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NT33 06-15-2013 01:03 PM

Has anyone tried the latest P Stim device for pain?
I've recently tried P Stim for a period of 72hours. I was advised this treatment as i suffer from chronic and acute pain. It was connected to the Vagus nerve on my ear and it then sends electrical signals to activate my parasympathetic nervous system and to decrease the response signals from the pain receptors to my brain, as they are apparently overly responsive due to the massive injuries i had 18mths ago.

There is barely any information out there and I wanted to see how others responded to the treatment.
This is my experience...
My pain had definitely altered from a sharp and shooting feeling to a dull aching during physical movement and working out. I am very physically active. In the gym I felt fatigued in my muscles so i decreased my weights and did what I could.
I added only one new exercise (static lunge) and normally i get a shooting pain as my Dr wants to repair my meniscus and see what else is going on inside my knee. But this time it felt fine although a little unstable as usual.
The next day I was no longer wearing the device and i woke up with my knee was in agony and i was limping. I haven't experience this severe pain in a long time. Also my forearms and wrists were hurting and inflamed (even though i did less weight).

This leads me to the thought that the P Stim was masking the pain reactions i 'should' have had, to warm me to stop with that movement.This is very worrying to me as my physical activity is my life, work and passion.

There are so many questions I have but there is nothing out there on the websites that i could find.
It states 'Virtually no side effects,' but what are they?
Who are these people they tested the device on? Are they physically active? Their age? etc
Did they do MRI's of the brain in these clinical studies? (as the P Stim re-sets the mid brain)
They have stated no long term effects...but this is a new device...who knows in 20 years time!

I had a headache in the sinus area and behind that area (frontal brain?)
Restless nights sleep as it would turn off and on every 3 hours
The actual procedure isn't invasive, but to me it felt invasive (I felt claustrophobic, not in control of my own body and i dreaded the 3hrs of the flicking sensation in my ear)

I am very in tune with my body and know when something doesn't feel right. I am physically active, fit, eat a healthy mostly vegan diet, sleep 8-9hrs, drink lots of water etc.
So if i feel a headache....i know something is wrong.

Anyways the treatment plan was to wear the device for 72hrs every 10 days for 6 sessions. I'm not sure I want to go ahead with the second treatment as physically I don't know my capabilities when wearing it, will it switch off the pain receptors i actually need (short and long term).and there is not enough research out there on this device and they really don't guarantee no side effects.
I would rather try acupuncture first than this extreme device. I have muscle relaxants and pain killers etc, but i would never take them before working out.

Please let me know if you have tried it? considered it? or have any thoughts about it?

I appreciate any help and advice

dre038 07-21-2013 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by NT33 (Post 992432)
I've recently tried P Stim for a period of 72hours. I was advised this treatment as i suffer from chronic and acute pain. It was connected to the Vagus nerve on my ear and it then sends electrical signals to activate my parasympathetic nervous system and to decrease the response signals from the pain receptors to my brain, as they are apparently overly responsive due to the massive injuries i had 18mths ago.

There is barely any information out there and I wanted to see how others responded to the treatment.
This is my experience...
My pain had definitely altered from a sharp and shooting feeling to a dull aching during physical movement and working out. I am very physically active. In the gym I felt fatigued in my muscles so i decreased my weights and did what I could.
I added only one new exercise (static lunge) and normally i get a shooting pain as my Dr wants to repair my meniscus and see what else is going on inside my knee. But this time it felt fine although a little unstable as usual.
The next day I was no longer wearing the device and i woke up with my knee was in agony and i was limping. I haven't experience this severe pain in a long time. Also my forearms and wrists were hurting and inflamed (even though i did less weight).

This leads me to the thought that the P Stim was masking the pain reactions i 'should' have had, to warm me to stop with that movement.This is very worrying to me as my physical activity is my life, work and passion.

There are so many questions I have but there is nothing out there on the websites that i could find.
It states 'Virtually no side effects,' but what are they?
Who are these people they tested the device on? Are they physically active? Their age? etc
Did they do MRI's of the brain in these clinical studies? (as the P Stim re-sets the mid brain)
They have stated no long term effects...but this is a new device...who knows in 20 years time!

I had a headache in the sinus area and behind that area (frontal brain?)
Restless nights sleep as it would turn off and on every 3 hours
The actual procedure isn't invasive, but to me it felt invasive (I felt claustrophobic, not in control of my own body and i dreaded the 3hrs of the flicking sensation in my ear)

I am very in tune with my body and know when something doesn't feel right. I am physically active, fit, eat a healthy mostly vegan diet, sleep 8-9hrs, drink lots of water etc.
So if i feel a headache....i know something is wrong.

