Our Healing,

P.S. My daily green juice: Kale, Broccoli, cukes, celery, lemon, green apple, ginger. Yum! I crave this juice. (I also make beet juice and carrot juice when I can do more.)

The juicer I use is not the very best extractor for leafy greens, but will work for kale. It's a very easy clean-up, compared to the more complex juicers. It is a Breville. Juicing gurus tend to suggest this one for people just starting out or for people with limited time or limited energy, simply because it is so easy to clean.

Hi DV,
Sorry it took so long to respond. Sometimes I forget where I posted and every week or so I look at the list of my posts....

When your docs talk about juice fasting long term, how long are they talking about? Have you ever done a juice fast before?

I have never done a juice fast for more than 2 days. When I juice, I do it in addition to my regular diet. It might be purely psychological but, I get light headed and "antsy" and cant sleep when I fast. At HHI they said it was because I was detoxing and because when we aren't using all that enegy to digest food there is alot of excess energy and that is why sleep issues and jittery feeling.

I have spoken to people who have done longer juice fasts and they say once you get past a few days, all those issues level off.

It must be so frustrating to be allergic or react badly to most meds. Does that mean supplements and vitamins as well or prescription or OTC only?

When I had reached the point when nothing seemed to help my crazy Lyme Disease symptoms (this was decades ago) I did Vit C IVs and all kinds of injections like magnesium,b12, calcium and it helped me quite a big. My doc tried so many things back then, natural thyroid and bovine colostrum and these weird vibrational concoctions....when I am desperate, I will try anything.

How did your meetings go with the specialists you met with a couple weeks ago?
Any new treatment plans?

It is late and I am nodding off.
It is so great your husband juices with you.
I had not heard of a Breville juicer...will look into it as my juicer is old and a pain in the butt to clean.

Take care...Diandra

DejaVu 08-05-2015 02:07 PM

Easing into juicing...

Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1160169)
Hi DV,
Sorry it took so long to respond. Sometimes I forget where I posted and every week or so I look at the list of my posts....

When your docs talk about juice fasting long term, how long are they talking about? Have you ever done a juice fast before?

I have never done a juice fast for more than 2 days. When I juice, I do it in addition to my regular diet. It might be purely psychological but, I get light headed and "antsy" and cant sleep when I fast. At HHI they said it was because I was detoxing and because when we aren't using all that enegy to digest food there is alot of excess energy and that is why sleep issues and jittery feeling.

I have spoken to people who have done longer juice fasts and they say once you get past a few days, all those issues level off.

It must be so frustrating to be allergic or react badly to most meds. Does that mean supplements and vitamins as well or prescription or OTC only?

When I had reached the point when nothing seemed to help my crazy Lyme Disease symptoms (this was decades ago) I did Vit C IVs and all kinds of injections like magnesium,b12, calcium and it helped me quite a big. My doc tried so many things back then, natural thyroid and bovine colostrum and these weird vibrational concoctions....when I am desperate, I will try anything.

How did your meetings go with the specialists you met with a couple weeks ago?
Any new treatment plans?

It is late and I am nodding off.
It is so great your husband juices with you.
I had not heard of a Breville juicer...will look into it as my juicer is old and a pain in the butt to clean.

Take care...Diandra

Hi Diandra,

No worries about responding. I, too, often forget where I have posted.:D

I have met with specialists. We have not drawn up a new treatment plan.
We've exhausted most options. Specialists need time to confer with one another and we all meet again over the next two months. I am challenged with multiple conditions. In many cases, the treatment of one condition is contraindicated in co-existing conditions. If/when we identify potential treatments which are okay for co-occurring conditions, they are few in number and I am often allergic to those few. It's often very frustrating.

All of my specialists are fine with a strict juice fast -- with lower calorie veggie juices. My primary care doctor feels this may have the best potential for change (detox and fewer meds, lower daily prednisone dose, possibly).

