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Dmom3005 10-16-2017 09:57 AM

Donna's thread
Hello everyone.

Decided to start a new thread.

Saturday was Dan's 36th birthday, wow I have a 36 year old now. But that is okay. I'm still young in my mind.

Harmony is growing like a little girl should. She was all smiles at Dan's birthday dinner. She really loves to smile.

My husband kept finding food for me. I don't like the Chinese food, but this place had a couple of my favorite foods. Roast beef and chocolate ice cream.

I did have other foods, but those were both great.

Meluvja is doing PT right now. And I usually end up taking her at least once a week. Like today I'm taking her at 3pm, and she almost cancelled because she didn't think Devin wanted to pick her up. Well gosh, if I'm driving a 1/2 hour to take you, I can always wait and bring you back. It just doesn't make sense to get upset and cancel when he doesn't respond the way you want.

Will helped his grandma Shirley as he calls her. Take Jazmin to Kentucky to live with her mom and step dad. Its a long ride down there, but guessing he had a good time.

Devin bought them a new red truck with 4 doors, its really nice.

Derrick had a great interview and should know by the end of this week if he got in. Then we have to make sure the funding is there.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 10-16-2017 09:19 PM

it sounds like your family is doing well.
((((you are the queen bee that holds the family together!))))

ger715 10-16-2017 10:48 PM

Bizi has a good point ... obviously you are the "glue" that holds a family together. You are very much the center of their world and much needed. Glad you are doing well with the recovery of your surgery.


OhKay 10-17-2017 06:08 AM

I'm glad because it sounds like everyone is doing well, although you didn't say much about yourself ;) I hope that you are happy, and doing well, too :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 10-17-2017 11:44 AM

I didn't say much about myself because I have no real news yet.

I'm trying to figure out how to have the other mastectomy that I want.
Timing is becoming a problem. But it will work out sometime. Just need to wait and see. I'm doing pretty good. I have relief from Devin, because he took fmla and is taking Will to speech and OT. And I'm even happier that they finally got word that Medicaid has approved his device for speaking.
I'm so glad all the way around on this. Because we will be able to understand what he says a lot better.

My health well I've been procrastinating on Doctor appts. And have a primary
one again for next week. I need to figure out how to deal with the asthma too. But I'm more not wanting to get to another doctor so I'm hoping my primary will go ahead and order my advair. And rescue inhaler.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 10-17-2017 06:49 PM

you are amazing.

OhKay 10-18-2017 08:12 AM

I'm glad that you feel like you are doing fairly well. I hope that you are able to work out the timing of the second mastectomy soon, so you can get it over with :hug::hug::hug:

I completely understand about not wanting to go to other doctors :hug:
I'm sure your PCP will fill your asthma scripts. Bring the boxes with you to your appointment if you have them.

I'm glad that other things are falling into place :)

Dmom3005 10-18-2017 09:36 AM

Those meds luckily are already on my medical list there.

But I have the ones I use all the time with me if necessary.
I'm not good at keeping boxes when I open them.

Seems Will has a cavity, and something called buccal abrasions.
I'm not sure what that is. But they will figure it out.
Parent/teacher conferences are going on for them right now.

I hope they go talk to Will's teacher. But I'm trying to not get
to involved.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 10-18-2017 01:44 PM

Oh, I'm so excited.

Derrick got into the Erskine Green Training Institutes program for
Kitchen Cook. This is at Muncie, in the Marriott.

If you want to see the program, you can type it in and it will
come up.

Now to get the funding in place.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 10-18-2017 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1253091)
Oh, I'm so excited.

Derrick got into the Erskine Green Training Institutes program for
Kitchen Cook. This is at Muncie, in the Marriott.

If you want to see the program, you can type it in and it will
come up.

Now to get the funding in place.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Congratulations for Derrick!

OhKay 10-19-2017 06:35 AM

I'm so happy for Derrick!!!!! :):):)

The "buccal abrasions" could be from one or more of Will's teeth scraping the inside of his cheeks or him chewing a bit on them himself as a quirk.

Dmom3005 10-19-2017 10:21 AM

Thanks Kay

I'm guessing he is biting on the gums. I do know he was just
telling them his gums hurt.