Anyways the treatment plan was to wear the device for 72hrs every 10 days for 6 sessions. I'm not sure I want to go ahead with the second treatment as physically I don't know my capabilities when wearing it, will it switch off the pain receptors i actually need (short and long term).and there is not enough research out there on this device and they really don't guarantee no side effects.
I would rather try acupuncture first than this extreme device. I have muscle relaxants and pain killers etc, but i would never take them before working out.

Please let me know if you have tried it? considered it? or have any thoughts about it?

I appreciate any help and advice

I am so glad I came upon this post, and it only took me 3 hours of searching 'side effects of p-stim' ha! I just had p-stim device put on 3 days ago, by the end of the first day I had it on I began experience horrible headaches and bad nausea. This has gotten worse as of today the 3rd day of wearing the device. I have searched everywhere to find those "Virtually no side effects" as well with no luck - I was under the impression that if a device is approved for medical treatment by the FDA they were required to list any reported side effects??? They are found no where on the website for the manufacturer or the literature included with the device. I even emailed the CEO of the manufacturer of the device (located in Austria) she promptly responded and told me I would need to contact this person:
IHS Innovative Health Solution

Att: Gary Peterson

I have emailed him with no response as of yet. Of course this website lists nothing about side effects either... seems very very odd to me that it is so difficult to find this information.

If you happen to come across it, please share!

Azzabar2003 07-29-2013 09:58 AM

Trying P Stim Aug 1, 2013
I too, have searched for hours and hours to find ANY information from actual people, that are not on a PAID site, about the effects of P Stim.

I found three posts, two of them here. The third was a post about a "Friend of mine who said..." . So I thought that I would post to let people know my experience after mine is installed on Thursday August 8, 2013.

The two posts here do not make it look promising for me as I seem to be the type of person whom always has the worst of side effects from just about every drug or treatment I have.

I am going into this with an open mind and will post the results, positve or negative, as the treatment goes on.

I have Neuropathy in both legs, with the left foot starting about sock hight and the right from Buttocks to middle of foot. I also have lower back pain from L 3,4,5 compressed and torn. The pain goes from stabbing to an ongoing toothache effect.

I am taking Lortab 10/325 twice daily. All other Pain meds have been stopped due to side effects. Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Gabapentin and Lyrica.

Thanks for your posts.
I truely hope you find something that helps.

Dr. Smith 07-29-2013 03:26 PM

Hi Folks,

Keep searching; I found the following on my first try:

Adverse Effects
Adverse effects are usually mild and self- limiting.
Adverse effects from data on approximately 8,800 patients
participating in 144 controlled studies, open clinical trials,
and uncontrolled conditions, and by physician survey and
reasonably associated with the use of CES are dizziness
(6 cases, 0.07%), skin irritation/electrode burns (6 cases,
0.07%), and headaches (9 cases, 0.10%). Prolonged CES
treatment at currents higher than necessary may cause
dizziness or nausea that can last for hours to days.
Treatment immediately prior to going to sleep may cause
difficulty sleeping due to increased alertness. Paradoxical
reactions such as hyperexcited states, increased anxiety,
and sleep disturbances may occur in the initial stages of
treatment, but are rare.

A total of eight adverse events were
reported during the study. All were considered
mild and were as follows: local
pain as a result of stimulation of the device
(three), nausea (two), dizziness (one) and
local itch (two). Inconveniences with
wearing the P-Stim device included difficulty
sleeping on the side where the P-Stim
was applied (one) and inability to wash
one’s hair during the period the P-Stim
was worn (one).

There have been found to be no long term side effects of using Alpha-Stim. In a rare number of cases, short term side effects like dizziness or nausea may occur if the device is used for too long/on a too high current. In a study of 4,541 patients, the only adverse effects reported were dizziness (6 cases, 0.13%), skin irritation/electrode burns (5 cases, 0.11%), and headaches (9 cases, 0.20%).
These were all found on the first page of search hits, using the criteria adverse effects p-stim

Also, if you are experiencing adverse/side effects, there are places to report same: where to report adverse effects

Hope this helps,


Dr. Smith 07-29-2013 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Azzabar2003 (Post 1003300)
The two posts here do not make it look promising for me as I seem to be the type of person whom always has the worst of side effects from just about every drug or treatment I have.

I am going into this with an open mind

Welcome Azzabar,

No offense intended, but the first statement doesn't sound like the second is accurate.

Something for everyone to keep in mind is that people with bad experiences are far more likely to post about them than people with good/successful experiences. The successes are out living their lives and have no reasons to seek support.