I have also done juicing by combining it with solid food. I am dong this as my first stage of moving into a strict juice fast with no solids. I am also increasing raw foods right now. I will slowly transition into a strict juicing program. My PCP would like to see me do a strict juice fast for up to 30 days, under his supervision, and depending upon my tolerance. Time will tell. ;)

He is a fan of the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." In the documentary, Joe has autoimmune challenges and is on daily prednisone. He cannot get off the prednisone and keeps feeling worse and worse over time. Joe goes on a juice fast. He also travels the U.S. and talks to people about diet, health challenges, juicing, lifestyle. He juices with a (Breville) juicer in the back of his car when traveling. (I did not know he was using a Breville until I had already bought mine, upon advice of a couple of experienced juicing "gurus," not affiliated with Joe. In the documentary, Joe is a beginner at juicing.)

I am very lucky my husband enjoys juicing. :)
He is very open-minded and had also participated in a full year of a"macrobiotic" diet when I tried that approach. He also took macrobiotic meals to work for lunch.
He is extremely supportive and enjoys learning all about dietary approaches.
He gets a bit creative with any protocol and has fun.
He won't be attempting a strict juice fast. He needs more than juice in order to attend to his career, etc. He will continue to juice once a day and will help me with juicing. I am very fortunate. :D

After a strict juicing protocol, if I can tolerate strict juicing, I then intend to fully adopt a level (of 3 levels) of the Wahls protocol.

Great to hear from you on this, Diandra.:D
I remain hopeful for our healing, yours, others', and mine.


P.S. Diandra, I have also done vitamin IVs and injections in the past. I have done comprehensive supplemental regimens. I have also done a few things that were probably "nonsensical." :winky: I need a newly refined plan now. I am currently trying to put together a helpful new plan.

Diandra 08-06-2015 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1160343)
Hi Diandra,

No worries about responding. I, too, often forget where I have posted.:D

I have met with specialists. We have not drawn up a new treatment plan.
We've exhausted most options. Specialists need time to confer with one another and we all meet again over the next two months. I am challenged with multiple conditions. In many cases, the treatment of one condition is contraindicated in co-existing conditions. If/when we identify potential treatments which are okay for co-occurring conditions, they are few in number and I am often allergic to those few. It's often very frustrating.

All of my specialists are fine with a strict juice fast -- with lower calorie veggie juices. My primary care doctor feels this may have the best potential for change (detox and fewer meds, lower daily prednisone dose, possibly).

I have also done juicing by combining it with solid food. I am dong this as my first stage of moving into a strict juice fast with no solids. I am also increasing raw foods right now. I will slowly transition into a strict juicing program. My PCP would like to see me do a strict juice fast for up to 30 days, under his supervision, and depending upon my tolerance. Time will tell. ;)

He is a fan of the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." In the documentary, Joe has autoimmune challenges and is on daily prednisone. He cannot get off the prednisone and keeps feeling worse and worse over time. Joe goes on a juice fast. He also travels the U.S. and talks to people about diet, health challenges, juicing, lifestyle. He juices with a (Breville) juicer in the back of his car when traveling. (I did not know he was using a Breville until I had already bought mine, upon advice of a couple of experienced juicing "gurus," not affiliated with Joe. In the documentary, Joe is a beginner at juicing.)

I am very lucky my husband enjoys juicing. :)
He is very open-minded and had also participated in a full year of a"macrobiotic" diet when I tried that approach. He also took macrobiotic meals to work for lunch.
He is extremely supportive and enjoys learning all about dietary approaches.
He gets a bit creative with any protocol and has fun.
He won't be attempting a strict juice fast. He needs more than juice in order to attend to his career, etc. He will continue to juice once a day and will help me with juicing. I am very fortunate. :D

After a strict juicing protocol, if I can tolerate strict juicing, I then intend to fully adopt a level (of 3 levels) of the Wahls protocol.

Great to hear from you on this, Diandra.:D
I remain hopeful for our healing, yours, others', and mine.


P.S. Diandra, I have also done vitamin IVs and injections in the past. I have done comprehensive supplemental regimens. I have also done a few things that were probably "nonsensical." :winky: I need a newly refined plan now. I am currently trying to put together a helpful new plan.

Dear DV,
It sounds like you have a rather terrific, open minded team of specialists.