We have had the problem with his gums hurting before. This
was just a new way to put it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 10-21-2017 07:34 AM

It's not that unusual Donna. Hopefully he will grow out of it.

bizi 10-21-2017 11:16 PM

I have chewed on the insides of my cheeks, some one called that bruxing or something like that.

ger715 10-23-2017 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1253034)
I didn't say much about myself because I have no real news yet.

I'm trying to figure out how to have the other mastectomy that I want.
Timing is becoming a problem. But it will work out sometime. Just need to wait and see. I'm doing pretty good. I have relief from Devin, because he took fmla and is taking Will to speech and OT. And I'm even happier that they finally got word that Medicaid has approved his device for speaking.
I'm so glad all the way around on this. Because we will be able to understand what he says a lot better.

My health well I've been procrastinating on Doctor appts. And have a primary
one again for next week. I need to figure out how to deal with the asthma too. But I'm more not wanting to get to another doctor so I'm hoping my primary will go ahead and order my advair. And rescue inhaler.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Wondering if you are still having to have tests until you have the other mastectomy? If I recall, you had needed testing done every so often before the surgery on the other breast.

I am still having to do the mamo/ultrasounds on my left breast. The last time was August, so I need to go back in 6 months to repeat the tests. Not sure how long this will need to continue.

You are really so devoted to your grandchildren. They bring you a lot of joy as you must be a joy to them as well.


Dmom3005 10-24-2017 09:11 AM

Unless it drags out till April. I wont have to have a mammogram.
Other testing wont happen unless its directly related to surgery,
which might be a x-ray. I'm hoping to schedule in January,
after I get derrick settled at his training program.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 10-26-2017 07:23 AM

It sounds like you have the timing worked out well again...

You are always thinking about the needs of others. You are such a caring and loving person. Your family is lucky to have you... you are a rock :hug::hug::hug:

mymorgy 10-26-2017 07:56 AM

oh boy do i agree with kay

Dmom3005 10-26-2017 09:24 AM

Thanks Ladies.

I went to the nurse practioner yesterday, she is new. But she is good.
I had to do a med check. She will prescribe the advair I need.

And we did lots of blood work like usual. Nothing really new except
it seems last year probably when I hurt my foot, I was upgraded to
osteoporosis from osteopenia.

So now its really important to remember my fosomax and and Iron and
calcium/ vd.

I have to get the last one again. Mine seems to have disappeared.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 10-26-2017 07:07 PM

Have you had a vit D level checked?
that will tell you how you are doing.
My doctor has my level at 50-60.
so I take D3-5,000 units a day (a small gel cap)
I take 500mg of coral calcium
1000mg of magnesium for regularity
my last bone density test was perfect.
The tech said "people would die for your numbers"
I feel like I have said this before, forgive me if I have.

Dmom3005 10-27-2017 10:48 AM

I have no clue, I have most things checked.

I'll let you know when I read the results.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

Dmom3005 10-30-2017 06:12 PM

:grouphug:Everything but the hemoglobin was ok. its low, so they are rechecking in
a month. reminded me to make sure I take my iron.

cholesterol, throid and b12 are all good. And the A1C is 6.5. Which is honestly good for me. But I'll work on getting it down.

Need to start working on a low carb diet. Just don't want to.

donna :hug:

Dmom3005 10-30-2017 06:13 PM

Well Saturday was our trick or treat time. Derrick took Will, and Jake and Dobey went with them. They all had a lot of fun. It was so neat seeing
Will join other kids to go to doors. I was following in my car.

Just life around here so far. And starting to get cold.

Donna :hug:

OhKay 10-31-2017 05:44 AM

Going low/lower carb is SO hard. I wish you the best of luck :hug:
And I hope that taking your vits raises your hemoglobin.

I'm glad that the Trick or Treating went well.

We are getting a lot of cold weather, too. I am already getting nervous about ice :o

bizi 10-31-2017 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1253800)
Well Saturday was our trick or treat time. Derrick took Will, and Jake and Dobey went with them. They all had a lot of fun. It was so neat seeing
Will join other kids to go to doors. I was following in my car.

Just life around here so far. And starting to get cold.

Donna :hug:

Thank you for sharing.