Best wishes, and hope success for everyone,


Azzabar2003 08-01-2013 05:00 PM

Today I am Cyborg. :-) I got my P Stim installed at 0900 August 1, 2013.
It took approx. 20 minutes from the time I signed the release to the time I was walking out the door.
The installation was mildly uncomfortable, likened to getting an ear pierced. My ear was aching a bit after the Doctor was done. The stimulation from from the electrical impulses feels about like a small snap to the ear with a ruber band. After 20 min or so it was not that bothersome. The pulses are about every 5 seconds and last about 3 hours. After the first set was finished I was relieved that it had stopped. There is about 2.5 hours of down time when it strikes again. It was sudden and startled me. I am glad that I was not driving, that is how much it startled me. It would be nice if they could make it ramp up because the initial few shocks of the second round seemed harsher than the very first. I assume that it was because I was not ready for them. It took me a little bit longer to get used to the shocks on the second go around.
As I am writing this I am between intervals. I have a mild headache and am somewhat nauseated.
As for pain levels, I do not feel there are any changes. I did not expect any after only using this for one day.
I will post again tomorrow after sleeping through this.

Dr. Smith 08-02-2013 11:59 AM

Yes, please keep posting; I think this will be of future value to many.


Azzabar2003 08-02-2013 02:51 PM

Ok, it is Friday August 2, 2013, day 2 of my P Stim install.
After my third interval, last night, I went to bed around 10:30 pm. At around 0100 the P Stim did wake me up,when it started, but after a couple of minutes I was able to go back to sleep. I assume it was around 0400 that it shut off because at 0700 it started again. I barely noticed the tingle this morning Weather it was because I was still sleepy or the effects of last nights medications had not wore off, I am not sure. I did wake with extra energy this morning and was able to get some things done around the house.
At around 1 pm it started again. The tingle was as sharp as it was yesterday but after an hour my ear started to become numb to the sting.
I find myself very short tempered, since this thing has been installed, and hope that this dissipates as I acclimate to the device.
As for my pain level...this morning was good but as the day has wore on my pain has increased.

Azzabar2003 08-03-2013 06:45 PM

Saturday, August 3, 2013. Third day with P Stim. The device didn't turn on last night until 1100 pm which kept me awake until 1:00 am. Needless To say, I was tired this morning.
I am noticing that I am NOT noticing the tingling as much now. I still notice when it starts but a few minutes after ;I have to think about weather it is working. I notice that it is working because my ear seems to get warm and a bit achy.
My pain levels seem to have lessened. I put this to the test in my shop where I am repairing an old Telechron Clock. I spent two hours standing at my bench and was able to walk away and continue my day. Prior to P Stim, 30 to 40 minutes of standing was all that I could handle and then I would have to head for a chair. After this the rest of my day would be shot.
It is evening now and I am tired from todays activities. I have taken an early pain pill due to increased pain levels and to try to relax for bed. I believe that the P Stim will be OFF by 11:00 pm, which should allow for a better nights sleep.

I hope you all have a good nights sleep.
See you tomorrow.

Azzabar2003 08-04-2013 08:41 PM

Sunday August 4, 2013. Fourth and final day, for this cycle, of P Stim.
After yesterday's success, in my shop, we decided to go to a museum and walk around for a while. I did this not only to enjoy the exhibits, Models of DaVinci's machines and devices, but to see if I would now be able to walk, stand and crouch for a long period of time, pain free or at least with less pain. The answere is No. I over did it. Several times I had stabbing pain in my back and by the time we where finished my leg felt like a tooth ache. The P Stim was on and pulsing during this time.
I am having the device removed tomorrow morning which corresponds with my monthly Pain Management visit.
I will discuss with my Doctor what happened over the weekend and whether or not I should continue with the remaining 5 cycles.

I am not sure why Saturday was such a success and Sunday was not. I guess the only way to find out, if Saturday was a fluke, is to go ahead with at least one more cycle.

For me, the P Stim was not miserable to wear but it did take some endurance whether it was the sting, the tingle, the burning sensation or just having something stuck to my ear for 4 days. I will be glad to have it removed.

The next cycle, if I continue, will start 10 days from Monday. I will see, during this time, if anything has changed.

If anyone else is going to try this device, please post and let us all know how it worked for you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Have a good night.