I did the strictly raw, vegan program for 21 days at HHI, with vegetable and wheatgrass juicing. This was 11 yrs ago. I got off all my prescription meds and stayed off them for 2.5 years because I stayed on the plan.

I think trying this juicing plan, under the direction and watchful eye of your medical team may be very helpful to you. You just need to be careful to get enough protein. We juiced sunflower sprouts, which are a good protein. We also did alot of cold, blended soups with some nuts and nut milks and seeds. Don't know if you will be doing anything like that.

I saw some rather remarkable recoveries when I was at HHI in Florida.
One 86 yr old woman had gangrene in her foot, she was diabetic. She did not want to have her foot amputated. Her daughters researched cures and I met her in her 5th week at HHI. Her foot was saved and she rose from her wheelchair and walked to get her certificate on graduation day....there was not a dry eye in the house. If I had not been there to witness it, I would not have believed it.

If I was rich, I would attend one of these programs again but I am trying to recreate a similar program at home. It is just alot easier to be at one of these places were everything is done for you and you have the support of all the other attendees who have health issues they are trying to cure.

Sorry for going off on that tangent...point was, I think you will do very well on the juice fast. It really clears out your system. I look forward to hearing how you do. Let us know when you begin so we can cheer you on!

My best,

p..s. I did see Fat, sick and nearly Dead. Incredible.

DejaVu 08-06-2015 04:33 PM

Thank you, Diandra

Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1160545)
Dear DV,
It sounds like you have a rather terrific, open minded team of specialists.

I did the strictly raw, vegan program for 21 days at HHI, with vegetable and wheatgrass juicing. This was 11 yrs ago. I got off all my prescription meds and stayed off them for 2.5 years because I stayed on the plan.

I think trying this juicing plan, under the direction and watchful eye of your medical team may be very helpful to you. You just need to be careful to get enough protein. We juiced sunflower sprouts, which are a good protein. We also did alot of cold, blended soups with some nuts and nut milks and seeds. Don't know if you will be doing anything like that.

I saw some rather remarkable recoveries when I was at HHI in Florida.
One 86 yr old woman had gangrene in her foot, she was diabetic. She did not want to have her foot amputated. Her daughters researched cures and I met her in her 5th week at HHI. Her foot was saved and she rose from her wheelchair and walked to get her certificate on graduation day....there was not a dry eye in the house. If I had not been there to witness it, I would not have believed it.

If I was rich, I would attend one of these programs again but I am trying to recreate a similar program at home. It is just alot easier to be at one of these places were everything is done for you and you have the support of all the other attendees who have health issues they are trying to cure.

Sorry for going off on that tangent...point was, I think you will do very well on the juice fast. It really clears out your system. I look forward to hearing how you do. Let us know when you begin so we can cheer you on!

My best,

p..s. I did see Fat, sick and nearly Dead. Incredible.

Hi Diandra! :D

Thanks for continuing to share on this topic.

I had searched your post on HHI and had read what you had shared earlier.
I am glad you had the opportunity to go to HHI! You were able to witness, and to experience, some of the potentials with juicing, etc.
Your story is remarkable! I am also amazed by the story of the elderly woman saving her foot! :D

I have known most of my doctors for over 20 years. One used to give me a hard time about vegan diets, macrobiotics, etc. He is now a strict vegan. :winky: Two of my doctors are now vegan. Two are vegetarian.

You make an excellent point about protein! Thank you! :D
I had not thought of nut milks/soups. I am still doing research on the details of a lengthy fast, to make sure it's safe and truly healthy. I had felt reassured when my PCP said he would be available to watch over me closely during the fast. Meds may need adjusting, etc. He had suggested the juice fast.

After the first documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," a sequel was filmed. Many health advocates were concerned people may juice for long fasts and not truly understand how to do so safely. Joe has responded with his second documentary. Joe has also started a web site where people can learn more, can obtain recipes and can share in an online community : .

Diandra, I'd wanted to let you know the Breville will not juice wheatgrass. There are also all levels o a Breville, quite a price range. There are often sales on them as well, as they are sold in many kitchen stores, at some department stores, etc. It does not extract as well as some of the very expensive juicers. However, it is much easier to use and to clean. There are separate small wheatgrass juicers available as well. You likely know this; however, I try to write for additional readers as well.