Mari 11-02-2017 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1253799)
:grouphug:Everything but the hemoglobin was ok. its low, so they are rechecking in
a month. reminded me to make sure I take my iron.

cholesterol, throid and b12 are all good. And the A1C is 6.5. Which is honestly good for me. But I'll work on getting it down.

Need to start working on a low carb diet. Just don't want to.

donna :hug:

If you do not want to go low carb, eat a little less of something else.
Work on losing some pounds.

Most likely you will lose weight and lower your A1C.


Dmom3005 11-02-2017 04:23 PM

I will try to cut down on bread items. But I really eat not a lot anyway,
because I've been working to loss weight. I just hope I don't gain again when I have other side surgery.

Its really hard on that part. I'm down again to 211 pounds.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-02-2017 11:07 PM

Our weight is such an issue...wish it weren't so.

OhKay 11-03-2017 09:09 AM

Congrats on getting back down to 211 :)

I can understand why you wouldn't want to gain more weight before surgery.

Try not to starve yourself. Eat better, not necessarily less :hug:

Dmom3005 11-03-2017 10:11 AM

Right Kay.

I'm more worried about gaining weight after the surgery. For some reason I did last time. I have no clue why.

Also I go back to the surgeon on Monday, I've had redness in between were the breast would be. Its really like its burned, which doesn't make sense. I don't leave it uncovered even my sleeveless shirts are not were its not covered or
most aren't I've never really liked v necks. But have a couple that I don't usually wear out of the house.

But also found some bruising on the area of the none breast. Guessing its were I fell last week. But husband was off with bad back yesterday and saw both. Wants me to see doctor. I felt funny even calling in to ask. That's why I haven't. I left it up to nurse as to whether I needed seen.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 11-04-2017 03:00 PM

He was right to have you call. It’s important, especially with your preferred time for the surgery coming up. I hope everything will turn out okay... just a little lotion, you know... :hug:

Mari 11-04-2017 10:46 PM


Make the phone call.
It is best for you and your husband.


Dmom3005 11-06-2017 04:01 PM

:grouphug:I went to the surgeon today. They drained over 400 ml or cc. Not sure which they say. But I also had a drain put back in. Because he wants to make
sure it keeps draining. And just going back isn't going to work as well.

I go back Friday if I think they might be able to take drain out. If not it
will be next Wednesday or THursday.

Because I'll be gone earlier for our conference.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-06-2017 11:07 PM

I am sorry for this complication.

OhKay 11-07-2017 06:14 AM

I'm so sorry Donna...
I know the last thing you probably wanted was another drain put in :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so glad that Dale had you call! :hug:
I hope you can get it out earlier vs. later :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 11-07-2017 01:16 PM

I somewhat am not surprised with the drain. Other than it hurts more
than I remember last time. I did create this myself.

I think hopefully it will keep it from coming back more often.

I also believe the antibiotic is helping a lot. The itchy ness and
lots of the redness is gone.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 11-09-2017 07:54 AM

I'm so glad that the antibiotic seems to be helping :hug:

How do you think that you created the problem with the drain and/or infection on your own, Donna?

Dmom3005 11-09-2017 12:07 PM

By not going in when I first started wondering or worrying about
the size it was becoming. I knew that it wasn't supposed to
look llike I grew another breast. I just wasn't sure they could
do anything. So I should have at least called and asked.

I just thought it would be okay.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 11-10-2017 09:40 AM

I can understand that reasoning Donna :hug::hug::hug:
And I would also want to avoid dealing with it.

It's not your fault. You likely would have had to have the drain put in anyway... your condition is probably just a little worse :hug:

Dmom3005 11-10-2017 07:22 PM

:hug:I really love this surgeon. Heehee,

Somehow his appts. today got cancelled. And he wanted to know how
I found out it was rescheduled.

Anyway, then he debated whether to take the drain out or leave it
the weekend. I reminded him that if he did that it would be Wednesday
before it could come out. He wasn't sure he wanted me to have to
go to our companies IN-Service and have to wear it.

So he decided after debate to take it out. It looks and had some liquid.
His words to me were that if I had to come back and needed something
that I would probably have to have drain put back in.

Which will be okay.

Donna :grouphug:

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