schwej01 08-10-2013 04:38 AM

Hi All
I am very glad to have found this thread. I had my first p-stim treatment started at 3pm yesterday. It is now 5am (I should be sleeping.) On the drive home from the center, I immediately began getting a headache. I came home and took a nap, although I have no idea how I slept then with this thing poking me. I am currently in my third "on cycle" and it woke me up from a dead sleep. I was not able to fall asleep until after 12am, when my last "on cycle" ended. Through the on cycles, I have had a significant increase in my anxiety and I begin sweating profusely. The pulsing on my ear is painful and annoying to the point of desperation. There's really no point in trying to sleep anymore as I would have to get up at 6am anyway (go figure- just as it will turn off.)
I have read many many health related sites, reading threads of people dealing with medical and pain issues such as mine, however, I was never moved to actually join the site and respond in a thread. The reason I joined this one is to try to add to the above mentioned lack of helpful info regarding the p-stim treatment. I was also frustrated by the lack of unbiased information since I am alarmed at this inability to sleep plus the anxiety is almost unbearable. I finally found a site *admin edit* which seem to suggest that I may be overstimulated. I am not yet in enough despair to throw in the towel on this procedure. I may, however, cut this one bothersome lead off if it continues to agitate me so. I am- as I'm sure are the rest of you- willing to try just about anything to be out of my chronic back pain- including a second back surgery, which at 33, I am trying to put off as long as possible. I do also have the same concern as the person who started this thread. I am afraid of this working too well that I will injure my spine further with no pain sensors. I will continue to post here if I have anything new to share. Thank You

Azzabar2003 08-16-2013 08:24 AM

Thanks for posting Schwej01.
I understand how you feel, the P stim is something thats has to be endured.
By now yours should be removed, where you able to make it through the entire cycle? Where you able to sleep better the next night? Did you notice a decrease in pain levels?
I hope you will post a follow up.

I have started my 2nd cycle with P Stim and am finding it to be as EARitating as the first. That is to say that I am not "Getting used to it." as some claim they do. If I can get absorbed in a project, I don't seem to notice the stinging as much.

No change in pain levels, just increased anxiety after Day 1 of cycle 2.

The stories at the Pain Clinic are changing. I did not hear that "EVERYONE LOVED THE P STIM". "BEST THING EVER". It was more realistic this time. Some said that it was helping. ALL said they had trouble sleeping.

Day 2 zapping is about to start.

Good luck to everyone in their Pain management,

Azzabar2003 08-16-2013 08:40 AM

I ment to ask, of those posting, where are your electrodes connected?
Are they at the Top of your ear or at the bottom, on the lobe?
Mine are on top. Mostly cartilage.

I am wondering if this makes a difference in whether people are tolerating the Stimulation or not.
I know that it is installed based on pain location but can't help wondering if those that tolerate it better have it connected to their Lobes.

Tye1on 08-17-2013 03:04 PM

P stim trial
I am currently on day 2 with the device. I have hopes it will work but so far it has not been very pleasant. The first night I developed a horrible headache, it felt like I had been hit in the head near the device and it was giving me an intermittent earache. The headache seems to vary in intensity but definitely increases with talking, jaw movement and even walking at times causes increase in throbbing. Night 2 brought even worse headaches and I seriously considered waking up my dr. At 3am. I will say once I got to sleep the quality seems to be improved. I also am having an incessant itching sensation behind the ear. While I don't think this is the miracle I hoped for I am trying my best to ride it out and give it the full trial period but at this point I really don't know if I would have the procedure repeated. It's kind of like well my back doesn't hurt so bad but that's only because of the pain of the nasty headache I have. Also I saw someone mention agitation and being short tempered and I have definitely noticed an big decrease in my patience level these past few days. Has anyone out there had a better time with subsequent implant?

Tye1on 08-19-2013 04:35 PM

Pstim and dentist
Today is day 4 of p stim and I'm due to have it removed tomorrow. Today I had a dental appointment for some fillings and it could not have gone worse, the novacaine did not have its normal effect and the nitrous oxide had absolutely no effect on me. We had to stop mid procedure and reschedule. I have never had any problems before with either novacaine or nitrous oxide so my dentist and I can only wonder if this pstim device is having some sort of unexpected side effect that is affecting me. If you have a pstim I would recommend telling your dentist about it well before hand or just waiting until you are in between device cycles. I don't like going to the dentist but i have always been able to get through it, today was tantamount to torture and I hope no one else has this horrible experience. Also as mentioned in my previous post my patience level is near zero and I'm snipping at everyone which is not normal for me.

gfknitter 08-23-2013 03:38 PM

Considering P-stim
I am so thankful for this thread, that is it recent and that it involves REAL people. I am seriously considering this for my fibromyalgia pain. I'm to the point of needing narcotics so we are trying to increase other meds first...Lyrica and Tramadol specifically. But after reading here, I can go into it with my eyes open and better questions.

I seriously plan to video document this if I do it. It seems like it will be helpful to others coming along behind me.

I'm still waiting to hear if my insurance will cover it/how expensive it is. That will obviously make a difference.

AGain, thanks for your transparency.

Azzabar2003 08-27-2013 09:46 AM

Tuesday August 27, 2013. Started day two of cycle three of P Stim. The zapping is just as anoying as the first two cycles. I guess I am not going to get used to it.