I don't expect to start a strict juice fast for another week, possibly two. I want to get my body more ready by adjusting my diet now and want to be sure my bases are covered. I hope to maximize my chances at a successful and rewarding experience.

I never feel like you've gone off on any tangent. I enjoy your posts very much! :hug:

Thanks again!


Lara 08-06-2015 04:51 PM

My daughter and I have been re-evaluating our daily smoothie and especially the amount of spinach and almonds and some other things we've been using in abundance.

She only has one kidney and the other one, although functioning well, is overworked as it would be. That said... having only one means she has to be particularly careful.

A recent thread in the Peripheral neuropathy forum had a couple of links in there posted by Febuary and mrsD. They set off a lot of conversation here between my daughter and myself regarding the amount of certain foods that she has been consuming on a daily basis - thinking we were doing the right thing.

I will post the links below that Febuary and mrsD posted.
They're particularly interesting and educational to those who are consuming large amounts of oxalates. We don't use soy products but we were eating loads of spinach and almonds.

I'm not sure if that's of help to anyone else but it's certainly an eye opener for us.

DejaVu 08-06-2015 05:10 PM

Dan "The Man" MacDonald, Life Regeneration
I'd like to introduce Dan "the Man" MacDonald. Dan teaches juicing in a very "down-to-earth" manner.

I have followed him for several years now and have learned a great deal about juicing and more.

Dan has a collection of videos on youtube.
An example:
(Yum! Those juices look delicious!)

He also has a web site:

There are so many sites on juicing, it's easy to get lost!

Almost everyone I introduce to Dan enjoys his very "down-to-earth" demeanor. He teaches which veggies, herbs and fruits are useful for which health goals. He shares a lot of information which lends understanding to recipes. If one can master the info., one can be very creative with juicing.

it's a good idea to fully educate yourself. It's important to understand safe long-term juicing before getting into long-term juicing.

To Our Healing,

DejaVu 08-06-2015 05:34 PM

Lara, You've Raised a VERY Important Point!

Originally Posted by Lara (Post 1160640)
My daughter and I have been re-evaluating our daily smoothie and especially the amount of spinach and almonds and some other things we've been using in abundance.

She only has one kidney and the other one, although functioning well, is overworked as it would be. That said... having only one means she has to be particularly careful.

A recent thread in the Peripheral neuropathy forum had a couple of links in there posted by Febuary and mrsD. They set off a lot of conversation here between my daughter and myself regarding the amount of certain foods that she has been consuming on a daily basis - thinking we were doing the right thing.

I will post the links below that Febuary and mrsD posted.
They're particularly interesting and educational to those who are consuming large amounts of oxalates. We don't use soy products but we were eating loads of spinach and almonds.

I'm not sure if that's of help to anyone else but it's certainly an eye opener for us.

Hi Lara,

Oh! A very important point! :D
I am forever explaining oxalates to people.
It's an important point for juicing.

Kale is a low-oxalic vegetable, for instance. Many sing the praises of kale for this reason, as well as it's bioavailability of calcium, etc.

Many juicing "experts" suggest mixing high-oxalic acid foods with low oxalic foods, or simply using low-oxalic foods.

The USDA list the oxalic acid content in various vegetables:
You can see, for instance, spinach is .97g/100g and kale is .02g/100g

Thanks for the links, Lara! Those are great resources!
Lara, you have raised a super important point.

This is just one example of why it's important to "study up" before getting into any long-term juicing! :D

I saw an old friend two weeks ago. She was in rough shape. She had started juicing green spinach and was drinking spinach juice, in large quantities, several times a day. When she had told me what she was doing, I'd urged her to get her iron levels checked. Test results: Extremely high iron overload.

Another example of needing an understanding of what to juice and why-- and how much-- and when. :winky:

Thanks, Lara! :hug:

Diandra 09-11-2015 07:20 PM

Juice fast?
Hi DejaVu.
Been thinking about you.
Have you embarked on your juice fast yet? :)
Would love to hear how you are doing.

my best,

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