While at the Clinic on Monday I was talking with another Patient who had this installed. She told me that she barely notices the tingle in her ear. We got to thinking that maybe one of my electrodes is on a sensitive part of my ear. I decided to talk to the Dr., when I went in, about this. He moved one of the electrodes but it did not lessen the effect.
Monday was a bad day. The zapping seemed so intense. I had a headache and an upset stomach all day. Last night I barely got any sleep.

I did have two days, between cycles two and three, that were almost pain free. These were Tuesday and Wednesday after the device was removed on Monday. It was nice but ,as of now, I am not sure that two in ten is worth the torture.

If anyone has been following this, from the begining, you will notice that I have changed my schedule so that I am having the installation on Monday and removal on Thursday, so as to free up my weedends, instead of the other way around. This is so that I am able to enjoy my friends and partner without being so grumpy. Through the week I am alone with the dogs and they don't seem to mind the grumpy so much.

I posted, in the begining, that the zapping becomes more of a tingle after the second day. I think now that this has more to do with the batteries dying than getting used to the device.

Well, day two cycle three, I still have a headache and am drained from no sleep.
I don't believe that I will post again unless there is something different to report.

Have a nice day.

schwej01 08-28-2013 03:21 AM

My second cycle of the p-stim treatment went better than the first. I did tolerate it better overall, but the first day was again very annoying and irritating. Both times the points were situated where one was on a part of the bottom of my earlobe then the other two were toward the top in the cartilage. I had a tough time getting the battery pack to stay on bc it was taped mostly in my hair. I noticed that if it does not have good contact, the zaps aren't as strong. And yes I agree that day 3 and 4 are more tolerable bc of the battery dying rather than becoming used to it. I have had no pain relief whatsoever from this treatment. My pain level stays at a constant 6-8 and has been there for months. I hardly get any relief from the pain medications I take, and my pm doctor will not consider an increase or change right now bc my liver enzyme levels are elevated. I have one more round with the pstim scheduled- and I'm still willing to give it a good shot at working. The research I was able to find, some info said it could take up to 6-10 treatments for it to become effective. I'm not sure I will go that far, but we'll see how it goes after the next one. Thanks everyone for continuing to share your experiences with such a new treatment program. Good night

MicheleN 08-29-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by gfknitter (Post 1009462)
I am so thankful for this thread, that is it recent and that it involves REAL people. I am seriously considering this for my fibromyalgia pain. I'm to the point of needing narcotics so we are trying to increase other meds first...Lyrica and Tramadol specifically. But after reading here, I can go into it with my eyes open and better questions.

I seriously plan to video document this if I do it. It seems like it will be helpful to others coming along behind me.

I'm still waiting to hear if my insurance will cover it/how expensive it is. That will obviously make a difference.

AGain, thanks for your transparency.

Transparency: I found this thread while trying to figure out how people were finding my blog using only the keywords "pstim" or "p-stim"... While I still haven't solved that mystery, I figured I'd contribute with my experience RE: p-stim and fibromyalgia.

I was the first person in my former pain management practice (at NYU Langone) to try the p-stim in June of last year; it still remains the most miserable experience of my life. The electrodes were placed on my earlobe, the top of my ear on the cartilage, and on the cartilage right outside of my ear canal. Installation was horrendously painful, even though I had preemptively taken Vicodin (this is coming from someone who didn't wince when she got her tongue pierced). The second it was turned on, I sobbed. The company representative was there teaching the doctors to do the placement/installation, and he kept assuring me that I would get used to it. I did not.

The only relief I got during those three days were when the p-stim cycled off. I cried when it cycled back on because I knew the painful, stinging, zap-zap-zapping wasn't going to stop for the next however many hours. (Sorry, can't recall the cycle length anymore.) I could only sleep when it cycled off, as it woke me every time it cycled back on. I was exhausted, in pain, and noticed absolutely no benefits. I almost cried out of sheer joy when I got to remove it!

My then-pain doctor decided I was, apparently, a terrible candidate and that those were not results representative of "most patients". Though a second go had been mentioned at my first appointment, my doctor opted not to prescribe the second round.

All of that being said, my current pain doctor is not convinced in the efficacy of p-stim for chronic pain and likened the representatives to snake oil salesmen. Gout? P-stim! Depression? P-stim! Lazy eye? P-stim! Arthritis, ADHD, bipolar disorder, runny nose? P-stim! (Making up those ailments, but you get my drift.)

Hope this post helps someone! And let me know if anyone wants a picture of the p-stim "in action". I have several close up pictures that I'm willing to share, assuming that's allowed.

Azzabar2003 09-11-2013 03:47 PM

September 11, 2013. Fourth and final. In an earlier post, I wrote that I would be going through six cycles of P Stim.
After talking with my Dr ,on Monday, we decided that this would be my last cycle. I have not had enough of a change to justify the amount stress this device has caused. Although the frequency of stabbing pain in my back has lessened, I can't say whether it is from the P Stim or because I have not done much of anything strenuous in the past few weeks.
The pain in my legs is about the same. I know that I wrote that I was having some good days but at this point I can not say that it is because of the P Stim or that it would have happened anyway.

Now He wants to implant a Medtronic Neurostimulation device. Did I say 'IMPLANT', not sure about that. (time to do some research; again)

Met an 83 year old retired Nurse who has been dealing with back pain for 50 years. She said none of the Gizmos have worked for Her, "Stick with the Meds".

The people I have met in the waiting room at the doctors office have all had the same issues as me. There was one Woman who claimed that she barely noticed the device but then I found that she is taking multiple drugs AND having injections. Hmmm.

For now, I guess, I will be going back to trying different meds. :-(

Good luck with your searches for relief,

napleslynn 09-12-2013 01:20 PM

Very Informative
This was the device that first brought me to this site as my doctor has a few people lined up to try it and thought I might be a good candidate. After reading all of the posts here, I think I will run, not walk, away from this device. I have not heard anything that would encourage me to even give it a try and generally I am willing to try anything. Thanks for the information.

Azzabar2003 09-25-2013 01:27 PM

I was not writing this to try and discourage anyone from trying the P Stim. I was just writing my experience with it and what I got from those around me.

It may work for you.

I wrote my parts so that you know MY experience so that if you have a similar experience at least you know 'It is NOT JUST YOU'.

If your insurance covers it or you can afford it, try it. If it is too bothersome remove it.

It would be great to have someone post who has had a positive experience with it.

With all of the studies that have been done and the thousands of people that have tried it, with positive results, I would think that at least ONE would land here.

drc3 10-03-2013 03:51 PM

My PStim Experience
Hi. New Here. My wife found this as did I when doing research before getting the PStim myself. I'll try my best to post after each treatment. Note that I just finished my first 4 days. Also note I'll post some scientific articles I found on the topic while researching at the bottom of this note.

Background - I was in a car accident ~4 years ago and now get upper back/neck pain and headaches that arise from the pain on my Occipital Ridge. The headaches were terrible, multiple injections and many months of PT didn't help. Regular Chinese Accupuncture didn't help. Medical Accupuncture did. However it's expensive and I need to go every two weeks. So I figured I'd try PStim (which is also if anyone here can tell me how to get this covered by Insurance (Anthem) you would be my hero).

Note - I am not a doctor...

OK, so today is day 4. Results are certainly TBD. However I will note that I was able to do a good number of pushups the evening of day 2 and I just took a long run/walk with my dog and have had surprisingly low pain...something just a couple ibuprofen can help. We'll see how the rest of the night goes but it's a positive sign.

I will admit that the PStim was annoying. I had two electrodes on the inner part of the lobe and 1 on the outer. I feel like the one on the outer bothered me MUCH more than the one on the inner. I liken it to getting flicked in the ear by an annoying little brother. Getting the device put on was easily the more painful part but it was certainly tolerable. It was not quite like getting your ear pierced...but that's the closest thing I can think of to equate it to.

As far as "getting used to it". I kind of see where they are coming from. While I never got used to it and it did wake me up; the "flicking" (I'll call it) would go from very noticeable to hardly noticeable during the 3 hour "on" cycle. The first 3-5 minutes are the most noticeable...which yes means it woke me from sleep. But I went back to sleep VERY easily...which isn't like me. After the initial 5 minutes or so, I usually forgot it was even on.

Honestly, the most annoying thing about it was trying not to get my head wet while showering and having this thing on my head that made me look like a cyborg and therefore feel self-conscious. That being said, if that's the worst part and it makes a material impact on my pain, I'll take it all day every day. Again though, if you have tips for getting it covered by insurance, you would be my hero.

Research - I too had trouble finding stuff initially. Basically I finally started mining from citation after citation until I found actual scientific studies. Here's some links to what I found -

Note - I don't have a pubmed login for the detailed trial info so some of this is just abstracts. I also had to remove the **from the start to post the links.





Mike Jackson 10-16-2013 05:54 PM

p stim
what's the cost for this treatment ?

Azzabar2003 10-28-2013 05:17 PM

My Insurance was billed a little over $3200.00 plus my copay of $45.00 per visit for four treatments. My Pain Clinic said that it was covered by Medicare. My Insurance, Cigna, required pre approval. If you can't get it covered through your Dr's office try a Pain clinic. Your Insurance may cover it that way.
Good luck.

annykat 11-10-2013 09:05 AM

I had the P-Stim put in last week. I am on my last day. I have 2 more times to have it put in again. So far, slight change in pain. My Dr. says she has 80-90% success rate - either pain gone or ppl have gone way down on pain meds. I have chronic pain in my cervical & thoracic spine. Lots of bad stuff in there! Hopefully this will help. Have to get back to tennis. The odd thing is, when I am more active it doesn't hurt as much.

Gram47 11-17-2013 03:21 AM

I've had chronic back pain since 1986 L3-L4-L5 and because of the way I walk after my paralyses I have destroyed the disc in my hip.
I've been through most pain meds, every shot, injection and needle therapy available. I've had a PRP platelet injection in my hip which seem to help, hopefully will grow a new disc. Second is scheduled for Dec.
I had my first Core P-Stim installed on Tuesday Nov.3. No pain with the application just a slight pinching. 2 pins were inside my ear and 1 on the upper rim. They used a small pencil like device to determine the best connections.
With in 6 hours ALL of my stabbing, burning sharp pain was gone. I still have soreness and a little ache.
Currently I'm taking Oxy, Fentanyl Lollipops, Valium, Lunesta, Lidoderm Patches and various anti-inflammatories. I can't stand the felling of being drugged when awake so I mostly only take them at night. I wanted day time relief and a clear mind.
First night I only took 2 Ibuprofen. Slept like a baby. Had to learn not to turn on my right side, I would feel pressure from the pins..
The P-Stim gave off a mind tapping feeling when it turned on but I didn't notice after a few minutes.
The batteries lasted until Sunday Nov. 10 when I removed the P-Stim.
I was in no real pain and took only Ibuprofen until Friday when I took care of my grandson. After 10 hours of interacting with a needy 4 year old most of my pain return. Could barely straighten up, stabbing pain in my hip, sharp burning knife in my lower spine. I took pain meds last night so I could sleep. Still in some pain today but not like pre-P-Stim.
I will get my second one in 2 weeks and will see how long the effect last.
I would say that this first one was an amazing success. There are no words to express how wonderful it was to have no pain for 9 days without drugs after 25 years.
NO headache or nausea.
I was searching, looking for comments about how long term the effect is. Not much information on the internet and most of the people on this forum have had negative experiences. I consider mine very positive. Especially if eventually I can get months of relief.

Azzabar2003 12-11-2013 09:06 PM

Glad to hear of your success. Please keep posting as I and I am sure ALL of us would like to hear if the relief continues past the final treatment. As you have noticed there are many negative posts and having a positive one could help someone else find the relief they need.
Thanks for posting and good luck.

tonitucker 03-03-2014 07:39 PM

SO glad that I ran across this forum. I, also, have had my PM doc recommend this device. I have been searching on internet about it. I am not sure if this is something that I want to try. It has been informative reading all of the posts. I am currently waiting for my insurance approval. Will post if I go through with this device.

Thanks for all of the info!

pstimgirl 04-22-2014 06:34 PM

I tried the p stem.
I was very sceptical that this device would help with chronic pain I have been suffering from chronic pain since I was 16 yrs old. Now I am 38yrs old. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and mixed connective tissue disease. I also now have 3 herniated disk in my back and get sciatic nerve pain and neuropathy. I have been taking a lot of pain meds and still have to lay in bed a lot through out the day. With in a couple of hours I noticed I wasn't feeling any pain. Except menstrual cramps I was feeling that day because I started my period that day. P stem doesn't work on menstrual cramps. Lol. But for the first time years I was able to clean my house, have friends over for easter, walk to the park, and only lay down once for about 20 mins. Not only did it help with pain, I felt like I had more energy and for the first time in years I slept through the night without waking up in pain. I wish I didn't have to take it off after 4 days. I can't wait to do it again so I can slowly see what pain meds I can go off of. I had no side effects and recommend it.

tonitucker 04-22-2014 06:35 PM

OK, I am following up. My insurance has approved this so that is good news. Have appt. with PM doc tomorrow morning to discuss. I am not getting a good feeling about trying this, tho. Will post if I go thru with it or not.

Rrae 04-22-2014 08:09 PM

Hi Toni!

Originally Posted by pstimgirl (Post 1065326)
I was very sceptical that this device would help with chronic pain I have been suffering from chronic pain since I was 16 yrs old. Now I am 38yrs old. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and mixed connective tissue disease. I also now have 3 herniated disk in my back and get sciatic nerve pain and neuropathy. I have been taking a lot of pain meds and still have to lay in bed a lot through out the day. With in a couple of hours I noticed I wasn't feeling any pain. Except menstrual cramps I was feeling that day because I started my period that day. P stem doesn't work on menstrual cramps. Lol. But for the first time years I was able to clean my house, have friends over for easter, walk to the park, and only lay down once for about 20 mins. Not only did it help with pain, I felt like I had more energy and for the first time in years I slept through the night without waking up in pain. I wish I didn't have to take it off after 4 days. I can't wait to do it again so I can slowly see what pain meds I can go off of. I had no side effects and recommend it.

It's good to hear back from you! I was hoping you would be back. This is very interesting to follow. I don't know much about the P-stim. I just have a Medtronic SCS. Not sure if you saw "pstimgirl"'s post, so I included it here. Maybe it will be of encouragement to at least give it a try.

Thank YOU pstimgirl! It's wonderful that you shared your experience :hug: and congrats on a successful outcome!

Well, Toni, keep us included! I surely understand your apprehension. I'm sure everyone here will attest to that! It's just good knowing that you're not alone and that there's a group of caring folks here to come to :) Come share a vent with us if you need to get it off your shoulders! :D We've all done that!
Best of luck to you!


Blondey1 06-07-2014 09:47 PM

Up and coming pastime
Glad I found this information. I was just informed by my surgeon that he wants me to do pastime but he stated four weeks. After reading the posts I am really worried. I am an adult with ADHD that has had 19 left knee surgeries along with two hip surgeries to repair tears in muscles along with both feet having had yep, extra ankle bone. What a mess. I have been on pain meds most of my life. I don't have the effects that most have because of the ADHD. No drowsiness I function just fine. They treat ADHD with narcotics. My problem is I am now scared that if this lets say zapping is going to effect me in ways others weren't. I am going to continue to read the posts before I go on, but if any one has ADHD and is or has had the pstim please let me know your effects. Ty

Rrae 06-08-2014 02:55 PM

Welcome Blondey!
You've come to a great place of support and info.
Has your Dr answered these questions re: pstim and ADHD? I'd be curious to know what his input might be.
As long as your history of this and your surgeries, etc are clearly written in office notes, I'm sure he'd give good input on your concerns.
Just make sure he's aware of your concerns. He might need reminded about your ADHD if this info is buried deep within your records.

Hopefully others who know more about these p-stims will come along and offer feedback.

It's great to have you! Let us know what you decide to do!

Blondey1 06-08-2014 03:59 PM

ADHD and pstim

Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 1074453)
You've come to a great place of support and info.
Has your Dr answered these questions re: pstim and ADHD? I'd be curious to know what his input might be.
As long as your history of this and your surgeries, etc are clearly written in office notes, I'm sure he'd give good input on your concerns.
Just make sure he's aware of your concerns. He might need reminded about your ADHD if this info is buried deep within your records.

Hopefully others who know more about these p-stims will come along and offer feedback.

It's great to have you! Let us know what you decide to do!

. I really appreciate your reply, as I really am concerned with my condition because for me to actually sleep at night I have to take Xanax to turn brain off, and then use ear plugs as I hear everything if I don't and then don't sleep. Like my dog walking thru house lil things the average person doesn't hear. I noticed other comments with being woke up when machine cycles. This concerns me,along with the comment of lessen the receptors that tell me that something is wrong.
I had an MRI done the report stated no issues but after I insisted to surgeon to look at disc of MRI I was 100% correct multiple tears in both gluteus on right and left side. Nobody believes that ppl in medical field make mistakes their human. I know my body and haven't been wrong in any of the issues I claimed to dr. I will continue to watch for posts regarding ADHD and pstim. Thanks to everyone as your personal experience is truly helpful to others. I will keep you posted as to what info I find out and decision I make in end. Thanks again:hug:

Rrae 06-12-2014 11:48 PM

Please Do, Blondey! (Keep us posted) :hug:

....and I certainly know what you mean about noises in the night. I have a VERY LOUD fan I keep right next to my bed.
They call it 'white noise'.......mine is more like TURBO BOOSTED white noise.
....Isn't that just crazy? And when my husband turns it off and all of a sudden it's nice and quiet.......:eek: I WAKE UP growling! :rolleyes:

Hey, we do what we gotta do, yes? :D

Blondey1 06-13-2014 01:58 AM

Thanks for support
I think after much research and really get feeling I am going to ask Dr if I can do the school that attaches at spine instead of pstim that attached to ear. I have only found one glowing review and it really bothers me that it makes my so called alarm I head that says " hey that hurts don't do it" I like that sense I don't want to don't that out and don't believe there is enough long term effects at this point. Will keep writing and please keep me in loop with personal information that might help. Thanks to you I feel better about the whole idea.

GustiferLewis 06-20-2014 08:20 AM

I am going in today and start my first treatment with the P-stim, after reading all these posts I am nervous.

Kitt 06-20-2014 09:18 AM

:Wave-Hello: Welcome GustiferLouis.

eva5667faliure 06-20-2014 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by GustiferLewis (Post 1076955)
I am going in today and start my first treatment with the P-stim, after reading all these posts I am nervous.

lots of love here
support that will hold you up
your at the place you need be

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